If you were Sakurai, How would you fix the current State of Smash?

If you were Sakurai, How would you fix the current State of Smash?

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Make it as toxic to competitive players as possible. Go full party mode.

add a minimum effort ranked system instead of this smash power level bullshit
it's hilarious that Mario Maker 2 will probably have a more competent ranked system

Fix? If I was Sakurai, I would just find as many ways to spite fans as possible.

Come out publicly & give a concrete list of criteria for 1st party & 3rd party newcomers. This would stop most of the leak faggotry & speculation theories

Make it so it is actually fun to play, like when I got it right 3 entries ago.

This. Add rubber band mechanics and items cant be turned off.

Fuck with the competitive community in any way possible.
I don't hate them, but I wish they weren't here.

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Add critical hit chance to the base of the game that you can't turn off. Each attack has a 2% chance of doing 50% more damage and having 20% more knockback.
The problem with tripping was that casuals hated it as much as tourneyfags. Critical hits would probably be loved by casuals while still telling tourneyfags to go fuck themselves.

Make another fighter ballot for dlc, but this time, for 3 characters, fix the goddamn online, tell people some of the remaining dlc, and most importantly, ADD IN GODDAMN, MOTHERFUCKING, SMASH RUN, BABY.

He tried that like 5 times already, and contradicted himself with the next character.
>Nintendo only, we get Cloud
>No guns, sex, or religion, we get Bayonetta
>Rare owned by Microsoft, K. Rool.
>Joker and Piranha Plant literally out of nowhere

>making more money than ever
what is there to fix

cancel anything in the works at all DLC wise. never touch the series again, never hand it off. kill it. then make kirby air ride 2.


Him going back to Kirby would me happy, at least for one game

Fuck with the competitive scene. Add characters that only I care about to the roster save for original 12.

Fixed the roster, now it’s perfect

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Add sheik, forgot her

That would actually be a great way to stop faggots from stalling.
As long as that crit chance doesn't show up on projectiles (besides peach stich face) it might work out.

>t. Sakurai

-Remove Smashville and Town & City
-Add a "Smashville" and "Pokemon Stadium" form for every stage, like omega and BF forms.
-Nerf obnoxious characters like Olimar that are boring to watch.

K. Rool has always been owned by Nintendo, you fucking retard.

Add the characters I want and remove the characters I don't want.
Also I want every smash game for free too.
That's how you fix smash for me.

Trim down the roster. It's bloated as fuck

>boring to watch
who gives a shit who's boring to watch? The game's made for playing not watching.

The fact that people really feel that way is the reason I would do it.


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