Are you getting it Yea Forums? Game launchs next month for $39.99

Are you getting it Yea Forums? Game launchs next month for $39.99.

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Other urls found in this thread:

sure, Ill buy aradias game

Can't decide whether to get on Switch because I'm a physicalfag or for PC to get mods and an actual good fps and res. Second thoughts to help me make a decision, gamers?

>40 dollars for a game that looks and plays worse than 15$ indie metroidvanias


$39.99 fuck, I thought this was a $20 bucks indie game, it sure looked like one.

lmao. why are they charging so much for this? Why are the graphics worse than SOTN?


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Igarashi's brand of metroidvania is boring as shit so no

I paid $60 for the kickstarter. I feel robbed. But I get the DLC and spin off game with it, so I guess I can accept it.

left has better graphics despite being 20 years older. why?

Probably. I liked all the DS castlevania games and it looks like it will play the same.

Attached: portrait_of_ruin.gif (283x198, 213K)

I’m going to get it when it’s cheaper
Because pixel shit always looks better compared to 3D in terms of a lack of flaws

prob on switch
pirate pc

Same here, I am definitively going to buy the game at some point in this year, but I will stick to other games for a while to see if we can get a sale.

Even after the upgrades, the game still doesn't look that great.

will buy on torrents

I haven't played this type of game before but I'm considering it just because I have nothing else to play right now although I'm expecting the Code Vein release date at E3

>muh soul vs souless meme

Shut the fuck up and pirate it faggot.

I backed the kickstarter late after its initial conclusion, at the last possible hour, since I was already sold on Curse of the Moon.
I figured if I was going to get Curse of the Moon anyway, I might as well back it late since I saw here on Yea Forums that it was still possible to do so. Which not only got me Curse of the Moon, but the demos for Ritual of the Night, and now I am getting Ritual of the Night at release. And I got both games for like $10 less than if I had gotten separately.

Yeah on PS4.

Curse of the Moon was amazing for being a cheap side game. Id rather they focused on expanding the 8bit games than the SoTN style, but theres more fans of Igavania which is more money in the long run.

What's the difference between regular version and deluxe version or whatever they had for the kickstarter ? Curious on to what i'm potentially losing.

>price is actually pretty good for my shitty ass 3rd country

Noice. Aside from DMC it has been a while since a game that interested me had a regional price that was lower than exchange rate.

Supposedly Curse of the Moon did really well, so if Ritual of the Night doesn't bomb, I would not be surprised if Curse of the Moon got sequels.

Curse of the Moon was pretty damn good.

Theres a day 1 patch that includes a lot of what was originally intended for Backers. Boss Rush Mode, a few other title screen options like that. The $10 DLC features a Super Boss, and probably some extra content to get to/find him. The Super Boss is Iga himself and it rewards you with the Swordwhip. Backers get that content for free and start with the Swordwhip, and an extra costume for the main character. The DLC you have to earn it.

Apologize, I forgot to source my claim. Pls no bully.

>implying they'll ship kickstarter rewards on time
>implying they manufactured anything and everyone who backed will just get retail copies and an apology letter a month after release

If only it was harder

Earning the weapon by beating a boss looks more fun than starting with it.

I hate when a dlc or bonus makes you start with things right away.

I agree, but looking at the Kickstarter campaign it looks like some of the content wasnt going to be accessable to non backers. So im glad they found a way to give nonbackers a chance to get the content.

I saw that update. They were silent for months and also haven't shown any previews for anything, like the special kojima art. No way they have anything ready

Its still about a week til the 31st. Im sure they will post something on that date about the Shipping.

Reading the linked page now (), its not clear if the backers will start with the itens right away, I think that was a misunderstanding, maybe the backers will just not have to buy the extra DLC, the page says this:

>Also planned for launch is the “Iga’s Back Pack” DLC. For $9.99, players will be able to take on the game’s creator, Koji Igarashi. Defeat him and you’ll receive the powerful Swordwhip weapon. It should be available to Kickstarter backers at no extra cost.

On the kickstart page, it says:

>As many of you will remember, we also asked the community a while back if they were against us making the ‘backer exclusive’ content (Iga Boss and Swordwhip) available to all players in some fashion. Almost 30,000 of you replied and the overwhelming response was that in general you were ok with it, and the most popular option was to sell it at a price that would respect the purchase the backers originally made.

>To that end we’re announcing the “Iga’s Back Pack” DLC for $9.99, launching on June 18, 2019 for PS4, XB1 and PC, June 25, 2019 for Switch. Players who purchase this DLC will be able to fight the game’s creator, Koji Igarashi himself, and earn the powerful Swordwhip weapon by defeating him.

>To try and be as transparent as possible, making this content available to everyone wasn’t just about making money. I mean obviously that’s a part of it, but the chief things I was considering was making sure everyone had a safe and legitimate way to get the full game experience no matter when they find out about Bloodstained, whether that’s 5 months ago or 5 years from now, and that we were being respectful of the price backers originally paid (hence the DLC pricing).

damn just look at this key art

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I'll buy my cute wife miriam's game

I was refering to the Kickstarter page about starting with the Swordwhip, but you are right reading the more recent update... maybe they have to earn it too. Thats how it should be. They had to vote to release this DLC to us though... glad it passed, id pirate the game if it didnt.

Because that’s the old graphics before they updated the game

does she also get raped by zombies and stuff

That's way too much for a cheapo indie.

I loved Curse of the Moon and the OST was great.

I'm grabbing the next one too, but I dislike how attacks lack any sense of impact. I miss SOTN because a sword hit made the enemy bleed and there were lots of lots of death animations that were 10/10.

Because you confuse graphics and aesthetics.

Indeed it was.

Attached: 1553623368373.gif (396x206, 934K)

But hes also wrong?

of course i backed the second the kickstarter went in , any Igavania is Day 1 for me regardless of shitty graphics and this game looks exactly like the perfect fusion between Sotn and Aos

You can view some of the map on the Kickstarter page, its some backer reward to get a full scale map. The game looks massive.

I havent seen any death animations yet, but in all of Igas games there were a few good ones like Werewolves burning in a pillar of fire, and the zombie blood fountains.

Preordered it from limited run, actually. Gonna be my first real taste of the -vania in Metroidvania.

But you get what i mean right?

It's just not the same without the forwards moonwalk.

The old school game they released last year was fun. Nice surprise for me. Just randomly bought it on steam one day.

>The game looks massive.
So? Most Metroidvanias are.

What is the nature of the coop mode?

Its not a cheap indie... you Iga, he got his music team, the Voice actor for Alucard, David Hayter is in it, I mean... Its not some basement dwelling guy who made a game in RPG Maker. Pirate the game if the price isnt right for you.

This isn't some dude in a garage making pixel art.
This said, I'd gladly have paid $30 for Cave Story and that WAS a dude in his garage making pixel art.

I get it. Youre incorrect but I get it.

Why did they insist on this god awful artstyle? Why cant it look like SOTN or the Soma Cruz games?

Are you asking why they're charging $40 for a brand new retail game?

You know that's a discount from the norm.

But it has bad indie like graphics

Is Curse of the Moon canon?

Just call us anons, mate.

Anyway, this is also my case. I think I'm going with PC because the DLC is going to be digital only, plus I actually care for 60FPS more than portability. And there were some rumors about the Switch version overheating the machines because of a bad setup for some demo booths. Whatever the case, it would be better to wait a bit longer for the Switch version.

Nintendo can sell a 4 hour Kirby game for $60 and get away with it. Bloodstained first playthrough will exceed that for sure.


It was at first going to be a Prequel. They changed it to a spinoff instead. So its in its own world. In RoTN, Gebel and Zangatsu fight Miriam, and Zang hates Miriam. Looks like those 2 will be playable characters though.

I hate the cringe weeb anime voice acting. I wish the voice acting was like SOTN.

It's been a while since the last time I've played these kinds of Castlevania, I'm somewhat worried about progression.

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According to steamdb, Ori and the Blind Forest was 20 bucks at release, which is a pretty fair comparison in graphics, lenght and genre. On the other hand Bloodstained has all the extra replay shit that will come later (yes, still not on release, i get it). Just pirate and buy on discount later when all the shit that was promised is actually released if you're that unhappy with the price for the amount of content on release.

The 10% discount seems like such a pointless gesture

I will

Wrong girl.

Attached: Mods.png (962x962, 662K)

I'm a backer so yes.

Very excited honestly.

Pregnancy mechanic when?

wait, I backed this for 60, if the game is only 40 what happens to my extra shekels?

Attached: Pregnant.png (401x360, 195K)

You get the DLC for "free"

>A digital copy of the game for XBOX ONE, PS4, or STEAM (PC/Mac/Linux). Includes exclusive backer-only content, digital soundtrack, and a PDF of the retro strategy booklet!

me on the right

It's just a button command right now though, unfortunately

Did someone post the trailer from 2 days ago? i guess thats the last trailer i wish they showed more stages between this and last trailer i still dont see how this game is going to have "the biggest igavania castle" unless the game launch as a early accses and they keep adding content later , they showed very few lvls in all the trailers


why buy any games they all look worse than sotn

>Because you confuse graphics and aesthetics.
SotN both has better graphics and a better aesthetic.


Go finish your game, Miriam.

Just like her mom

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I wish it was 2d pixelshit but I guess the customization wouldn't be as nice.

Heres the map from the Kickstarter Page, I doubt this is the full size since its been on the page for a few years.

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Backed this for $150 and even paid for an additional copy for a friend's birthday. I'm in this all the way, and I can only hope it ain't another MN9 or Yooka Laylee. Still, I do have faith, the game looks and plays great from the tastes i've had. I liked the look in the recent trailer.

I don't need SOTN or AoS tier, even PoT and OoE tier would be amazing. Curse of the Moon didn't let me down so here's hoping.

Attached: 084ec724c704c5835e193795dc15b6e0dc33f635.png (884x1351, 406K)

hell yeah im buying it

I'll buy practically any game made by japs with a cute main character as long as it's not turn based

Curse of the Moon surpassed all of my expectations. I thought it was going to be a 1 playthrough game... boy was I wrong.

>I can only hope it ain't another MN9 or Yooka Laylee
it should be pretty clear to you from the demo alone that it's not

Probably. Been playing the other Iga games the past few months for the first time and enjoyed most of them.

Why does it have graphics like what a student would make for a college project?

will it have dual audio?

I know it won't be, though I know there'll be shitposters here treating it like one.

What button


>not wanting samurai David Hayter

sure, why not?

hayter is alright, but miriam's constant screaming in the english dub is unbearable

Pirate the PC Version and patch it out then.

I just hate how Gebel looks like a massive faggot, villains should be more threatening.

At least Miriam looks great.

2D ages like wine while 3D ages like milk.

>the chief things I was considering was making sure everyone had a safe and legitimate way to get the full game experience no matter when they find out about Bloodstained, whether that’s 5 months ago or 5 years from now, and that we were being respectful of the price backers originally paid (hence the DLC pricing)
Unironically based.

The demo does.
You can bet the full game will too or else there'll be a riot.
>but miriam's constant screaming in the english dub is unbearable
This. Thankfully for her Japanese voice acting they had the good sense to not go crazy with the voice for her every action.

unless we're talking about sh2 and 3

That's really not the game's map, looks more like an Etrian Odyssey map.

praying this game will be good

we have not had good castlevania games since....castlevania on the DS

bro harmony of despair was fun as hell

Symphony of the night feels better because the trailing echoes of Alucard behind him. It feels sluggish on the right

One of the top row, want to say f8 maybe

I think it's something weird like esc+f5

Attached: Sit Down.png (700x543, 282K)

>wanting meme man to do meme voice for the millionth time

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Not sure if it is or not. Just pulled it from the website and that picture has been there for a few years. Im sure a lot has changed since the launching of the Kickstarter campaign.

I do like the trailing effect in SoTN. And on the Gameboy Advance games. Wonder if you can get armor or a ring to bring it back...

It is most definitely just a BS map they threw together just to have the graphic of a map in the rewards tiers.

These games have a tendency to not sell at all because anyone who would have bought it got it during hte kickstarter, and then they sink in price rapidly, so I'll just wait a month or two and see how far it goes.

>looks worse
Shut the fuck up pixelfag boomer, the 90s are over, pixel games look like garbage

Poor girl.

This game better play like Jesus made it and have a shit ton of content. Hollow knight is like 15 bucks and that game's the gold standard for the time being, you dorks.

I think you underestimate how much people are willing to suck Igas dick... he got 1.5 million in less than a day. Its going to sell.

It does look worse than SotN.

I don't blame the game for that though, SotN is actually one of the best looking games period. The sprite work in that game is on another level.

It got 1.5m in a day.
now who's left to buy it? no one.

Why cant they make it look as good as a 20 year old game despite having modern tech available to them?

why does the right look so meh compared to left

Yes, that and Indivisible.

What game is this? I see it posted every time bloodstained is mentioned but nobody ever says the name.


i'll play it for sure

FRIENDLY REMINDER that the switch version will be locked at 30FPS and you are retard if you buy it.

Because it's much more time consuming to make good pixel art.

I'll probably wait for impressions/reviews. If people everywhere suggest that it's MN9-tier I won't bother but if it seems like people like it I'll give it a whirl.

SoTN is on every top 100 games list ever made. Probably most top 20 lists. Once the game drops and word spreads that Iga made it, its going to sell. He got 5.5m total from backers, when you got a name that big people are going to suck your dick. And with all the nostalgic voice actors and composer he packed into it... more reason for people to buy it.

Night of Revenge

Weren't they literally selling in-game content to people who paid for it before it was even in production? Stuff that isn't available when you buy the game like a normal person?

Just watch some streamer play it and see how you like it.

Bullshit, $20 indie games don't look THIS bad

They did at first, but then they took a vote to release it to non backers as paid DLC.

Hayter has sounded like complete ass in all the trailers.

Dusk of Vengeance

Just pirate the demo now and see for yourself

>50 leaf bucks for this fucking indie game
Nope, pirating the shit out of it.

Will listen to soundtrack on youtube

Based pirate.

Why the fuck do I have to play as a girl?

Where the fuck do I download this shit? I just want to fap.

Theres 2 extra characters. You dont have to play as a girl... eventually.

Not into flash games or bugs.

Yeah. Bloodstained looks good and I want more games from the creator but with a higher budget.

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getting the switch version with the steelbook but i might pirate the pc version if the framerate bothers me

are the 2 extra characters since the beggining or they have to be unlocked or via dlc at later date?


dlc coming a bit later, I believe they said boss rush and something else was the earliest dlc.

>most efficient and deadly predator
>also fucking retarded

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Is the switch frame rate confirmed to be worse?

Theres a day one patch, linked earlier in the thread. I dont think any specifics came out on the playable characters yet. But its pretty much Castlevania, id expect an unlock through multiple endings.

Yes. Its locked at 30fps on Switch.

30 fps switch , everything else 60

Ohnonono bros

No getting Aradia raped!

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looks trashy and cheap.. clearly *trying* to imitate ayami kojima's art and failing in the process. Also what's with the huge saggy grannytits? doesn't really fit the face nor the body.

welp, no buy from me

>he doesnt have a PC

>buying games on PC
that's the dumbest thing I ever read

How do you make posts without reading them?

pixel graphics are a timeless texture. Also the reason why megaman x still looks so good.

"modern tech" allows them to make a similar game with a larger map, more base content, more cutscenes, and character customization, for relatively the same budget or less.

As soon as the pregnancy model persists through sex scenes i'm fucking eternally diamonds

Maybe later in the year. Going ham on Mario maker 2 and other first parties.

Pirate it you fucking moron. Do you need your hand held on how to Torrent?

every time I see this image, for a second I think she's holding her right arm straight up in the air. Am I the only one?

>i'm fucking eternally diamonds
That sounds like minecraft talk to me, boy.

will there be ryona?

Wrong game. That's the other one.

it's still possible

Just give me a link.

Hopefully mods

Iga's stated before that he wants Bloodstained to be a full series and that he wants to satisfy all fans of Castlevania, with Ritual of the Night's secondary purpose being to create assets for use in later games. A sequel to Curse of the Moon is inevitable, especially considering Ritual itself is going to have Classic mode, which reuses existing assets to convert the game into six Classicvania style stages.

The game Limited Run is selling is Curse of the Moon, the 8-bit spin-off based on the classic stage-based Castlevanias they made as a stretch goal.

Maybe you need to have your eyes checked.


Is pretty clear that its blade because of the shape and reflection, but after reading your post I tried to look at it without my glasses and guess what, it does look like her arm.

That's what it looks like in the thumbnail.

So is this game going to suck my dick or what?

But none of that is true lol

It unironically looks worse than MN9.
I really can't wait for launch, it's going to be such a shitfest of reviews trashing it mixed with desperate backers defending it

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weak bait, not gonna get a (You) from me

please explain that image


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ooooh what else?

________________lesbian nuns______________________

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I think you may have mistaken mighty no. 9 for something else because that game was by far worse than anything shown for this one

oooooooooooh what else?

Creme, chocolate, peanut butter and minis are about to get betrayed by peep

I mean even after the visual fixes it dosen't look amazing, but the demo played exactly how I wanted it too, so I don't really understand where you're coming from

____iron maidens filled with tentacles that you shove women inside of_____

I understand that everyone has their own taste and everything but it fascinates me that anyone can look at this and not see an utter abortion. I'm tempted to believe you're a shill and that the shilling effort definitely seems to be intensifying as we approach launch

The difference is that people have actually played Bloodstained, including journalists, and the average response has been that the game is enjoyable and fun to play despite the visual issues.

>A sequel to Curse of the Moon is inevitable
One can only hope so.

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Did they fix the weird mouths during cutscenes?

That's not really saying anything. If you've played maybe 10 games in your life, then even an average game can be "enjoyable". Video game fanatics have played 100s if not thousands of games, on the other hand, and the prospect of playing an average game is unenticing, especially one that looks as appalling as this one does. I could forgive something like lousy voice acting which even the original SotN suffered from but this game was sold with the pitch of being a return to form of a masterpiece. Not something merely "playable". Oh, they made a playable game, congratulations?

is the kiity going to be ok?

I don't think they've show anything of that since people complained.

They remade the character models to deal with that issue, it was one of the complaints shown in the Old vs New trailer they did to announce the release date.

so despite people saying that the game is fun to play, you're saying that it's not fun to play because it looks bad?

how does that bait taste??

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not like I have anything else to do

It's fucking raw.

I don't believe in that game, the art style and the characters cannot match with me. I feel like i could miss eventually a good game but i'm almost sure people and backers gonna be really disappointed of it.

Also i think Iga is a hack and made SoTN good by pure luck and even i say good but he wasn't even able to made it balanced (not too easy or too hard), every single castlevania 2D who came after got the same problem and unfortunaely are far from getting the same aura of SoTN.

To increase your T, so you don't feel like your sexuality is being challenged for playing as a girl.

This is the most ESL post I've ever read.

I've played it all the way through. It's really good. I think fans of Symphony and the Sorrows will be happy.


Theres no doubt that he is going to make it a series, the 8bit was an afterthought and not his main focus. He sold well on it though.

Konami isnt doing shit with Castlevania and Iga can easily own the market for it since no one can really challenge him on it.

Are you a game journalist? How did you play it all the way through?

You know, you dont have to play the game with the Overpowered weapons right?

I think he means the early access demo from like 6 months ago.
And I agree. Ignoring the graphics being hot garbage in places it felt exactly like Aria with the old SOTN controls and gravity.

Yep, the price is not a problem. But if it was, I could easily buy this with the money I saved pirating rage2.

I think the cutscenes look ugly as sin, those models up close just really don't look good and the animations are dreadful. But during regular gameplay it looks fine imo

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Theres a video in the thread that shows the mechanics are the same as SoTN.

It's a wonder why the didn't just use the 2d drawings for cutscenes like every other castlevania game.

Costs more money and casuals prefer bad 3D models to good 2D portraits.

But the portraits already exist.

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Dub sounds mediocre, Hayter alone isn't worth it 2bh

why do you make it sound like hayter is any decent to begin with

theres a reason hayter got like no work after or during mgs he deserved to get axed after that atrocious peace walker performance

That was just concept art and they've changed the lead artist since then.

Man when did I become such a cheapskate? I seriously never feel like buying anything but my most anticipated games for more than $25.

Gonna pirate first and support it if it's actually good.

>paying for pc games

there's a co-op mode?



If I remember right it's supposed to be asynchronous so likely no direct contact. Also leaderboards and shit.


free bump

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I just realized the other day you can find "wall macaroni" on the official forums, and I've been laughing my ass off over it ever since.

Attached: Delicious.png (578x712, 394K)

lmao what an absolute philistine

>pixel games look like garbage



Unless it has 10/10 reviews I'm not paying $40 for it. I might buy it on sale for $30 if it''s good.

Yeah, she's fine. She just has a really bad sleeping face.

Can someone spoonfeed this meme's meaning to me?

Attached: babyfinn.jpg (225x225, 9K)

It's literally right there in the pic. Iga had never had Macaroni and Cheese before having it at a dinner during the first few weeks of the kickstarter. The picture was funny and caught on.

Imagine thinking this trash looks good.

>his first experience with macaroni and cheese is this burned shit

What is wrong with you

free bump

But WHY did they add that very obnoxious shadow under Miriam's skirt that is more like they just painted the bloomers black than anything?

iga thought mac n cheese was a big mac

so basically red cars go faster?

>Hollow knight
that game is insanely underpriced. It's worth like $80

>imagine deluding yourself because you backed bloodstained

Attached: blasphemousl.gif (680x348, 1.36M)

>linux version cancelled
>30FPS on Switch
>Everyone can get the backer DLCs for $10
>Ugly as sin 3D graphics
This game is going to be like MN.9

I'll play it and If I like it I'll buy it, but it might be shit so I won't buy it.


Already preordered.

>Everyone can get the backer DLCs for $10
How is this a bad thing?

>>Everyone can get the backer DLCs for $10
Backers voted for this to be the case. With quite the majority I might add.
You can thank me if you want.

Its been several years since I've pirated a game but I will probably pirate this due to the fucked up regional pricing antics of the publisher

Thanks for backing retard and thanks for the free dlc to go along with the free game : )

vampire boobs, so yes

Attached: bloodless_by_ragecndy_dd4uci7-fullview.jpg (1024x1501, 169K)

You're welcome!

Was going to say this. It's not that the graphics are better, it's that the art direction was.

Day one GOG version torrent for sure

>regional pricing
Imagine being a poor fag living in a third world country.

They acknowledged the fuckups with regional pricing, they already fixed it for like Argentina and there's probably more to come

>can preorder it on eShop
>don't get a discount
What's the point in preordering, then?

I'm more excited for the porn.

i kickstartered it lol

But still I wonder how a company could (((unintentionally))) mess up so bad with its pricing.

MN.9 had a lot more problems than the game itself that caused its failure.

Yup, pre-ordering it along with

along with Crash Team Racing I mean

is this really bad bait?

This game wasn't on my radar at all until the poop trailer desu. Crazy how things work out sometimes

Doesn't the regional pricing just means that people from poorer countries get the game for practically free?

Nobody can argue with him since he's absolutely right so they choose to ignore him.

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>clearly *trying* to imitate ayami kojima's art
Eh? This is clearly trying to go for a cuter and softer look than Kojima's famed extravagant and fabulous art.

I really don't see the similarity

No. It is the conversion of price so as to make it affordable to third worlders.
Imagine spending 60$ for a game in, for example, Ukraine where the average monthly income is 300-400$.

Yes because paying 60 dollars would mean like 30% of their monthly income at minimum wage is something like that


Why do devs keep doing this? Why are people so afraid of 2D when it looks 100x times better?

2D is more expensive.

I keep hearing the budget bullshit, but hollow knight for example had like a tenth of this game's budget...

You can bet Iga was duped into thinking that it'd be both better and cheaper than it was.
Well I guess he made the best out of a bad situation at the very least. Hopefully they unfuck the visuals in sequels somehow.
>2D is more expensive.
Not when you keep delaying the game and keep redoing assets over and over again just to make it at least somehow presentable.

Hollow Knight also had the simplest character designs ever, with everything only being made of like two colors.

A pity that such a good character design is just for a boss, and not a recurring character.

nigga the backgrounds are all detailed and gorgeous

Attached: website_mini_0001_mini2-1.jpg (603x338, 77K)

I love Hollow Knight, and I personally wouldn't have minded it if they followed the same general idea.
That said, Hollow Knight heats a lot when it comes to its visuals and makes tons of sacrifices and concessions which saves them a lot of work. Like the extremely few frames in all the animations for instance, it's just that they've got very strong key poses for very effective minimalistic animation. However the biggest reason for why this works at all without being jarring, is the combination with the overall minimalistic artstyle.
If the characters had more colour, more details, and more lines. The minimalistic animation would come across as a lot more jank since the concessions in the animation would shine through more.

That said Hollow Knight is absolutely beautiful and Bloodstained looks like ass.
But if a legitimate Castlevania had taken Hollow Knight's approach, you can still bet there would have been a lot of bitching about the visuals but I am sure it could have still looked good.

So? bloodstained should be able to afford 10 colors with 10 times the budget

>draw one pillar
>copy paste it
>draw one tree
>copy paste it
>draw one fountain
>copy paste it

yes, do that with bloodstained pls

Bloodstained's backgrounds look very nice too. Animating characters is more costly than backgrounds though and Hollow Knight has simple characters. Bloodstained in 2D would cost way more than Hollow Knight

Not to rag on HK but this user's right but that's in praise for the one dude doing their art.

He's really fucking efficient at the shit he does.
I think I remember that fully designing and animating a simple enemy would only take him like a few hours and for the more intricate bosses a day or two at max. And there's a fuckton of enemies and bosses in the game.
The dude's got a disturbingly quick iterative process when it comes to making this shit. Real talent right there.

They would, but that Unreal dude duped them into making the game 3d back when Inti Creates didn't know 3d.
Hopefully the sequel looks like the concept promo image. I don't know why they changed the hud. The one they have is objectively worse, and then Devil May Cry 5 stepped in and stole the original one.

Attached: 1554854705334.jpg (1920x1080, 457K)

>And still manage to look better than bloodstained
Gee. I wonder whether the effort put into making a game is more than the result produced by it.
What's the point of making hundreds of thousands of assets if it is going to look like utter shit

They probably didn't go for a style like this because it would've proved difficult to constantly reanimate Miriam for every single detailed weapon/armor she could get in the game.

That image always looked like shit. I don't understand why people want it to look like that.

Am I the only one who thinks that both game follow the same pattern for background design?

>back when Inti Creates didn't know 3d.
They still don't know.

Not gonna lie that also looks like ass, but it's cause their one artist was really fucking bad desu, just get a few pro japs and make a vanillaware style thing, would be 10x better than what we ended up getting

Looks too slow for my liking

Don't people complain on how the characters in vanillaware games look like marionettes?

Attached: 7f93126ca8b24adbb956fd51fae0caf993139eeb.png (500x500, 185K)

I do. Beautiful games, terrible animations.

idk the software's for sprites are getting better + the more money you put into individual frames the less you have to bend stuff so yeah It could look very good, problem is they tried to cheap out, and then still ended up having to rework everything due to how ass it looked

Did someone say "janky animations?"

Attached: 1556227369096.png (803x744, 168K)

>implying Gebel is the villain

Everything he's doing is for Miriam, we all know who the real antagonist is going to be. Hell, his name is Johannes, it's by rule a traitor antagonist's name.

Attached: Johannes2.png (863x863, 822K)

Mooncycle of Retribution

day one pirate, 3D was a mistake

So you hate how something looks like, yet still want to play it?

Attached: 1557546392534.jpg (1024x767, 58K)

Yeah probably.

On Switch.

Too bad they wasted all their dev time and money on the art instead of making a shitty 2D 3-hit combo game.

It is cutting corners in a lot of fields though. I do not think they are gonna make it.

He is a vengeful spirit who wants to spite the developers for their wretched decision to use 3D instead of beautiful 2D, by pirating it and thus making them suffer his wrath and monetary losses for it.

They would suffer the same if he didn't pirate it and instead completely ignored it. I don't understand why people value so little of their time. Time > money

they don't lose money if someone who wasn't gonna buy it to start with pirates it

It's a single player game i assume so being able to play it in bed without the distraction of all the countless applications on the PC might make you enjoy the game more. It really just depends on what position you find yourself playing games most comfortably in though.

i'll pirate it.

trying a little too hard to cop that dark souls aesthetic, this is basically straight out of bloodborne lol

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.07M)

>monetary losses
No. Pirating doesn't affect sales.

It mildly benefits them though, if the dude decides to talk about it with other people. Word of mouth is what truly sells games.

He is stealing the right to experience the developers IP without having to pay money.
You getting something for free which others legally had to pay money, isn't that basically theft.

>You getting something for free which others legally had to pay money, isn't that basically theft.
No, thanks to my extremely specific set of all-encompassing ethical standards.

While wasting his time playing something he hates. You see why that's retarded?

>isn't that basically theft
Morally and objectively yes
Subjectively no

What if he is enjoying it but just thinks it isn't worthy enough to spend his money.

He will trigger sales by proxy if, and only if, he says positive things about the game. If he, for some reason, makes a dozen guys buy the game when it is on a sale, then he caused the exact opposite effect of what he originally intended.

Witching Hour of Vindictiveness

Then why be vengeful for something you're enjoying? I never understand people who think they're honorable for pirating because they aren't actually doing anything but wasting their time. I pirate a majority of my games, most of which I actually really like but am too poor to buy. I'll most likely pirate this game but I think it looks good.

So if 2 guys here who weren't gonna buy it, buy it just to spite him, then we would defeat the evil right?

Rule 34 of Miriam and Agnes Oblige from Bravely Default when?

Buy physical pirate pc digital

I do not think it would be necessary. If the game is good, then people will buy it. The market will decide if you will see Bloodstained 2 or not.

Piracy really does not hurt sales, it only amplifies them IF the game is good.

Attached: IMG_20180930_203006.jpg (1087x725, 207K)

Not that you will need piracy all that much since the game is also on GOG!

It's what Gog always does with new preorder titles.

Yes, because of the artwork. Don’t care about the game.

Attached: 45369164-4350-4291-84A5-58CF1C4F398A.jpg (700x1030, 104K)

Not sure about 40 bux
I know I'll 100% it but I don't know if I'll ever touch it after that

Attached: lolbifrons44fb4b3917637.jpg (960x837, 160K)

Sure, its not like I have anything better to do.

Attached: 1548390459534.jpg (500x442, 47K)

Never. You get her and Aradia instead.

Pixel art helps everything pop because it naturally creates hard lines of contrast between objects. In 3D you have to use these obnoxious colored lights to have the same effect but they bleed and glow all over the place in an ugly fashion.

Attached: Castlevania - Symphony of the Night (USA)-180813-014405.png (979x999, 33K)

I would say the same, but I still fucking play SOTN once every two years since it came out.

>buT tHE dEtH anIMAtioNz
It still looks like shit, plays like shit per last dev preview, and seeing execution.gif after a few times will get boring

Unacceptable! I want a Miriam X Aradia X Agnes trio right now!

Bad example. Symphony of the Night are 3D objects with sprites over them. Notice how different SOTN looks compared to Rondo. It is not mere coincidence.

You are playing a damn 3D game and you never noticed.

Attached: 16-Catacombs11.png (1280x960, 116K)

tru fax
even made another account to Plat requiem again lol

I hope Bloodstaned has good transformations. A bird Miriam would be cute.
As would other transformations but I digress.

Attached: 1527800696859.jpg (1157x1600, 378K)

No can do. You only get Miriam x Aradia x Shanoa.

Attached: D5oz31bXkAAMFtg.png (793x663, 430K)

>Inti using the kino Mega Man rooftop shot
When are they going to accept they arent the Mega Man devs anymore?

Attached: 640.png (288x415, 178K)

That shit is in the minority which makes it less annoying and for the record I noticed it the first time I played the game. I don't like it but it was forgiven because the majority is quality sprite work.

Yeah, but without it you cannot some of the stunts SOTN could do and few games before it did.

No, you don't seem to actually understand what you are talking about. Allow me to explain this to a simpleton like yourself. It is true sotn has 3D objects such as the lave in your picture but it is also using 2D background layers and sprites. Some objects are 3D such as some projectiles, visual effects being warped and transformed like the fog form, the save coffin, and a few of the bosses use 3D elements as well. They're all fairly obvious to anyone with eyes making it kinda pathetic you never noticed the difference.

Low IQ post

will there be death animations

>has 3D objects such as the lave in your picture but it is also using 2D background layers and sprites.
So the entire fucking thing?

I'm begging you pls fuck off

did they hint what transformations will be in the game ? also how long will it be ?

I do not think they hinted to any transformations. Only costumes and accessories.

B-b-b-but Shanoa is Miriam's mommy! that's too lewd user!

Attached: Family is Forever.jpg (1200x996, 118K)

Attached: No.png (240x193, 28K)

It's not a case that you cannot, it's more a case that it's time consuming to do it like that. You've also got to consider memory limitations back then, PS1 has 2MB of VRAM so sometimes to get more bag for your buck you use 3D, or in the case of the demoscene use sprite tile manipulation (hence why you see garbled sprites when rotating). The Neo Geo is a prime case where you could only use sprites and because the hardware ran sprites directly from the cartridge all their sprite work and animations in later games looked godly.

Will there be lolis and other animu girls? And feet?

>did they hint what transformations will be in the game ?
Not really. But with the abillities and how similar the game is to the sorrow games, I am expecting them.


Attached: 507906-Bloodstained Top.jpg (1000x563, 602K)

There are fairies. And whatever this is.

Attached: 1527929477251.png (300x300, 74K)

wow those thighs

Day 1 pirate.

No, you can see this pretty clearly in an emulator since you can toggle the various layers one by one, the 3D is only used for a select few objects at a time.

Fuck this artist, now I'm going to be disappointed when her thighs aren't plump in the game


Attached: Buer Armor.webm (1920x1080, 2.78M)

I meant for miriam

That ending is Zangetsu waking up in the world of their Mega Man ZX spiritual successor so never.

That why you never order mac & cheese at a restaurant. They always add some garnish or do something extra to try to make it all fancy which just ends up ruining it.

Attached: 1185b0b2b92a4c407e28125254930feef2c9b222.png (743x852, 445K)

is she getting eaten?
does this happen in game?

She seems to have well shaped thighs though?

I dunno. Maybe.

Attached: gfxxfggfxgfxgxfxf.png (1090x1200, 653K)

Does she fuck have a black boyfriend outside of the castle?

There is a loli character named Anne, who seems to might be important in some plot thread, but nothing is known yet.


Attached: gebel2.png (250x250, 93K)

hold up
are my ears deceiving me or did they use this at the beginning of the trailer

Outside the castle she is pure in both mind and body.

Attached: 1549073222724.png (638x399, 429K)

No, captain tripfag.
She has a cute pale goth gf.

probably not right away i enjoyed curse of the moon a shit load but i'm not a fan of the chicks design

Attached: Uppercut.png (867x925, 1019K)

According to this article there will be transformations:

"I had one ability that let me grab and manipulate objects, and also one that turned me into a bunny girl."

Source: Greenman Gaming - 5 days of rezzed article: Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.

Note: I can’t post the fucking link to the article because 4chen thinks is spam.

Attached: Bloodstained - Official Cover.jpg (291x436, 37K)

does she get grabbed and beaten up by enemies at any point in the game?

>30fps and comes out a week later on Switch
Nah, i'll get it when it's on sale.

Found your problem.

>and also one that turned me into a bunny girl."
! ! !

Attached: 1558082142626.gif (422x309, 447K)

>and also one that turned me into a bunny girl.
Can't wait for the mods.

Attached: 1537650083299.jpg (884x793, 158K)

Attached: D0_VnzFX0AAz58k.jpg orig.jpg (678x909, 159K)

Some dude was already working on a nude mod, I believe.

I will get it on Switch unless PC version looks a million times better. Of course I will pirate the nsp of the fitgirl repack, no way I'm paying 40 fucking euros for it.

that's aluraune retard

Did that armor open a portal and rip out a fucking demon?

Yes it did. That's so cool.

Wow, you just sold Ritual of the Night to me.

Waiting for it to hit $25 with all dlc and updates done like I do nearly every game that's over $20

Is the artist the same one from house in fatamorgana?


Do not bully poor people.

Attached: 3.gif (400x225, 98K)

Note: This isn't the true game framerate, it's the fault of the shitty web app (gfycat) that I used to make this webm. So please, don't blame Miriam's game.

Attached: Miriam's deadbed.png (390x390, 193K)

what's the original version of this anyway

not sure how that guy just not come to this conclusion

Sorry user but I just don't value most games that much in this age of dlc and game-changing updates.

I'd gladly pay $60 for complete games at release but basically none of them ever are so I wait till they're pretty much feature complete and get them on the first sale I can instead.

Only shit I've bought fullprice this year has been DMC5 and Ace Combat 7 to show support for the series plus a few $15 indies.