How can FANS pull this off when Nintendo can't?
How can FANS pull this off when Nintendo can't?
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it needs work but people here are fucking delusional if they think it doesnt look better then what nintendo shits out
my wife for HIRE
dude, stop... please, just stop.
All those high quality assets and textures yet the animation doesn't even drive the movement as the character just glides around
Wasted potential
Doesn’t matter. It has pwetty graffix and that’s all that easily impressed chucklefucks like need to play it.
all they had to do is change the default ue4 character movement speed a little lower and it would look natural, but these tech demos are low effort garbage.
>clicks a bunch of boxes in unity/UE4 graphics settings
>moves character directly and just plays the animation during movement
take that, nintendo! I am clearly the expert game designer here
Because Nintendo is an incompetent company ran by barely literate pedophies.
This looks fucking awful man. There is zero weight to link, and everything looks like it went through a brown shit filter. Gets some eyes and taste, you’ll thank yourself for it.
wtf, I hate starcraft now
You ever stop to think that they dont want to do this? Not everyone has to be hyper realistic shit for "serious" gamers
You guys talk shit about these tech demos all the time but if Nintendo actually made something like this you'd all be calling it kino
>all that damage control
Wow. Whoever called this board Nintendogaf wasn't kidding.
Because fans focus on graphics whole nintendo avoid that on purpose.
Why is he running like he just shit himself?
The Virgin unreal tech demo
The Chad fully fleshed remake
Because he's Link and it's a Zelda game.
>that fucking blur when you rotate the camera
>hat doesn't obey physics
It's trash
i like how every one of these looks like a fake video game from some TV show like NCIS
Was Mario always bow legged?
>pointing out your unity/ue4 asset swap sucks is damage control
>make thread for discussion of game
>discuss game
>haha nintendogaf
Lol your the one on dmg control buddy
God that episode made me so fucking mad
>unreal tech demo of literal N64 games and still using N64 animations
Because they literally just slapped a high res model over mario64's skeleton and rigging
People seem to think otherwise, but I really don't think Nintendo was able to capture this in the actual game. This looks a lot better. BotW on the other hand feels more like a compromise, it wasn't quite able to match this, and looks a bit too cartoonish. I really like how the goats look here; it's sort of cel-shaded but still doesn't look "cartoony". It's a really cool style but I feel it wasn't capture in the game. I was disappointed in how BotW actually turned out to look.
the funny thing is AM2R is a proper remake with original high quality pixel art and music, and nintendo's remake is an ugly 3D remake that would actually be the HIRE THIS MAN game if the roles were switched.
What kind of lantern has that small of a base? It would tip over far too easily if you set it down.
They definitely weren’t able to capture that, and I fucking LOVE botw. But what they did capture is pretty magical, for lack of a better word. Whenever u pick up the game I feel compelled to just sit there and look at the landscape like u would in real life on nature hike. Only the greatest games can really do that, like this and the Witcher 3. They capture the essence of nature.
What's a pedophy?
Kek it looks good, but then there's shit like the lighting that needs work and the fact that it's as if it's the whole world is moving under Link instead of Link walking around. It's just the camera that's bad and lighting effects, plus I prefer art style over super graphics, but that's just preference
I've noticed these guys always, always, always drop the ball at the animation stage.
>that walk cycle
only for like the first 10 hours. similarly to minecraft the noir is impossible to recapture once you develop a firm understanding of the game's mechanics and how it operates.
Ive played Return of Samus extensively.
It has many flaws, and is 2nd best to AM2R in terms of gameplay and exploration, but to call it ugly is flat out wrong.
I bet you voted Hillary
Do you like the Witcher 3 though?
probably because animation actually requires a lot of practice and knowledge and understanding the language of a visual medium.
My main gripe, aside from the absurd gliding around, is that there are no other NPCs (the Cuccos are static props).
I'm willing to bet that if the number of NPCs that are normally in town were in this demo, then the framerate would drop to less than 30.
Its clearly supposed to be hung from something
What Gmod map is this?
This. BOTW's problem was that, for all the freedom it gave you, I just never felt the need to take advantage of it. Environment-wise, I didn't feel like exploring or anything once I got to a fast travel point. Maybe it's just me, but I hate fast travel as a concept because it leads to devs thinking "okay, let's make the world stupidly massive, and if it becomes boring, they can just skip it".
never played it but it looks rather unappealing
Nintendo got lazy, like really fucking lazy.
I do believe the talent is there and they can do great things, but Nintendo heads know fans will gobble up whatever so they do a bit above minimum
>How can FANS pull this off when Nintendo can't?
Sure it might be able to run on the creator's high powered PC, but is the Switch capable of running a whole game of that?
after seeing the Link's Awakening remake, which I'm sure will at least be decent, I gained a new appreciation for Samus Returns and its artstyle. At least it wasn't Fed Force all over again.
The animation sucks though.
one of those has literally nothing to lose
Artistically great
Technically braindead.
the chad stride
Daily reminder that people unironically believe a game that's bright and shiny looks better than a game with actual aesthetic.
>windmill moving like it's blowing 40mph
>trees standing still
nintendo fans can only make one scene every two years and it's usually just link running around, and it's just CG
What's wrong with the Link's Awakening remake? I think it looks pretty cute. Hell, if Pokemon looked like that I would fall in love with the games again. Pretty good choice for a Gameboy remake.
he moves like he forgot how to run and has to stop every few steps to try to remember
Art is subjective. Define what you mean by 'better'. It's more realistic-looking, yes, but what about other qualities such as character, charm or appeal?
I mean realistically speaking what's to stop them from going a step further and adding new areas to explore, adding new game-play elements or adding to the story-line in some way, would that make it better as well? or would your tiny mind then realize the subjectivity of such things?
The fact is the game was designed by Nintendo with a specific vision, and that vision appealed to the masses. If these fans are so talented, how come they haven't released some hit original game of their own and made millions of dollars? My guess is their talents are strictly limited to thievery and shitting on other peoples work with bland boring shaders that only a brainlet like you would appreciate.
pull what off, a garish, clashing imitation of something that's already been done? If you think babby's first unreal engine project is actually impressive you have objectively shit taste.
>why doesn't a 3DS game look like crysis
gee i duno
>"Hurr better graphics better game durr"
I hate you retards. Keep your soulless Unity/UE garbage.
>That animation cycle, like he's got shit in his pants
>That movement speed, like he's walking on ice
>All that ground detail, coming up to his knees, making him phase through cobblestones and floor tiles
>That default lighting, bloom
This shit is downright amateurish.
>that weightless walk cycle
>feet out of sync with ground underneath him
Much better, has potential.
Looks like a Gamecube game. Odyssey looks way better (but it's too short/easy and didn't deserve a 97).
When it comes to eventual game vs that image there are pros and cons.
Cons; the grass doesn't get drawn that far from the camera, the trees don't pop as much in the final game, they're much closer in color to everything else, this looks slightly more realistic/less cell shaded.
Pros; The terrain is that "lumpy" (I don't like how there are so many small hills, weird geology), that mountain on the right looks garbage, they really refined the terrain a lot in the final game, Death Mountain over the back there looks horrendous, like a school kids model volcano, there's not many high points in the pic allowing for hang gliding, they put more verticality in final game.
What? A tech demo with a shitty camera and awkward animations? Oh, but it's drowned out in bloom lighting, so I guess it's superior to everything in every way in every possible universe.
Whats the point of traversing land youve already been through? Doesnt matter how interesting the world is, thats just a waste of time.
its crazy how this game has so many fast travel points.
Making high polygons count models doesnt make your game looks good, holy shit. There is no sense of aesthetic at all