VTMB/Bloodlines 2

Thinblood - youtube.com/watch?v=xELjqNZjmaM
Brujah - youtube.com/watch?v=dU6LwptKvYg
Tremere - youtube.com/watch?v=K-Hfkm_fA28
Toreador - youtube.com/watch?v=DY7XEWwCXNk
Ventrue - youtube.com/watch?v=ceYjCOOVyUk

who do you think the final clan will be?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Not Giovanni

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Nos. Get fucked meme lord fish Malks

Giovanni and Lasombra are best clans so we obviously won't get them because the devs are obsessed with boring assholes like the Brujah


Nosferatu for sure, only reddit likes Malkavians.

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they're both shit and nobody cares about them thus they are not in, hopefully all the extra dlc clans will just be the rest of the original VTMB clans too

>the low clans are fighting amongst eachother for the final spot

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The voice acting better be better than these videos, or this game is not going to be anywhere near as good at the original. These people are boring to listen to.


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I think it's going to be Malk.
I hope it's going to be something that wasn't in Bloodlines. They said in the last stream that the last 4 reveals would not indicate that there will only be clans from the first game so maybe that was a hint. Might be wishful thinking though and all he implied was that in the far future we might get dlc with a new clan.

No one thought for one instant that the voice acting would be worth shit. The real star of the original game was the casting director. The game's voice acting work is some kind of miracle. A game with voice acting consistently at the level throughout the entire game even in the minor characters will never happen again.

It's going to be Nosferatu. The showed Nosferatu in the fucking reveal trailer.

>The folly of leadership is knowing that, no matter what you do, behind your back there are hundreds, certain that their own solution is the sounder one, and that your decision was the by-product of a whimsical dart toss.
The devs after the backlash of the last clan reveal

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>they're both shit and nobody cares about them
wrong and wrong. great talk.

>get embraced 50 years ago
>still tries to hold on to humanity instead of moving onto a Path
Explain yourself

They're fucked if they show Malk, they're fucked if they show Nos, they're fucked if they show... La Sombra? Giovanni? Assimites?

Typically, characters added in DLC will not drastically change how the main game is played.

Nosferatu must be incorporated into the entire game. Same with Malkavian. I'm just worried there will be only different dialogue options that end with the same result and not create new ways to complete quests.

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>no gameplay

wow i didnt think her southern English rat face could be fixed

thread theme


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They need to show Nos. They don't have a stealth class. So far everything is speech checks and fighting to finish quests.

Exactly. They need to have a stealth class, it makes sense... but there's so many dumb as fuck malk fags they'll get blasted for it.

Anybody playing any clan can put points into stealth, your argument has no logic. You're stereotyping vampires by their clan.

>they need to have a stealth class
>what is Nebulation

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They lliterally said they want clans to be playstyles. If they want that, then they need a fucking stealth class

I'd bet money that when you pick a clan you keep all your thinblood disciplines too

Except we know they haven't ditched the traditional tabletop stats system so yes I can make a stealthy ventrue if i want like 90% of players because they will know fuck all about VTM or what their clan is 'supposed' to be like gameplay wise

>TFW the clan you play in the PnP won't be in the game.
Kinda stings.

That would be a pretty safe debt considering they confirmed this weeks ago. You can only pick 1 though.

you only get one of the three thinblood disciplines and, yes, you do keep it

Too violent, we need a chill thread theme that can be played in the middle of the night.

yeah but where's the gameplay

E3 obviously, Microsoft probably paid them to let them show it off at their show

Gonna play a misty boi tremere

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Here's the real question, what will be sacraficed because of consoles? Will we still get to type physically when using laptops to hack or check email etc?

It's more important to put in Nos in the game. Adds a difficulty factor with instant Masquerade violations and hacking/science with stealth.

Malkavian is like playing Fallout:New Vegas with Wild Wasteland on. There's not THAT much of a change to the game.

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>Adds a difficulty factor
Difficulty? You mean the antichrist for modern mainstream devs?

You just stated the obvious of what is true, nos hardly changes anything and malk changes everything. Nos just means crawl around everywhere boringly and get a few 'ahh you look so scary lines' at the start of dialogues

Was supposed to say opposite not obvious

You can add in the dialogue options/ visual/audio hallucinations for Malk as DLC. You can't add in extra areas for Nos after the game ships. Nos has to be first. Though this is all assuming the Nos curse is the same as the first... Which why wouldn't it be

No. Enjoy your bethesda style minigames.

>The dirty sewer virgin versus the chad schizoid
The choice is obvious

Typically the same thing you get when a PC-exclusive company downgrades to multiplatform:

More walls, barricades, doors and loading screens.

A limited amount of active skills to fit onto the controller buttons.

A scrolling text-only inventory without item icons instead of being able to see your entire inventory contents in one view.



oooooh I'm soooo pumped to see all of the assblast

So Yea Forums, which clan has the best song at Succubus Club and why is it Tzimisce?

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Man I should get back on that, I stopped right after that mission. Hard as shit.

>tfw Toreador with Malk bf

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So what are the most overpowered Disciplines? I'd say myself that'd be Vicissitude, Temporis and >Dominate

You're delusional if you think it'll have the same mechanics as the original. "Masquerade" shit will probably be completely different or even removed altogether.

>what will be sacraficed because of consoles?

EVERYTHING. The move to "every single game now has to be developed for consoles and the PC version is the port" completely changed every single PC-centric genre, but none more so than RPGs.

>yfw 2 will have you play as a Ghoul in certain quests

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>the true bloodlines were the friends we made along the way

Wait what?

A thinblood being a ghoul doesn't make any sense.

It better be fucking Gangrel.
Toreador, Brujah and Ventrue are wasting slots

Can't think of a bigger waste than gangrel

>Toreador and Venture, core pillars of Kindred society
>wasting slots
Brujah are the real waste.

Yeah I'm sure they will drop the namegiving mechanic altogether, sounds reasonable.

>Inb4 its samedi

The website already describes certain disciplines as constituting masquerade violations if you're witnessed using them in public.

So will the game force being a cammy on us or we will be able to go full antitribu?

Toreador here
suck my dick

do you think they are going to add a quest line so our vampire can reach enlightenment?

>Lasombrafags gone instantly after ventrue got in

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>suck my dick
Woah a Toreador player being a flaming homosexual, what a surprise!

Are you a literal furfag retard? What about the teaser pic to you screams Gangrel. Is it the dark, indoor corridor? Does that scream to your primal beast inside?

It's going to be Malks. Screen shoot this.

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They didn't even have the stomach to keep shitposting until the last reveal. Pathetic.

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Any necromancer will do honestly.
Speaking to spirits for information is a trope I love in games and would add a lot to quest solving diversity

The fact that Noseferaru offer such a unique experience and have such a defined role pretty much points 100% to them being in the game. What do Malks offer besides having goofy dialogue?

Not to mention the fact that if Nosferatu were added after the fact then an entire sewer system would need to be developed and implemented after launch which is unrealistic and silly. I gaurantee Nosferatu are going to be the last clan, and also have tons of weird shit going on in their sewers throughout the game

fetal alcoholism

Exactly.!! Literally what DO malks have aside meme tier fish malk dialogue? A character that spoils the game for you, yeah that's great to put in for a new audience that would be unaware..

I'm playing as a Brujah or Ventrue so far.

What is the point of having Brujah in the game? Literally the most boring nigger clan imaginable.

>Implying Tzimisce isnt the perfect clan for stealth
>Implying it isnt our time

>You can literally turn into a wall
>Auspex can't do shit
>You can basically steal apperances

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>Be tzimisce
>Combine acid blood with blood form
>Literally undestroyable goo of destruction


you have to talk to the Camarilla members in the game. Tsimesce is off limits.

Just shapeshift yourself into a cammy

Probably Nos even though I really want Gangrel.
I’ll have to play as a Tremere then.

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Thinblood - easy mode/gun focus with stunted charisma
Tremere - mage
Toreador - diplomancer
Ventrue - jack of all trades

They needed a pure melee clan.

But this also means they're lacking a stealth specialist clan, so Nosferatu is probably the last reveal. I don't even like Nos, but they seem the most obvious since you NEED at least one of the two meme clans from the first game.

last clan will be caitiff

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SMT V Featuring Beckett from the Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines franchise

>toreador chef
>get cut
>have whole ghoul tables now
fug :D

>They needed a pure melee clan.
Should have added Gangrel instead, which could be fun as fuck to play as a rampaging beast ripping people apart.

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>not mental

If Nos is in the game they are going to castrate the stealth requirements, at best people will flip out if you stand too close to them
Even back in Bloodlines it was too much for casuals, Nosferatu had a bunch of game breakers on day one because nobody on the QA team could figure out how to play one

Based and Ennoiapilled.

Think there'll be an option to abstain from acquiring a clan? I would at least like more general trepidation about your new affliction. The PC from 1 absolutely did not give a shit from the get go despite being unwillingly turned.

They've said you can't skip that. Which makes sense from a plot perspective, sucks tho. I'm sure you can fuck around as a thinblood, use all 3 powers for a while (5 hours or so from what they said), until you need to choose.

It's ultimately gonna depend on execution. Thinbloods are fine in tabletop because resonances grant them temporary disciplines and politicking is smarter than fighting.
If they do the same style as 1, no. If they actually make talking through the whole game possible/gaining companions, then possibly

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>acutally wanting to stay as a cripple

You only get one thinblood discipline per playthrough and they're mutually exclusive, so you'll only get two powers to use.

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So each clan gets more powers than the ones shown on the website, right?

No? There'll be blood heal but no blood buff this time around.

And how that works mechanically will almost 100% guaranteed be different.

Toreador, as an example, will only have 4 abilities to use then?

From what I heard, you can try all 3 out as a thinblood, but need to pick 1 to keep when you clan up. Not sure if that's accurate.

Every clan has 6 powers (4 clan 2 thinblood) + blood heal as far as we know

That’s just speculation.

That sounds extremely boring and lazy. You are telling me if I play as a Tremere I can only use 3 fucking spells? Lame

>Thinbloods can return to humanity in V5
>Not wanting an optional hard mode with a bittersweet ending
Think ex-thinbloods just get hunted down by vamps for being walking masquerade violations?

Gangrel honestly would be betters served as antagonists if this is primarily a Camarilla setting, or the rebel outsiders that live in the rural areas.

They said things get out of hand during the heat of the battle with six active powers and firearms & melee weapons, which I found to be true in Bloodlines 1 at least. They said it might be possible to add each clan's third power back through modding though it's too early to say that for sure as of now.

The Bruja are also the obvious Anarch clan to balance out the obvious Camarilla clans (Toreador and Ventrue). Gangrels are just kinda there, and fit in more with the Sabbat which I doubt will be joinable.

>Want to replay VTMB
>Remember the sewers
>Remember that I can't bro it up with Lacroix without getting fucked.
>Remember Jeanette and VV become irrelevant after their quests and they have 10 minutes of dialog each tops
I hope Bloodlines gives the titty monsters tons of importance.

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>He doesn't abuse console commands on replays

Sabbat Gangrel tend to be retarded shovelheads who can barely speak in complete sentences. They're just boring cannon fodder. Cammie Gangrel and independent Gangrel at least have a few characters with personality like e.g. Beckett.

Now imagine choosing a path thats more moralfag than even humanity


>Remember Jeanette and VV become irrelevant after their quests and they have 10 minutes of dialog each tops

This was the big pain in the ass for me. It all comes down to Nines, LaCroix, and the Chinamen. I'd have rather had some kind of neutral route with the minor barons teaming up to push everyone back to the status quo.

No, I just said that every clan has 6 “spells” to use.
Tremere are actually the only clan so far losing a significant amount of powers from this. Plebs like Brujah or Toreador had 3 powers in the first game and they were all just buffs/debuffs

so im guessing envelop will work like the whirlwind perk from bioshock where you place a trap and said trap activates when enemy runs through.

its going to be really hard to choose between chiropteran and nebulation for thinblood discipline. if nos is the last clan ill pick that clan to play first playthrough, which power should I use?

>keep hearing about the sewers
>don't even remember it being that long or bad
>finished it pretty easily with barely any fighting as Tremere

I still remember how bad the game gets post Hong Kong (literally no clipped my way through all of that garbage) but I don't remember the sewer being bad at all. Did I play a patched version that fixed it or some shit?

God, I want to fuck Ennoia's hairy puss

That's the Strauss ending.

3 spells, 2 thinblood powers, 2 auspex powers, bloodheal... VTMB 1 had a lot of passive disciplines, or 1 power disciplines

Fuck off she's mine

Fight me, you long nigger

well considering this game is going to be trash and have garbage writing its not gona be Malkavian.

youre an idiot. masquerade violations with disciplines have already been confirmed. the only way that can be done is if you are in a public area where npcs can see you. not only that a huge mechanic of the game is feeding off npcs to refill your vitae and we already have that confirmed as well.

this game for the most part will have the same exact mechanics as the first with new features like exploration and multiple routes for an area to use.

Gangrel's one is great too

dont worry bro, it is pretty much gauranteed that gangrel will be released when the first dlc comes out. we can wait, for now lets devote o

What clan would Nomak be? A Nossie because of his looks and habits?
I know that Deacon Frost is absolutely a Toreador (the meanest sample of one) and Dracula a Tzimisce (his demon form resembles a lot of the Zulo one, plus VTM Drac is one as well). But what about Nomak?

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>devote our meme power to nossies. fuck malks


Just give them constant access to the Oblivion character creator to "change" their identity. Which gains more options the higher your discipline is, giving you the ability to check boxes that say "my character is more sturdy because I closed off my ribcage", "give myself sick bone weapons" etc...

Oh and, eventually you can touch people and also access "their character creator" and hit "random" to fuck them up.

>Despite its ancient origins, the Path of Entelechy is a new phenomenon, driven largely by Brujah elders who despair over the degradation of their once-proud Clan. Those founders look upon the fact that Brujah are called “Rabble” with shame. Accordingly, they recruit younger Brujah who want something more than violence, anarchy, and death out of unlife.

>The most important sponsor of the Path of Entelechy is Menele, a Brujah Methuselah who psychically communes with his followers even while his torpid body lies beneath the city of Chicago. The childe of Troile wants to leave a legacy greater than 2,500 years of petty conflict with his old rival, the Toreador Helena. He has reached out to fellow travelers in Greece and Turkey, and guides potential candidates to philosophy teachers in preparation for his own imminent rising. He hopes that when that night comes, he will be met with a Clan of leaders and thinkers rather than thugs.

Based. Save the clan.

What the fuck? Post hong Kong was literally easy as fuck and I had horrible times with the sewers, didn't noclip t hrough the game at all, the sewers is pretty easy if you run away from shit and know where the fuck you are going.

Yeah it will be a FPS first and RPG second, which kind of sucks.

I'm gonna diablerie both of you unworthy faggots, and then fuck mommy.

>no hope for Gangrel
>No Warform rampages
Fuck this game.

>our clan is populated by people of action, emotion, and justice
>wtf childer stop getting in fights and caring about kine because you were once mortal

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Hello Yea Forums, you're up way past your bed time, aren't you?

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both sewers and china town arent bad. people who have ptsd of sewers are retards who kept trying to fight all the miniboss tier enemies or just plain retards who couldnt figure out how to get to the nos warrens.

final part of china town is alot of fun if you are a gun user because they throw so much ammo at you to shoot up the place. I can only see this part of the game being bad if you dont have good unarmed because that determines your ability to feed from enemies. When i went in with my gangrel protean build hardly anyone could scratch me but when i needed to refill my vitae i could grab anyone and suck em dry right in front of their buddies.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen Blade 2.
But doesn’t he live in the sewers like a filthy Nos hobo?

pretty much textbook nos. although blade universe has its own unique take on vamps like people being born actual vampires.

At least the werewolf game will be good r-right?

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>those hunters who were lifted straight out of Vampire Hunter D:Bloodlust

Was nice seeing that big fuck off hammer though.

>retards who kept trying to fight all the miniboss tier enemies
I tried and I won. It was pure RIP&TEAR musical. I loved every minute of it.

Attached: vtmb-gangrel-rip-and-tear-580522d66a184.jpg (600x517, 51K)

im hopeful but if you thought vamp SJW stuff was bad werewolf is even weirder
>vaccines bad
>civilization bad
>capitalism bad
>having sex for love with other woofs is bad
>no concept of humanity, only keeping the earth alive
>violent video games bad

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Eh, it'll be a mediocre action game with rpg elements. It's from the same studio that made Styx and that recent Cthulhu game.

All of this is real?

TL;DR werewolves mentality:
>What I dont like is Wyrm

like anything in wod its up to the storyteller what and how strongly anything is implemented in chronicles but that's the baseline for werewolf: the apocalypse
that's kinda why i prefer werewolf the forsaken because the main conflict is being a spirit policeman and a hunter instead of a violent treehugger

I think it will be so bad that’s it’s actually funny to play
>Become Cahal, a banished werewolf, forced to return to the aid of his endangered clan and master the devastating Rage within him to punish all those that would pollute, destroy, and corrupt our Mother Earth, Gaïa. On his bloody quest for redemption, Cahal will play a pivotal role in the Great War of the Garou against Pentex, a powerful corporation whose activities are upsetting the balance of nature

>made by Cyanide Studios, the devs of Pro Cycling Manager and many other turds
>published by Bigben Interactive who have games such as Pro Fishing Simulator etc. on their resume

Damn, Count Orlok can dance like THAT?

>no concept of humanity, only keeping the earth alive
bear in mind not even that. They were 1 of many changing breeds of all sorts of animals meant to keep the Earth alive and their autist rage made them kill most of the rest.
They are the biggest losers in the entire World of Darkness and there's no one to blame but themselves.

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VTMB 2 developers sadly haven't got the balls for a proper Tzimisce depiction and storyline.
And how would that even work anyway? How would they work in the Camarilla? Lasombra are an entirely different fruit.

Sorry user, but 90% we won't have them.

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If Tzimisce or Giovanni or any other unique clan gets in...
My dream is that they do something like Episodes from Liberty City. These unique clans ave their own unique stories instead of being shoe-horned into the main plot.

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>Too violent
Too violent fits the best Vamp clan though.

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>no game focused on being a Giovanni running a business, being a mobster and a bit of a necromancer during the weekends

The patched version adds a "shortcut" through the sewers that are so natural you are extremely likely to just skip the whole damn thing and barely even realize you did so.

Here are your bad guys whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Pentex
>Pentex is a multi-national megacorporation, one of the largest in the world, which is also tainted by the Wyrm. Its main agenda is the spiritual, moral and environmental corruption of the planet. It is the main tool on Earth of the Defiler Wyrm and one of the most implacable foes of the Garou.

Keep your incestual fantasies out of these threads.

>Cyanide Studios, the devs of Pro Cycling Manager and many other turds
They made Styx, a pretty good game series.

Malkavians can be stealth

>preset protagonist
>no character creation
it's fucking garbage cyanide are fucking retards

Stop lying. user the only reason you want to play as those mobster necromancers is to fulfill your incest fantasies in a game. You're not slick.

What use is character creation when you're going to spend most of your time as a fucking wolf monster?

>tfw the devs heavily hinted that the last clan to be revealed was not playable in the first game

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it's a rpg the table top has character creation cyanide are fucking retarded


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It's an action game with RPG elements. At least the Werewolf game is. Not everything needs to be an autism fest. Action has a place and there's not many better settings in WoD than Werewolf for that.

>tfw the devs heavily hinted that the last clan to be revealed was not playable in the first game
Source or I call this bullshit and you're gargantuic faggot.

It's a werewolf game, why do you need to be your own character? Why can't you accept that some games want you to play as a specific character. The Witcher series, most JRPGS...

Is this game good?

What if it is the Banu Haqim? They would fit perfectly the stealth archetype, although the bulk of the camarilla ones are the social and magical part.

why the fuck can't you make your own character

I would literally pre-order the game the instant they were revealed

in werewolf ttprg you spend most of your time in your natural form (human or wolf) doing normal roleplaying game stuff, only going into crinos form when engaging in do or die fights

it's fucking retarded bloodlines got it right we'll never get a werewolf equivalent of bloodlines cause cyanide are fucking hacks

Actually I just want to play as a necromancer. Why the fuck are necromancers so fucking scarce in games

Honestly... It fits the stealth role, it cancels out the whole 'Need to make sewers/custom diaologe, different way to initiate/end quests' thing that Nos has... I'd give them props for this ballsy... ballsy move.

Hey! That's not incest or Giovanni or incestual Giovanni.

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>I'd give them props for this ballsy... ballsy move.

People that want normie shadowfaggots instead of the actual interesting clan just because the latter was in the first game are lame.

Just get the plus patch and use the shortcuts.

What, like you ghoul someone and get to play as them for a mission or two? That'd actually be kinda neat, assuming there's variety in who you can ghoul, different benefits for them, requirements for upkeep etc.

This is a very interesting case anons.

>On one hand, we have (as you say) the need for a stealth clan. And what better depiction for that than the Sewer Rats, right?
>On the other hand, we have the Malkavians who are SUPER popular for various reasons and can also stealth as well. But, the developers have showed symptoms of shying out of the proper depiction of the Malkavian Madness, because they want to make it "right" to not offend anyone...aka pussy shit. This could mean that they scrap the idea all together and maybe add them as a later clan after they see how the game goes.

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>interesting clan
>ugly and smelly, that’s it

most games are about heros and forcing dead bodies to do your will is villainous
also rendering summonable/reviving dead enemies requires more programming time as opposed to stat boosts
have you played redemption? it has a character in it who has a necromancy discipline and you can make the main character learn it near the end of the game

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>most games are about heroes
Not Bloodlines for sure.

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Wait you can be a thinblood? I'm a lorelet but why would you want to be the beta c uck of all vampire types?

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I just realized something in the older books they explicitly compared drinking someones blood by force to rape, which kind of made sense in that context.
With how far left this game is I wonder if they'd address that. Maybe you won't be able to feed on someone without consent?

>>ugly and smelly, that’s it
Except that completely changes how they interact with the world around them, the type of relationships they keep and the type of experiences they're bound to have.

More villain games would be great too. Last ones I played were Overlord and Prototype I think.
But no I haven’t played redemption, is it worth a look?

You start out as one and join a clan for plot reasons

I would love for it to be nosferatu but it's pretty clear that the last picture is an asylum and therefore will be malk, since it's the most popular clan as well. Nosferatu will probably be the 1st DLC unfortunately.

Thinbloods are way fucking better in my opinion than all the vampire clans aside from Tremere.
Not as weak to sunlight, can eat food, can reproduce, gets unique disciplines that even ancient vampires can't learn (like Alchemy, flight, etc.) can create new disciplines easily.
Don't underestimate thinbloods.

>wanting to play a real life simulator
No thanks.

Lore accurate or not, I have a feeling being thinblood won't noticeably impact the protagonist's capabilities. He fucked everyone up in the teaser trailer.

>Wanting 5 near-identical experiences in the base game

Can't they just handle the Malk PC as a special case? It's not like there won't be any Malk presence in the game at all. Just give the player'"insanity"/curse from Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem or Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
>if you don't manage your wellbeing in some specific way your madness starts affecting the way you perceive the world (think how Ventrue have to feed on targets feeling a lot of emotion)
>first HUD and UI, then sound, then graphics, eventually actual gameplay gets harder or 'bugs out'
>keep the 'random encounter' dialogues and the whispers, add visual edits hinting at things that your insight gives you as a base level change (like subtle hints at other routes spelled out in blood or debris not present for other clans)

tl;dr they can handle the Malk PC as a 'special case' like 1 did

Someone said in an earlier thread that you might be able to stay a Thinblood as a super challenge run. Not sure if that's bullshit or not, though.

vtm redemption is a strange fusion of vtm and diablo so you spend most of it dungeon crawling so its up to you if that sounds appealing
its starts in the dark ages and ends in modern times
its also kinda old, so the graphics are dated
i personally like the gameplay but there isn't much variety despite the ability to level up 7 or so characters during so replayability is small unless you feel like getting both good and bad endings
if you have the 8 or so bucks and can enjoy old jank its good
if you do so i would recommend looking up a walkthrough so you can see the optimal advancement choices and looking through the manual, there's no ingame tutorial
6-7/10, worth playing at least once if you liked bloodlines

>can eat food
IIRC it's more like they can eat food without retching it up/spending points to not retch it up.

This has been said for ever, yet the existence of Nebulation also makes a good case for a stealth discipline. I really want it to be Nosferatu though all we can do right now is to wait for few more days.

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But low gen means they can be Dominated by anyone.
It also means they can never develop powers above rank 5

High gen, farther from Caine. Low gen are closer to Caine, therefore more powerful.


>low gen
High gen and yeah, they're pretty weak.

Though, I'm sure a properly specialized thin-blood can take on higher gen non-thin-blood vamps and resist domination.


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Ventrue and Brujah are better off as NPCs, prove me wrong.

brujah are better off erased from existence

unironically that but for Malks

Being able to stay Thin-blood would be cool, hard mode.


Attached: Lou.webm (1920x1080, 2.78M)

Nines was cool. Literally saved your life multiple times.

You terrible terrible taste senpai

Toreador as well. Most boring clans to play for sure

She doesn't do it for me boss.

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Why is there only that many?

Maybe diablerie is part of the story? Would explain how you grow in power.

I agree for Brujah. Easily the worst clan. Aside from True Brujah they're pretty cool.

Toreador could be kept as the boring default vampire clan focused on seducing humans and being faggots

stop deluding yourselves retards, they wont do any clan that deviates too much from the others or drastically change gameplay

They can be interesting if written right, I hope the game will have both Anarch and Camarilla Brujah to show the contrast.

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Isn't there a limit to diablerie?

Honestly, why even be "scared" to showcase the Malkavian Madness? It clearly doesn't work exactly like actual human mental disorders. It's supernatural-based.
And VTMB1 depicted it just fine. That's lame.

They literally said they want different archetypes and we already have a warrior, a mage and TWO fucking diplomats

>read all of this
That seems awesome its like a Paladin vampire.

>for placing the dream of stealing from a buffet when the elders say its ok over common sense

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I hope the game will have its spooks.
Brujah that are loyal to the Camarilla in V5 are based as fuck.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-05-26-05h15m38s982.png (1440x1080, 1.51M)

Because we have entered the age of the SJW not wanting it’s feefees hurt


Malkavian is DLC.

Not to mention that they have expressed their desires to move on to more "exotic" clans/bloodlines after the C7.

Attached: True Brujah mommies.png (1292x1100, 990K)

The way disciplines are implemented makes it difficult to have variety. The difference comes from each clan's themes. Blame P&P for being asymmetrical and not giving every clan a unique discipline from the start.

Assamites would be great as DLC later on,fulfilling a middle role between nosferatu and brujah (stealth fighter mix). Or if they go with the magic caste as an alternative to the tremere.

How loud will the crying be if malks are out

What clan were the low level Sabbat you see in VtMB's early game?


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Brujah and Gangrel most likely.

Gangrel most likely

some bootleg gangrels and brujah most likely

>The way disciplines are implemented makes it difficult to have variety
How so? It’s the opposite, each clan has a unique discipline not available to others. Potence is Brujah only, Dominate is Ventrue only, etc

>ancient vampires can't learn alchemy
Are we talking due to tabletop rules or are ancient vampires legit incapable of understanding chemistry?

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Aren't they just humans who think they'll become sabbat if they work for them? You don't actually fight proper sabbat guys until much later.


yeah call me when they show some gameplay

Attached: santa bye bye gun.jpg (587x618, 88K)

Nah, the ones who look like cholos are humans but the ones who howl and turn to dust are vampires.

How would people react to something like this today?

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Caitiff shovelheads most likely

Malk's aren't going to be a playable clan in vtmb2. Instead, one of the DLC storylines is going to focus entirely around them and also give the most OP weapons in the game.

It'll be available from level 1 and ruin the experience of the vanilla game.

Oh, I remember now. You also fight those dudes who are hunched over like gangrel too. Been so long since I always just stealth through the warehouse and never fight anything.


Journos and reddit bashing the game for being misogynistic while /vpol/ calling it based and redpilled.

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>Malk's aren't going to be a playable
Stopped reading right there. That’s nonsense. They’re coming, sooner or later

Samhain version is better youtube.com/watch?v=jJJQSXkVY8M

Yes but I would say the three disciplines taken as a whole would still offer more variety. IMO It was a mess in the first place, the difference between Brujah and Toreador is switching Potence for Auspex for example. Still amalgams helped with that.
With only two clan disciplines and thinblood, I struggle to see how they'll keep that up. Look at Malk, Nos, and Gangrel. Will Obfuscate be exclusive to Malk? Malk can't have anything else with Tremere getting Auspex and Dementation folded into Dominate. Will Animalism be Nos exclusive, and they don't get Obfuscate? Gangrel with Protean, but not Animalism? It doesn't make sense.

Lads, is there any clan as strong as the city gangrels? Obfuscate, celerity and protean.

you are just going for your midnight stroll when suddently a random smelly rat looking motherfucker appears out of nowhere and rips your intestines at mach speed with his 10 inch dirty nails.

Attached: citygangrelbug.jpg (632x1264, 54K)

tremere have had alchemy since before they were even vampires but it's more traditional
thin blood alchemy can technically be learned by anyone but only thin bloods can practice it since thin blood of the alchemist is a required material for all of their draughts

>playing unmodded

Protean also means he can literally just pop up from underneath the ground and pull you under.

Most importantly you can fuck yourself
>Homunculus: Create a miniature version of yourself to act as a servant

>Don't talk to me or my son ever again

You can enable histories without mods, you just have to put in a console command.

Some disciplines like Auspex, Celerity and Fortitude are not considered as the “signature” ones. Both Brujah and Toreadors have Celerity for example. What I’m expecting:
>Malk: Dementation/Auspex
>Nos: Obfuscate/Animalism
>Gangrel: Protean/Animalism (Fortitude?)

>Dual Form: Split into two weaker versions of oneself

Don't talk to us or our sons ever again

My favorite is the perv
>You love women. Good God Almighty, do you love women. You love their bits 'n you love their pieces. Mmmmmm yeah. They never really reciprocated your interest, but, well, fuck 'em. In undeath your suppressed appetites have reemerged. You gain extra blood when feeding on a human of the opposite sex. Unfortunately, undeath has done little for your personality. Your Subterfuge cannot be raised above one.

Those are both statistically terrible


The guys with brown hair and large hands were Gangrel. The guys with black hair and shotguns were Brujah. The guy in the cutscene who gets got by Nines is one such Brujah and his two buddies are both the same brown-palette Gangrel.

Exactly, the devs decided to not include backgrounds on purpose.

The warlord of the Camarilla and the General of the Sabbat are the same Gangrel. Quite likely through an ability similar to that called Dual Form. Which allows the wielder to split into two identical, yet seperate and weaker versions of himself.
That or he's very good at managing his time.

Attached: Jalan Ajaav.jpg (775x506, 99K)

Dementation doesn't exist anymore unfortunately

>VTMB2 confirmed backgrounds are "cop" and "barista"
What did they mean by this?

Because of balancing issues

Just about to start my first playthrough of Bloodlines,

>Gangrel or Tremere?

Attached: Oh shit be cool.png (861x549, 528K)


>tumblr artist
>reddit karma king
>gaming journalist
I can’t wait

Make sure you install the community patch first nigger
Tremere are OP as shit in bloodlines and nothing really like their tabletop equivalent

What is the best clan for a former cop, anyway? Ventrue?

Tremere gets a unique comfy hideout and are pretty fun to play

I meant more like just forcing everyone back into their corners and restoring the Kuei-Camarilla-Anarch power balance while returning the Sarcophagus to the museum or something.

Tremere or toreador as first. make sure to focus up on combat defense

They sound way more OP in the tabletop.

Toreador and Tremere are the best classes

Nosferatu and Ventrue are B-tier

The rest are shit, except the Malks which are Reddit-core autism

toreador. They are best at firearms. There is literally a backstory for ex swat.

Thanks. How do they fit into the pretty boy artist thing though?

Any. I've had the idea of a Gangrel cop. Which would've basically been me copying Bigby from the wolf among us.
Ventrue works a member of authority.
Brujah as some hot-blooded justice-seeker.
You can justify a cop being in almost any clan. Clans are broad.

Tremere can do some bullshit on the tabletop but it usually requires setup or at least difficult skill tests

In bloodlines you can just walk into a room and explode into a fountain of magical death at the drop of a hat

Imagine being so bored and ancient you start playing the Jyhad against yourself

Attached: totallytwodifferentpeople.png (353x740, 351K)

Aside from Dominate, are Ventrue more suited to melee or firearms?

technically melee since presence only works in melee range but either works, you can just put the extra points into stamina so that nothing can actually hurt you


What’s the lore behind dropping Dementation in V5 anyway?

Aren’t all old vampires completely fucked in the head in this universe?


Although the Dual form makes more sense. I like the idea its just this one insanely active vampire running between Sabbat and Camarilla cities to order counter-attacks against strategies he just formed. Not because he has an insane split personality but more like someone playing both sides in Chess just for the sake of memorizing strategies and mastering it. Justifying his long trips abroad as hunting expeditions and no one really questioning cause he's a insanely strong Mongol warrior who has some of the highest authority in the sect.
Plus he'd only be like 300 years old when the Sects formed and he's had his position(s) since day 1.

it still exists as an amalgam power of dominate and obfuscate
instead of a suite of powers its a power that lets you cause intense mental damage by having smalltalk with someone

melee simply because they have fortitude

Nit all Toreador are into traditional things like painting, writing, and such. Many find beauty in action, travel, life/death, or even concepts. A Toreador cop can find justice and law sexy as fuck.


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>fuck off mom

You did FREE Heather from ghoulship, right?

They already said you keep your thinblood discipline

Why the fuck could you not ghoul her

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Nah just told her to stay inside.

Of course not. I'm not an utter fucking moron, after all.

It's funny since Anarchs are now keeping families, raising children, and dating and shit in V5

>favorite clan
Post them. let your taste be judged.

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All fucking rat-eaters must fucking hang.

And that won't totally backfired in a couple of years. There's a reason why, besides the Masquerade, leave love ones.

Of course they are, because why wouldn't the "Fuck You Dad" faction do shit vampires don't do just to be special?

>raising children

You mean literally raising their wives' sons? Because dead nuts shoot no sperm cells.

>Plague-bearer questline
>Santa Monica theme

VV loves me you guys


>Gary's lewd poster hunt
>All the licensed songs are too edgy for my taste but I do like the BGM for Santa Monica

>If you don't have speech skills your only options are to eat the masquerade violation or straight up kill her
>All the successful speech checks are just telling her to fuck off in some way anyway
Genuinely concerned for your well being and gets mistreated almost no matter what. I can see why the likes of Ash would be pissed about being embraced since you're forced to cut all ties with friends and family for their own safety because you gotta help keep a bunch of parasites safe and sound.

>Model Citizen
>Santa Monica
>Small Gof

What wretched strain of Caine's Curse is this?

IIRC, Ash was more buttmad about being bored.

I'm interested in what kind of relationship the player had to her. She looks like the total opposite person the tremere girl would be hanging around with.

thinchads can knock up chicks

She might have been a cousin or family friend.

the games intro premise doesn't really work for tremere anyway.

Isn't it a one in a million chance of this happening?

All the more reason Caine is manipulating you and everyone else.

>go Toreador for early speech bonuses
>mid to end game shootouts all turn into Max Payne
toreador a best

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Are you trying to imply a Tremere couldn't go rogue? Especially at the behest of Caine, if we're going with that theory?

Yes. Rare Thinblood can pass as real live people for a while. Some can be in the sun for a bit.

Reminder that the 5th is Malk and your opinion on the subject doesn't matter.

Attached: bloodlines2-2.png (2659x720, 2M)

While the pyramid was still active and the Tremere primogen was in good standing with the local prince? Nah, it doesn't make sense at all. Ventrue don't make sense either desu.

malk > ugly nos

can't wait to dab on you malkfags on wednesday

the devs want the protag to be "sexy bae" they won't add nos

Noss-chads, rise up!

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The Tremere PC existing in the first place doesn't make sense, but I thought Strauss's handling of the situation was nevertheless fairly believable and in line with what I'd expect from a Tremere authority figure in that situation. Observing the neonate and sending them on errands to test their mettle, all while dangling the potential reward of membership in the pyramid like a carrot to motivate the neonate. Whether that carrot is a sincere offer or if he and his superiors plan to whack you after the sarcophagus business blows over is ambiguous, though the game seems to lean more towards the former since most of that backroom pyramid politicking would be lost on most players.

exept you can, ecepcially if you made them firsthand.
i don't see why we don't get all th clans from the original though

>tfw '94-'04 can never be experienced again

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no malk no buy
no slutty outfits no buy

>tfw born-in-the-90s 90s kid
just kill me familia

I don't disagree, it's how the Tremere PC comes into being that doesn't make sense is all. And that's fine. They needed a magic class so whatever. Like you said Strauss handles it well, as does LaCroix if you're a Ventrue. (Or at least as well as you'd expect an older Ventrue to take care of an unfortunate youngling.)

Malk was the only slightly interesting thing about this hyperbolically overhyped source engine shitfest. Without malk getting through the story and dialogue would be insufferable. And even then the eccentric dialogue grates on you after a while.

Why only 5 clans? If it really is that few I sure as shit hope they will make each clan extremely unique.

Gangrel should be there instead of Brujah. Everyone but Brujah sympathizers can see this as objective truth. Ventrue and Toreador are pretty much indentical, except Ventrue are just Tores with a crusader-esque obsession with the Camirilla and the masquerade. This Gane is already looking like a fundamental fuck up since they're forcing an "either/or" approach between Nos and Malk being in the game.

To milk DLC from you. Also to add more exclusive clan content. Like the malk and nos had in the first game.
Actually, clan dlcs are being advertised as free, but this Paradox, so there must be a catch to the free part.

They've explicitly said they're trying to make each clan not be wildly unique, when discussing Tremere.
Not a fucking chance.

The disciplines they've shown so far are all fairly simple effects. They're nowhere near what would have to be done to make a good Protean war form power. Gangrel will probably be DLC for that reason alone.

>Nosferatu are SURE to be in because it's a COOL and UNIQUE experience! Everything's so much more different!
That's exactly why it'll be malks, you dipshits. it's less work for the devs. What, you thought they'd put effort into giving certain clans extra paths/progress options through a level like they did in VtMB 1?

They have to realize that litterally a single obese neckbeard at most would actually do a full play through as Nos. It is a waste of development time and money. Instead of creating shit tunnels that one guy will spend all his time inside, why not focus that time and effort on more levels and areas? Sewers should be exempt from games, there's not a single exception to the factual statement that all sewer levels are shit. So these big brain geniuses decide to add in the clan that makes the entire experience a sewer simulator, to appease and appeal to.... Nobody.
There's going to be a single journalist that plays 2 hours as a Nos then complains that the game is nothing but walking around in sewers in-between barely functioning and half assessed stealth segments in a supposedly immersive dialogue heavy RPG. This game is going to hover just barely over 60 on all the scoring sites, screenshot this


Attached: chrome_20190519_202538.png (787x158, 29K)

Playing Malk on first blind playthrough is quite genuinely the only thing the first game has going for it.

>no malk no buy
Easy free dlc
>no slutty outfits no buy

If Nos ends up playable, how does that work with the story? Wouldn't you have to diablerize a nos i.e. put your mouth on one?

brujah are fucking trash they're the worst clan

What would you do if you were embraced this very moment. Let's assume you're 12th generation and not thinblood.

We still don't know how clan selection works, and although the game is based on V5, it's still explicitly got its own Mitsoda OC donut steel shit. It's not impossible we ascend some other way, especially if Lilian=Lilith is confirmed.

Shitpost about it on Yea Forums probably

What’s so complex about war form though?
>activate it
>go ham
They could even do the thing they did with blood magic: activate a power once and you get claws, activate it a second time and go full war form. I don’t know what a second Protean ability would be though since all they had in vtmb1 besides claws and transformation was heat vision and a stamina buff. Perhaps some general buff as well

The real reason Nos's won't be in at launch is because they simply aren't as popular as Malks. In fact I think even Gangrel might be more popular than Nos's. However, you're overestimating the amount of effort they'd have to put in. When they do eventually implement Nos's as a playable clan, one of their main powers will be an ability that lets them temporarily look like a normal human long enough to travel through public areas and talk to human quest NPCs. This same ability will have some different application in combat zones.

That's how they'll do Nos's. The unique dialogue will mostly consist of some extra few meaningless comments from Kindred characters when you first meet them.

Wouldn't that be a masquerade violation?

>no slutty outfits no buy
Day 1 mod in fact.

Either a general buff or a transformation into a bat that is weak but has much greater freedom of movement than the thinblood powers like e.g. glide that help you get around.

Go out and pop this cherry.

Obfuscate, first ability gives you Mask of a Thousand Faces, second ability gives the invisiblity from the first game. It would need to work differently from mistform, of course.
There, ezpz.

fuck a masquerade violation, hunters are usually frequent message board posters.

>Media: BREAKING NEWS - Some anonymous Yea Forums user said some crazy bullshit about vampires on /x/
somehow i doubt it

No they aren't. Fuck right off.

Oh yeah, or Earth Meld, traveling underground. I would also suggest Mist Form but Nebulation exists

last clan is Malkavian bitch.
calling it now .Malkavian is last clan because of the way they talked about mental health

nos's signature discipline is obviously going to be obfuscate but it be like ventrue's new dominate in that it will be more of one power as opposed to two.

first part will be limited invisibility that can be increased for better effect then second part will be a stealth kill that will not break stealth if done right.

second discipline has me stumped because chiropteran took a part of animalism however I think it will still be animalism since it can not be potence. for animalism I could see the first power letting you control a rat as a scout, sort of like the new auspex and then im at a loss for the second power.

>hunter sourcebooks written as forum conversations
>hurr nuh uh >:((((((

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They won't have anything unique for Malk then.

I fucked a goth girl who was into the VtM shit once. (She was an autistic cutter)

how fat was she

Both of you should join Lasombrafags and Sebastianfags to wait for the sunrise and stake yourself. You've made these threads beyond shit with your autism. You're incapable of theorizing without being autistic about it.
These threads were fine when theories revolved and revolve around Lilian being Lilith. Dale being more than he seems. Theories about how will we obtain clan. Last decent theory was Anson=poster guy because it involved interesting suggestion about the plot. These were nice theories because fags of these theories had something interesting to say and suggest without being pure autists and shitposters, unlike you.
You two (+ Lasombrafags in the past and Sebastian autists) are just pure autism at this point that has shitted these threads and my will to even come to them. There is nothing interesting, or worthy being said between you. It's just Smash tier autism.

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Friendly reminder that Mitsoda is taking liberties. It's not impossible Dementation is still in. It's also not impossible "signature disciplines" aren't unique.

I hope they all get BTFO desu. Hope last clan is completely random and that it BTFO all of them and put them on suicide watch.

Fags or reddit clan and fags of neet clan are cringe? No shit.

Not sure why anyone's excited for this.
>not made by the same team
>nuWoD is cancer in purified form and its stink will most likely trickle down to the project regardless of which version they use
>devs think VtMB was too offensive and already went on record that they're not willing to step on any toes
>Paradox funded
Set your expectations low because it's gonna be shit. There's no reason to expect otherwise.

This , anyone who thinks malks will not get dementation are delusional. a better question is how will it work. probably hysteria and berserk?

Then Mitsoda V5 is already an improvement over official V5.

Probably because these autists do come from Smash threads.

That's not what my post means at all. Malks are like 99% confirmed for being the last on-launch clan, but we simply don't know enough about the dev teams plans to say anything solid beyond that.

obfuscate could work like where you use mask of a thousand faces to disguise yourself (think spy tf2) and then the second could be manifold guise where it applies MOAF on enemies so they cant tell who to attack and hurt eachother

100% they are going to bring back Dementation just for the sake of uniqueness since Malks can’t have Obfuscate or else that leaves Nossies without a signature discipline. Mind you Nossies can’t even have Potence because it’s a Brujah signature so they’re stuck with Obfuscate/Animalism no matter what.
It’s also safe to assume that because they stated that the game won’t be totally by the book in terms of mechanics and they kind of made up a bunch of thinblood disciplines already.

At least it will be over in less than 4 days, once and for all.

honestly I cant see how they can fuck this up. the one thing that had me worried at first was the whole thinblood part but after learning that you go into a clan and carry on one of the new thinblood powers I not only changed my mind but am super stoked.

chiropteran and nebulation are too fucking cool to not be excited for

It's shitposting. They'll just start pretend-arguing about the DLC clans.

Let me at least dream that threads will become somewhat less autistic/Smash to some extent.

The quality of the writing is what will really determine if this game lives up to its predecessor, and so far we've received a mix of good and bad signs on that front. Ultimately though we just don't know enough yet to accurately guess which way it'll go.

Sorry, user. The worst type of Smash autism on these threads will start after last clan is revealed because autists will constantly spam threads about who will get in DLC, and then you'll have more autists than just Malkfags and Nosfags arguing about it.

Let see what ToreChads did
>Arikel is the favorite and one of the oldest of Caine
>Her brother and sister Antediluvians SEETHE with jealousy because of her beauty and power
>Clan "curse" is boon to make her Kindred feel alive
>inspiration for the Path of Humanity
>still up and running without causing too much havoc; might be in Greece
>Toreadors are the leaders of culture
>so hedonistic, they can topple empires like Rome and Carthage
>Ventures and Brujah still SEETHE at Toreadors because they believe Toreadors caused their pet empires to fall which they did lol
>founded the Camarilla
>Started the Renaissance
>started many trends really
>can manipulate kine with just words or just a bit of Prencense
>guardians of Elysiums
>throw the grandest parties where if you're not invited, you're basically a nobody
>hide behind the facade of being airheads while manipulating you and others
When did you noticed Toreadors are the most powerful Clan, Yea Forums?
Also, they might have caused the Holocaust to get inspiration from the suffering of Jews.

Attached: Torea-mommy.jpg (582x853, 92K)

>ran from ennoia like a little bitch

>being the ultimate faglords
Ventrue are cooler and I hate Ventrue

Still salty about Rome, huh, Venty?


Attached: 13654_Brujah_bd6f89539a94da6facfd6b310590dd4c.jpg (950x633, 94K)

I would too. Queen of the Bitches is fucking scary.

What if the last clan is Ravnos? How mad would you be?

toreador fear the knot

good, fuck furfags

>clan not playable in original game
not at all as long as it's done well / 10

Toredors are only good and interesting if they're antitribu.
"Ventrue" are only interesting if they're Lasombra.

In conclusion: Both suck and are just Mary Sue versions of much more interesting clans than them. They're both vanilla and boring as fuck.

umm that's problematic it's almost as if you can be tough without using slurs???

based and redpilled

Attached: high impact.jpg (600x503, 38K)

I actually like illusion powers. But how could their clan curse be implemented?

Hey, fellow Kindred. Where are some Elysiums I should go to?

You have to be black.

user no!

Fuck off, retard.

I would actually be happy if they add a new clan that wasn't playable in one.
One: It would stfu both of current autists that we have that are arguing for months about last room.

It's win-win.

>their clan curse is playing bloodlines brujah

>their clan curse is that you don't get a character creator
>your model is low-res and low-poly

Toreador males.


Attached: 1485308274388.png (1334x750, 1.55M)

God damn it user, why

Have they talked about clan curses for the game?

Speaking of Bloodlines Black Brujahs.

>Talk to Skelter for the first time
>Immediately shits on you for no real reason
>Say like 1-2 neutral lines
>Starts casually philosophizing and calling you brother/sister

>Antitribu Toreadors

t. Toreador male

iirc based on Florian's ramblings

you get double damage cause every person in Seattle hates Tremeres
willpower check?
they have to use the Tinder/Tender? app (the one they held an event for during the game reveal) Most humans will have a different "flavor" or "emotion" and you can only feed from a specific type.

30 seconds of this video and my nostrils have been completely filled with the smell of old tuna.

Brujah frenzy easier, Tremere take more damage from kindred, Ventrue have a taste for certain blood resonance and Toreador are gigantic faggots

That should be Ventrue, though. They are the one with access to both Presence AND Dominate.

Toreadors don't need to be antitribu to be messed up. See Vick and guy on the poster (if he's Anson). Even Patty's master suffered from usual Toreador's illness of being psychopaths that drop everything once they get bored of it.

Skelter is a Gangrel.

Ventrue are limp faggots that are too scared to get their dicks out and they're cunts by default.

why was VV such a nice toreador?

Yes. Still the best pick for social clan.

Attached: 1558310596381.png (1280x719, 450K)

Because you're beta orbiter that will allow yourself to be manipulated by her without getting anything worthy from her in return because you're a faggot. That's why.

Is there anything hinting that besides the game files?

is he tho?

no. although jack says "most" of them at the bar have brujah blood but nothing about who isn't brujah.

I can see an Anarch Gangrel calling you a little bitch right off the bat but it seems more Brujah-y.

it's just weird that it wouldn't be brought up and he shows no signs. at least beckett has the eyes and a semblance of claws. plus the foaming at the mouth is definitely a brujah thing.

Attached: gangrel on brujah.png (325x238, 94K)

I never said that "unique" Toreadors like those don't exist.
I just said that antitribu Toreadors are ones that get pleasure from suffering of others. Zantosa bloodline in particular is the one that is infamous for perversion and Jo Kamisaku tier shit.
Normal Toreadors are just faggots for sake of being faggots.

have some fresh OC

Attached: beckett disapproves.png (1231x1000, 1.11M)

Not every Gangrel has animal traits. In fact, they shouldn't even have it. Only Gangrels that frenzy a lot might get stuck with such traits. Beckett having such traits only shows he isn't as "innocent" or "nice" as some people think he is.

bad at sex

Aren't vampires supposed to have a chance to frenzy around fire? It doesn't necessarily mean he's done something bad.


Attached: Rudi t.Gangrel.jpg (918x1225, 192K)

All Gangrel will (or at least used to) become a beast eventually. It's unavoidable. The eldest Gangrel are hardly more than monsters for the most part honestly. Their the only clan that has a real hard limit on their immortality.

Beckett has a rating Humanity of like 3. He is not a nice person.

im glad they seem to be ignoring the gangrel completely but this guy still grinds my gears. fuck him for trying to be the de facto leader of the clan with the least structure.

Attached: delet.jpg (603x603, 174K)

this shit is fucking embarrassing the writer's a fucking cuck retard

IIRC, Rotschreck is technically not a frenzy, though I don't know how it works with Gangrel's clan curse.
As I understand it, the permanent animal features have been removed for V5, anyways.

>Watch all the clan introductions for VTMB2 with the project manager.
>Throughout the whole thing people in the chat keep dropping questions generally curious as to why some of the content that was in the previous game got changed like the lack of disciplines and whether it can be modded.
>"Oh we decided to go with Thinblood this time because it's just not fair for new players to immediately make a game defining choice at the beginning of the game" Despite nobody EVER complaining about this shit in VTMB and it being a feature that still made VTMB a beloved game.
>"Oh we decided to cut back on clan disciplines because it's just toooo haard to manage between more than 6 skills, especially in battle" Despite nobody every complaining about this shit for VTM:Redemption or VTMB where along with Auspex the Tremere had fucking 10 (TEN) disciplines to choose from between Domination and Thaumaturgy, making them have 11 abilities in total to interchange during combat, giving players way more variety and different ways of playing the clan the way they want.
Honest question to the shills, why would this game be anything but an absolute fucking shitstain when the developers are plainly showing us and doing this much bending backwards to accommodate the bottom of the barrel players who wouldn't put the effort. Why would I do such a thing like actually drop money for this instead of just pirating this piece of shit when it releases.

Attached: oops.jpg (237x234, 17K)

what would it be like in Rudi's army?

The lore was always inconsistent with this. It would say what you just did, but then it would also have low generation Gangrel of ancient vintage pop up as NPCs who showed little or no problems with either animal features or succumbing to the Beast.

the way they're doing guns is retarded too

Legitimately looks like a dude who gets fucked in the ass at truck stops. I bet he's wearing assless chaps.

Beckett is cold hearted and he doesn't care about anything that involve his Indiana Joanes syndrome.
One of the main characters, Lucita, even yelled at him for this.
Beckett is also very easy to piss off. All you have to do is somehow hurt his "pride." Aka get in the way of his dear books, theories and stuff related like that. Only childe he ever had he sired out of revenge. Why? Because said girl in question accidentally hurt his "pride." However, Beckett gave no shit about the fact that it was an accident. All he cared about is that his precious list that had his books was burned and he went out of his way to teach Marie a lesson aka turn her by force into a thing she despised most as a hunter, a vampire.

Beckett is far cry from nice and Saint. He's only "nice" if you don't get in the way of his research and explorations. Get in his way regarding one of these things, even if it was by accident, and you will see just how "nice" can he be.

I mean, most of those old bros don't follow the path of humanity anyway. They just accept the beast, but I can't really think of any old big names besides maybe Brunhilde that don't have animal features.

I don't know, the pay was pretty decent for what the jobs were.

Only thin blood render was good.
>Brujah - stereotypical fag from German oily porns
>Tremere - septum piercing
>Toreador - tumblr xe
>Ventrue - el goblino
Can't wait to see the render for the last clan.
On the bright side, if it's Nosferatu, then they can't possibly fuck them up more than they were. You can't go worse than BDSM gear in 1.

Why are there no real vanilla/generic options?

Ventrue are Machiavellian dickwads.
Toreador are shallow pretty boy socialites.
Brujah, by and large, hate the main sect and are defined by how contrarian and violent they are.
Gangrel are weirdos who live in the woods and fuck pigs.

No real Human Warrior/Paladin in VtM.

That's why you install mods, boss.

Attached: preview.jpg (1196x603, 214K)

Have they shown even 1 more frame of titty monster?

Enter...Clan CHADferatu.


Attached: Sewer Chads.jpg (1280x720, 153K)

Gary.. Gary you miserable sewer rat

That picture looks like some relic from a hotfire website.

Hotfire? Really? You could have just said Geocities, and not looked like a tool.

No gangrel no buy




Attached: Nosferatu.jpg (600x757, 66K)

whiff in hell

Get fucked tremcuck, literally every other clan is better off with the new system. Hell, thinblood powers alone are more interesting than anything from the first game

Cherish this autism, user. Cherish it! You're going to miss it.
It'll only get worse after last clan is revealed. Then you'll have every single fag that didn't get in fighting over who will be in the DLC.

You are now aware that Vampire - The Masquerade: Bloodlines 2 is written like that and not Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2.

>Brujah - youtube.com/watch?v=dU6LwptKvYg
>Tremere - youtube.com/watch?v=K-Hfkm_fA28
>Toreador - youtube.com/watch?v=DY7XEWwCXNk
>Ventrue - youtube.com/watch?v=ceYjCOOVyUk
>it's either womyn or nigger


shut the fuck up

I was always are of that, though, because I'm not retarded.

Stop gooning around.

It's actually Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2.

Lmao at that dumb broad lighting a fire and immolating a guy in the middle of her office. Who thought it was a good idea to let women join Clan Ventrue?


The most GOTH theme desu

Attached: Smug Tung.jpg (500x672, 39K)

>Sweden publisher
>Sweden devs

Attached: +_7fda3de8895e19ac93b3f025f131755d.jpg (640x360, 63K)

tbf she's clearly immune to rotschreck, she's basically a wunderkind

Stop linking things at a specific time code, silly rat sucker.

Malks have Obfuscate too.

>He's mad because he doesn't know how to do it


The Ventrue teaser is probably the worst.

I just wanna hear the full song without having to mess around with the playback bar.

How can you say that when the Brujah trailer exists?

The post wasn't just for Tremere you disingenuous brainrotting shitsplattering cretin, it was an example to show that the micromanaging was never an issue when clans like the Tremere had swathes of options for the clan that was never an issue and had way more complexity that was left for the players to decide how to play them. Cutting clans out of their disciplines like Aura for Toreador, and Presence for Brujah because of some dogshit excuse that it's just too hard to "play manage" is a load of bullshit that only shows how barebones this turd of a game is going to be. Go be a fucking casual some place else you retard.

Attached: 166ltr.jpg (250x231, 5K)

These videos show absolutely nothing about these Clans

When will they show actual gameplay? E3? Gamescom?

Because the Brujah teaser at least has decent dialogue, for what it's meant to portray. The Ventrue teaser is unnatural and incoherent in its dialogue, I know what they're trying to say but it's done in a moronic way. What's actually happening visually is lame as well.

We know you did it accidentally, though.
Unknown, my money's on E3. There's definitely a playable build at Paradoxcon, but that's months off.

don't get me wrong the ventrue trailer is retarded but anything is better than antifa kween

>tfw never will be Toreador with Vicissitude
It hurts.

Attached: 1557431295296.png (818x1000, 399K)

Above all else, Vampire the Masquerade is personal horror. It is about portraying a character thrown into the existence of a monster, cut off from their old life and thrust into a world of sin and depravity, terrors and their own body beginning to turn against them via the beast. This is why the Nosferatu are the quintessential VTM clan, their concept goes all in on the initial idea. Where other clans can be played as "super heroes with fangs" and "self insert sex gods", something often criticised for going against the point, such things are impossible for Nossies. Their story IS personal horror in a way the others can gloss over.


Attached: nossie.jpg (1081x608, 57K)

All VTM Bloodlines does is remind me that I will never have a gaming group that will take their characters seriously and actually want to collaboratively make a good chronicle.

>super hero
>self inserts
>going against the point
not anymore lmao look at rudi

V5 is an abomination

>Guy learning all he can about blood and doing some fucked ritual blood magic stuff
>Lady seductively and slowly making her way up to a man sat at a table before ruthlessly feeding at his jugular and getting it all on tape for her to savor and marvel at later
>Punk being a terrorist
>Corpy taking out trash
Ehhh, they delivered the stereotypes.

Only Ventrue is bad in that respect.

Toreador voice actress make duck hard

Attached: Funny-Duck-Smoking-Picture.jpg (375x380, 14K)

hardened ducks are deadly foes

Based and redbilled

Zantosa Toreadors don't suffer from curse in which they need suffering of others in order to feel alive like antitribu Toreadors do. They have the same curse as normal Toreadors, difference being is that normal Toreador will write you a poem telling you how wonderful you are and how much they love you. While Zantosa will gouge your eyeball with their dick, while using Vicissitude to make you suck your own dick.

>implying they don't take the knot on MalkHub videos

Yeah, acid blood is a level 6 discipline, so off limits to any normal player.


Malk has obfuscate, user

I hate how fags got an idea that performing Vicissitude is on the same level as pulling a rabbit from magician's hat. That's not how it works
That's not how Vicissitude works and only few (VERY FEW) Tzimisce are skilled with Vicissitude enough to perform things that are even semi-close to things you fags think that they can do with it. Even those that are very skilled with said Vicissitude , can't do the type of bullshit you think they can. At least not on the spot.

Can I have it on playstation?

Literally, yes. The whole point of the tabletop is that your elders are inscrutable and inherently more powerful than you.

People say that wearing a mask/hoodie or whatever gets past this but think about the last time you've seen someone wear a type of mask outside of Halloween. It's weird, pretty intimidating. and immediately striking and memorable. Hiding your appearance through a mask is probably the worst thing you can do to make people not notice you or take you casually. Nossies are inherently gimped.

Mask of a Thousand Faces.

The mask is a stupid idea; but a big coat with a hood, baggy pants, and (if you happen to live somewhere where it's acceptable) a surgical mask can get you pretty far, at least from a distance. You're gonna be memorable, but not because you're literally a monster, just cause you're dressed like shit



>Mask of a Thousand Faces.
Yeah, but that's only when your character's 3 points of Obfuscate in, have to actually work to get those points first.

Vamp can't be a goul, but they can be enslaved by blood like gouls

Nos are in the trailer, they're getting in, deal with it, pretty boy.