Should playing videogames in public be shamed?

Should playing videogames in public be shamed?

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Why would you even care?

Only if you look like that guy.

I just don't understand what situations you would ever have in public where you would have to be waiting around long enough to start playing video games. Unless you're a literal child and are waiting for your parents if you have nothing to do just pick yourself up and leave.

Because not everyone is a manchild like you?

People like that are shamed in public regardless of whether they do that or not

you didn't answer the question.

they're not harming anyone

>If someone wants to jack off in public why should you care

Being fat should be shamed, not something as menial as playing videogames. Fats are disgusting fucking eyesores. God I hate Americans.


Damn...Americans look like THAT?

>antbully is 27.99
based best buy jew

You don't understand user, videogames only bring attention to you, not derision. If you're a normal looking person no one will care, if you're a chad people might even get interested in what game you're playing.
The guy in the picture is going to be shamed by virtue of being himself.

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if someone does something that doesn't affect you, why should you care?

it already is

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You're right, there's nothing wrong with public masturbation.

>Doesn't hurt anyone
>Is illegal

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No, but playing video games while standing in the middle of a store while looking like that should.

>taking photos of random people

>playing videogames in public is illegal

Yeah unless it is a chick with giant ass or tits you should NEVER take pics of people.

>jacking off in public is videogames

Nice reading comprehension, manchild

Wholly depends on the situation. The aspie in that pic is a grotesque manchild who is walking around a department store while playing a video game. This is not socially acceptable.
On the other hand, say you are in a situation where you have to travel long distances by train or bus to work. It would be perfectly acceptable to play a handheld while waiting for transportation to arrive and during the travel.

let's all agree that adults wearing shorts and a t-shirt with a print/wording on it should all be shamed

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>say you are in a situation where you have to travel long distances by train or bus to work.
>ridding the bus or train ever
Get a car loser

>caring what others wear
Nice insecurity you got going there.

>get a car in an urban setting
Walking would be faster

Loitering may be considered illegal in some locations, or at the least strongly discouraged.

Sorry your vita was a flop

>Amerifats being so indoctrinated by Ford's invention of the model T and conveyor belt
I hate that public transportation isn't a viable option in this shithole country because of idiots like this.

RIP user was stabbed to death by urban youth

>videogames and touching benis is the same thing

>says amerifat
>is one

Yes, and?

I don't. I like to drive everywhere and never have to wait or take a fucking bus. Loser.

You're right user, jacking off is less embarrassing

Put your Nintendo away sweetheart, dinners almost ready :)

Not him, but taking the bus to work beats the hell out of driving. Don't have to deal with traffic, monthly bus pass costs less than fueling my car, and I can read while riding. Only real downside is the occasional dipshit on the bus, but those only tend to come out after peak commute hours.

Depends on where you live. Areas surrounding coastal cities and within tend to have decent public transportation, but once you head inland the expectation is that everyone's got a car of some kind.

So you know people either have a choice of getting somewhere or relying on shit transportation? How retarded could you be?

Why? Genuine question. I dont vidya in public, as I've actually never owned a handheld, but why would I shame someone for playing their stupid nintodler shit? I mean, the guy in the pic looks like misery, so I suppose mocking him is easy. However, would you do the same to a 6 foot something chad that has 20, 30, even 50 pounds on you, if youre a manlet? No, I bet youre pussy ass wouldnt say shit.

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>needing to constantly judge and project insecurities onto others

City life sounds shit

Redpilled. Be a healthy weight/build and maintain decent hygiene and grooming and no one will give a shit.

>you are pussy ass

this is what happens when you spend all your time in public playing childrens game's instead of reading books like a real adult

I wonder when people take these pictures if they're aware it's actually illegal and in some states have fines as high as $1000 if they were taken with malicious intent

It's insecurity.

Apparently not as retarded as you, sweaty. The keyword was "viable", as in making public transportation a reasonable alternative. But since America has become such an automobile-centered culture because of Father Ford, the general infrastructure for most cities' public transportation is generally shit

Yes, but so should doing anything in public.

It definitely can be, but if you hate driving and still want to be able to have access to shit, then you don't really have a choice unless you're rich enough to live in the suburbs and call a taxi every time you need to travel more than 5 miles.

No, but ogrish fatasses who wear cargo shorts and nerdy print tees should be summarily executed.

Yes. My brother does it all the time. Instead of talking to people at family events, he plays dumb JRPG shit in the corner. Even on a car trip

>wank analogy

70% of America is fat. we're the new normal and you fits are the freaks now. shame freak. shaaaaame

Sounds pretty based

Better than food analogies, tbhfamalamadingdong

It isn't even the culture you dumb shit. We have no choice as things are you can either wait or get shit done in a car. We didn't choose it and you'd know this if you were American. Unless we can have a monorail by next year I'll keep driving my vehicle fag.

meanwhile everyone is staring at their phones. reading some inane twats update on facebook is so much better than playing a video game right? riiiiiiiiiight?

You know who thinks phoneposters are better? Redditors.

What about skinny faggots who wear cargo shorts and nerdy print tees?

Hm idk I think it depends. I ride a bus full of uni students all the time and I've never seen anyone bust out a handheld. On planes i've seen a few though, and planes are the only time I'll really bring one out myself, because plane rides are shite

>calls out grammar
>doesnt capitalize or punctuate his sentence
Bravo. This is what happens when youre a moron.

I wear headphones (over ear) so that nobody even talks to me anywhere. I think headphones are acceptable.

They get lynched.

People like that have no shame.

Do you not have a lunch break at work?
And sure, most people drive to work, but some people take a train, bus, or subway and need something to pass the time.

yeah sure

and mobile games are better diamond fucker?

Wearing anything nintendo related should be.

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Holy fuck! Beetlejuice on bluray! Nice :)

>We didn't choose it
You're right in that regard, since it was people buying cars and moving out of the city after WWII that led to the current state of public transportation and rise of personal automobiles. Now that the US is ass to ankles in terms of population,it's easy to see why the American automobile culture is so problematic. You should know this from any general US history class that discussed the 1900s.
Anyway, enjoy this bear.

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Only if you're fat and ugly. There's nothing wrong with normal/attractive people playing video games in public.

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depends on where you live

Even when you live in a city such as Los Angeles, San Fransisco or Seattle, public transportation isn't that viable since they get stuck in traffic too (subways excluded).

hahaha i love that movie

>caring about proper capitalization and punctuation on a vietnamese cartoon website

embarrassing desu

Bears don't Ara you fag.

>doesn't know what mashing your keyboard to name files is

What am I visually perceiving?

Why did Yea Forums turn on People of Walmart?

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That is a very specific keyboard mash

who cares?

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I literally have zero problems with people jacking off in public as long as they don't leave a mess.

mind your own business faggot who cares if hes playing vidya

Because Yea Forums became the subject of their amusement.

like it or not, the second your s0i boy ass takes out his switch or 3ds or whatever it is, everyone and I mean everyone is secretly judging you because you look dumb as hell, the only time it is normal is if youre under 15

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how can you LIVE WITH YOURSELF being that fucking FAAAAAAAAAAAAAT.

its like, im 200lbs, i want to lose like 30 lbs, but i don't feel fat. looking at that pic just horrifies me in that people can accept being 250+ and not want to lose weight.

playing video games on a cellphone is more accepted than playing video games on portable video game device.

So just play a mobile gaem.

time to put away your kiddie consoles incels :)

it's called being raised with poor eating habits and never trying to change them


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Walmart's a hell of a place.

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>tfw no bear husband in tighty whities to cook for every day
it hurts to live bros

>I thought I was being clever but I was actually a retard but I never even cared in the first place lol
Keep going Cletus.

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how is this allowed?
i mean, restaurants have that fucking rule of no shirt or shoes, no service.

why can't WALMART!?

>not a jockstrap
>not just wearing an apron

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It's autisitc, but actually bothering someone about it in public is genuinely even more autisitc. Just let them go.

only if it's a nintendo handheld

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I'm assuming it'd be considered too hard to enforce given Walmart's clientele.

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Normally you'd be right, but something about a bear in something as childish as tighty whities gets me going. And would I be wearing the apron, or he?

>t. the guy in the OP photo

Because every normal, well adjusted adult living in the 1st world has self awareness and to some extent, cares about what others think. I mean, if you dont care about what others think then how come you dont just walk around in public with flip flops, a diaper, and t-shirt huh?

Does ara mean something? I don't know, I'm right handed so I use the left half of the keyboard to type nonsense.

I'm probably uglier than that guy and still proudly play games in public

learn to drive
what kind of a shut in retard doesn't have a license?

Obsessed, jealous, and below the poverty line.

I wonder if someone ever snatched his game or phone from him while hes preoccupied by it.

what game is he playing?

Imagine being so insecure that you have make up a stigma against handhelds to make yourself feel superior.

I'm a shut-in retard who does have a license, sweaty.

Who cares if this guy wants to stand in a Best Buy of all fucking places playing a 3DS? I feel like those of you making fun of him (on Yea Forums, no less) are WAY more pathetic.

he's the one cooking in the scenario you brought up

it's referencing the phrase "ara ara" which is japanese for "oh dear" or "my my"
its often used in anime and manga by older woman types, which really gets some people off

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Read a book you fucking cretin, holy shit.

Ara ara kinshi


>if someone wants to attack a strawman on Yea Forums why should you care

Read it again, it says I'd be cooking for him.

Also, ara means "dude" in Armo-speak, doesn't it?

I read books/comics in park to pass time.


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This. I love america but I hate fat, lazy pieces of SHIT!
PLEASE tell me someone has saved those "dick teeth" comics. I can't find them anywhere.

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no shit, how hard is it to not play shit for 30 min?

>not knowing what ara ara means
Fuck happened to 4channel?

While you are walking around? Yeah, absolutely. Look where you're fucking going Jesus Christ.
In a coffee shop? A park? The train? Literally nothing wrong with it.

>on a videogame board

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Back to

Just as Diogenes intended for society

No I mean why the fuck are you playing videogames on the train and on your lunch break when you can read a book?
You can LEARN things and improve yourself instead of bing bing wahooing my man.

Mission Impossible

From Russia with Love

>thanks to anonymity, high school ideologies are adopted by adults who think they're in good company
we stopped caring about kids playing their gameboys in public in college sweety

>(voiced by Troy Baker)

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No. Mind your business and stop worrying what others think. You already show you're a flip-flopper that can't form his own opinions.

What the fuck are you one about? Sure, let crack open Twilight instead.

>unchecked quads
Not on my watch

>on a 3 hour train rid
>pull out DS for some puzzle games

They're talking about you, user.

Saki Side A

mega man powered up

No, no one does. If you do, YOU'RE the cringy shit that can't keep to themselves.

I do both, either read about Space Marines or play as one in a video game


Depending on the situation:
>Is your sound on, and you are not using headphones?
>Are you in a situation that just requires you to wait around a lot? (On the bus/train or waiting for them)
No Shame (that's where our fat friend fucked up. If you go to some store and play in the isles = Shame)
>Is there a social interaction going on that you are supposed to be part of, but instead you are playing vidya?
I think that about covers it. You shouldn't however as an adult not wear T-shirts with "Funny Phrases" or Kids Cartoons on them because that just looks terrible. Also: The more you are out of shape, the shittier it looks.
I wish it was different, but you just can't be a fat guy in a pokemon shirt in public and expect not to be made fun of.

I can't hear them so that is okay.

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Disagree, see: The difference is they are clearly within the established outlines of "alright to vidya in public"
>at a place of waiting, seems to be an airport
>they're within a social group, but they're including the group in the play activity, it's not just one person avoiding all others
>They might have sound on, but airports are usually so loud that it likely doesn't bother people past where they're sitting.
Thus, it is non-cringy for them to play some vidya.

Shamed? No.
Internally judged? Of course.

>ywn hear this
Why even live

Depends on the place. Like at the gym for example this motherfucker was playing the his DS. Fuck you.

theyd lose customers, duh


Reminder you have no right to privacy outside of places you'd expect it (hotel rooms, your home, restrooms)

I'm 32 and wear print tees. Meet lots of cool people that way. Enjoy your plaid button up polyester shirt.

that comic is kinda cringe tbch

Unless you look well kept, ie. fit and hygienic, theres no shame

This photo reminded me of a dream I had years ago where I was in a store's electronic's department looking for a blender. The memory is just as vivid as real memories. Are dreams alternate lives?

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Its not our shame to give, its theirs to have

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Lmfao. Grow up man baby. Get some actual clothing you cheap cunt. While you're at it put some deodorant on.

You can safely do anything if you are attractive.

Gaming in general should be viewed like smoking.

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the second post is actually the best post and the popularity of the first post confirms an El goblino creatura infestation on this website

Holy shit, you fucking mega faggot.
Answer the question, why do you care if someone else is playing videogames in public?
It causes you no harm and all supposed downsides it entails only affect the person doing it not you.
So answer the question, you social policing bitch.

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le strawmane has arrived

is it bad that I can tell that this is from

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I can answer his question
it looks fuckin dumb, I want people to look smart and not fuckin DUMB

I can't reliably say if most of Yea Forums has been to a best buy 6 years ago
I'm terrified most of Yea Forums were still in elementary school 6 years ago

That's not so weird if you worked there or something.

Who's got moral outrage over a person playing a videogame though? I see people play games on their phone all the time and nobody gives a shit, so why would anyone be so driven as to tell someone, "Put that thing away" if they were playing on a Switch or psp or whatever.

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They would lose 80% of their consumer base

Let me ask you then, had the person in the OP not been playing videogames, do you think anybody would think better of them?

I bet you just look like the coolest guy around

Based soikid

It's probably in a poor redneck area where people have no manners.
Where I live people that go to Walmart are just normal every day people.

>should it be shamed
>should the neckbeards with zero self respect be shamed


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