Hey, this game seems to have a great plo-

>hey, this game seems to have a great plo-

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haha i wonder what their hair smells like lol

Looks like pretty good backstory too.

I've always been bit of a Mayuri man myself. Suzuha in close 2nd, but i am loyal to one.

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That unironically happened to me, but one of the girls was pissing.
Why girls piss nude in front of each other?

ttage, the area of land in a plot or group of plots. Plots of land were especially important for agriculture during the medieval age. One important tool used back then was the scythe, a curved blade with a handle, used to reap crops. During times of wars, militias would sometimes have to resort to using farm tools as weapons, although scythes made for poor weapon. Regardless of this, in modern times we can sometimes see scythes used as weapons in various fictions such as video games or comic books.

Ah a man of shit taste i see, i enjoy Dr, pepper.

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You literally pull your dick out close enough to touch shoulder to shoulder and piss, in public bathrooms.

What game, lad

I still haven't read the actual VN, I only watched the Auntie May ages ago.

what's the best version of this? it's it still the PC version?

Doc ocks madlad adventure: Directors cut

I want to fuck Lukako (male).

Stop posting a picture of a screen you neanderthal.

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does anyone else just fucking hate the
type plots?
they just fucking infuriate me.

This annoyed me too.

Future Shock: Paradox Plot.

I can't believe i share a board with plebeians like you. I was going to be civil, but you've forced my hand. your shitty virgin buzzkill of an assistant has hank hill ass and a chest comparable to a deaf kid singing the halo theme. And shes rude! AND ONE MORE THING dr pepper is actually pretty good CUNT FUCKER

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Why would she squat like that? What if she accidentally wiped her butt against her heel?

I will start my next thread with this one.

Based Mayuri bro

>You will never destroy Mayuri’s retarded ass with your autistic chuuni cock

At least i don't want to take advantage of a mentally stunted adult women with the mind of an eleven year old, i think that's an actual crime too. I'll take fedora autism over real retardation any day.

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Steins Gate

>tards aren’t ever allowed to have sex legally
I feel like there should be some activists against this.

How's that bad?

what game
is it steins gate elite?

>a chest comparable to a deaf kid singing the halo theme
Can you explain this insult? I don't get it

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I just hate the "EEEE PERVERT" trope in general.

I think they can have sex with other retards

This. I have walked in on girls naked, all that happens is a "oops sorry" as you leave. Also I hate the moment just before the "EEEEEEE PERVERT", the moment the guy sees a naked girl by accident and just freezes up with his mouth open.

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Better not
Fucking retards might produce more retards and there is nothing good about more retards

What's the name of the game

What game is this?

backward/forwards hippity-hop time jump

steins gate

Thanks user

I wanna lick that ass crack from tip to tip

Thanks user

shes flat

-lapsed anus.

Shes shown multiple times to be fairly competent. Shes a little autistic, but not real autistic.

Meh, western shit does this too

Have literally never used a urinal, or any public toilet that was not in a segregated stall.

do girls really shower together like it's nothing what the heck

Dudes in gym do that too.
Though buff dudes are significantly gayer than flabby and fat guys.

Nothing gay about appreciating a good body.

Even if you appreciate it with your dick?

What is the consensus on zero?