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Other urls found in this thread:



why would anyone use this anyways?
If you can create something competent good and fun you might as well use other tools that do not make you relinquish your creation to sony
I truly dont get it
This will be nothing but memes and porn

meanwhile smash bros undertale only warns about trans flags and konosuba ass


Nice shill, Bill

>ps4 level creator
>sony bans violence
>switch level creator
>nintendo bans tranny flags

Attached: lanky-kong-dab.png (690x388, 211K)

"Here is a creative tool. Create whatever you want! OI! Are you creating something that's not family friendly? Miss me with that shit!"
What's the point of being handed a creative tool if your creativity is going to be banned and removed anyway?


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How is this newsworthy?

Didn't the LBP games also have this kind of moderation, even before Sony went on its censoring spree?

this garbage is dead in the water
PC will always win

Someone needs to stop Snoy.

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haus of bevis was literally, unironically art and seeing it deleted is super fucked up

He is literally saying if you are not a child dont buy our products

b-but they were only supposed to censor underage panty quests! H-have sex incel! Stop asking questions! Consume product and get excited for next product. Pick up a football and stop second guessing our god snoy!

Because it's a content creation game and the precedents are being set for what you can and can't do with it. If peoples projects are going to be removed there will be less and less people pushing boundaries, and will go elsewhere.

What was it about?

It's not like a fully developed game making toolkit. It's just something someone can use to make a fun little level in a evening or weekend. It's a game. Not everything has to be a big giant project.

>nintendo bans tranny flags
and lewd stages. that doesn't fit the narrative, though.

So what was the level about?

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thats not relevant!
get upset!

And don't forget they deleted very very few tranny stages

it was a walking simulator full of statues of fat naked women attached to random quotes from movies

It's real though. The creator made a post on reddit. Apparently MM is going to get it back up, hopefully they can put Sony's moderating team in check.

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Seriously, what the fuck was it?

some art stuff, had quotes from you can go to five or six stores.

Didnt this retard just celebrate Arthur being censored?

It was some dude's pretentious art level with statues of obese people


Arthur was censored?

>random quotes from movies

What the fuck thats completely innocent?

Just checked Dreams, that level is still up. Its even still listed on the portal site.

Holy shit, so this is the state of play.

>one angry incel

Attached: burger.png (1279x726, 682K)

So it’s just dumb pretentious shit? Who cares?

>it's another "shit on sony for things they didn't actually do" thread

Don't underestimate Snoy.

nah man you just dont get it, its about the ART.

>global standards
When will the USA learn that the universe doesn't revolve around them?

Yup in Alabama. One Angry Hypocrite was butthurt about it existing and then happy it was censored.

>shit on sony for things they didn't actually do
It literally happened. Media Molecule even acknowledged it happened.

We'll... you are not wrong, he did say that.

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reminds me of bioshock

That was a good thing, forcing The Left to swallow its own medicine for once. SJW propaganda should be censored at every possible instance.

>far right conservatives are extreme hypocrites

>censorship of stuff I dont like is based!
As long as you admit it, dude.

That's fucking retarded. I'm tired of these censor hungry people on the right and left.

Its removal was an accident. The dude made a Reddit thread about his level removal and Mm staff responded saying they are looking into exactly why it was removed and are looking into if moderation needs to be changed to prevent future issues. The level has been brought back since.

Doesn't that blatantly violate the 1st amendment? Or was it just stations voluntarily not airing it? Banned sounds like the state banned it which 100% is unconstitutional.

Well Alabama is an extremely religious state. No need for gay shit or abortions here

Except it wasn't censoring. Mm literally said they liked the level and no one sees anything wrong with it and that they are investigating why it was removed.

Wait, is this real?
The MM people were literally shilling this creation during the GiantBomb quick look
Sony can't be this incompetent can they?

It’s a fucking cultural war, what are you expecting? If we give SJWs any mercy, do you think that they will give us the same? No, you fucking idiot.

Gay marriage is legal and exists so its a pretty bizarre thing to try and fight. But you're a culture war autist so yeah censorship of stuff you dont like is based. Very pathetic.


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Dreams is an E Rated game, no?

It was removed because of Sony, not MM. Read what one of the mods in the thread posted, Sony's team does the moderating, so it wasn't an accident, it was just Sony up to their usual bullshit of censoring everything. The creator decided to go ahead and censor it himself and removed the nipples to stay out of trouble. This is a victory for censorship. Fuck Sony.

>Hey, Bevis!
>Tom here from Mm (the Community Manager Tom, just to be clear!)
>We got alerted to your post by u/theOneironautilus on Twitter and we’re looking in to this for you, and moderation as a whole. We’ll get to the bottom of it! We’re all big fans of Haus of Bevis at the studio, as I’m sure you’re aware!
>Early Access is helping us refine all these systems, and more! So while this sucks right now, it’ll definitely help us shape how moderation as a whole works going forward.
>Can’t wait to see what comes next from yourself, too!

Sounds like it was either an issue with automated moderation, or people false flagged the level.

we don't need this, sex is inappropriate

Without seeing this first I was originally thinking Sony was probably in the right and people here were just sperging out about porn getting removed but no, as usual it’s Sony being retarded.

I’m actually really impressed with the level I had no idea you could make shit like this it’s really well done.

Or the US constitution

go away cuck


anime games are getting censored cause of leftists, and they are cheering

they will get the same treatment in return

go dilate

>Muh California

You're a few years late to be assblasted about gay marriage, hypocrite.

By "global standards" they mean sell in China

Where is murdering your own child inside your body in the constitution?

Corporations are more likely to be Soccer Mom filled than leftie filled.


imagine if 20 years ago tranny shit was forced into media

jesus christ let it end

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Ironic shitposting loses its luster when people like Billy actually act like this.

Face it, you fags are hypocrited and it undermines your whole argument. Either censorship is good or its not, so which is it?

This post actually made no fucking sense. Congrats.

you are the one who's assblasted lol

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wtf I love Nintendo now

Ask SCOTUS. Roe VS Wade wasn't overturned, friendo. It's a constitutionally protected right as per the people who interpret the constitution, which isn't your ass.


Yup censorship is based and redpilled!

>walking simulator

Attached: zzzzzzzz.jpg (300x201, 16K)

Man, I was hoping for a Bevis and Butthead level.

>they're not coming for the stuff I like!
Said the increasingly nervous Snoyboy for the fifth time this year

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How is it hard to follow? Your side lost the gay marriage debate and you have to deal with it.

Censorship is good if it is used against the spread of cultural marxism.

It was.

In anime especially. With trans characters not being jokes in stuff like Dirty Pair. Bloody Roar had a trans character too.

But...we won? Nigga I'm a liberal

>one angry gamer

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Japanese think feminine men is hilarious though. It had no agenda like these communist mixed race hair dyed demons are pushing.

>lol who cares it's just tits
>lol who cares it's just fat people
>lol who cares it's just x
Apparently we only need to care when it's a tranny flag, right?

Not him but the obvious answer is that Censorship is bad, but that said the people who are causing it are the ones being affected right now by it.
We told them before that this shit would come for the things they like, and they laughed. Now it's coming for the things they like. It's "man who shot self in foot wondering why he's bleeding" stupid, and it needs to happen and be cheered in order for them to learn from their mistake.

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So its based when anime tits are censored, gotcha

You don't know that. One of the earliest high level transgenger people in a political spot was in...Japan!

Social Justice and Feminism also exist in Japan.

NOT TO MENTION. Japan fucking hates lolicon, most anime, etc... You're seen as a waste of oxygen if you partake.

Strange, why can't you ever pick a button?

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I love how the retarded right wing zoomers on here are too young to remember the 90s or 2000s when the soccer moms got riled over the dumbest "sex" shit imaginable.
remember mass effect one's sex scenes? those nipple less bodies writhing around a minute or two somehow caused controversy, or hot coffee.
The evangelicalfags and soccer moms have only toned it down because of supporting trump, rest assured either next year or 2024 they'll be right back to getting assblasted about muh children

To be fair, they were really only "happy" because it was giving progressives a taste of their own medicine and showing that censorship of all kinds isn't good.

The Community Manager said that they brought the level back and will be looking to adjust their moderation policies at the least though. Also they are looking into adding player gating, hopefully based on the PSN account age restrictions.

I was laughing at that the Arthur thing to watching a whole bunch of SJW's screaming about censorship is is fucking hilarious considering they have been encouraging censorship and mocking people for complaining about censorship in games for year

Attached: Catherine Full Body's western localization will remove Erica's deadname in the credits, tr (1764x4501, 1.16M)

None of the people you replied to, but why do people think it's impossible to be against censorship of both weeb games and gay cartoons? If you're in favor of censoring either of them, then you'll create a precedent where people will try to censor things you do like.

Stop censoring stuff
Just make it 18/R/Adult only
Let me decide for myself

You don't want to make me angry, Sony-san.

Those people are worth being mocked because they get anal devistated when you tell them to just import an uncut release.

>soccer moms
Literally the same people who are throwing a fit about this shit were throwing a fit about that shit.
>N-no! It was republican evangelicals! Trump is to blame!
Were Joe Lieberman and Hillary Clinton republican?
Look at all the (D) names in this video:

Every time I think the clown world stuff is overblown shit like this happens.

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Oh no both of thosw things are censorship it's just sad anons here support it

what are you talking about they are being censored in japan now

have sex

>None of the people you replied to, but why do people think it's impossible to be against censorship of both weeb games and gay cartoons?
It's possible, but why do you think the people against censorship of gay cartoons are also against censorship of weeb cartoons?
You're literally talking for yourself in an industry that demands that they only one pet political agenda gets special treatment, everything else burns. They're slowly learning that the real world doesn't work this way, and you have to protect all of it.

Let them learn the hard way.

>It's another "white tranny tries to talk about a foreign country" episode
Don't you guys ever get tired of this shit?
Reminds me when some retarded white tranny actually unironically said that black people are more accepting of their lunacy.

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It's about the "right" kind of censorship for them. That they're just outing themselves as massive hypocrits again isn't important.

Cool I won't buy it then, pretty simple.

The rate of faggotry and tranny shit is higher amongst non-whties

Thats a dumb take

In the US.
Not in non-white countries.
I'm noticing a correlation here.

>Literally the same people who are throwing a fit about this shit were throwing a fit about that shit.
so conservative soccer moms?
>N-no! It was republican evangelicals! Trump is to blame!
it's cute you didn't actually read what I typed and just saw some words and assumed what I meant.
>Were Joe Lieberman and Hillary Clinton republican?
I mean the former literally went Independent shortly afterwards and Clinton at the time was of the triangulation deal where they appealed to said soccer moms so yes?
>using politicians
literally all of them would agree to ban video games over muh children if enough soccer moms cry about it

>le Japan hates anime meme

seriously where did this shit come from

>Using censorship as a lesson is the same as using because of hurt feels
You don't fire the first shot and get to cry foul when you get shot back.
Leave people alone and they'll leave you alone. Simple as that.

>Not in non-white countries.
I don't believe that for a second. Brazil is degenerate as fuck. And I'm sure there are extensive surveys/records in 3rd world shitholes.

The tables have turned between nintendo and sony.
Someone please tell me what the fuck is going on.

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>I don't believe that for a second.
That's because you're retarded.
Hence why you compare Brazilian trannies, many of whom were literally child prostitutes forced to fuck older men for money by gangbangers, to white trannies, most of whom are just mediocre white men who want to get rid of some of that extra privilege and play pretend so they can act like they're oppressed.

>even the president of Sony believes games are just toys for children
So much for games being art.

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Is this a game?

Anyone is free to create whatever content they want. If they wanted to create mature content they shouldve used tools owned by people who dont care about that.

>it's another obese neckbeard talks about foreign countries episode

Japan isn't particularly fond of otaku. At all. Manga, handheld games, mobile shit. It's almost all more accepted because you can do it in transit or socially. You're not pent up in your room not working or learning.

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Lierally why? At least the nazi's gave degenerate artists a platform before removing them their work from the public

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he is senile already


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Thats what i was thinking

>thinks games are for children
>Is trying to get all the leftist propaganda into his games
Is this brainwashing?

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>>it's another obese neckbeard talks about foreign countries episode
You're right, it is.
I just said that.
You're the obese white neckbeard talking about a foreign country.

LOL the ignorance of this post. Those white men were sexually abused as well. That's what faggotry and tranny shit is, abusing kids.

Even a quick google search will show you percentage of homosexuality in places like Phillipines and South Africa are much higher than in white nations.

Hell everyone cries or gloats about muslims killing gays yet faggotry and incest is rampant amongst them.

>Don't you guys ever get tired of this shit?
says the dude who's being retarded?
I mean the politician bit is totally correct
also forget the fact Japan is like the only East Asian country were a majority support same sex marriage, it's not a priority though and the way the political system works it won't happen for a while I bet, barring the left pulls off a fucking miracle next election
contrary to neckbeard belief most otakus are shunned like nerds used to be here. I wouldn't say they hate it but grown men watching anime isn't some promoted idea beyond as a soft power tool abroad.

Censorship is always bad but I'm not above using it as a tool to pound some fucking empathy into my opposition.
>here have a taste of your own medicine

>I'm noticing a correlation here.
Non-whites love being gay so much they risk death to do it. Even without prejudice whites are less likely to be fags.

Meanwhile, Japan had LITERAL CHILD PORNOGRAPHY legal to make until 2005 and legal to own until 2015.

Like, real children. Not loli.

I'm sure you can proivide some offical source to that.

Judges can be bad interpreters.

>Actually pivoting from trannies to faggots
Oof, guess we're done here.
It's okay, I know whites are pretty pathetic when it comes to this stuff, literally all they have is "dude, it's totally like this, trust me!"

Yes, they're completely open about it as well.

First time I'm hearing of that, so you understand if I'm skeptical.

No it wasn't. It was teens that were legal. I think around age 15.

I'm not doing your research. Look it up.

Lolicon was put under scrutiny during that 2015 bill, but quite a few famous mangaka said it was fucking retarded because they're not real. This was in turn also related to something that UNICEF was trying to pull with removing all children in fiction from any harm. Which would kill shonen manga.

How about I do the research for him and you, no, child pornography was not legal in Japan.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-05-25 at 5.27.23 PM.png (1448x792, 998K)

>makes claim
>can't provide any source whatsoever
Yeah, not even suprised anymore. Same shit as always with retards like you.

Attached: 6UbUZdR.gif (245x280, 1.3M)

The age of consent as a whole in Japan is 13, that's correct. HOWEVER, each prefecture and state has their own laws, much like America and most age of consents are either 16 or 18.

Now, if you mean junior idol shit, that's still legal unfortunately. But so are American child pageants.

>Thats a dumb take
That's literally how empathy works, dude. You can't understand someones pain until you've felt that same pain.

It's like if a child smacks a smaller child in the face. You give them a light smack to show them how it feels.

You trannies realize that you get killed in a communist regime, right?


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So would the unemployed and obese.

Oh, you're not getting married and having a family, guess we won't be needing you anymore.

One's not even a game

>that's still legal unfortunately


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>Age of consent is 13
>west rapes more kids
I'd like to remind you that you're statistically retarded, that is all.

It's not ok in the west either. I have no issue with loli, but anything, even just INCREDIBLY risque softcore with real children is crossing a line.

>Japan has finally made the possession of child pornography a punishable offense.
>The country's upper house of parliament passed a bill Wednesday, which will see people found with explicit images of children jailed for up to year or fined up to $10,000.

Dreams could've been a great artistic platform if it weren't moderated by the biggest SJW kikes in the industry. RIP

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The AoC thing is a meme, it actually varies by prefecture much like it varies by state in the US, and in most prefectures it's 16-18.
Japs just generally aren't rapists like whites and their token minorities.

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It's incredibly depressing, really...

t. white women.

Japan should stop copying the west. The West is doomed.

>like whites

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>Rape rates in the UK increase

>even just INCREDIBLY risque softcore with real children is crossing a line.
Then why aren't you out there stopping Disney, Nickelodean,etc showing young girls in swimsuits?

>The gook defense force is here
Explain their massive suicide rates then, if they're so virtuous.

Imagine if this was aired on Toonami in the current year

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There is a very fucking big difference between young girls in swimsuits and softcore porn. You and I both know that.

The flaw of having a shame culture and being overworked. Which American is becoming.


And? How does this make you supporting communism a good thing?

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You didn't answer the question. You can't stop whatever Japan does, you have a better chance stopping sexualization of children in your own country, so why aren't you out there fighting against the jews who profit from it?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-26 Migrant who raped boy, ten, Austrian in swimming pool has sentence cut.png (636x342, 45K)

honestly this is just really sad. MM worked on the tech for this game for so many years, but they are locked into a platform that will limit their users' creativity and turn them away. I hope something like it springs up on an open platform some time.

>Japs don't rape kids like blacks and muslims
what kind of fucking stupid reply is this?

>We need to censor RATED M game so CHILDREN don't look at them!

So what you're saying is their culture is so shit that they'd rather kill themselves? And you're here trying to pretend that they're somehow better than other people?

Looks boring and more like a techdemo than anything. I guess there is something that could taken for nudity or shitting dicknipples but its barely worth noting. Grotesque is an artistic design so whatever. Could just add a manner of agegate though.

Would you also like me to explain their "massive" working hours?
Any other false memes you wanna toss out?

Attached: chartoftheday_15390_global_suicide_rates_n.jpg (960x1500, 330K)

probably another 3 minutes long walking simulator like anything else on dreams

not even close, there was a period when fucking torture levels were on the front page and they're still up if you search for them

Lewd stages were already in the fine print of what not to make, dipshit. The tranny flag stages were a riot to see taken down because nobody (especially not the creators) thought that Nintendo would take a stand against them.

No what he's saying is that Japanese people don't rape kids as much as Whites, Blacks, Arabs,etc do.

Your standard liberal reply directly from the playbook, but don't you dare call them NPCs!

>game has like 12 users 4 being content creators
>delete their content to protect the feelings of people that aren't playing the game

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But they're so miserable they kill themselves at 60% the normal rate?

>Nintendo going for chad audiences
>Sony being the gay console
Fuck this gay world i don't wanna buy a fucking glorified tablet come on sony .

Reading really is hard for you, .

seems like they do it at the same rate as Americans Again you sad little white lefty, what does the suicide rate have to do with you more likely to be a child rapist than a Japanese guy?

Ooh, maybe we can talk about birth rates.
Oh? What's that?
They're higher than most white countries?
That can't be, but white people have tons of blacks and Muslims in their countries inflating the birth rates, surely they should be much higher!

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Yes, protecting kids from normalcy.

What? It's almost like there is a conspiracy to make people believe Japan needs immigrants!

>not sucking japans 3 inch cock means you're a left
Stupid nigger, go back to r/eddit.

The statues in the front have nipples. They have male heads, but I guess the snoy censors thought the statue was depicting a female.

Attached: nipples.png (1473x788, 1.13M)

>60% of the normal rate
user, 0.6 is smaller than 1. If you multiply a number smaller than 1 by something, does it get bigger or smaller?

>stating facts that one ethnicity doesn't rape children as much as another means you suck Japan's dick
Mad tranny is mad. You are the most likely to be a child raping piece of shit here.

Absolutely, undeniably, unequivocally BASED

Japan legal consent 13 Japan sells porn in 7/11 Japan has weebs who can’t look girls in the eye! Overrated country

I just can't even right now DELETE THIS PLEEEASE

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But you liberals keep saying that constitutional rights have limits, like the 2nd amendment.

Well, I got calmly BTFO.
All this time I thought it was just for weebshit porn VNs but it turns out anything is up for censorship. As a sonybro I have nothing to say. Only that I won't defend them anymore.

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Oh no, how will I ever recover

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What if I don't have the time or resources to:
>create or acquire an engine to run my mature game and not be a pain in the ass to work with?
>code in systems to run my mature game and have it not be a buggy, broken piece of shit?
>create assets like sound, models, shaders for my game and have it all not like ass?
>create or use a repository to distribute my game?

What now?

hey guess what? You could abolish the age of consent completely and men would not all run out the next day to fuck 9 year olds.

Attached: 1479250736761.png (720x1280, 878K)

Wow, you're a dumb nigger.

This happens literally every time

>Demand stricter rules on something because it offends them
>the rule gets enforced, a lot of their own shit is taken down/punished in the crossfire
>"We didn't demand these rules so they could be turned against us."
That was an actual quote by the way. Presumably he didn't see the irony.

Online content isn’t rated by esrb, so how’d it get taken down? There’s already like 3 FPS demos on it.
What did it contain? Boobs?

clearly sony doesn't like fat people

>fails at basic grade school math
>calls it semantics
It's getting better and better.

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looking at the leddit thread even the MM devs are surprised and pissed off at sony's decision here

I don't see why not.
You are aware that roughly 30-40% of the planet worships a man who married a 6 year old and fucked her when she was 9, right?

>anime poster
As expected

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Sad that Dreams threads only bump when Yea Forums feels like shitposting.

>I don't see why not.
Because you are a stupid and probably want to fuck kids yourself.
>You are aware that roughly 30-40% of the planet worships a man who married a 6 year old and fucked her when she was 9, right?
You are aware that muslims already do this and removing a law in a non muslim country would not change things one bit.

The fact that you believe that LAW is the only thing stopping people from doing terrible things is disgusting. Kill yourself.

The point is that when white people are gone (and yes, you will be gone within the next century) there'd be no reason for those laws to exist.

They're even more anti-Sony than usual since Switch just lost Travis Strikes Again and probably NMH3 to PS4. It'll blow over

Fuck Snoy for censoring such milquetoast shit but
>walking Sim
>deliberately nonsensical for the sake of """depth"""
Guy has talent. Could have done something cool with the design rather than random quotes.

>He actually believes people are naturally good and not naturally bad
I'm sure your caveman ancestors totally asked for consent before fucking the 12 year old they kidnapped who just started bleeding.
Are you one of those retards who thinks religion just popped up out of nowhere just because and not because, eventually, someone down the lined realized that people in their natural state are fucking shit and things would be better off if we followed some basic tenants and taught people not to fuck over their fellow man?

>even just INCREDIBLY risque softcore with real children is crossing a line.
There are literally tv shows all about sexualizing children who aren't even double digit ages. Complete with someone on said show flipping out on twitter because people are calling him a pedophile.

I think the point is you are mentally ill freak who actually believes retarded shit from /pol/

not even him but

>anime poster
>in anime site

tell me who's in the wrong here?

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>even just INCREDIBLY risque softcore with real children is crossing a line.
Reminder that this is legal in Muttmerica.

>nigger thinks all people are savages
no, just your race ;)



>worships a man
semantics but he isn't actually worshipped

based Yosuke turned sexual harrasment into tranny bashing

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Sorry user, but yes, in their natural state, ALL people are savages.
White people are the only ones who don't understand this because you're fucking moronic.

Because brining up censorship is nothing more than an excuse to spew bile about liberals outside of /pol/ without getting your thread deleted. A dog whistle.

There's nothing to truly discuss. Censorship is bad. End.

No blackie, just you.

Nothing, it's all the assblasted redditor ahs to fall back on tough.

>make generic OH SO DEEP walking simulator
>get taken down by snoy because its fatphobic or some bullshit
i went into this thread thinking they took down some discount H game not this

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These are the people who want anime tiddies banned so I have no sympathy for them when their shit is banned as well. Just I TOLD YOU SO


Remakes are the cancer killing dreams. I play to experience cool little original ideas made by a bunch of different people, not worse versions of games I already played 20 years ago.
But the front page is always full of Mario and Sonic trash because most people only click upvote on things they recognize

Why is Europe like this?

We need a video game crash. We need something to either rectify the stupidity of these companies or wipe them the fuck out completely, I am so fucking tired of this.

>cropping the site name

Renakes are how you learn an engine. Just wait a while.

This is why I'm disappointed Alabama didn't just nullify the ruling altogether (Alabama saying Roe v Wade was an unconstitutional ruling and is thus null and void in that state). SCOTUS shouldn't be an institution that can pass and change amendments at will based on their current interpretation of the constitution.


Dumb ESL

Nobody cares about those sick mentally shitty fags
Why do you complaing about that when the rules say you can put lewd stuff on the game in the first place?

this seems like some retarded shitposting over a level that was deleted over an accident make a better thread nintendofags

but it isn't, so deal with it snoyboy

Fuck my grammar

That's it. I thinks it's finally time to add censor, censored, and censorship to the filter list. I'm done with these inane threads.

>anime tiddies bad
>oh but these two underage girls kissing? thats fine, have some sexual freedom you bigot
>art project showing how fast food makes you fat? thats fatphobic, i cant believe media molecule allowed this bigoted trash on their game. flagged!
whats the evolution of clown world? i think we're getting close to it

they're just upset because we took another one of their exclusives today
sony always fucking wins baby

wtf this is not weebshit, why is it getting censored?

Does Nintendo still delete tranny stages?

literally obsessed

No chad on earth gives a shit about anime censorship. The only people that care are ugly little euro basement goblins like you

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>even MM is pissed over it
Snoy does it again beybay.

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You sound like you're not getting it.

You cant champion censorship and condemn censorship, it weakens your argument. It just makes you look like you care more about owning libtards.

>tranny REEE's at user
thanks for the keks dialated one

>tfw can't have comfy Dreams threads anymore.

Attached: You're too slow.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Who are you quoting?

Attached: Courage.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

So this pretty much confirms that the censorship is coming from insecure obese women. That explains why we can't have sexy girls in the games.

It's (current year), user. People are obsessed with fighting invisible foes and no longer wish to understand each other. It's far easier to call someone a mongoloid or a bunch of buzzwords rather than engage in debate. Why think when you can be part of a hivemind?

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Not like Yea Forums cares. You hardly see these threads hit bump limit.

Attached: Courage 2.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

Huh, mediamolecule were specifically showing off this creation during demos. Get fucked, I guess.

Then I will just keep posting .webms of stuff that made me smile.

Attached: Zim.webm (1280x720, 2.64M)

Holy shit


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Ironic when you refuse to understand people having genuine problems with censorship and say they're apart of a hivemind. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.

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Japanese are traditional and their women aren't whores. More than half of jap women are virgins until marriage no joke. Feminist empowered sluts and shitskins are really doing a number on the west.

The thread has been autosaged, but keep posting anyways.

Attached: Dexter 2.webm (854x480, 2.87M)

I get that, I'm just kind of sick of absolutely every single discussion devolving into the same storm of outrage and negativity, even when it's clear people want to discuss other shit.

Attached: Dexter 3.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

I'm not championing censorship; i'm championing feeding people their own medicine.

Humans are stupid psychotic animals that can only seem to understand the language of pain so I'm going to keep inflicting pain until you fuck off.

Leave me alone and I leave you alone, Simple.