Rust Reviews

Why is it when someone gives an honest negative review for Rust, they're almost instantly accused of sucking at the game, and that they're just angry because they got raided? I know the whole point of Rust is to fight and survival of the fittest, but every review includes complaints about hackers, try hards, and poor optimization. I'll try to explain each issues from my perspective, I have at least 300+ hours so I have experienced the worst of this game
They are everywhere because Rust's EAC is useless. When a cheater clan joins a server and aren't banned, they make multiple bases and raid and kill everyone on sight. Only way to get rid of them without banning them, is to have all the other clans gang up against them.
They are even worse than the cheaters, cause at least I've seen cheating players leave fresh spawns alone. Tryhards take all the fun out of the game. They kill everyone on sight, including fresh spawns. They take all the challenge out of the game by simply killing everyone no matter what gear. You can say "well just get good at the game bro" and I'll just respond with you can't do that when tryhards have literal squads that go out to simply kill other players, not even for looting them, just killing
>bad optimization
You need a super computer to run Rust

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You don't need a super computer to run rust, you're just poor and mad

I have a GTX 1060 and I still need to lower the graphics quality to get a consistent 60-100+ FPS. There is absolutely no excuse as to why it lags so much when it looks so bad.

Knew someone would say it. I did exaggerate, but I have a standard gaming computer and Rust lags constantly while on lowest graphical settings. Rust's loadtimes are also absolute garbage, almost longer than looking for a TF2 match.

lol what? I have a Geforce GTX 1060 and I run them on the second highest graphics quality with no problems. Something is wack with your PC or you're lying

If it's not graphics that are lagging Rust, then the servers have to be wet sloppy ass

have a 1060, easy 60 fps on fantatastic settings, don't know what are you on about, servers are fine as well, at least for me anything below 200 ping is smooth, also tryhards are the meat of the game, if you look for friendly people you will find them, you need bodies to shoot

I understand the negative reviews for Rust. I made the mistake of jumping into official servers where 9/10 people are complete shitheads who just kill on site. Switched to low-pop servers and everyone is pretty chill. Frames drop to mid 40's in wooded areas on mid graphics but not to the point where it's unplayable (at least for me, and I'm running a 1050ti). Game is flawed, but it got me through the winter when I was unemployed

Rust will always be a sore spot in my gaming history. I always had this idea of what Rust would become, an actual virtual ecosystem of tribes and factions, live economies and trade.
All we got was a glorified baby sitter game that requires ~8 hours a day of play with a 5 man squad (with quick scoping skills) to maintain base and land security.
Fuck Rust, fuck try hards, and fuck AKs.

That's what everyone says. There's no defending tryhards that kill fresh spawns. They take all the challenge out of the game by simply being top dog. They kill anyone and everyone just to kill them, not to loot. I understand it's a PVP game, and that's the whole appeal of Rust, but when I have to have a part of 10+ people joining a server with me just so we can fend of end game gear try hard that targets any beach dweller they even get a sent of, there's a real problem.

That's what we all fall for, we hope that Rust is faction wars the game. Instead we get D day beach dying simulator. I love Rust, but I have to play on roleplay servers or low pop servers.

Honestly man that's what kept my friend playing after the rest of us quit. The saving grace of Rust is that the devs had either the grace or the blind dumb luck of including so much support for servers/plug ins. The community in those small servers is what keeps me from absolutely refuting the game.

That's life though. Just wait until the government disappears for whatever reason and everyone is left for themselves.

Yeah, low pop and roleplay servers give what most new players what they want. Fighting and wars for actual reasons, weither that be for territory or somebody was talking shit. Originally Rust was supposed to be faction based, and the whole goal was to team up with a faction. The "original" Rust players constantly say that this is how the game works, and that we just suck yet Rust legacy by far had much much much chiller players that didn't kill on sight

Same here, one time on a low pop server I had a clan that basically became a government with a prison

Blueprints were a mistake. Then game used to be way more chill and fun before they added fucking grind elements to it. You literally need to live full time in Rust now to accomplish anything when before you could make a base with some AK's and C4 just in single play session. Fuck I even remember myself crafting a revolver with some ammo in first 15 minutes just out of gathered scraps around lighthouse.

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They most definitely kill everyone on sight, because humans aren't given enough credit

I meant to type won't kill on sight

The grind makes tryhards even more effective, because you have to spend your entire life in a fucking video game to get a gun in the false hope you can finally fend off the Chad and game gear tryhard

Yeah shit's annoying. Modded servers are a lifesaver when it comes to that, especially with stack sizes

I love medieval servers, it pretty much keeps people at the same playing level and nobody has too much of an advantage, besides armor and number of bodies

I'm really getting the itch to play again. Has anyone ever set up a Yea Forums server? Shit seems so tempting to set up, but it seems like a pain to do and a waste of money

It's pretty much a given that in a game where everyone can kill each other, some people will just kill you because they can. Complaining about that is like complaining about being killed while being a "hoovy" in TF2. What I find obnoxious about Rust though is how much time you can dump into the game to build up a base, but unless you have at least one person on at every hour of the day, you can just get fucked and lose it all with zero chance of fighting back.

You see, you just said the problem with Rust in two ways. People don't like playing Rust, besides bad optimization and hackers, because of tryhards. Not people who are trying to win, people who are assholes and do anything to raise their K/D or "win". If you kill a Hoovy in TF2 that's not healing the enemy team then you are an asshole, if they aren't bothering you then leave them alone, it's that fucking simple. If someone is shooting at you, shoot back, if someone is casually walking on a beach looking for a tree, let them find that damn tree.

Almost all of you sound like noobs that have less than 400 hours, but yeah, the only bad thing about rust is tryhards... is what people who have the hours but suck say. The real villain of rust is not that it's your second life type of game, not tryhards, and not the hostility; the problem with Rust is that the guns are shitty.

You try to learn weapons because that's what you have to do, and it's what has worked for the bow and shit on the lower tiers, and you want to move on. Eventually you realize that you could be playing CS GO or something else for the action. Sure, if you've got guns and there is an actual threat the game can be fun, but most of the time you start a clan with decent people, and you're dominating everyone and looking for a fight while just shooting everything that moves to improve your aim. Once you reach that level of domination, it's just a useless game.

The whole point of rust is the survivability aspect and risk vs reward of PVPing. If someone raids your clan base it's eh, 'cause you have all the blueprints and you can easily start over.

In a sense, you can "finish" the game like you would a story game. You can reach the "highest level", and then the game just gets boring.

hahaha fucking queers

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ah shit, wrong rust meme

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Rust is boring as shit. We all wanted a fun survival game, and instead what we got was CoD where you have to grind for guns. There's barely anything to do--the core gameplay loop is awful. Grind to get gear to raid bases to get more gear to raid more bases. That's pretty much it. At least recently, they've been adding some PvE content like the oil rig and boat. Nonetheless, you compare it to something like Ark which has so much shit to do you could pretty much play it solo and still have a fun time (well, except for the part where it's horribly programmed and optimized).

Honestly, the most fun moments in Rust are when people try to break the mold of the mind-numbingly boring PvP and do goofy shit like making settlements or hotels, but they typically get disparaged as "roleplayers" and get raided by an enormous tryhard clan within days.

The guns are kinda meh desu, and the servers not rendering some shots don't help. The whole once you have end game gear it's boring is true, that's why going around and killing fresh spawns and low end gear in true tryhard fashion makes the game boring for everyone. If you have end game gear and kill everyone on sight no matter what gear you remove any potential challengers and or factions that will attack yours. In the end, being a tryhard makes the game boring as fuck for you and everyone else

Seems pretty accurate to the real game

That's the whole thing I've been trying for LITERAL YEARS to tell everyone that plays Rust. Tryhards make the game boring, the PvP feels like a much shitter CoD, and everyone should avoid Chinese players like the plague because they are very likely to be try hard and or cheater

I have 16gb RAM, a 2700x, 1080ti, and SSD and still have performance issues. Rust is a dogshit optimized game. Every time they try to "optimize" it's good for a week or 2 then goes back to the same terrible performance.

You can run your own server if you hate other servers that much.

I have over 1000 hours...
won't be going back thanks to pointless raiders and hackers.
You literally can't progress unless you're a neet, which now I work 2 jobs so I will never play rust again

>game would be better if offline raids were programmed out somehow
>perhaps making property immortal when builder is logged out

russians and britbongs too tend to hack or offline clan raid

I don't think making property immortal permanently would be fair, I think making them immortal for maybe 24 hours after you log off so that you're encouraged to play every day, but somebody will figure out a way to abuse that.

Can confirm about chinese players
>low pop server
>barely any gear on me
>see guy with some chinese name
>try communicating with him
>Tell him "hey man, friendly"
>get sprayed
>takes my 50 scrap and nailgun
>leaves me to die while I tell him "fuck you"
>doesn't even finish me off

I've seen plenty of Russian hackers, very few British hackers, but the Chinese and Korean hackers are the worse. When you have an entire Chinese or Korean hacker clan on a server, you are guaranteed to have no fun. They are not only cheaters, but they also do the things tryhards do best, kill everyone for no reason other than killing them

Happens all the time man, I know I sound racist but I avoid Chinese players solely because most of them are assholes that ruin things worse than try hard clans

I get that theirs problems with my suggestion, but it would make the game way better for solo players rather than... its current state.

Any fellow conanchads here?
I cannot imagine being a rustbabby with small tits complaining about getting offline raided by chinks and not a tall pict mitrean chad with a 3ft dick dominating dafari yoggite subhuman cannibals

It wouldn't make it better for just solo players, it would overall just make it so that you don't have to spend 10+ hours each day to keep people from fucking your base to high hell.

Is Conan any fun? looking for a new timesink

Cuban exiles is okay, but it feels a little unfinished for me for now. It's still in early access right?

the problem is the same exact tryhard clans doing offline raids would take advantage by having one guy build everything and then him be constantly logged out.
offline raids should be programmed out somehow tho... there's got to be a way.

Anybody in a clan can't have the logout immortality since there would be more people to defend the base unlike small groups and solo players

holy fucking based

too bad the devs would never be having that shit.
