What should the last ten games be?

What should the last ten games be?

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Anything on this list



Dynamite Headdy

Honestly surprised it's not on there already

Rocket Knight Adventures
Dynamite Headdy
Monster World 4
X-Men 2
Splatterhouse 2

Nah, Sega Genesis is a way better name. Deal with it.

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Samefag here. Also, they should include the 6-button controller in the west, or just take off Street Fighter. Fighting games are pointless without the 6-button controller.

Dynamite Headdy
Rocket Knight Adventures
Sonic 3
Sonic and Knuckles
Garfield Caught in the Act +Lost Levels
Rent-A-Hero as a special bonus
Toejam and Earl: Panic on Funkotron

another bad replica, with poor sound reproduction and poor image quality. Why bother?

>Poor sound and image

Nah man

Phantasy Star II

damn right

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Michael Jackson's moonwalker
Atomic runner
Power Rangers
Sonic 3
Sonic & knucles
Golden Axe 2
ms pacman

Zombies Ate My Neighbors


I was worried it'd be hard to get ten games. Now if anything narrowing them down is hard

>no sports games

Mutant League Football

I'm already super happy with the list and pre-ordered one. However, I would LOVE to see...

Rocket Knight Adventures
Splatterhouse 2

>Sega Saturn and Dreamcast Mini are impossible

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Speaking of, is that current-gen Mutant Football League any good?

>a wiki run by redditors that pretends to be run by Yea Forums

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Megadrive sounds chuuni.

Virtua Racing


don't know what's already on it but the 10 best genesis games are

>Contra Hard Corps
>Castlevania Bloodlines
>Sonic 3K
>Rocket Knight
i dunno the rest the genesis isn't really my thing is bonanza brothers on there?


Looks like the European one is going to have the same lineup as US. Japan and Asia's are slightly different from each other though. Japan got Yu Yu Hakusho: Makyou Toitsusen while Asia got Alien Soldier.

Contra and Castlevania are confirmed. The rest aren't and neither is Bonanza Bros


Japan and Asia have Bonanza Bros.

Ten copies of Battletoads & Double Dragon.

So it's a pretty safe bet America and Europe aren't getting it, or it'd be confirmed

Shining force 2
Virtua racing
Kid Chameleon
Mortal Kombat
TTA Busters hidden treasure (hey they got mickey maybe WB can let this happen)
Rocket Knight
X-men Clone wars
Sonic 3/S&K
Toejam and Earl 2

Toejam and Earl 2: Panic on Funkotron
Rocket Knight Adventures
Dynamite Headdy
Virtua Racing
Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Mutant League Football
Decap Attack
Sonic 3 and Knuckles

Mickey feels like a special case since those were Sega developed. I'm not even sure about Aladdin for that reason

there is no fucking excuse for sonic 3 and knuckles not being on there
jackson has been dead for years
the game is over 25 years old
it's just a fucking video game with some music he helped compose

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I'll be surprised if its not on there, but Sega has done dumber shit

If they can't get Aladdin, then Viruta Fighter, Kid Chameleon, Garfield, or NBA Jam

Name thirty games that could even be on a Saturn Mini.

Ok street fighter2 is one there but no 6 button controller? Thats not going to work. If i remember correctly to play that on a 3 button controller you had to use start to switch between punches and kicks that would be fucking horrible.

Could you at least plug an old 6 button controller into this thing if you had one?

You can buy a USB one separately. Which is retarded, but

Sonic 3K
Dynamite Headdy
Rocket Knight Adventuers
Alien Soldier
Yu Yu Hakusho Makyou Toitsusen
Light Crusader
Eliminate Down
Revenge of Shinobi
Shadow Dancer
Battle Mania Daiginjou
Thunder Force IV
Shining Force 2
Decap Attack
Mutant League Football
Mutant League Hockey
Monster World IV

Street Fighter 2
Wonder Boy
Sonic Spinball
Golden Axe
Alex Kidd
Altered Beast
Space Harrier 2
Ecco the Dolphin
Toejam & Earl

is Chakan the Foreverman in already?

why do you want a mediocre game?

Nah, not yet

>Remove Ecco and TJE

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>Remove Ecco and TJE
Thank god that's bait because no one can possibly have this much shit taste.

>Sonic Spinball
Sure it wasn't that great and there's enough sonic
>Toejam & Earl
Yeah the sequel is better

Literally all the konami games.

>Yeah the sequel is better
The sequel was a good, but unremarkable platformer. The original was a unique roguelite with fucking two player split screen and plenty of interesting mechanics.

who cares?
only YOU fucks in shithole EU!

even in japan, the people who MADE the fucking thing, it was THIRD PLACE in the 4th gen.

fucking TURBO GRAFX 16 was more loved in JP than mega drive!

Looked cool.

yes, plays like a newer footgame, but with mutant league shit like killing the ref and making dirty plays like bribing.

Crusader of Centy

Repurpose the Sonic Jam Sonic World as a menu
Fighters Megamix
Tomb Raider
Burning Rangers
Panzer Dragoon
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Clockwork Knight
Mr. Bones
Earthworm Jim 2
Sonic R
Sonic 3D Blast

>pc engine
>isn't a pc
Believing that japan has ever had any good taste.

It had some pretty good arcade ports tho

>the last ten games
Of all time?

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because blocking with one sword while attacking with the other was next level shit at the time and the game has a unique style and mood

Sonic 2 got revealed for it in Japan before it did here.