Been rewatching this and all i can think about is how great a hunter x hunter 2d fighter would be...

been rewatching this and all i can think about is how great a hunter x hunter 2d fighter would be. dragon ball fighterz style.

>gon as a hybrid rushdown/midrange character with his fishing pole and acrobatics
>killua as a pure rush down with a lightning mode install
>zoner leorio with teleporting punches
>gimmick kurapika disabling enemy abilities with his chains
>grappler hisoka with his gum abilities
>chimera ant characters
>kite with an rng mechanic on his special moves
call me casual but I wish there were more dbfz style anime fighters. it's so incredibly sad to me whenever another 3d arena fighter gets announced.

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My nigga, my dream HxH game is a 2d 1-on-1 Arcsys or Capcom fighter. Either this or One Piece would have been a better fit than DBZF since there would have been much more variety, sales and continued support would have objectively been worse though.

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yeah definitely. i think dbz was the right anime to gain support and audience, but given the success of dbfz, i think more niche anime could be successful in the same style of fighting game. dbfz opened the door for arcsys to make more of the same style of game with different anime. hell, id even be fine with a crossover kinda deal. characters from hxh, dbz, yu yu hakusho, one piece, naruto, whatever. sorta like jump force but 2d and actually good.

I'd buy that. I'm tempted to try out that recent crossover game just to play as the HxH characters.

I'd like to see more a PS1 Jojo game style for HxH

>sorta like jump force but 2d and actually good
this should have happened decades ago

i didn't have a ps1, but that game was kinda like a mvc2 style fighter with mini games right?

I wish 2D fighters didn't feel so pressured to be balanced for esports. I love broken shit. JoJo HttF will be forever remembered, not because it was balanced.

I need a greed island style adventure RPG style game or atleast a card game to satisfy my inner hunter hunter fanboy

i agree that broken characters can make a game interesting, but i prefer balanced but varied characters, just so i can play whoever i want without feeling disadvantaged. like when dbfz came out i was a teen gohan main fighting against constant cell/ssvegeta and it was infuriating.

I completely agree with you. Arc should drop Granblue and start working on this.

>fishing pole
Wouldn’t happen

Cell and Vegeta weren't broken in the entertaining way though, they were broken in the developer oversight way.

>innovative greed Island co-op jrpg
sign me the fuck up

You know there was a short-lived rumor of Frenchbread the studio behind Melty Blood and Undernight making a Jojo game, shame that wasn't true. Double-shame since they're a really small budget studio that doesn't do license work.

yeah it would be fantastic, either that or a massive rpg by CDPR while platinum is responsible for the combat

imagine fighting as netero, i got hard as diamonds during the fight against the ant king. his bodhavista nen is the shit.

btw do we know what gon's dad can do with his skills?

pic is my one and only waifu since i've been 14 or so

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>do we know what gon's dad can do with his skills
Not really, except mimicing stuff really quickly.

Should I watch the anime or read the manga

really wonder what his power level his
like could he beat netero or killuas dad?

AFAIK the manga has gone further than the anime. ive never read the manga but the anime is really good. consistently good animation and i don't remember there being much filler until the chimera ant arc.

read the manga, then watch the anime if you really like it

>Have to wait 6 months between rounds
Sounds pretty shitty OP

>not a mobility/teleport character

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>like a mvc2 style fighter with mini games right?
eeeh sort of. It is plagued with mini games. But it's not a 2vs2 fighter. It still has some different mechanics like the Stand calling and so. Gameplay and mechanics are not the most original thing in the world but it's still a fun game to play. Emulate, it's worth it

nen doesn't really have power-levels, but as I read it you might say that they are in one league of nen-mastery

>gimmick kurapika disabling enemy abilities with his chains
>use chain in Gon
>Instantly die

rushdown that gets in through mobility and teleports?

can't have a fighter without waifus and this gay show doesn't have female characters much less waifus

>only watches anime for fanservice
retard incel confirmed

Palm, Bisky, vacuum-chan and also the two titty monsters if you're desperate (from the exam and chimera ant)


>What is loli Kite

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>literally a reverse reverse trap



>not watching anime for the PLOT
ok fag

That's a no on all of them

Crossover DLC with Yu Yu Hakusho characters would also be pretty cool.

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I just want an anime Smash game
It's a better idea than Jump Force

Post you're main, Yea Forums

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bisky is cute

Would be dope

uh... user...

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I stopped watching when he used that card to find his father thinking it was the last episode (due to the next seasons never airing on TV). REEE!!!

Yes the show is gay thats what I said

shit taste I bet you also think that fish girl from YYH is good too

watch the 2011 adaptation
literally the best arc in shonen shit comes after that

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read the manga my dude

Why do I get the feel these threads are populated exclusively by underage people. HxH is not a typical battle shonen, it's a plot and character focused story that would be awful for any type of videogame.


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OP here, I'm 23. just because it isn't a typical battle Shonen doesn't mean that it doesn't showcase interesting abilities and unique characters that would lend themselves well to a fighting game. in my post i listed different characters that would have interesting and varied abilities that would make for perfect fighting game characters, but go on with your bullshit about how it wouldn't work because "reasons"

my main would be Quwrof Wrlccywrlfh

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Mumble X Mumble

What is Machi, Pitou, Pakunoda, Canary, and Kalluto?

Lads is someone going to tell him

user, I...

Go a step further and just make a Yu Yu X Hunter X Hunter crossover fighter with the mc of Level E being the special joke character. Best of both worlds honestly

>They look like girls, act like girls, and talk like girls
I doubt the average bandwagoning waifu-fag fighting game consumer is gonna care or do research into it.

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Ah, so that's what it was, it really was the last episode for that version. Gonna check it out later.

>There was a sex change, anthrofie yourself, expansion cards, and instant pregnancy cards

Gons father and his team members was into some wacky shit

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meh. i watched 104 episodes before i quit this garbage. berserk is the only good anime besides karekano.

What if Ging was actually Gon's mother?

not waifus

Would mind an RPG like Dragon Quest with the Nen System acting as the Vocations mechanic.

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He is definitely up for having the ability to mimic opponents signature moves effortlessly

is a insect an waifu?


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a combination of them if you insist

Sadly it will never become a reality, but I will still hold hope for something like it.

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>kuwabara vs knuckle
muh dick

If you want it to be

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Watch the Anime, the music is GOAT for anime music.

Is it c****posting time?

Would Knuckle's nen ability even work on Kuwabara?

is c**** censored?

literally KO any character

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both, but I really prefer the manga
first anime adaptation is great, but differs a bit from the manga. Yorkshin ark is 10/10 though.
second animu is ok, becomes great in later arcs. music (excluding op/ed) is ok in the beginning, also becomes amazing later. op/ed's always nice.

No op/ed will ever beat this one from the first anime though:

post it

HxH is overrated trash and the chimera ant arc is the only one with any semblance of decent writing. Komugi best girl.

If you think the point of HxH are it's fights than you're a fucking retard

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The amount of respect HxH gets just warms my heart. Truly the greatest shonen manga ever.

Absolutely based, hunterfags BTFO.

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it gets worse everytime you hear it

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pure fucking cringe

Who needs waifus when there is husbandos.

This is the new F-Zero beat-em-up by Platinum Games and it's irritating.

This, fuck the ArcSys faggots, Greed Island already has the groundwork laid out and it's by far the best arc. Don't @ me, Chimera2011fags.

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Arcsys fighters fucking suck, people only like them because of their pretty visuals but gameplay wise they're fundamentally flawed.

Correct, because there is no point in HxH.

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Who are:

Jump Force? Killua is good, Biscuit so far seems pretty good, Hisoka is good and the blonde one is trash. Game is also trash.

Someone already made this joke

Here's your waifu

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>fullscreen zoning with netero
>Kurororo Lucifsr has shitty buttons but 50+ gimmicky specials
>Knuckles as a rushdown with alternate win condition and timer scamming people
>tserredick with puppet nenbeast gameplay and timer scam supers

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Just admit HxH doesn't have any waifus, no Togashi series does. Just fujoshit

>no Togashi series does
Who is Botan


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What about Gon? I know the game is trash, but I think my friend will buy it. I'll just get my fix when we hang out.

not waifu material same with Genkai and whoever that irrelevant schoolgirl was

>waifu material
which is?

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Tbh for a granny Genkai was kinda hot

It happened in Jump Ultimate Stars and Jump Stars Victory VS



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I agree, Toguro best waifu

Ah shit how the fuck did I forget him, I think he's good too. You might see a lot of Gon and Killua when you're playing, spammer shitters love to super spam with them. Hisoka is the only one I like playing of them all, you might see some niggers guardbreak cheesing with him and I don't have Biscuit but she seems good. Counter, buff and her last super can guardbreak.
Of them all, I think Killua and Hisoka are the best. Protip: don't play at night/early morning if your friend is low ranked. My mate just got it and he's lowest possible rank D5, played like ten games then at 2am he plays against a fucking A5.


Literal whos

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