Video game adaption is faithful to the source material

>video game adaption is faithful to the source material

Attached: muda beatdown.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

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Why does goku look like that

Jojo fucking blows(yes, the manga too).

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>omg bros dp did it, they redrew the manga!!!omg1!1

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fuck you, you try making a 20 second clip while trying to keep it under 3MB. It wouldnt even fit the full thing when I tried to make it 30 seconds

You already did this thread you stupid fucking weaboo faggot. Fuck off to Yea Forums or kill yourself


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the clearly switched scene 4 and 5 in the anime

i honestly expected more. they just copied the panels


It wasn't as faithful as I wanted it to be.

It did not properly convey him punching a guy for seven pages
Jotaro's 5 page Ora was 30 seconds, and this one was about that amount of time
I'm not saying I hated it
but I wanted it to be longer

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Come on dude post the full webm next time

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The punching sound effects are fucking glorious

Gold Experience straight up sounds like an SMG when he was doing the WRYYYYYY

They did the "Face close-up" before a particularly brutal beatdown they did in the "Break your face, that is" scene
That's the only liberty I noticed
kind of a shame considering how well they pulled off the torture dance scene

>subs say "WRRRRYYYYYY"
>Giorno actually says "WRYAAHHHHHHHHH"

i was a bit let down desu

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he's almost there user

his spine didn't get exposed though

>Large streams of blood? Sure thing.
>You sick bastard? That’s no good.

Attached: MUDA MUDA.jpg (1560x3632, 3.39M)

>muda didn’t last 10 minutes
Literally unwatchable

Make it smaller, you fucking idiot.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind - 31 [720p].webm (400x226, 2.92M)


This, feel like the Jotaro ora was way better

I literally made this in a few minutes with Boram just to prove how fucking dumb you are, btw.


It literally does it from every angle that the manga uses. It's frame for frame. It even adds some nice touches like the trash compactor closing on him.

>He lands in a garbage truck
>The compactor turns on

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> Look guys, he punches stuff really fast. b-best anime ever, am i right?

Jojo is a shit-filled sausage fest of hyper homo-erotic manchildren posing like 1920's porn stars to try to look cool while their imaginary friends throw invisible punches at each other.

Araki's Linework> DP's production
Except for the part where he's lowered into the trash
The WRRYYYYAAHHHH was pretty good though

>showfag shit

Jojo would unironically be an entertaining series if it wasn't for it's shit fanbase. Ruins the whole goddamn thing.

Pure kino. I loved it. That wryyy and that gatling gun sounding punches sealed the deal.

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>It literally does it from every angle that the manga uses. It's frame for frame.
Yeah, I noticed. But I wanted it to be longer, man. The punching. Reading that felt like "Oh my God, Giorno, he's dow-Giorno-GIORNO YOU KILLED HIM ALREADY HE'S--GIORNO" but the scene didn't drag as much as I wanted it to. The angles switched to quickly. The only one that got the amount of time I liked was the wryyy

>mold is killing half of rome
>thousands of people being turned into mold in the streets
>the trashman continues doing his job

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>Letting a fan base dictate your enjoyment of something

or youre one of those insecure retards. What an odd thing to be insecure about. Hope you get help

>Look at all these epic buzzwords I can use while bringing absolutely zero substance to my argument and adding nothing to the discussion about the plot or the characters!!!
Typical degenerate. Isn't there a new harem you should be watching?

>Jojo fucking blows(yes, the manga too).

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Attached: muda.webm (256x144, 2.99M)

The next thing I am waiting for is Diavolo dying infinite times

Based trashman needs to build up his Roth IRA


he's right you know

don't care if he is or not im just here to shitpost retard

>Jojo fucking blows(yes, the manga too).

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You silly? Nigs love jojo.


So who's post beatdown scene was better

>Jotaro finishes writing a list of things that Steely Dan did to him
>Throws it at him
>Says, "Here's your receipt"

>Giorno hits Ciocolatta into an oncoming Garbage Truck
>He lands in there
>The truck slowly closes on him

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Sorry bro i respect your opinion, but the JoJo manga and animated series is based.

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How come the stands got so ugly?

Jotaro's was edgy as fuck but still pretty cool, Giorno didn't even have to say anything, and it was so fitting how the truck registered him as "burnable trash" lmao

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>t. seething showfag incel


I would say Jotaro, because I really liked how the music build up to the beat down, but that WRYYYYYYYYY was absolutely orgasmic.

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They're an acquired taste. You'll start to love them, later. Happened with me

I remember thinking GE's Biker Helmet was shit when I first saw it but then it grew on me because I started noticing shit like the engravings on it, his headlight eyes, how he's wearing a loincloth, and how he has those little pants suspenders things that DIO wore

I also like that he's got ladybugs on his body, so the implication is that Giorno dresses like his Stand


>Jojo fucking blows(yes, the manga too).

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stand designs get better and better as the series goes on tho. Its the character designs that suffer midway through

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>Jojo fucking blows(yes, the manga too).

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Attached: muda.webm (32x18, 404K)

Kinda wish the visuals weren't weak, the VA really sells you on the beatdown.

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I don't want to be associated with you retards is the problem.

Never noticed this.

neither did araki

Why can't I like Giorno, bros?

He just doesn't click with me. I want to like him since he's, on paper, 'cool' but fuck me if Josuke, Joseph, Gappy and Johnny aren't better.

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holy based

im not really into the punch sounds but the WRRYYYEAHHHHHH was great

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I'd be very surprised if Jojo didn't have a ton of black fans.

Jojo is shit

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he's the worst joestar surrounded by the best entourage

>Jojo fucking blows(yes, the manga too).

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>with every punch, you hear the gold experience life giving sound

ᶠᴿᴼᴹᴬᴳᴳᴵᴼ ᴾᴸᴱᴬˢᴱ

I agree, while every part from 5 onwards has some amazing designs, I do wish there was more variety than "alien robot"

>image full of moe shit
>add Jojo in too because you're a retard that can't justify why you dislike things

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>How to expose yourself as a newfag 101

Part 8 gave me soft & wet.
i couldnt ask for anything more

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The true resolution

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>giorno can use GE's ability with his foot, completely defeating the entire premise of B.I.G. arc
>giorno forgets that things he creates with GE's ability can completely reflect attacks and damage, so instead of instantly killing cio with his own mold when he attacked the tree, giorno has to ass pull another strategy
>cio is ale to hurt a stand using a scalpel

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Shouldn't it be 16:9 ?

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Dumb jojotard.

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Araki forgets stuff, what else is new?

Because he isn't there for half the part.
No, I don't mean he's absent. I mean he's so incredibly bland that I can barely remember his appearances. I remember the fights with Bruno, Narancia, Fugo, Mista, even fucking Abbacchio, but Giorno is just such a cardboard cutout that the only points I really remember him are from the start to meeting the gang and then the very end with GER. I can't even remember what he did against Diavolo apart from shanking himself, that's how bad he gets.
Josuke? Memorable.
Joseph? Memorable.
Gappy? Memorable.
Johnny? Best JoJo, you bet your ass he's memorable?
Giorno? A goddamn literally who in his own part.

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>not moeshit

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imagine being assblasted enough to make this picture

ironicism was a mistake

Name 1 reason why you dislike Jojo besides the fanbase.

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ok pedo

You can hurt some stands with physical objects

>y-you made that picture

keep crying jojoturd.

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shit writing

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Late Part 7/Part 8 is peak JoJo artstyle and if you disagree you are wrong and have bad taste and have a rotten soul.

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maybe he don't like asspulls

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About to start part 8, pretty hyped because I like the design of Gappy. How is he and how is the part overall so far?

>When does he use GE with his foot?
>Mold is a life form. It would be reflecting the damage on itself, plus damage is only reflected if it is dealt directly to the object
>He is able to hurt himself with a scalpel

I was amazed by how part 7's art blossomed near the end, Araki really got fucking good.

Gappy is based, uses his head a lot and instantly goes for the kill so long as he's not trying to interrogate someone.
Part 8 as a whole picks up and drops plot points sometimes but the whole mystery thing is great.

Araki is a same facing hack. Same face gets even worse in Late Part 7/8. Literally and I mean quite literally everyone has the same face

Eh, it's a living.

Part 8 parallels the mystery in part 4 so it's really fucking engaging, you really need to pay attention so you can see some things coming.

Gappy is unironically the Jojo with the most personality since the whole arc is dedicated to him finding out who he really is.

why did the style from 1-6 evolve but not really get that much better compared to 7-8 where it's so fucking good? is being monthly that much of a benefit for art?

Gay priest is here now.

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Same face was really bad in 7, but I feel like he has improved a lot with faces in Part 8.

based and Softpilled

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Not him but you're a seething moepedo. Fuck off.