Why were early web games so violent?

Why were early web games so violent?

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The past is toxic, burn your history to light the way to a brighter future

Because normies didnt figure out the internet until the Iphone
Shit like Pico and Madness couldnt be started today

because prior to 2007 the internet was solely populated by 13 year olds

>most people that used the internet were in their angsty teens, so this automatically made violence more interesting
>easily offended people weren't flocking over the internet yet
>it was a novel thing, violence was shunned upon heavily back then and people mentioned above were trying to keep it out TV and vidya, so violence had an extra appeal to it
>doing web content was pretty hard, and doing something bold and crass was easier than doing something more polished, so people went with the former most of the time

Made by literal teenagers in a post 9/11 world

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Normies shouldn't be allowed on the internet.

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But Katy Perry is hot before she cut and bleached her hair

pico was before 9/11 though

>The early internet wouldn't have liked something like Avengers despite liking all sorts of pop-action movies including a few superhero ones
>The early internet wouldn't enjoy minecraft
You need to create criticism that isn't just 'things I don't like are bad, grrr"

I feel old as shit now....

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Are you sure

Why are people so quick to erect strawmen here?

Absolutely, early internet would have made as many Avengers jokes as they made Spider-Man jokes.

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Pico Saves the School was top kino even tho that guy with the lightsaber that slashed your dick was fucking OP, but even that just means it's the Dark Souls of early-internet flash games

butthurt goth and "alt-rock" fags can fuck off. unless you're qt goth/alt-rock traps in which case plz fuck on :P

Early century internet was crazy over capeshit. Crossover flash animations had Superman vs Goku duking it out before Death Battle and Mortal Kombat trading blows with DC before it was actually a real thing.

As for Minecraft, difficult to tell, but crazier things have happened in early days internet. Reminder that Newgrounds' most popular flash animation series of all time is still about a cute bunny falling in love with a cat.

the 90's was really edgy

we live in a fucking society

Mental issues
Free attention (see above)

Yep, ultimate showdown had all superheroes and pop culture icons fighting and that video was popular back then. A lot of flash games had capeshit references in some form or another

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