Just finished this game and wow, it did so many things right in terms of story games that everyone else gets wrong
seeing as Cing was hit or miss with their games sometimes what went so right for this game?
Hotel Kino
The atmosphere, dynamic personalities, believable motives, and Kyle is hot.
don't forget to play the sequel, fampay
I will, just gotta get some other things out of my backlog, is it as good as the first?
Kyle looks like if solid snake went business causal
CiNG were really on to something. Such a shame what happened to them.
this and Last Window are incredible games
yes, I wonder why and how that happened to them
we'll never have another Twin Peaks-esque videogame for the 3DS
also, why Level 5 stopped making Layton games, fuck
>I will, just gotta get some other things out of my backlog, is it as good as the first?
I remember enjoying it, but it's been almost 10 years. I think I liked the characters in 1 more, but the twist in 2 was way cooler. It's got all the ambience of 1 though.
thanks user, gonna have to play it with loadiine or something since us burgers never got the game and an import expensive, NOA not releasing this in the states is still baffling to me.
Wii era NoA was dogshit, they didn't release Another Code R either. It's easy to say they had a not insignificant part in Cing's death.
isn't the DS region free? and bruh, you should have a hacked N3DSXL + DS flashcart by now, giving you portable access to all
>3DS (with 2 analogs)
games. And some more, too. And the N3DSXL's low resolution is great for playing these games, too.
>also, why Level 5 stopped making Layton games, fuck
If you mean games with Hershel Layton as the protagonist, it's because they told all they wanted to tell about him. If you mean the Layton series in general, a seventh game came out a year and a half ago.
Why did Nintendo even let Cing die?
I hacked my new3dsXL a long time ago, so yeah I know the joy of the best portable emulation machines
though I load all my ds stuff off my sd card with twiilight menu, is there a difference between that and using a flash cart?
true, thank god they didn't fuck over monolith, god knows they wanted to after Disaster: Day of Crisis
>I load all my ds stuff off my sd card with twiilight menu,
I don't think so. I should look into updating my shit, I guess. It's been a long while. I mean, there's the advantage that you can have 1 separate micro SD just for the DS games, and 1 Micro SD for everything else, I guess.
I miss them, bros.
I meant to say "I don't think so" to is there a difference. Woops.
is another code good and has aged well?
my mother loved Hotel Dusk and Last window, and her birthday is coming soon
I haven't touched their 3DS game yet. Chase, I think it's called. I've just been so tired lately in between work hours. Fuck.
I wouldn't say either Another Code game is as good as Hotel Dusk/Last Window in terms of story, characters and atmosphere, but they're still well worth playing.
>and has aged well?
The DS one has sort of ugly early DS 3D graphics with a bird's eye view so it's not the best-looking game around, especially compared to HD/LW's pretty impressive first-person exploration. R on the other hand is probably one of the best-looking Wii games. In terms of mechanics, puzzles and the like I don't think they aged, both are fairly simple games with no real illogical or obscure parts.
I have it, but it's not even a game, it's barely two hours long and it's pure VN. It's also just the prologue of a longer, episodic story which I don't think they ever continued, or at least further episodes were never localized.
nintendo does not care about companies that dont help make mario, zelda or pokemon and will cut them out if they are too niche.