POSTAL 2 is fucking based

POSTAL 2 is fucking based

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I don't even like videogames

Here's the thing though.

Like based as in you take it seriously or based as in "haha good satire"

Also do you own any guns?


No since i live in Europe, i love the game to death though.

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The devs did a great job with paradise lost, and I wish them well with their real postal 3

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Same with me, i loved it, wished to have Paradise lost weapons in the original game but what can we do, speaking of which
are there any interesting mod to try for postal 2?
like TC's?
Eternal damnation doesn't feel like my thing to be honest

I haven't been current with mods much, but me and two friends got the coop mod working

"back to basics" is a fucking trip

oohhh nice
will check out!

I've never seen devs shit on their own game as RWS. They take shots at Postal 3 whenever they can

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Hey there, Mari-anne, will you be my girl-friend?


Best weapon

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Postal 2 has genuine amazing map design

but is it redpilled?

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It's as redpilled as it gets

but it wasn't their own game, they outsourced it to russians.

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It's the only game I can think of that hits all the right notes for me in terms of humor. Can't think on any other game where I actually laughed out loud as much as this game.
My sense of humor is juvenile as fuck so that might be why.

nah dude, it's the fucking machete. I realized that it was a boomerang way later and just started using it instead of everything else

Dude's va is fucking based too

I feel like shit

>Not the machete that let's you do fucking round trips

This can't be good for me but I feel great.

It's based in the way the game is constructed and the things you can do. Everyone always gets hung up on the humor, and forgets there's a really interesting game under there.

I tried playing it for the first time during Halloween season, fuck those skeletons.

The shears definitely is a great weapon.
I like the sickle and sledgehammer too.

based indeed

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*upsets your favorite eceleb*

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Is that vault boy in the back

I wish I had voice like that

Reminder that everytime some one complains about this game being too violent, that you can finish the entire game whitout killing a single soul

the game is as violent as the person playing it

It's fun to fuck around and pee on people in the original postal 2 but all of the additional content they've made over the year has been terrible.

unironically one of the best first playthrough of the games ive played. everything it tries to be, it succeeds in. too bad it always crashes when i play it on my new pc. wouild love to play it again.

Edged weapons are fun as fuck. They make the game easier but it's not really a serious game to begin with.

I loved the first game, bought 2 on release and remember being disappointed because it was super goofy, everything took 100 shots to kill and the load times between areas was broken to the point where I thought the game was frozen, which made exploration suck.
I still ended up loving the game, but goddamn it felt like it took them forever to get that "1337" patch out that fixed a lot of the problems.

"Sign this petition or I'll follow you home and kill your dog" is the best line.

It's a dollar for a reason.

yea cause the devs are based af

It's probably the comfiest game out there imo. Nothings better than heating up a nice cup of dr pepper in the microwave at 2 am, flipping on a podcast, and booting up some postal 2.

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They didn't make 3.

>Postal 2 is full of tongue-in-cheek offensive humor and over the top violence, overall a fun game not meant to be taken too seriously
>wonder what Postal 1 was like

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it is nice yeah.

I'm curious to what kind of nightmare fuel they consumed when making that game

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It's the video game equivalent of shitposting on Yea Forums. Not as funny as you think at first but weirdly satisfying.
They really are. Pic related.
Worth every cent.

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the 90's man they were different.
the millennium was closing in around you and you had old wars, new wars and the internet wasn't good yet and no way to know if your paranoia was well founded or not.

Just like now.

I guess but the amount of information at your disposal was orders of magnitude less and less omnipresent.
The zeitgeist was a bit different too but that might be too localized and opinion based.

Are you implying it's (((problematic))) to own guns?

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Easily the best thing about the game. He sounds like he had lots of fun doing it.

>and I wish them well with their real postal 3
The Lead Designer for RWS commented on a Civvie11 video and he left this in one of his comments
>Also, I predict that the next RWS title will be announced at least by the next return of Halley's Comet.

Are we ever gonna get an actual Postal 3?

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there's your confirmation, also they do mention development of postal 3 on their news tab on steam

hope you like the sound of bending metal like visiting Silent Hill's dumber brother

so youre saying ... theres a chance

RWS is such an oddball of a studio, I have no idea how they could survive this long. Is there another studio who made an expansion for a 12 year old game? SoD doesn't count
Godspeed those glorious faggots.