Tell me about a time you made a friend through video games.
Other urls found in this thread:
>made a friend through a MMO
>play together for a while
>it falls apart because I'm a sperg
>decided to never make friends again
fuck off normalfags
>mods dlete my vidya thread three seconds after it was made (literally three seconds)
>this cp thread is still up
Never happened to me.
i pretended to be friends to kids when i was poor so they would let me play their PS2
irl friends suck ass, i got away from my family & never been happier
haha yeah right
>Tell me about a time you made a friend through video games.
I have a friend from XBL that i met from Halo 3. Still play together often.
God damn Yea Forums, you're breaking my heart over here.
I've made hundreds over the decade I played Ragnarok Online. Still in touch with about 10 or so.
Most of them fit in somewhere along the jaded MMO gamer spectrum. The rest were able to rehab into normal humans.
Don't worry, I do have friends. I just said I never made one through a video game.
I'm too shy to reach out so i haven't.
>play some video game with Yea Forums
>make fren that isn't a fucking retard and i still talk to over a decade later
the end. please rate
Alright alright, I realize that I may have worded the OP poorly:
Have any of you handsome boys ever fostered a friendship through video games? Not necessarily just by meeting someone online in a game, but also through playing/sharing games with an acquaintance or classmate.
>ever fostered a friendship
Haven't played video games with friends since primary school.
Nope, friends can be a pain in the ass. I prefer solo.
>be me in 2013
>playing roblox making kids mad on town of robloxia
>meet some british guy and his brother
>absolute lad
>we become friends
>buys games to play with me
>he also has a sister that i sometimes hear in the backround
>at first its 'OGOO GAGAAA"
>now its "help me with my homework user" or "can i play vidya with you?"
>still talk to friend to this day
>hes getting married soon
dan you are a real lad.
my next door neighbor used to come over and we'd play worms armageddon on ps1 for hours
haven't seen him in 17 years
Fuck that hack
I've never made a friend "through" a game
Yes but it ended as previously stated.
that don't look like the work of a hack, sempai
I was playing Sims 2 on ps2 for around 6hrs, building a house for my alien dude. Friend comes over and watches for a few minutes then turns off ps2 to mess with me. I didn't save at all those 6hrs so we ended up punching eachother in the arms, he was laughing about it.
I think we ended up playing TH's American Wasteland or something afterwards.
I know that feel, user. Did the same thing but drank too much and sperged out too.
I didn't even have to get drunk. Things just got weird. But I was also rather clingy.
We also used to play Halo 1 & 2, a lot of early Xbox games like Brute Force, and wrestle in his room. He had 3 mattresses stacked up and we'd spread them out and make most the room a mattress arena.
I made friends like that from a forum and my buddy's sister has the hots for me and always loved me talking to her when my bud was out. Then we met in person but I was married so I told him I couldn't meet his sister since I was with my wife. Good times though. Great friend.
Are you me, user?
only have irl friends
make friends with some americans over runescape, learn to speak english over skype
make a shitty eclipse origins runescape ripoff, make friends with a dane and a canadian that i talk to almost every day for years and eventually meet up irl with
>make friends with two americans, one of which became Yea Forumss pisslord in 2017
make friends with a couple of furries and hang out with them ever since, had a meetup in my country last new years, they flew here and it was cool as fuck. we played games, watched shit, went out to eat, went to our capital, etc
i used to play video games with all my better friends, but i havn't seen them in years
That's creepy of posting underaged girls OP.