Hey guys, I was wondering if you could help me out...

Hey guys, I was wondering if you could help me out. I took the cooler off of a gtx 1060 to redo the thermal compound as it turned into cake. When I put it back in my PC, it fires up. Windows will start loading, then the GPU fans will stop, and then I get dumped onto a purple screen. Anyone know how to fix this?

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my dog died today

>When I put it back in my PC, it fires up.

Use a fire extinguisher. Also fuck off this isn't tech support(Neither is /g/ don't ask there)

Put it in the microwave, user, that'll fix it.

Congrats you're retarded.

throw it in the trash and buy a RX580

why redo the thermal compound?
Nvidia wants you to just buy a new card when the paste wears out

My pc gets loud when I play a game. Is it supposed to do that?

I mean it sounds like a fucking jet.

This is why I redid the paste

My graphics card is new though.

You should also redo the CPU paste too

what card is it

You need to put a lot more TIM onto the die to minimize hotspots compared to CPUs. I'm guessing that's your issue, unless you unplugged a cable somewhere.
NVIDIA has nothing to do with the RMA process, so they really don't care

Sometimes manufacturers will do a shit job on the application. RMA it.

RTX 2060

What are your temps looking like?/what are your settings?

you fell for a meme

Download afterburner and examine your card's statistics. Set a new fan curve if you need to. If it's a paste issue, buy something high quality to replace it.
Most likely, you have a bad cooler. What model is your card?

Are the GPUs that come with pre made watercooling kits reliable? Too lazy to make my own loop.

I basically got it for free.

I re did the thermal paste on my gtx 1060 and it came out fine. The fans on the 1060 wont turn on at allunless you have a game running. Its a standard power saving feature. Also,go into your bios and take a look around. If that doesn't work,pull out gpu and run windows on standard intel graphics to seeif windows comes on. If it does, you could have screwed up your graphics card bynot applying enough thernal paste or you broke something on the board.

Watercooling is a complete meme for regular users, it's only useful for reviewers OCing to stupid levels to test the limits of a chip.

They're generally way more expensive than the performance would warrant.
AIO cooling as a whole is usually mediocre.
Not everybody uses a CPU with an iGP these days.

I've have games spontaniously crash to desktop on with no error messages and nothing in the event viewer. Doesn't look like temps were too bad in hwinfo logs either. Any ideas on what's up or how to debug it Yea Forums?

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RTX 2060 user here.

I also worry that I’m bottlenecking the pc because I’m using an AMD FX 8600.

I have another pc with an i5 but the hard drive is permanently damaged and the base is fucking tiny so I am wondering if I should gut my pc with the 2060 and buy a motherboard that will work with the i5, and put it altogether in the base for the big pc.

Reviewers generally don't use AIO cooling for video cards. It isn't that good, anyway.
Are you overclocking?
What games in particular? Any mods?
Temperatures usually don't impact stability too much, more often I find it to be a voltage/frequency issue. Make sure that you've updated your video card's drivers.

My I5 kicks ass at current vidya. Clock at 4.6ghz. the FX series is definitely bottle necking your system.

No overclocks and I'm using debug mode in nvidia control panel. Seems pretty well distributed across games. I've seen it happen in Mordhau, Total War Three Kingdoms, Farcry 5, Anno 1800, and more.

Sometimes they run for hours fine and sometimes they just randomly just close on me. Running a 1950x with a 1080ti in a custom water loop. I am using cablemod extension cables connected to an evga 850p2. Could that be the problem?

I know this feel. Put my dog down over a year ago. I sometimes catch myself glancing at where his bed used to be, expecting to see him lying there

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just wait for zen2, it's right around the corner

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I thought as much. I’ll try to get a new motherboard then. Got any recommendations?

Sorry about that anons. We had to put ours down a few years ago due to her failing health and it was the worst feeling in the world. It gets better over time but it'll never truly go away. Keep all the good memories you had with them close.

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Which i5? If it's older than Haswell, you should probably not bother with it.
I doubt that cables are the issue. If they were, your system would be shutting off entirely. It could be threadripper being odd, maybe. I don't play any of those games, but you could look up specific issues for them.
You could try setting different power/temp and voltage limits for the 1080 Ti.

Well, only my GPU cables use the cablemod extensions, the mainboard cables are stock since they are well hidden. I've never messed with those type of settings before, but presumably I would need to bump them up as the card might be shutting down briefly due to hitting its limits?

It’s an 8th gen i5.

Are the RTX cards any good? I'm considering waiting for navi or whatever nvidia brings out next.

I understand that feel too. My childhood dog of 15 years had to be put down last year. You bond with pets strongly at a young age and even though I know she had an amazing life, it still hurts a bit. It gets better though, with time, trust me. :)

navi doesn't look all that promising but RTX is a meme

So what are my choices then?
Buy a second hand 1080ti and hope it still has a year of life left in it? Nowhere around me sells them new and I hate ordering international.

Devs are only just now learning to use raytracing. While some games use it there are no guarantees it'll become prevalent.

10 series cards get you 90% of the way to 20-series cards in everything else for significantly less money. Assuming ray tracing sticks around, it'd probably be more efficient to pick up a 10-series card now and wait for the 2nd gen of RTX cards for the inevitable price drop.

For the sake of being thorough, it would be smart to test without using the extensions. However, if the card shuts off you wouldn't get video from it until you restarted the system. PCIe is not hotswappable, so if something gets unplugged it cannot be recognized until you shut the system off. I think your hypothetical is unlikely.
I don't see why you wouldn't be using it already. What's wrong with the current board it's on?

recently (well like a rear and a half ago) my gpu has started making a loud clacking noise whenever it's under load and i don't really know how to make it stop

at first i thought it would be something easy like maybe the fan cord somehow dislodged and was hitting the fan blade but it didn't make sense that the noise didn't change when i turned the fan speed up or down
i looked it up and it doesn't sound like coil whine

what do

No, they were a complete an utter scam

Something is probably heating up and expanding, most likely the thermal interface material. You'll probably need to take the card apart, or RMA if you still have warranty.

why friend, just buy a new one of course. How about the amazing RTX 2080 haha

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i've already replaced the paste on it and nothing changed
completely cleaned up the whole gpu and was checking the fan wire in case that was what was causing it and it wasn't touching anything

it's a 550ti

There isn't anything different about RTX cards besides the extra Tensor cores that unfortunately come tacked onto the card, therefore you pay a premium for. It is functionally the same as a GTX card and rendering is done through the card's CUDA cores. This means any retard that tries to tell you RTX cards are inherently worse than a GTX card doesn't have 2 cells in his brain to rub together.
It's like saying a 3DS is worse than a 2DS. They're both the same performance, just the 3DS comes with 3D tacked on that you may or may not use.

>Fermi card
Your house is going to burn down, user

noise cancelling headphones are underrated

This is so old, it might just be a warped PCB (not fixable). In any case, your best solution is to buy a new one. Even the Vega 8/11 in the APUs are more powerful than it.

you pay more for a 3D functionality that you may not ever use the same you way you buy RTX and pay more for functionality you literally can't use now beyond like half a dozen games. It's a fucking meme

one time i forgot to start the fan control software before playing skyrim and it started raining in game and all of a sudden my frames dropped to single digits and i couldn't figure out why until i noticed it was quieter than usual while playin vidya so i alt tabbed and turned on Precision and the card was nearing 100c

watercooling is a solution to a problem that less than 1% of computer users have
you will only attain the type of thermal temperature change rate that justifies using a watercooling system by OCing your computer to pretty hard limits

So it's more expensive for shit I don't want in other words?


The 3DS at least was sold first, with the 2DS marketed as the low cost alternative
NVIDIA just wants everybody to spend more so they can keep their margins up, so they're trying to kill the GTX line as quickly as they can. Too bad that software hasn't exactly caught up.

No, mostly because they are overpriced as fuck.

But it's not worse than a GTX card in any way. Is RTX a shit premium that hardly any games use? Sure. Is a 2060/2070/2080 not a step up in performance just like the 1060/1070/1080 and 960/970/980 was? Fuck no, it's literally the same.

Just because it has Tensor cores doesn't mean it's a worse generation than the previous. It just means you're forced to buy into tech that may or may not be useful in the future. The meme that RTX cards are never worth it is completely fucking wrong since there is literally no downside to using an RTX card with RTX off than a GTX card of the same performance.

What a dumbass

pretty sure when people evaluate whether something is worth it or not they take cost/efficienty into account. RTX is a total meme

they are fine, these people are broke NEETS. you don't have to use the RTX features, they are still better than 10 series

That's because it's not worth buying full price

how badly do you enjoy the green cock up your ass

The question wasn't if RTX cards are "worth it". Of course they'd be cheaper if they didn't force you to buy RTX. The question was are RTX cards good, and they fucking are.
>RTX sux and is a meme and a scam
Yea no shit. But no one is buying a 2080 Ti for the RTX. They're buying it for the performance. Saying "x is worse because it costs more" doesn't mean shit when comparing performance.

I had that. one of the fans was stressed or something so I oiled it up and haven't had the issue since.

being good or bad also takes into account cost/efficiency, a card can perform well and still be bad. RTX is bad

By that logic a $4000 Quadro is good too.

No, that's straight up nonsense. A 2080 Ti is 33% faster than a 1080 Ti. Just because it's out of your price range doesn't make an RTX card bad. A Bugatti isn't worse than a Honda because it's more expensive. If someone wants to get the best performance in their rig, RTX cards are THE best, price be damned.

>double the money for a 33% increase isn't a bad deal
Retarded brainlet

No, Quadros aren't meant for gaming, just workstations. Most games run better with a gaming card than a Quadro of the same gen.

>still talking about "deals"
Retarded brainlet

god I hope radeon stops being a fucking mess or that intel actually delivers on the gpus cause nvidiacucks need to stop being so fucking inssuferable