Dead Rising

Play Dead Rising

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Are you playing it yet lads?

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Alright pirating dead rising 4

>pirating dead rising 4

ikr that's the worst one

Why when you can pirate 1 2 or off the record hell even 3 is kind of acceptable if you are a retard but you have gone beyond retarded

Whats up with the constant dead rising threads this last week has the next game announced or something?

It's just been me posting them mostly. They never get much traction. I just want to discuss this amazing game(s)

Alright lads

>favorite boss
>favorite weapon
>favorite location
>favorite store
>favorite survivors
>favorite game

what went wrong with this series?

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Capcom gave it to a bunch of Canadians.

Tried too hard to be wacky, when that was never the whole point of the game.

2 and OTR are great, fantastic even. They fixed alot of issues, and they play faithfully to the original. Albeit with a noticeably worse art style, and no MTframework. 3 is ok. Just ok. The physics are good and the graphics are good. Compared to 4 it's amazing. 4 is a pile of fucking trash

This. They handed the keys to a bunch of people that didn’t understand what made the first and second ones so great.

How good is off the record?
I've only played 1 fully.
DR2 didn't have the soul and DR3 isn't DR


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mini chainsaw don't ask dumb questions

Came here to post this. I need to go back and survive for 7 days in infinite mode.

Favorite store? Ned’s Knicknackery because you could close the fucking door and keep zombies out. Also it had katanas.

As good as DR will ever get post DR1

1's psychos were so good 2 had a couple decent ones also

The second one was made by the Canadians as well, you dumb fuck, and it showed.

The fight with the 'Nam vet in the hardware store was pretty kino.

It was still overseen by Capcom to make sure it felt like DR. 3 and 4 were not.

using first 3 games
for death scene cliff for fight chuck
fortune city
movie land
off the record

DR1 was incredible
DR2 was good
DR2+ was really good
DR3 felt really different but kinda refreshing and it was good

soccer ball
rescuing survivors lol

if there is a dr5 i hope they get rid of blueprints bring back scratch and combo cards

The whole series was on sale on Steam a little while ago.

Canucks thought they were working on Saints row.
Story wise the game never needed to be a series but 2 was fun enough.

>attempting to play DR1 on a CRT back then
I legitimately could not play the game.

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how come it's so fucking hard to do the main story and also rescue a decent amount of survivor's??
It's making the game feel unrewarding and also the reason I haven't played it in weeks.
>played 360 version when young but mostly farted around. now I'm older and have goals when playing games.

I liked 3 more than 2

They killed the series' identity as a massive ticking puzzlebox of timed escort missions, improvisation and resource management in their rush to iron out the frustrating elements from the series. The devs gradually turned the series into a wannabe Dynasty Warriors, only with duct-taped garbage as weapons and zombies instead of soldiers.

If I could give just a few words of advice to the devs of the next entry, I would tell them not to be afraid of pissing players off. Dead Rising can be a really stressful experience, but the pressure is what makes it so cathartic. It's one of very, very few series that actually gets more fun when you start to optimize your play.

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>how come it's so fucking hard to do the main story and also rescue a decent amount of survivor's??
>It's making the game feel unrewarding and also the reason I haven't played it in weeks.
Completing every single scoop starting on a fresh save is tough but completely doable, and there's even enough spare time left over to get all the rest of the achievements (bar Zombie Genocider). Look up a timeline of the game's missions and plot your routes on the map ahead of time.

Not that surprising, it's the better game in the moment to moment. Chuck handles like he's wading through waist-high water and Nick has the best controls in the franchise. It's literally everything but the moment to moment that DR3 screws up.

I just realized Movieland was a Viewtiful Joe reference.
How the hell did I miss that all these years?

Probably because you’re not max level and you’re not using the mini chainsaw with those three magazines. I was the same way. Game was hard as fuck until I realized New Game+ could be started at any time to help you level up.

Boss - Adam has the best Death Cutscene, though most of them in the first game were pretty good with the exception of maybe Jo.
Weapon - Jeep Turret (Hilarious to drag it over to a boss fight and watch them die even faster than if you had used mini chainsaws)
Location - Paradise Plaza just because it has everything you need and you get that feeling of getting to the last real hurdle when you're bringing in a large survivor group
Store - The Movie/CD Store across from Jill's Sandwiches. There are a bunch of dumb fake movie cases like pic related
Survivor - Snowflake
Game - 1 if it wasn't already apparent. Though I've only played 1,2, and Off the Record.

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>Finally get around to my saint run
>8 man survivor trains
>Figuring out how to tweak the run when something goes off-course and how to optimize it better than the person writing the guide
>Frantically running back to the safehouse with shittons of survivors with literal seconds on the clock before you miss a case

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I fucking hate DR1 because of the survivor AI being fucking braindead.

I did back on the 360. Jacked to Jessie as well

>that fucking ledge before the rooftop duct entrance



When DR5 inevitably comes out, do you think we'll look back on 4 more fondly?

Fuck no, 4 is unironically garbage

i am the guy who wrote and this is what's really killing it for me.
I already know about the NG+ level farming but wasn't trying to abuse it.

Dead Rising Remake on RE engine when

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Too many people went into the game expecting another "kill zombies" game, and complained about things like the time limit. The developers of 4 catered to that crowd instead of the fans.

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4 is one of the worst AA games I've ever played

really been meaning to replay 1 and 2 its been years since the last time

That injured guy that you shouldn't give a gun spent so fucking long refusing to get up that fucking ledge.

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What are some fun playthroughs in DR1 bros? I got the saint achievement for the first time ever the other week. I want to play it again but don't know what to do. I always wanted to go for the 5 and 7 day survivor achievements but don't have the time.

Why the fuck are canadian dudebros making dead rising now?

>but don't have the time.
Y-yeah!! haha.... same

Don't use your inventory; once you grab a item that's all you'll use until it breaks

They aren't anymore, they died


>survivor ai

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Idk if the 5/7 day survivor achievements are worth it. I did them back when I was in high school because I had nothing else to do. Not only does the 7 day survivor take 14 fucking real time hours to complete, it's super tedious too.

Hold up.. what?? Like they all died in a plane crash do you mean or like the studio? Do you know who has it now?

Literally so bad Capcom closed the studio. No.

monkey paw'd

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I managed to get Saint on my first runthrough on steam. I hadn't played it since the 360 days. I might go for Transmissionary but that also seems super tedious. I guess I'll just do a normal run through not worrying about survivors or anything, just like the old days! :'( I never enjoyed DR2 as much as the first.

>PC version comes out TEN YEARS after console version


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Perfect Run: Get every achievement in one playthrough starting with a fresh save.

I'm convinced Frank the Pimp is impossible on a Saint run, but you can get pretty close to Zombie Genocider if spend all your free time in the maintenance tunnels and you go into Overtime Mode. I got really close to pulling it off last time I played, and I did a fair bit of fucking around.

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>spits on you

Capcom has it, and they always had it. They outsourced it to untalented developers and, wouldn’t you know it, killed the franchise.

Transmissionary is exactly like a normal Saint run. You just need to make sure you aren't early for scoops.

Aha now that one I DO have! It was my favorite achievement to get besides the sticker one. Hey what is this mechanic called btw? I've only seen
>majora's mask
>pikmin 1
>dead rising
use it where there's a time limit but also a schedule. Like you can miss certain sidequests and all of that.

>Like they all died in a plane crash do you mean or like the studio?

Studio closed, I think their last project was a kinda ugly version of puzzle fighter for phones

This game sure was shit

I haven't tried this but it looks fun

>rescuing survivors lol

ah, a shitter

I feel like Dead Rising 3 got a lot more hate than it deserved, probably due to the Xbone exclusivity at the time. Played it about a year ago and it's not bad. At least it refined the combo system, made the gameplay more fast paced.

Not to mention it's got a nice art style and by far the best combat and physics

Good luck staying awake for 14 hours straight without ability to save, turn off computer or doze off, you have to eat every 20 minutes.

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Dead Rising 2 is more fun


I think overall I had more fun with DR2 than I did with DR, and I say this having beat the first game at least 5 times. The all new combo mechanic, Chuck being a better protag than Frank, higher quality waifus.

It doesn't count if you don't do it on an OG 360

Set waypoints for them and clear a path. Do not have them follow you.

Why? Because on that brick you have decent chance the game will crash or the xbox itself will overheat? Because you cant watch seven 2 hours long movies on second monitor to make it less tedious?

I thing the 5 and 7 days survivor has the decent chance to be called the worst achievement in gamers history. It doesnt matter how good you are, it will take longer than 2 full playthroughts of main campaign, you cant save during it, you cant even walk to toilet, it isnt challenging at all and the main gameplay is standing in safe spot eating baked pizza every 20 minutes.

I swear going to work is more fun and rewarding that this... Does anybody know more lame / tedious achievement in AA(or better) game?

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The Moxxi Underdome achievement in BL1 is pretty bad

Remember, if you go to the food court between a few in game hours on day 4/5 the game will crash. And you'll have to start all over again.
Aside from dumb shit like that it's really easy, you have an abundance of food. You just have to make sure you don't fuck up by eating a pizza at nearly full health, or wasting food. You can get hit a lot and still make it through as long as you kill a few bosses. Avoid the convicts at all costs.

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>still manage to take a fucking detour to their destination

worst survivor AI of the generation

Only 1 is acceptable. Everyone else is soulless trash

This fucking shit right here. I did all the gears of war seriously achievements and this was still WORSE. Not to mention on the last wave of one of the challenges my game froze and I had to spend another 4 hrs doing it all over again since I was doing it solo with second controller. Fuck that shit and fuck randy and fuck gearbox

I'm getting the 10th anniversary edition.