ITT: Games you can't discuss on Yea Forums anymore

ITT: Games you can't discuss on Yea Forums anymore

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Every series I like because the shitposting makes me seethe so I avoid it all together. Now I only talk about games I dislike

It was never that good anyway.

There's literally nothing to discuss about it if not Smash roster baiting.

You still can, but only if it's in comparison to Tooie.

A Hat in Time. Legit the best 3D platformer I've played and the babies are upset cause a single tranny flag.

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You only like this series because you want to fuck the bear

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Mad Monster Mansion sucks.

Worse than Tooie, completely.

Fuck Smash niggers and fuck Geno faggots

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the OG

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fuck off

Not just DaS2, the entire series.
Souls threads are irreparable damaged.

kill yourself

The state of Demon’s Souls discussion is what saddens me the most.

you have to be 18 or older to post here

Any Simpsons game

you become what you hate

Any of the MYST games, can't discuss how URU sucked anywhere, can't discuss how Exile and Revelation were marketed to girls too much and how that effected its design style. Can't discuss how End of Ages was intended to be RUN Online content. Can't discuss how YOU early content would have worked better if the slate and drawing symbols would have obviously been rewarded back into the earlier content of it had time to be properly and fully developed, can't discuss that anywhere, Yea Forums, official forums, Twitter etc, to ahead and try.
Literally any Cyan game Obduction, Fimament, all feel like they are in a media black list. I was going to post a picture of Yeesha's weird old lady face texture, :-[ but I couldn't find it.

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I mean, I don't think anyone ever did, but good luck doing it now.

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Doesn't help that the new DLC sucked.

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I would really prefer if you would be quiet

Apart from if you fuck up the Napper run, what's not to like about it?

Though, it seems like we've come to the point where the only people that still want to talk about Klonoa are just nostalgia-driven fans, rather than sexually-frustrated boys.

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Rayman due to Origins/Legendsfags and Smashfags.

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As if you were able to discuss the game before with the loliposters

Just for the moment, hopefully.

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kek, came here to say that

The tranny flag is pretty bad

I could because I want to fuck The Conductor.

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I’m playing Tooie for the first time

Having a fucking Blast, good fucking lord, the anons saying this was a straight upgrade was correct. Loving the bigger worlds and more ambitious direction.

One question though, where the fuck is the boss of the Factory, I can’t fucking find it. I found the bosses of every world except this one.

fuck you, that's my favorite world

did i miss something in game? where is there a tranny flag?

Still can't find the texture file :- [

Der. Forgot the pic.

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Kill yourself