>Octopath Traveller
>"Switch exclusive"
>Later ported to PC
>Travis Strikes Again
>"Switch exclusive"
>Later ported to PC and PS4
>Astral Chain
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>"Switch exclusive"
>Octopath Traveller
>"Switch exclusive"
>Later ported to PC
>Travis Strikes Again
>"Switch exclusive"
>Later ported to PC and PS4
>Astral Chain
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>"Switch exclusive"
Other urls found in this thread:
But those are all published by Nintendo.
BOTW PS4 port boys
If Astral Chain is partially funded by Nintendo, then it will remain exclusive, just like Bayo 3. Xenoblade 2 is by a fist party studio, so it's will remain exclusive.
Dunno about Marvel
So was Octopath Traveller and TSA
TSA wasn’t
Octopath was only published by Nintendo in the West
Octopath only outside Japan and TSA not at all.
Marvel is, at least from the looks of it, also published by Nintendo entirely
So chances are they partially produced it or at least have encompassing publishing rights (especially if it’s true that Nintendo approached Marvel about making a Switch game)
>Rune Factory 5
It's funny that the "shitch" has no games, except for the ones people desperately hope for get ported. Consolewars are retarded
nintendo owns monolith, so xenocringe won't be getting ported. wouldn't surprise me if the other two are just timed exclusives though.
learn how publishing works
>>Rune Factory 5
literally no one cares
>Literally no one cares
Yet, wait for the inevitable reaction when the first gameplay is shown.
Switch it out with Astral Chain and the point is still the same
but xenoblade 2 is as first party as fire emblem is
>>Travis Strikes Again
>>"Switch exclusive"
>>Later ported to PC and PS4
What? What have I missed? Was this announced just now?
>port begging thread
Lmao snoysois don't even realize how much of a tool this makes them look after they teased nintendies over persona port begging
Who cares about exclusives?
>Yakuza 0
>Yakuza Kiwami
>Yakuza Kiwami 2
>Yakuza 6
>Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age
>Final Fantasy XV
>World of Final Fantasy
>Ys 8
>"PS4 exclusive"
There is no such thing as third party exclusives anymore unless it was published, co-devloped and or funded by Nintendo/Sony/Microsoft (Atlus excluded). Monolith is a part of Nintendo so expecting that to ever go multiplat is just retarded.
Googling it gives me nothing. What's the source?
I am assuming you're telling the truth. But what's the source?
Remember when Xenoblade Chronicles got released on pc? Good times
Monolith is a nintendo studio retard
>Yakuza 0
>No no Kuni
>Crash Trilogy
Oh no no no no
>Nier Automata
>Dragon Quest XI
>David Cage Trash
>Yakuza 0
>Yakuza Kiwami
>Yakuza Kiwami 2
>Yakuza 6
>FFXII Zodiac Age
>Ys 8
>PS4 "Exclusive"
>All ported elsewhere
PS4 has lost the most exclusives this gen
Nintendo literally owns Astral Chain's IP since they trademarked it themselves so forget about that.
its on suda51 twitter account son
Cope about what? Not being 12 years old?
>Console warriors so desperate for attention that they'll try to brag about getting ports from a hand-held
How does it feel knowing that the world has mostly moved on and not a single person gives a single fuck about you, nor what colour your video game machine is?
>3 simultaneous threads about nintendo losing all their exclusives
>none of the threads have a source
Being on a Nintendo platform doesn't mean that it was published by Nintendo.
Yes, remember when the first game, released back in 2010, got released on pc and ps3?
What further proof do you need that the sequel will lose exclusivity as well?
Good. But why wasn't this posted earlier? Or in the OP even.
>Octopath Traveller
published by nintendo on the west.
>Travis Strikes Again
published by grasshopper so different situation with NMH2 that was published by nintendo so becareful that NMH3 will be published by nintendo too.
>Astral Chain
published by nintendo
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
published by nintendo
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2
are you retard sonyfag???
How about Xbox?? Care about Xbox come oooon
So it's okay to port beg BOTW on PS4 but not okay to port beg for P5 on Switch?
Oh so there were some people who actually thought XC was going to be ported somewhere else lmao? Really?
80% of that list was never announced as exclusives. Nier Automata and Dragon quest XI had a PC release announcement day one. Also the remakes only count as exclusive when they are "lost"? Or is Shadow of the Colossus remake a PS4 exclusive?
>So it's okay to port beg BOTW on PS4
we don't need to beg. :)
>80% of that list was never announced as exclusives
Yes they were. Only wrong ones were DQXI and Ys 8
>Thinking shitty emulation counts as a port
botw can be played on ps4. persona 5 can't be played on switch.
When a PS3 emulator gets on Switch it can lol
XC2 is literally a first party game you retard
And Nier:Automata and Hellblade. The rest are remakes. The Yakuza Kiwamis don't count as exclusives until the day they are announced for PC, then they are "lost". Of that list there is only three games that you can say are really lost, Detroit, Nioh and Yakuza 0.
That wont happen. Shitch is too shit for that. :)
It can already run tons of fucking emulators. PS3 will be on the list one day
Nice non-response you fucking retard.
good luck with that. the switch can't run ps3 games.
>And Nier:Automata and Hellblade
Announced for PS4 only and the came to PC
> The Yakuza Kiwamis don't count as exclusives until the day they are announced for PC, then they are "lost"
Thats cheatin you fuck
....that clearly shows the Switch running a PS3 game
It can run tons of emulators and PS3 will be one of them
>When Nintendo owns the fucking IP and the damn studio.
How you stupid fucks can't do basic ass research?
pathetic. and nincels still have the audacity to say that the switch is stronger than ps3/360
it's less "running" and more "powerpoint slide show." and this is a port! add in the fact that even high-end gaming pcs can't emulate the whole ps3 library yet, and you'll be waiting a long time for functional ps3 emulation on switch.
It is
Just because you cherry pick DF screenshots does not determine the power of a system
Hellblade released the same day in the PS4 and PC, i guess Sony managed to lose an exclusive even before releasing.
And Nier:Automata also had a PC release date before releasing. So how the fuck can those games count as being announced as exclusives, where a version for PC was announced months in advance.
>Thats cheatin you fuck
I'm not. Everyone discounts remakes when counting exclusives because apparently they don't count. If you say they count when they are lost, then they should count when they are not, meaning Shadow of the Colossus, TLOU remastered, GOW3 remastered, etc are now PS4 exclusives?
>powerpoint slide show
That's a screenshot not a slide show. Its clearly running on the system
Quit moving goalposts
you know you cant win when your only defense is :) :) :)
>And Nier:Automata also had a PC release date before releasing
It was announced FOR PS4 first and then announced for PC later. Therefore its still a lost exclusive.
> Everyone discounts remakes when counting exclusives because apparently they don't count.
No they don't lol. People bring up SOTC remake all the damn time when bringing up PS4 exclusives
Have fun trying to emulate ps3 on a console that's barely more powerful than the wiiu
Except they never said anything about it being ps4 exclusive only that it was on ps4
>It was announced FOR PS4 first and then announced for PC later.
Sony never said it was exclusive to their system, as everyone knew there was a PC version coming before the PS4 version was out
>People bring up SOTC remake all the damn time when bringing up PS4 exclusives
What are you talking about? After all these year the PS4 is still the Bloodborne machine. Who is counting Shadow of the Colossus.
>Have fun trying to emulate ps3 on a console that's barely more powerful than the wiiu
It is more powerful than a Wii U
And if a game is only announced for one system, people will assume its an exclusive
>Sony never said it was exclusive to their system
Sony fanboys sure did, you dont remember that? And tons of people are counting SOTC
Good maybe it means sequels are more likely, I'm sure console war posters will find a way to spin it badly.
Does anyone actually care about Marvel Ultimate Alliance though?
>It is more powerful than a Wii U
I know that's why i said barely more powerful
powerful enough to emulate
I still don't know why anyone gets worked up over this. Buying a console because of exclusive games is the most retarded move you can make. I have a switch because some games are better when they're easy to pack up and take with you
>Sony fanboys sure did, you dont remember that?
Well they were wrong, that doesn't change reality. A game that has different platforms announcced before it's even out can't be a lost exclusive by definition.
If it was announced exclusively first it is
>Buying a console because of exclusive games is the most retarded move you can make
That's probably the only good reason to buy a console. Handhelds/portables are a different story.
Ok whatever you say. Add the Crash trilogy remake to the list by the way.