Everyone can kill you in one hit the game

>Everyone can kill you in one hit the game

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git gud

The only thing that ever killed me in one hit was Owl 2's shuriken slash, and that was on NG++.

>git a better game that doesn't revolve around shit hitboxes and artificial difficulty

Just like real life.

well you can die twice so no excuses

Finally, some good fucking game

I don't think anything ever killed me in one hit in this game.

I recently started the game. I defeated the Horse boss dude Gyoubu on my first try but some of the mini bosses have been wrecking my shit. The game is perfectly fair from what I've experienced but I need to keep improving

Imagine being so bad at video games you find FromSoftware games difficult.
Holy shit man, literally git gut. You'd probably go insane if you played some of the older Ninja Gaiden games.

well they got that part of nioh correct at least

You can also kill them in one hit so it's fair

That's to be expected.
Don't get discouraged on the upcoming lady boss, and know that you can do other paths before fighting the big-deal filter boss Genichiro.

By then the game will click for you and you'll be able to cruise all the way to endgame.

betray kuro and then come back

FromSoft B-team game, somehow they screwed it up more than DaS2.

Years from now we will all wake up and agree that besides the setting, the gameplay is boring and the story is shit. Plus there is no variety at all.

Never buy games at launch user, I always wait a year or so to see how people feel about it after the hype wears off and they aren't trying to justify their 60 dollar purchase.

Lol bet you lost to Long Arm Centipede or Ashina Elite
Fucking casual

>Isshin's an inch away from having his posture broken
>he thrusts
>completely choke and miff the Mikiri

I feel great shame, boys. Still haven't beaten him.

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for example?

Unironically the GoTY. It's a watermark moment as it exposed anons, gaming press, and everyone in between as just over leveling in Souls games to get through it.

gid gud

Ashina Elite can go suck my left nut

Sounds like you hesitated

>Thousands of people beat it
>At the point where people are competing for no hit run record times
>Still blame the game instead of yourself

Just press L1 twice in a row whenever he attacks

Great combat system, hope other people catch on and try innovative ideas in their games

Flames of Hatred had literally zero health on last health bar and I whiffed TWICE in a row, during which he did his extremely slow headbutt and hammered me into the dirt.
After that 20 minute fight all I could do was laugh at it.

Imagine when the DLC comes out and it ups the ante as much as The Old Hunters did

You're thinking of Nioh.

I have bad reflexes and unlike everyone else where you can just spam L1 this guy actually requires precise timing, especially that red eyed one who hits like a fucking truck.

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You are wise, trust me you arent missing much.

Its a boss rush mode where you can literally just run past most mobs because there is no reason to kill them. Makes the world feel empty and hollow. Also, you are the worst Shinobi because you literally have to slice and dice bosses while they can kill you in 1-2 hits and then its a QTE finishing move to kill them.

Innovative gameplay my ass, it is boring and lacking 95% of the content other soulsborne games have.

Plus the lore is shallow, whew lad


Nope, it was directed by Miyazaki

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From games have a method to the madness after you figure it out games are easy

>mfw all these soulstards can't handle sekiro

The game is great, my only complaints are that it's too short and grappling ruining levels exploration (or perhaps levels design not taking advantage of the new mechanic).

This guy also believes Trump saved the economy, because he "said so"


just deflect

We can only hope for the same experience

>-a-team is one guy

>game has no one shots
>complain about one shots

>insane 'muh trump' bullshit out of nowhere
rent fucking free to the point of hilarity

This guy gets it

use the umbrella prosthetic for easy reflects you dumb umufag

______________________________________________________________________________________________git gud fgt_______________________________________________________________

Guys Im lost after ringing the bell and get that demon talisman or something. Is killing headless boss the only way to proceed? I'm stuck down there with him.

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Actually there isn't a single enemy who can kill you in one hit, it necessarily takes at least two.

Which bosses have you killed?

Fuck NG+. Never playing it again. Did not enjoy a single thing about this game.

I probably spent more time on bosses in Sekiro than NGB honestly. NGB is still the only 10/10 game though and starting at Very Hard it's 100% way harder than Sekiro on any "difficulty".

>Did not enjoy a single thing about this game.
Sekiro's combat is comparable to trying to hold a bunch of kittens in your arms without dropping any.

I don't remember, the last boss I killed is the dude that guard Ashina main gate after cow boss. Then I proceed to kill that big dude that stand infront of abandoned prison. Then I somehow ended up in a place with this monk dude.

Sekiro is just Souls autistic boss memorization but amplified x10. If Project Rune adopts that combat style I'm going to be disappointed.

Go back to the Castle Gate idol and grapple up the roofs, or the Shugendo idol and took the path beside the one used to get to the bell. Headless is a bitch to kill without the proper items, and it only leads back to an old area anyway.

>you can block 95% of hits the game

I have more trouble with the katana generals than Seven Spears and the Ashina Elites.

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Fuckn Doomers Man


It's just the same shit over and over

Parry, attack, counter. Just simple commands at the right times. It's fun and has a lot of upsides but the gameplay loop is as deep as a puddle