

Attached: 1533103716726.jpg (1438x2592, 2.04M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I love Nonko!

Attached: nonko (110).jpg (202x275, 45K)

i love her

female:"impregnation"$ female:"mind break"$

Attached: yes.jpg (400x400, 19K)

Has my fetishes

Attached: 1508174011638 (1).jpg (640x800, 101K)

>want to play cute anime girl games
>don't want to play on the tiny 3ds screen

play on ps4

Start these threads with someone other than Asuka

No. You guys need to learn to appreciate her.

Attached: 128.jpg (640x800, 97K)

I like it in a lot of ways, and the games are actually fairly enjoyable.

I'm not a cowtits fag though unfortunately. I hate lolis too, but I like nice modest breast sizes, and senran is the poster child of "lol anime tits"

urge to breed

asukafag is mentally deranged

Shit game in a bad franchise

My thoughts? Of all the mainline action entries, Estival's probably the one that's least worth remembering. It fixed the things Shinovi got wrong with pacing and difficulty but then also fucked up the things it got right mechanically, and SK's already pretty dodgy in that respect on the best of days. Superarmor, slower movement/strikes and diminished cancelling options really put a hamper on what could've been an alright entry despite the neat little additions like wall running, firebombs and mechs. And the story meant well when it tried but man, it couldn't decide on whether or not to commit to full fanservice or solemn ruminations on death and moving beyond one's past. Characterization also wasn't the best, especially in the moments that take the Yumi pill and fucks everyone else. Miyabi, Ryoubi, Imu and Sayuri were probably the only halfway decent written characters in the game, everyone else kinda got the short straw. At least they made it harder to cheese the game with shinobi girl heart stories behind its one great new idea of note, encouraging exploration via hidden shrines to destroy. Overall, it's playable but despite its best intentions, among the weaker SK games. Maybe a 5/10.

Attached: really gets the jugs jigglin.jpg (750x1000, 159K)

which game should i play

I love my perfect wife Asuka!

I saw the anime before the 3DS games were released here, so I'm strangely more attached to the characters and (original) story than to the increasingly excessive fanservice. I really liked the 3DS games, but the jump to the "Versus" games, doubling the cast, the stories and the fanservice, actually made me lose interest. I didn't even complete Estival's story, and haven't touched PBS or Reflexions.

And now the very same exaggerated fanservice that boomed in the Sony platforms is what may end up dooming the franchise unless they change platforms again. It's kinda ironic

>inb4 404
You can have similar threads for any other series, or outright shitposting going on for hours, but don't you dare post senran kagura at all.

Burst and/or Deep Crimson if you have a 3DS lying around. If not, Burst Renewal.

SK is banned.

Attached: 31018469617_7c599d7147_o.jpg (2048x1536, 649K)

Why is Murasaki so scrumptious?


Because some mod(s) have a hateboner for the series, that's all there is to it.

Attached: Senran Kagura PEACH BEACH SPLASH_20171001011025.png (1920x1080, 1.66M)

If they can survive after Se7en inevitably bombs, then we'll see the main games back on Nintendo platforms.

EV was alright. Though it has, hands down, the worst final boss fight in any video game I've played (not talking about the DLC, but the one shipped with the game). That fight was fucking bullshit.

Your game is boring

What's there to think about? Whip it out and introduce yourself.

Attached: 1543863596396.jpg (724x1024, 106K)

>anime girl games
>on ps4
As long as they're from before 2018.

Is she sitting on the sand or...?

I think it'd be impossible to have any proficiency in martial arts with tits that big. There's just on way.

and nothing noteworthy was lost, these threads are glorified imagedumps

She didn’t deserve to be murdered by Sony.

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>oh look, doujins
>tags: scat

Attached: whh at computer.jpg (400x564, 17K)

>That one 300+ image Ryobi set

That thing was perfect, I can only hope more Ryoubi content matches it.

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Agree on the story part the we need better boss fights like Deep Crimsion again and I think Story-wise Burst, Deep Crimson and Half of SV is good and balanced out funny lewd with a real plot.
Wish they would do something more with Homura's Squad aside from the constant jokes that there poor now.

Who the fuck is this


Attached: pDzSykm.png (1024x768, 351K)

I'm still amazed that they pretty much Nuked the Burst>Deep Crimson timeline in favor of SV

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she like a new villain never seen her before

Considering how SV sold like gangbusters (despite it being an absolute fluke thanks to many favorable outside factors), that's not at all surprising.

Fun fact:
Asuka is in Smash Bros.
She's just disguised as your favorite character.

She comes from the browser game, and later got used in PBS.
Evil shinobi, deep voice, likes to sleep a lot, and her cuter sister is in some yoma cult.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 144K)

based and goodtagpilled

I mean, I was aware of how much SV sold, but I didn't expect them to basically toss the 3DS line aside as hard as they did.

Fair point.

Guess that goes to show how many people couldn't get past Yomi.

Though I'd love to see a DC remaster on Switch/Steam.

Man was it really that bad? It just kind of rubs me the wrong way, that I believe (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong) that the 3DS dimension was basically nuked by Shin and Kagura and Naraku got the fuck out of there.

You also have to consider that SK2 was the lowest selling game before Renewal happened, that 3DS isn't exactly the best platform for an ecchi focused game compared to the power the Vita and later PS4 had (even though I think DC looks pretty damn good for a 3ds game and the Versus games don't even take full advantage of their consoles in comparison), and of course, that timeline didn't have Yumi and the rest of the new characters, so you already lost a large portion of the fanbase with that.

i don't get it
is this a game?
as a European ive never seen gameplay discussed in these threads

i've never played one of these games and would like to. which one do i play?

Depending on what platform you have, try Burst on 3ds (or Citra), Burst Renewal on PS4 or PC, or Shinovi Versus on Vita or PC.

Attached: asuka tenshin.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

cool, thanks

i love yagyuu

Yoma cult now that sounds interesting

Attached: yoma.jpg (1000x525, 203K)

Is off-topic garbage.

Hope the series gets saved before they all start having to dress in Hijabs.

I don't know. I think there was a patch that lowered her difficulty.

It's been a long time since DC first came out in Japan. I think many people who imported it said it wasn't all that bad.

As far as what happened to that timeline, we don't know. It's not like MK9 where we see Raiden his younger self "He Must Win". We have no clue what happened to it and I'm not even sure it's explained or mentioned in the later games (it's been a long time since I played EV and I haven't touched PBS).

Man, developing SK2 and SV at the same time turned out to be a bad call for the 3DS games.

I wish someone would draw Yagyu Dressed as Dynasty Warriors Lu Bu and Hirabi dressed as Diao Chan in a Pic together

Attached: who_ORDERED.jpg (345x216, 15K)

I don't recall if it was mentioned in PBS, but I remember reading that in New Link, Kagura says something about Asuka and Homura helping them escape from the timeline they came from. Though with with all the different dimension shenanigans introduced since EV and the implications that Kagura and Naraku just like to travel around, it's hard to say it even was the same one as Deep Crimson.

Attached: Tv5t7Y1.png (1024x768, 352K)

>Senran Kagura
>there’s a character named Kagura
>NOT the main character

But seriously I’d love to see a prequel game that shows her past seeing how she’s been around for 900 years.

Kagura is also a title in the SK world its the highest title for a ninja Askua's Grandma is a Kagura.

Is this from the actual game? holy shit I need to get it

Could be interesting, but it'd have to be a downer ending for each of those 100 years.

True enough, but I’d still like to see it. Was she born the natural way, or created in a Wonder Woman/made of clay and given life by the gods? Has she ever found love with someone before Naraku showed up? Was she around during pivotal moments in history?

I see sk as magical girls with boobs until they started focusing too much on the boobs and went downhill

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I think Takaki and Marvelous were trying to recapture the same success that SV had, so they did the things that SV did (for better or worse).

Post uncensored.

Which is weird considering that SK2 clearly got more love and attention than SV.

Oh, absolutely. This shit is straight up a magical girl series dressed up as a story about ninjas.


My wife is so cute!

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I hope the series is more than a datamine tease for BBTag

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I think he's refering to the one Yaomai did.

Snek is my favorite because she looks like my wife.

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I bet she gives great hugs.

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>Decided to try My time in Portia

>Learn you can romance most of the women in town

>Strolled around town checking out potential prospects

>Let out an audible moan when I saw pic related

How did an indie game get away with this in 2019.

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Attached: intimacy.webm (578x720, 2.87M)

where are the rest of theses

Based Asuka user

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dead franchise
Thanks sony

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She's no Snek, but I wouldn't throw her out of my bed

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>wake up in the middle of the night
>see this

what do

Attached: 1535506132191.jpg (1280x1600, 1.08M)

Call the cops. There's an intruder on my bed.


Attached: 47427922301_5a46fd67ee_o.jpg (1640x2048, 628K)

suck her tits and fuck her in the pussy
and then marry her

Post Hikage

Attached: 47428219171_d41f4511d4_o.jpg (1640x2048, 586K)

I will never not be mad she was basically pushed aside as the secondary main character in favor of Yumi.

Wonder why the bed hasn't broken due to our combined weight yet

Okay now post more Hikage

Attached: 32737273338_ee78291c2a_o.jpg (1984x2800, 477K)

Thicc in all the right places, I wish the ingame models looked like that although SK2 actually had some damn good tit sag.

poke her belly and go back to sleep because i would never have a gf so its probably a dream

While I'm not a Homufag, it was pretty insulting that Homura only got a tutorial mission in the entirety of EV's story as well as her squad mates getting more screentime/playtime than she did.

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Today's catch: best wife

Attached: IMG_20190514_102757.jpg (1280x1280, 289K)

Wow, what a catch! You can put the Minori back, though.

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Making kittens with my wife Miyabi

Homura always has been and always will be my perfect wife no matter what happens.

Boy with tits

Attached: 52b3acc1433d813e035d196a765cd26f.jpg (1080x1440, 252K)

yes and?

Good taste in wifes

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I love her so much

I know, user

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SHES GIANT I need more of this

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wish there butts were bigger like in the concept art or Phone game pics


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I can't help it.

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Thank you guys for posting my wife Homu. It might not mean a lot for an image dump to be happening in a waifu thread but it always makes me really happy to see her.

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It doesn't get any more perfect than her.


Tell me more what you think of her, user.

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I think she's gorgeous, with an adorable personality and endearing character arc that I wish they'd expand on more.

Nice. What's your favorite part about her?

Attached: 45955679481_25e3fe0d1b_o.jpg (1402x1841, 625K)

These two were better friends/rivals than Yumi and Asuka in the new anime.

Attached: 1532968487660.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

We both love meat, unless you meant favorite physical trait, in which case it'd have to be her beautiful eyes.

Both are fine. She does nice eyes.

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Saying her tan would be too easy. I love absolutely everything about her, though, don't get me wrong.

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I would do anything for her.


You should marry her.

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God I love spats.

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I mean I already call her my perfect wife on a regular basis. Unless you mean make it official, in which case I don't know how to go about doing that honestly. I doubt Marvelous would respond to an email by mentioning my love for her in a game like the Neptunia devs did with that one Blancfag.

Yes officially. But I guess you have a good point too. I'll just settle for hearing how much you love her then.

If only someone was like that for Kat.

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It might as well be official because my heart will always belong to her, and she is my reason for living.

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I used to be a Homufag, but the more I realized how incomaptible we were, the more I started gravitating towards Asuka. It's hard to imagine even just having sex with Homura.

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Spats are a miracle of the universe


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Attached: Homura_25.jpg (480x720, 115K)

are the ovas the only place we get to see official nudity of the SK girls?

There's the newer anime too. But yes.

The ova, the latest anime and official figures.


>tfw no Miyabi figures

Attached: 1528875707216.jpg (814x1000, 136K)

Completely agree on EV. When I first played, it didn't bother me so bad, but replaying it recently, it was annoying as shit. Like Forced Evasion annoying. I think Tamsoft should just stop and let someone else make their games. Or they should at least stop making 3D games.

Shinovi/Renewal play alright enough by the series' standards. Estival's worst problems with gameplay lie more in its misguided attempts to balance multiplayer, a feature exactly no one asked for in the first place. As for the story, there is good bits in there but the game does virtually nothing to capitalize on them or make it even seem like they're relevant. Estival's more a game that deserves a do-over rather than one that should've never happened.

>Forced Evasion
Don't you fucking trigger me user.

Forced Evasion

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Attached: Homura_12.jpg (1550x2016, 773K)

Dead series.

Kaguya should be a guest character in SK.

Attached: Mugen_no_Frontier_Nanbu_Kaguya.jpg (500x881, 87K)

Takaki could unbreak. Maybe not before Seven's done but perhaps eventually.

That'd be nice

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Cute and wifest

Attached: IMG_20190513_205102.jpg (640x453, 29K)

He won't. He just wants pointless groping, beach frolics, and everyone but Yumi being an idiot. Probably doesn't even remember the Youma exist.


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Shinovi Master happened, Boco. He remembers that they exist. Might not remember the point so much but he remembers that they exist.

How much input did he even have?

I hate being so cynical, but theres no evidence that anything is gonna change.

Why is the blueberry so gosh darn perfect?

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Should that scroll be replaced with something else?

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Wasn't Shinovi Master's story originally thrown around for a game before setting it aside for the anime? I thought it was.


Attached: 32405268077_83b032caed_o.jpg (2048x1536, 860K)

She's the wife Yumi imagines to be


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It was adapted from early concepts they had for 7EVEN. Some of those concepts were also used for the mobile game, so they used the anime to promote it, even though it had little to do with it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Senran Kagura Shinovi Master - Tokyo Youma-hen - 08 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_15.51_[2018. (1920x1080, 1.21M)

She's nice in general.

Attached: 45368185444_006a438522_o.jpg (2048x1536, 981K)

Oh dear, is it that time again?

Attached: i want to impregnate yozakura.jpg (418x455, 68K)

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What's her appeal

look at this rejected nep

Attached: rejected_nep.webm (1280x720, 2.61M)

Shit character. We should of gotten Purple Slut.

Attached: 62906579_p0.png (1500x2000, 2.25M)

Jesus christ... fucking shit taste user...

Attached: nepnep01.gif (750x502, 237K)

>ywn flood Yozakura's womb with so much of your genetic material that having yet another baby with her would legally qualify as selfcest levels of inbreeding

It hurts

Which Senran has a big unshaved bush?

>Hikage with tanlines
My dick has reached critical mass

Attached: 1529540078523.png (370x320, 35K)

>liking anything from a shitty meme game that isn't the HDD designs

Attached: 1507698299897.jpg (427x479, 49K)

Definitely Ikaruga.
Though since they're drawn by Nan none of them have any pubic hair.

It is

Attached: 32084138078_19c9dc55d0_o.png (2560x2560, 3.74M)

>thread is almost nothing but Homura, Miyabi and Hikage
You are all of you my brothers.

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Crimson squad loves their pet cat

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Out of those snek is my favorite

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Good taste.

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One of my favorite snek pics

Attached: 45907050912_38e74ba2a2_o.png (2560x2560, 2.9M)

Good taste.

Attached: 44140052990_ce0b99a185_o.jpg (2048x1536, 561K)

Hope I dream of Senrans tonight.

>Next in line for promotion

Attached: f489711503e4a2e45597ac19fcd945c1.jpg (1280x720, 180K)

Any idea who in mind?

Probably Homura but I'm afraid she'll cause a wet dream again.

Based. I hope your dream is well user.

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Hikage and imu are the most funny pair

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I love Senran threads.

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Nan's new artstyle is such trash. Every girl looks like they have breast forms on.

Attached: Female (male) Male (male).jpg (770x720, 146K)

Was one of those concepts to turn Youma into dindus?

You mean this style?

Attached: 01 (1).jpg (1280x720, 185K)

Yeah, chipmunk teeth and all.

Attached: 4325432.jpg (1920x1358, 746K)

Post old art.

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going to have to change platforms or just die thanks to Sony Puritan Entertainment

Haruka always has the best clothes for paizuri

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>the exact point Yagyu's feelings for Hibari went from siscon to madly in love

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Suddenly their expressions make perfect sense.

When did you realize that Yozakura is meant for anal?

fuck i need haruka paizuri

Oh, I don't remember seeing that one before.

Attached: homuruga.jpg (1714x2285, 885K)

She would have the best technique from all of them

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In the end, Yumi had the last laugh.

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Tell me about her techniques

What happens to the series now that Takaki left and said in an interview he's at a stage in his life he wants to make story-based RPGs?

>and said in an interview he's at a stage in his life he wants to make story-based RPGs?
Did he? Last I remember he was working on some multimedia (game+anime) project, and joined Cygames.
Anyways, he's still the producer of Senran Kagura even if he's not working directly at Marvelous, but as far as console games goes, 7EVEN will most likely be the last "big" one (something that was confirmed long ago anyways) and then there might be some spinoff once in a while, but other than that the series will mainly exist for both New Link and New Wave.

>At least they made it harder to cheese the game with shinobi girl heart stories

people don't finish the main story before playing those?

They're exquisite and will bring lots of pleasure

Attached: 47223c12-60e2-4580-877a-29210ebaaa8b_39871730751_o_45232982134_o.jpg (2560x2560, 791K)

It was basically free EXP in Shinovi, easily the most efficient way to get a character leveled up. One run got a character up to level 25 and took like 10 minutes, there was no good reason not to exploit it. A leveling system is inherently detrimental to SK anyways. The solution is just to remove it altogether.

>A leveling system is inherently detrimental to SK anyways. The solution is just to remove it altogether.
I actually agree with this, I get that they want to make somekind of progression system for players to get new exciting stuff but making it separate for each girl gets very boring after a while especially in the story where you get to play as new girls all the time and suddenly you can't do a move you used to

Attached: new-wave-artwork_45971685551_o.jpg (1440x1920, 414K)

Do go on
Is she a master of keeping an agonizing pace that never brings release until she wants it?

Something like this

I want to marry and impregnate Yozakura

That's very understandable

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I want a beautiful busty blueberry bumpkin wife so badly.


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Impeccable taste.

Murasaki a best

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i havnt played estival versus yet
are supers and clothing cutscenes long or are they short like in deep crimson

Short, though the cloth destruction scenes can be a little invasive, specially when doing aerial raves, but I think there's an option to disable them.

That sort of detail bled together for me as I played the games so I actually don't know. I just kinda stopped noticing after a while.

I'm sad to hear that happy boobs is dead. Thanks a lot sony.


EV gameplay went down the drain and not like the series had amazing gameplay in the first place. The idiotic notion to balance the game around multiplayer who no one plays really hurt the game. You want to feel OP in SK game, fuck them for removing dash cancel.

Seriously this.
The level up system doesn't need to effect HP defense and all that shit just let you unlock new combos and perks

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That can honestly just be the yin/yang/flash meters. There's no need for actual levels at all.

i didn't like ryoubi, then i saw the set

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Her neighbors must really love her

Ryoubi looks so much better when she drops the pigtails.


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>1 million saber doujins
>Like 2 good Asuka doujins and 1 good Ikaruga one
Fuck Japan.

At least loliconders imagesets are decent

can i pirate the EV dlc if i own the steam version?

The other 4 Gessen need some solo focus.

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Minori has been getting some decent fanart lately, some artists really want to focus on her

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Playing Burst Renewal and this is pretty good. I don't know how to explain why, but EV feels inferior overall.

Burst Renewal fixes up a lot of Estival Versus' mistakes. It plays like a much less trash version of that game.

Did they fix Yomi, she was painful to play in EV

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I swear Ryouna knew what was up

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