Here's your deus ex bro

>here's your deus ex bro

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It was fucking awesome

thanks, got more?

No, because no one bought it

ill take the gep gun

thats a shame

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>release the game with shitty preorder DLC practices which puts people off of the game long before launch
>force the devs to take out half of the game to put into the sequel which we aren't getting since it bombed

fuck square enix

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it truly was a mankind divided

Is this a screenshot or artwork?

That's so fucking frustrating

a true based and redpilled game
Deus Ex > cybersjw 2077

>force the devs to take out half of the game to put into the sequel
Nice lie

Thanks, it was a good game. Can't wait until the next one

>Aug lives matter
Why did they do this

because Deus Ex wasn't originally PC

the writing and world and storytelling is all so insanely fucking bad in the new deus ex games its unbelievable.

>this and the prey thread up right now

It's not fucking fair Yea Forumsros. These games are good. It's not fucking fair

that final mission was good but the ending felt so rushed.

Might still arrive. No news of it's cancellation, and the industry's had a number of surprises from the least likely candidates lately (although admittedly 6/10 of those surprises came from Capcom)

>Mankind Divided
ok guys am i just a brainlet or did nothing get accomplished in this entire game? I felt like after beating it that nothing actually happened.

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the article even says it wasn't split into two games to be sold later.
if that was true and there really was a complete second game sitting around, where is it?

but it was originally on PC user

This & KH3 get way too much flak.

it was still a good game, despite it's major flaws.
I think it was more of a budget issue; pressure to create a game bigger than they allotted funding for.


that's what happens you hire canadians to write your game