Why did the gameplay demonstration kill all the hype...

Why did the gameplay demonstration kill all the hype? It seems like people were far more excited when the game was still a mystery.

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>Why did the gameplay demonstration kill all the hype?
It didn't.

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I'm not certain whether or not it killed the hype, but I don't know why people watch these things. Discovery is part of the fun of playing a game for the first time, so I don't get the point of watching that much gameplay before release and spoiling the sense of discovery that comes from learning what you can do in a game.

Id say at least watch one so you know the game ain’t shit

People were really curious after journos and influencers were claiming that the demo was the greatest thing that had ever graced their eyes.

because it didn't look very good

>It seems like people were far more excited when the game was still a mystery.
That's generally how things work. People are usually more interested in mysterious things. I'm still excited for the game but I wanna see some more gameplay already, preferably live and not prerecorded.

Car segments looked very bad. I dont even want to drive, just let me take the subway or something.

Gunplay is cool I guess, but nothing special.

Only impressed by the world, the city really felt alive imho

Speak for yourself. I'm very excited for E3 just because of this game.

>Jackie drives a supped up street racing car running on "the superfuel of the future"
>Never breaks 60mph on the demo
>Driving also seems really on rails with minimal turns, unlike GTA
I really really hope the driving looks better at E3. It's the only part of the demo that I disliked.

>"You've got the choice of doing either of these things"
>Does both of them
More open world lies that we've seen no evidence of, that's what did it in for me.

people most excited for games dont actually play them

Does OP get paid to do this anti viral marketing??

So is it like GTA or not?

Los Angeles is generally a very lively city, yes.

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What did you expect it to be other than a generic skill shooter with driving?

it's sjw, and we didn't know that before

>it's sjw
>Game is about the degeneracy of california
What did he mean by this?


Are they going to demonstrate it on pc this time, or is this just a pipe dream because microsoft?

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>sunfags still SEETHING
Based CDPR eternally btfo autists

He means he didn't like it, so he used his scary boogieman word.

too long between trailer and demonstration

it means i'm just shitposting because you people can't help but respond to the lowest effort posts imaginable

Haha nice one! Now post the infographics where you accuse all the characters of being degenerate but want to play as a big tittied stripper running around topless.

The person you're replying to is also baiting. People reply to dumb shit with their own dumb shit, this is not a shocking revelation

Night City, home...

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It didn’t, there is just nothing new to discuss you brainlet. Can’t argue about the sun all the way till release

since when sjw = degeneracy?

cyberpunk is just another no man's sky, a game that failed because of "overhype"
the more we know about the game the more disappointing it is which is totally natural because when we have hype at this level, most people expect a lot or they don't know jack shit about the game.

It seems more like GTA than Deus Ex.

The characters and story seemed like it was written by an edgy 14 year old.

Night City (It's actually day)

Didn't look like the initial trailer.

Gameplay didn't look fun or unique.

The only people still looking forward to it are brainlets.

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You have more to discuss with this game than with any other upcoming game.

1 hour of gameplay, 2 trailers + tons of information. It just looks like shit, deal with it you Seedy Project Red fanboy.


What actually made them do the shift from cyberpunk to sunny california?

California is very hot right now ;)


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That was PC footage.

This game is gonna end up like game of thrones. The witcher games all had dogshit for gameplay but great writing, lore and world building because they relied on a plethora of pre-existing books to flesh out everything. This time they have nothing and gameplay still looks like the same handholdy piece of garbage from witcher 3.

>The only people still looking forward to it are brainlets.
true, low iq are usually optimistic they believe that everything is going to be okay and when shit happens they tend to ignore the bad things

Every thread.

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>but great writing, lore and world building because they relied on a plethora of pre-existing books to flesh out everything.
except the games have original stories and take place directly after the books finish

educate yourself before you post please

>witcher games all had dogshit for gameplay

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Why did they have to ruin it with a day/night meme cycle and GTA style environment of palm trees and green rolling hills and rednecks with LED shotguns?

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Cheerful colors and sunny mood just sell more games than depressing, rainy and dark.


that 40 mins was a quarter of the full game

Agree and its getting old

it sure killed any hype I had for it, nothing special or great about the dialogs or gameplay; at least setting look nice and there is a corporaty mommy

It didn't, you're just forcing the oh so epic Yea Forumsbro tortanic.

Because it was never going to live up to the 5 years of speculation and headcanon people came up with. Regardless, I still think it looked pretty fun and miles ahead of other AAA games, low bar I know but still.

Watch enough to make a decision and then skip all future videos

>skip time when the sun comes up
>enjoy your meme bladerunner aesthetics all the time
wow problem solved

>ignorant retards that dont shit about the cyberpunk genre still seething

It's a game that should of been released by now game looks average but I will buy it anyways.

The gameplay was casual shooter shit we've all played already and they refuse to show any interesting RPG mechanics because there are none. The city itself was a massive disappointment.

The Witcher 3 crowd will eat this shit up but I can tell this game isn't for me.


>tfw you realize that the only people complaining about muh sun are console peasants
I'll just use ENB and edit the ini to have the exact lighting/weather conditions I want 24/7.

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sunny & soulless

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explain us how the sun contradicts cyberpunk setting

What were you expecting in terms of gameplay?

Everyone knows the cyberpunk setting hinges on the sun having burned out. Duh.

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>they refuse to show any interesting RPG mechanics because there are none
rpg mechanics are pretty much the same across all rpgs though. i mean it looks like it has more rpg elements than deus ex so....

i was actually agreeing with the other post...

I wonder
It truly is a mystery

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>sjw is about "everyone has the right to do whatever they want"
>Demiqueers, trannies and pedos pushing for it now
>Wellcome refugees
>Radical feminism
>"Le proletarian class" while being public workers
>Religion must be banned unless it´s from dark skinned people
And so on

Nothing. He clearly doesn't like FPS.

>Game clearly shows that society is fucked because of all this
Fuck off.

What do you mean by RPG mechanics. In the 40 minute demo I saw more roleplaying options than there was in the entirety of TW3.

>sjw is about "everyone has the right to do whatever they want"
Except own a firearm apparently. Having an AR-15 apparently morphs you into Hitler's clone. Lord forbid their precious little minorities get to defend themselves.

This isn't about videogames anymore, but it annoys me every time I think about it.

It's because they didn't show off the Cool stat's influence in the game. Everyone knows Cool is the Coolest stat, it lets you wear the most hard-boiled trenchcoats.

Night City is located in California you dummy of course it was going to look like California. And the sun didn't blow up why the hell were you expecting perpetual night?

I was expecting cyberpunk considering it's called cyberpunk.

Such as?

And you're getting Cyberpunk, are you retarded? lmfao

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No you were expecting bladerunner. This IS cyberpunk, they nailed the aesthetic from the PnP RPG and you're a faggot

Watched Ghost in the Shell lately?

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I think Mirror's Edge has more cyberpunk vibes than this game. I think this genre simply doesn't work when there is no sense of dread and despair in it, 2077 is just some sci-fi with wacky cyber criminals.

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because we were expecting a third person simulator and we got a CoDBlops Floatyshooty

Oh yeah my bad, what i wanted was just fake cyberpunk, like bladerunner or shadowrun. This is REAL cyberpunk.

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>mirrors edge has more cyberpunk vibes
>bright sunny day
are you retarded mate?

Nobody cares about that neckbeard stuff really.

Are (You)s really that valuable to you? LMFAO

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>real cyberpunk
lmao yeah cuz you know all about that

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why would people like this not exist in a blade runner type world? would there be no rural areas? is every square inch of the world a mega city in cyberpunk?

How fucking retarded can you be just to talk to someone?

No you are clearly retarded one.

>they needed to throw the name across the screen again to remind you this is "cyberpunk" and not some gta dlc

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>put LEDs on shotgun

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>they nailed the aesthetic from pnp
No they didnt.

made me chuckle

The emphasis on player agency. Getting to choose how you want to complete a task or whether or not you even want to pursue the task. The world and story responding to player choices so what you do has actual consequence. The demos narrator was certain to repeat over and over that the entire game could change depending on how you chose to complete a mission or who you decide to side with. That's as close to PNP RPG as it gets for me and it's something TW3 lacked.

Dunno but male V is a chad.

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I wanted a slower simulator in terms of combat. I wanted to get hit once, lose my vision for a moment and have to repair my cybernetics. I wanted to miss 2 of every 5 shots. I wanted it to be slow, plodding, grimey, and with batteries everywhere.

Its a video game, the idea is to get your degeneracy out of you in private via entertainment and porn, and therefore there is no need to be degenerate in the public space
Japan has the right idea, tenticle loli hentai is avaliable but you wouldnt talk about it at the watercooler

The west currently has the completely wrong perspective where we are degerenate scumbags in public and prudes in the privacy of our own homes

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>drying clothes on a string in the sun
>metal drums for keeping garbage in
>sun kept out of eyes using some kind of fabric visor worn on the head


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it didn't everyone's just waiting for more info and gameplay

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honestly, for me...it was because the gameplay just looked like a basic fps with a few gimmicks with the handgun (gimmicks can be good, unless they're gimmicks that i don't find intriguing). the world looks like the most interesting thing, but shit like that becomes background noise pretty fast in video games. there's only so far a good looking world will carry you.

what i was hoping for: 3rd person with some savagely bad ass gameplay, i know thats vague, but i mean it was what i was hoping for.

at this point though, im looking forward to it regardless. when i first saw the game i just finished deus ex and wasn't remotely that impressed with cyber punk 2077, but now im so fucking bored that im interested in cyber punk 2077...

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It's 50 years in the future nigger calm the fuck down, damn.

CD Projekt Red games have always had mediocre gameplay. Also people are starting to realise that naming the game after a scific sub genre is extremely reddit and does nothing but damage its credibility.

No but generally speaking cyberpunk has a lot to do with it's setting and how it really is the story of whatever media it's conveying. CP2077 is failing that, because it doesn't look cyberpunk, it's general dread and depression filled environments from decades of social isolation and technological advancements were made and the last straws of humanity remains, is not prevalent in the gameplay video we saw. Instead it's GTA with Deus Ex-combat and set-pieces.

how do you inovate in gunplay?
its always going to be click on heads, always

the only things that you can do to make a shooting game stand out are
>unique weapons
>movement options
what else can you really do?

>naming the game about a sub genre
This post is reddit to the extreme, good lord.

The game is based off a Pen and Paper game literally named Cyberpunk 2020.

>X name is reddit
Fuck off retard

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>naming the game after a scific sub genre

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>lain isnt cyberpunk
>ghost in the shell isnt cyberpunk
>once the sun rises it becomes not cyberpunk until the sun sets again

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>last straws of humanity remains
Nigger you literally do not know what cyberpunk as a genre is, do you?

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>The one change the demo did have is you could now play as male V as well. I was interested to see that regardless of the gender you always seem to wake up in the morning with a male companion.

>Weber: In this demo at least you will always wake up to another man, so we can show different kinds of relationships will be part of the game, and players will be able to choose what kind of character they want to play.

gay shit no straight male v killed the hype

That doesn't matter. Cyberpunk is based on an actual roleplaying game called CYBERPUNK.

The original version of it was set in 2020, which would mean it takes place next year... but it still was designed to look like this.

You stupid animal. It's not about the real world. It's about the world of Cyberpunk, which has its own standing lore and tons of artwork that came with the games.

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>doesn't know it's a sjw genre

what did you think bladerunner was you stupid zoomer faggot

nightposters what do you actually think happens when time passes in your megacities?

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yes, in Cyberpunk 2020 they're still using motorcycles. Where's your god now atheist?

cdpr fucking forces you to be gay you can't be straight male it's fucking bullshit

Show me the rednecks, bro.

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im still looking forward to it. no reason to be excited or vocal right now. if a new gameplay trailer drops or they reveal release date then hell yeah

See: Deus Ex.

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Ya, they're called nomads. It's a class in the RPG.

Does that place look like it's springing with life to you? Lots of humanity left there huh? Tell me, what was Deckards character arc about in Blade Runner? What is one of the most fundamental parts of the cyberpunk genre?

friendly reminder that the guy who created the cyberpunk rpg approves of cdpr so shut the fuck up. none of you guys are cyberpunk genre experts

if male v can fuck women if you can fucking be a straight male it could have hype

Literally yes. Look down on the street filled with people driving around you absolute toddler

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because the game is shit


I hate dirty degenerates. I lived that sad life as a teenager, now I enjoy being a respectable citizen that fucks everyone else over without them even knowing.

If I can't at least fuck that Corporate mommy and have her around my finger day 1 pirate.

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>muh bladerunner

Not surprised

Of course, who do you think pays licensing fees and royalties to him if the game is succesful you baka?

oh great, an autist. Oh well, nevermind then.

Blade Runner isn't cyberpunk.

>how do you inovate in gunplay?
>movement options

you said it yourself....

look, mafia 3 was a trash video game. but go youtube the execution animations and even more importantly, how the mechanic works. so, executions, animations, take downs that can transition into executions, dynamic damage to limbs...

there's literally plenty you can do to innovate gunplay. watch some movies for inspiration, other games out there have bits and pieces of fun gunplay you can get inspiration from etc etc

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I don't follow.

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this, watch akira, watch ghost in the shell. Cyberpunk =/= eternal night, and you’re factually wrong for thinking such

Is this a meta joke about Blade Runner Final Cut?

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>Not sandbox
>City just looks like some generic insectoid hive
If I wanted to play an insectoid simulator, I would just move to china.

Daytime in HR.

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Cyberpunk 2020 was released in 1998. From the perspective of players back then, the setting took place in an imagined future. Here we are, around 6 months away from actually being in 2020, and we clearly aren't living in such world. I would rather them try to recreate the imagined future rebranded under 2077. This way Pondersmiths original lore will be utilized more heavily, rather than CDPR try to imagine the Cyberpunk setting 20 years in the future.

can someone explain the obsession with the sun not being allowed to exist?

Sunny day in HR.

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of course you would. Reddit zoomer as fuck.

loser. everyone know Pacifist is the only true playstyle

+1 for mankind divided screenshot tho, pretty nice game. dont know why people disliked it so much

Also in my opinion Ghost in the Shell isn't cyberpunk either. It doesn't meet any of the main qualities of the genre.
It's neo noir lad. Blade Runner doesn't have any qualities of the cyberpunk genre, I don't even know why people think it's cyberpunk.

The problem is not the sun, the problem is how the setting is displayed, it just feels like normal modern city with more leds and metal arms.

This game will be fucking garbage.

>i'ts cyberpunk because devs literally named it Cyberpunk therefore it must be cyberpunk
>proceed to deny any logic and evidence that C2077 is in fact not a cyberpunk

Are these people literal CDPR shills or what?

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cyberpunk isn't dark edgy mcedgelord 24/7
read snow crash and the diamond age

Well I watched Bladerunner and there wasnt a sun and the hero wore a trenchcoat in the rain and it looked so comfy and I want to be that guy so that's cyberpunk to me

>basement dwelling Yea Forumsirgins triggered by the sun

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>Lying on the internet
I know this is bait, but CDPR said that the guy was gay only for the purpose of the demo that journalist got to see. Probably more relatable for them anyways.
>B-b-b-but CDPR is lying, you'll b full on homo in the actual game no matter what!!!
Their claim to fame are the Witcher games, all of which have what might as well be referred to as waifu mechanics. Why the hell would they lie? And why would they even want to force de gay in their games, when they're an Eastern Euro dev, with funding from the conservative polish govt no less?

>dont know why people disliked it so much

nothing memorable about it, i only recall how it ended on a cliffhanger and how woke the beginning was.

>daytime picture from lower hengsha
>a city literally covered by a giant ceiling
>somehow comparable to Night City
So, more smog? Cause that shit is bright as hell and Tai Yong doesn't exactly showcase what being outdoors is like.

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ur a willy head oh no no no

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most cyberpunk is only lit by city lights. its a dumb complaint to be honest. developers should laugh in the face of people complaining about the sun. you can have the sun and have cyber punk...its rare, which makes it even a better decision to add some sun.

only autists lose their shit about things like this (which most gamers mildly suffer from autism, they hate change love the same shit over and over again, they're not creative and suffer from tunnel vision due to their lazy and one dimensional perspective on everything etc etc)

What is that evidence? The only thing you shills say is "it doesnt LOOK like it to ME"

Where the fuck were the REAL cyberpunk chicks.

This is most important. The girls in 2077 look exactly like the cheap trashy whores of California today.

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>neo noir

literally my first time hearing this term

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post either

Tell me what makes this game cyberpunk without mentioning technology.

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>poles make up the worst city they can imagine for their dystopian game
>it's just an average city to americans

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It can exist but it should be obscured by pollution and massive buildings for the mass majority of the population.

I like how it's more Transmetropolitan and Dredd than Incelrunner desu

It comes from film noir, which has a VERY distinct style. The Maltese Falcon is film noir for example. Private eye, sexy woman, black and white film, etc.

holy mother of sepia

I'll just post a screenshot.

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Like it or not, Bladerunner has a very cyberpunk aesthetic. Even if the story of Deckard doesn't really have the themes of shit like neuromancer or snowcrash, they all share aesthetic cues.

you can't fuck any in this shit game if you're male v you can only be fucking gay

i know what noir is, but neo noir? lol thats new

they already did force fucking gay shit in this game that is a fucking quote from a real interview they got fucking woke male v is forced to be fucking gay FUCK CDPR

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>cyberpunk aesthetic
Nigger all science fiction has "cyberpunk aesthetic" that you seem to be referencing. Future, tall buildings, neon signs. Fucking star wars has this shit.

The only unbelievable thing about that pick is those guns in Commiefornia, otherwise, everything about that pick is hilarious.
>never forget sticker
>taxi driver has one star

for me, cyberpunk is when it makes you feel insignificant when you see these big skyscrapers
cyberpunk 2077 doesnt have that and with that i dont think cyberpunk 2077 is cyberpunk
i dont care if what is cyberpunk or not, but that is what i feel about the genre and feelings is what matters the most

call me sunfag whatever, im right and you know it

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Didn't you mention evidence and logic? How about posting some rather than expecting people to guess at the very specific answer you have in mind. All you're doing is baiting people into having a dishonest argument over your own vague criteria

>Quote from an interview
Post it. The only quote is the one where they said it was for the demo. If you're going to try to shitpost, at least be good at it man.

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I think it was because you were in a starting area. You saw those buildings in the distance. Who knows how big they really are.

>names two of the most cookie cutter babies first cyberpunk series

Haha as if you know what real cyberpunk is.

>For me cyberpunk is a generic scifi city
>Also I'm going to completely ignore the clearly visible city in 2077
Is this peak autism?

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See that pic? That's what you call intelligent. That's dedication to maintaining the proper feel and getting around logical issues in sci fi.

A problem pops up: Wait.. What are we going to do about the sun in the daytime? That would ruin the atmosphere. How do we deal with this? BOOM. A manmade ceiling where the rich live atop, furthering the imagery of the class struggle. BOOM clouds to block out god. Boom a piss filter to give it real grit.

Problem fucking solved.

CDPR, however, decides to hell with atmoshere, to hell with adhering to established settings. Let's just go with a nice vacation to Jamaica.

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and the award for dumbest post goes to...

Talking about the corporate influence and themes of what it means to be human.

This image is the antithesis of cyberpunk, in a future where cities sprawled across the country like uncontrolled cancer, are you telling me there a places, close to a megalopolis, with large roads, green patches, and large houses for poor people ? Fuck off, even irl, poor people are kicked from their large houses to smaller ones, that place should be full of poor people living in small diy houses growing vertically.

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>Sunfag delusions

Hard yikes.

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the other Cyberpunk/ Megastructure thread got axed so I'm setting up shop here.

A [Prototype] game in a distant future setting might be pretty neat.
starting off like that prey 2 trailer for the game we never got and just escalating into what it needs to be like pic related.

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Not an argument :)
>Corporate influence
Corporate oppression.
>Themes of what it means to be human
That's not an integral part of the cyberpunk genre.

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Bladerunner fags are fucking idiots. You don't even know what the original setting is and just shitpost your bullshit dark and rainy night bullshit.
Read the original lorebooks for Cyberpunk 2020

That's what I thought. And stay down.

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>for me, cyberpunk is when it makes you feel insignificant when you see these big skyscrapers
>for me

Didnt know you could personalize a genre's definition to your exact taste. No one gives a fuck what it is "for you", or "for me" or for anyone. Its cyberpunk, and you're a stupid faggot with an entry level idea of what cyberpunk is, like most other idiots in this thread.

Reminder that the people who cry "SUNFAGS" only ever argue what isn't cyberpunk, and never make an argument of what is.
As far as i can tell, they think cyberpunk doesn't exist and is only now being created.

This is a concern of mine. Every girl-V varient we've seen has an ugly side cut and every male-V has short back and sides millennial hair. If I can't be a cheese wire wielding glam rock ladyboy I'm not playing.

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Who's talking about bladerunner, you goon?

>themes of what it means to be human

You idiot theres dozens of genres that discuss that, its hardly exclusive or unique to cyberpunk. You're just grasping at straws

Cyberpunk is
>High tech, low life
>Corporate oppression
>Societal collapse or a reckless disregard for the laws of society by society
>Severe wealth disparity, 1% rich, 99% poor

>not an argument
i dont argue with illogical females ;)

but i will ask for for dem digits and so i can hit dem skins

Why did our boy Yong Yea and other journalists hype up the demo so much... I felt cheated.

Yong was literally crying after the same demo we watched, as if it was some transcendant experience.

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There are literally suburban areas outside the city in P&P, and if you go further inland it’s Mad Max all over. Read the fucking lore brainlet

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>Corporate influence
Corporate oppression.

Its literally both.

>Themes of what it means to be human
That's not an integral part of the cyberpunk genre.

Its not inherently integral, but any cyberpunk series with human augmentation worth its salt will have those themes.

Considering that those themes are touched upon from the lens of the rise of AIs, Robots and Cyborgs, it does.

>Every girl-V variant we've seen
We have seen more than one? Also there's a literal chrome woman.
Goddamn son, go to church to fix your fagness.

Ironic Sunfag delusions

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>floating damage numbers when you hit enemies
really wished they wouldn't go with that

You obviously since you don't know about the original setting. Cyberpunk 2020 was cool 80's hair and rocker themes mixed in a literal sunny California city.

>What are we going to do about the sun in the daytime?

i know!

Attached: sepiapunk2077.jpg (1436x756, 218K)

They were given a quick acting lesson before leaving, and a big fat wad of cash.

>they think cyberpunk doesn't exist and is only now being created.

The irony

Attached: 1554882752233s.jpg (92x125, 2K)

Not the guy you're replying to.

Attached: cyberpunk 2020 lore.jpg (600x300, 46K)

People realized that they aren't going to get the second coming of deus ex, system shock, vampire the masquerade, and thief from devs that have been thoroughly bogstandard in the gameplay department for their entire existence.

When you retards will finally understand this is adaptation of cyberpunk 2020 not blade runner and cyberpunk as genre

Attached: 1540933655657.jpg (598x347, 132K)

You'll be able to turn it off I'm sure. It wouldn't make sense to not have a highly customizable hud, when the backdrop is that it's your character's cyber implants.

It was literally confirmed to be a visual augment in the game.

Maybe it's an augmentation? Hopefully they give you an off switch. I personally don't mind but that's a valid criticism.

>ignoring literally talking about deus ex and mentioning its settings by name
>ignoring the literal deus screenshots
>"why do you keep talking about bladerunner?"

Attached: 1529966598526.jpg (763x771, 60K)

Post more about the enviroment, because, even that image has nothing to do with .

It didn't.

I've played the last 3 witcher games so I already knew that CDPR can't do anything more than mediocre in the gameplay department.

Attached: 1492318711699.png (202x229, 74K)

Oh I apologize then.

>Good gameplay
??? I really liked VTMB, but it was not strong in the gameplay department. Shitty shooting/melee mechanics with spammable spells. It was tolerable don't get me wrong, but the game really shines as an RPG.

Attached: jest.png (1921x1359, 1.19M)

>even that image has nothing to do with
What the fuck does this post mean?

when they start releasing trailers explaining the setting, characters, culture and factions.

Attached: 1532515734036.png (137x167, 17K)

Literally 99% of npc women are sporting the modern SJW look. No it's not cyberpunk

Is Cyberpunk

Attached: 2077sjw.jpg (1528x806, 182K)

fucking moron

>literally mentions having to buy air to breath in the summer when inversion layers roll in

Attached: 1497825269930.jpg (1024x956, 78K)

That's a mohawk fool that's literally from the 80s.

Attached: mohawk.jpg (364x349, 20K)

Not even that guy but...
>We're talking about Cyberpunk 2020/77, not other things like Bladerunner
Are you retarded? Is that picture supposed to be you?

God forbid people just not be entry level faggots thinking all cyberpunk is bladerunner?

>when the inversion layers move in

Attached: cloud_inversion_lake_hawea.jpg (800x464, 138K)

There's none of that in Cyberpunk 2077 footage other than high tech. There is some crime, but not on societal collapse level.

that's China though

Oh and that one you said
>is cyberpunk
is literally a side shave???

>too stupid to read post trail before posting

>SJW look
I hope you're aware of who the scary SJWs got their haircuts from.

>Dude these wacky hairstyles and colors only existed with the advent of tumblr SJWs
How fucking young are you?

cyberpunk 2077 confirmed for fucking gay shit male v confirmed for fag

Deus Ex isn't "cyberpunk" according to Mike Pondsmith
Deal with it fag

Based retard doesn't know anything about punk much less cyberpunk.

>There's none of that
>People randomly beating the shit out of people on subways
>We see hookers littering the streets
>Corpos with body guards in back alley docks about to execute people
>Massive gang that runs drugs and caves their own skulls in is in half the fucking gameplay trailer
>The trauma team, a literal private corporation is introduced in the first 10 minutes
We see none of that.

Attached: screen-Cyberpunk2077-Outnumbered_But_Not_Outgunned-RGB-en.jpg (1920x1080, 245K)

but fucking gay homo shit male v is? it's fucking trash gay shit.

Bazinga writing.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-08-28-17-33-02_2_2.png (704x134, 127K)

you mean your a male and your still that far reaching and illogical? lol how embarrassing that must be...

>yfw the npc's are stylized right out of the 2020 pen and paper
>including the one you includes as an example of what constitutes as cyberpunk

Attached: 1469471242132.jpg (399x329, 16K)

>Hey why isn't the game blocking out the sun with a giant ceiling like Deus Ex?
>Because it's based on Cyberpunk 2020, and that never happened in the lore
Okay, more retarded babble?

>The only criticism Yea Forums can give for cyberpunk 2077 is that the roads aren't dirty enough and it wasn't night time 24/7

Attached: the sun the sun the sun is in our eyes the sun.jpg (771x383, 45K)


Because the game in everyone's mind is better than anything 2019-2020 technology can offer. The game will be great, but will ultimately fll short of everyone's individual expectations. Same goes for VtMB2

Attached: 1558542839161.png (826x960, 626K)

lmao imagine being this much of an insecure brainlet

I'm still hyped, I think it will be a good game or at least I hope it will be.

it's different from your HUD telling you, that you injured the enemies arm/leg, hit this or that area.
While every weapon of course needs to have some damage property, seeing and knowing that these numbers are something the player should be aware of makes me think of loot-shooters.
Would be neat if your aug would just give you something like a hit-marker, maybe highlighting the hit-area with a brief indicator of the effect you had. grazed, light injury, bleeding, crippled, etc.
Just showing you a number is pretty immersion breaking.

>Never posted the interview quote
Why do you continue to lie on the internet, user?

Attached: 1556575904981.png (1280x720, 795K)

>still didn't read the post trail
You were told to leave. HIGHLY suggest you take that advice.

the criticism is it's full of fucking gay shit you can't fucking play as a straight male

Are you retarded?


This entire thread

Attached: 1534850051197.gif (500x394, 973K)

so be gay

This, the spam of numbers across the screen really rubbed me the wrong way. I hope there's at least some option of disabling them.

I mean I guess you tried, ya'll probably need to lurk more

Oh no, I'm and I agree with you that numbers feel like looter shooter, and don't even really make sense from an augmentation perspective. I'm just hoping that since it's being pitched as an augmentation or whatever, that you'll be able to choose to disable it. Ultimately I'm not really worried because even if CDPR is too lazy to do the aforementioned (which I think is very unlikely), I know mods on PC will fix it since it's a relatively minor thing to change.


>you can't fucking play as a straight male

[citation needed]

Nigger throughout the gameplay demo we saw female hookers. This is the shittiest fucking bait I've ever had the displeasure of tasting. Go buy some better stuff.

>In this demo
>In this demo
>In this demo
>In this demo




So because nobody except (You) has seen your dick I suppose we can just say it doesn't exist you bitch.


Is this a fucking GTAV mod?

haven't shown you a cunt either you dumb bitch cdpr showed theirs

I did user, it's just you complaining about a non-Deus Ex game not being Deus Ex. You never answered my original question, are you retarded? I'll leave when I get a believable answer.

So now it's gone from
Have sex

it didnt kill all hype, but it certainly weeded out the people that came up with a completely different game in their heads imagining what it would be. such as bladerunner fags, 3rd person fags, and that one autist that wanted it to be DMC witht he horseface waifu. for me, its almost exactly what i imagined, and i think it will be good. i think a lot of the shitposting comes from consolefags, who cant mod it to make the minor changes they want that they bitch about. day one will be mods to make it always night, always smoggy as fuck, always raining, and most likely blue and pink everything

>Game will be popular so anons have to shit on it even if it looks good
Never change Yea Forums

Attached: 1558570418806.jpg (1771x1015, 273K)

I'll admit some of it has nothing to do with SJW but it's been co-opted by them. It is no longer punk.

Nevertheless, there are almost no traditionally beautiful women. Are you gonna say Cyberpunk shouldn't have them, like a sunposter.


GTA2077 shills WILL defend this

Attached: 1553972215367.png (1011x641, 690K)

>Night City (It's actually day)
most brainlet thing ive ever seen
waaah waaaaaah sun
why is new york city called new york city when its not new anymore
why is golden gate bridge called golden gate bridge if its not golden waaa
why do you call yourself straight when your clearly a blubbering dick smoking fag lemme call the wambulance waa waa baby cry

Attached: smoke.png (235x262, 98K)

Attached: puppetmaster.jpg (1200x1632, 383K)

Because it looked good; he is also right that 2077 makes Deus Ex look like child's play

im excited for the game, but i agree driving looked bad. mor than half the driving in the demo was AI controlled, so of course that will feel on-rails, but even the manual driving looked arcadey. i hope they fix it, or i hope it the values of car handling will be easily moddable in an .ini

why do you want your first glimpse of a sexual relationship to be through Cyberpunk and dicking down a fucking NPC in an alley? go fund Subverse you relentless autist.

it's full of sjw shit tho

That they said he was only gay for the demo when asked why he was gay? Why do you think they would lie when their past three games have all had tits and ass with waifu mechanics? Why are you talking in all caps? Are you a third worlder?

what things?

Attached: cyberpunk oh no no etc.jpg (1200x414, 392K)

Nobody has seen his dick remember?



Souless AAA sandox with lots of grunts for you to shoot at?
Seems about right

Is this faggot a literal baboon?

because they got fucking woke after witcher 3 they'd never show fag shit before straight male content with geralt it's fucking bullshit

>unironically defending faggot shit
>calling me a faggot
you fucking retard lmao

no one wants to take your guns cletus, they just want you to have a background check so that violent offences and mental illness bar you from owning one. that also isnt applicable to the setting

Every single game is always demo:ed on PC.

>They got woke!
>Polish dev with polish government funding
Doubt it.

>No it's not cyberpunk
they are cybersjw, sjws in a cyberpunk world
and reminder:
>Cyberpunk 2077 is a story-driven, open world RPG set in a dark future from CD PROJEKT RED (CDPR)
>dark future
so its acceptable to see sjw

Punk is SJW shit

Attached: 1553986296593.png (1914x1503, 1.65M)

have sex incel

explain this shit it already fucking happened

>in the demo


you're right i can think of a number of things i'm looking forward to more than having sex with NPC's.

(You), faggot.

>no one wants to take your guns

Attached: wrong wrong.gif (320x177, 1.51M)

Thoughts on the trailer for the content exclusive to American players?

Attached: CP2077 America.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

baby keep crying abloo bloo bloo

They created a demo with two options to show that it has gay relationships in it in addition to straight ones

yet you fucking defend them showing female v fucked by a man and faggot v fucked by a man you don't want them showing straight male v lmao

Low IQ post.

huh, i thought it was run on a ps4, but not according to this article ign.com/articles/2018/08/27/cyberpunk-2077-gameplay-demo-pc-specs

>CPU: Intel i7-8700K
> Motherboard: ASUS ROG Strix Z370-I Gaming
>RAM: G. Skill Ripjaws, V 2x16GB, 300MHz, CL15
(i imagien they meant 3000mhz, but i dont think that affects much in the demo)
>GPU: GeForce GTX 1080Ti
>SSD: Samsung 960 Pro 512 GB M.2 PCIe
>PSU: Corsair SF600 600W


Attached: 1449965155615.png (1193x671, 898K)

they never showed straight male v

>I want punks but don't you dare make them look like punks

Attached: Enlightenment-5-Simple-Steps.jpg (960x661, 134K)

>no one wants to take your guns
I don't even own one and I know that's an outright lie.

i'm sorry about your history of violence and/or mental illness

Now you're just mad about them not showing something, okay.

>I'll admit some of it has nothing to do with SJW but it's been co-opted by them. It is no longer punk.
do you need a safe space?

Attached: 1552601660961.jpg (837x767, 120K)

Except I have my weapons registration ID so clearly I do not have a history of violence and mental illness.

They never showed gay female v either

proof of this sentiment? hardmode:not a literally who on twitter dante must die:from a US senator

>getting baited by low iq post.

okay closet homo

where do you live? what background checks are you subject to for that?

>Specifically a senator
Also Pelosi and her insane clown posse.

>Mentally ill people shouldn't have guns
>People who disagree with me are mentally ill

>Where do you live
NJ. One of the states with the strictest gun laws in the country. So GG no re.

Attached: shrug.gif (480x270, 1.57M)

>you're defending that a man fucked a woman in the demo

i totally get you that is gay as fuck

>and faggot v fucked by a man
>in the demo

>show me evidence to public wants to take your guns away
>except for this evidence of the public wanting to take your guns away

Bill Maher says explicitly whenever it comes up that all guns should be banned

nigga i said proof, that means a source

good for you, then, you guys need it. but so do the other 49 states. i imagine your state will be unaffected

use unaffiliated pyschologists to determine mental capacity

>the public has the power to take guns away
excluding using their 2nd amendment right, of course

gonna post proofs?

You're confusing dystopian and cyberpunk.

claps can't be trusted with guns desu

Attached: 1522512473979.jpg (979x533, 199K)

what the fuck is your definition of cyberpunk?

>muh fah rarms
Nobody cares. Please talk about the video game.

Attached: 1403882132403.gif (500x362, 502K)

Fun Fact the cyberpunk universe actually becomes a mecha space opera setting later down the line ala gundam where people mine crystallized trees

Source? That sounds awesome.

No idea why people are triggered by the sun and I'm concerned that there's no real discussion of gameplay seen in the preview. Which didn't look promising at all.
- gameplay interrupted by 3rd person mini-cutscene/dialogue every couple of minutes (yet they didn't add an option to play in 3rd person)
- annoying taconigger spermgolem sidekick who does shit by himself - picks up a cool gun, kicks down sofa, etc. His dialogue is cringe. He sexfucks the protag and theres seemingly 0 choice in the matter.
- bulletspong-y enemies, combat is "pump them with lead, look at numbers flying, use slo-mo".
- dialogue choices look even less meaningful than in w3
- driving looks like shit
- 0 talk about rpg system, character creation focused on looks (at least in the preview)

Honestly it looks like some cinematic playstation exclusive, not a groundbreaking pc rpg.

Because the gameplay doesn't look good.

>every couple of minutes
Are you talking about a different game?

>annoying taconigger spermgolem sidekick who does shit by himself
as opposed to a completely fucking useless npc sidekick?

Attached: fred.jpg (907x778, 47K)

>Dude lets strip away rights because of a statistically negligible amount of deaths
This is your brain on eurofag mode

Attached: oof.png (1278x496, 514K)

Yes, its the game he imagined and will pretend was 2077 so he doesn't have to like something popular

>dude cleetus and billybob need their bangsticks so we had to kill your kid and all his classmates

Attached: 1493827276916.jpg (925x763, 120K)

What can they even show at E3 to generate more excitement? I feel like with that hour gameplay, we've seen much of the general flow and design of the game, and it's pretty standard stuff to say the least. There's just no surprises left.

Attached: 3534252-d3fewr-x4auhkwn.png (476x249, 182K)

Seriously though there wasn't any interruption of gameplay every 5 minutes. The fuck is he even referring to?

>weapons registration ID
NH laughs at your meager freedom.

He interacts with environment while player cannot. I don't like it.

It didn't. Not really.

i liked it

>all euros are anti gun
My rights were taken away before I was born, what am I supposed to do about it?

Gun control doesn't stop mass casualty events. China has people that go into kindergardens and stab children with knives.

I know. But from the sounds of things at the very least
>It doesn't expire
>Can buy as many long guns or shotguns I want
Only thing I cannot buy is sawed off, automatics. And I need to get another background check for handguns since I opted out of that without thinking.

Attached: Yotsuba Sad.png (400x205, 44K)


here's proof of him saying otherwise


caveat being that this also shows one democrat in a way being for taking away guns. i dont care to look up how the bill fared, but it obviously didnt pass

>gameplay interrupted by 3rd person mini-cutscene/dialogue every couple of minutes
Throughout the whole presentation, the perspective shifted away from first person once.

I want to see the downtown core. Apparently we saw kind of a suburb

>what is a title card

>some rightwing nutter with vids on making plastic guns IN CASE OBONGO AND HILLARY COME FOR MAH GUNZ
lol not gonna watch that

>Doesn't include cars
>But does include buses
Really makes me think.

nigger what are you talking about? its from bill maher's show

ameriblobs are too fat to be hurt by cars.

Attached: ameriblob.jpg (768x1024, 88K)

>Suburb has this
I'm excited for downtown core too.

Attached: cyberpunk 2077 has no tall buildings they said.jpg (1671x909, 196K)

You know its legal to manufacture real, metal guns in your garage right? And not only that, but there are millions of them in circulation.

Come to NH man. We basically have no gun laws here. Don't need to register them, don't need a card. Only thing you can't have is a silencer.

Also we don't have as many niggers, weather is nice. Ever climb the a mountain? Fresh mountain air is great for your health.

Attached: new hampshire pic.jpg (700x300, 98K)

Are you retarded? These fucking games are built around choice you brain dead cunt. Being Gay is an OPTION. You can be a queer hating straight man too, but your too busy crying to realize that.

rewatch the gameplay trailer then come back and correct all the blatant misinformation you spread you zoomer kike

>but there are millions of them in circulation.
but ZERO foreskins in circulation in america LOL

I wonder if my company has an office in NH.

Attached: I don't need it.jpg (480x360, 28K)

My guess is another similar gameplay demo, but somewhere else on the map and at night. Maybe with a completely different type of character.

>someone posted an image i made

its all we've seen of the game seperated into day and night scenes

Attached: 1491172261092.gif (416x416, 14K)

I honestly can't tell if you missed my post being satire, or if I'm missing your post being satire.

I think they may show us parts of the main city.

Yeah bad company 2 was so politically charged, just like Battlefield V, you brain dead moron.

unlikely howlongtobeat.com/game.php?id=10270

are you ok? did the png hurt you?

They have third person driving but not third person body cam

It needs third person body cam imo

I get that Lain explores what it means to be human and features computers, but I'm really not seeing how it's cyberpunk. And also GiTS doesn't have high tech low life, corporate oppression. But it does have what it means to be human.

Sheesh okay you fucks I am fuzzy on the details of a video I watched last year. You got me, and are rewarded with (((You))). There were still too much scripted shit even for a demo.

Starblade Battalion. same system made by the people who made Mekton Zeta and Cyberpunk original

Attached: rtgmk1211_web_cover.jpg (910x910, 182K)

I disagree.
>Too much scripted shit
It's a fucking RPG and they were showing off a couple quests. What exactly were you expecting? The NPCs to not follow their code?

gun fights arent slow

Checked the fuck out. Thanks lad.

>social isolation
>last straw of humanity
cyberpunk isnt post-apoc, it doesnt require either of those things

The only marginally correct thing in your post was that the Mexican guy was annoying. I watched it last year too, but my brain works.

I expected a presentation of actual rpg system, maybe a showing of how you can solve quests with different builds/abilities. Classic triple S you know. Idk maybe I'm oldfashioned.

Is that fucking Layzner

actually it does... OR do you really think that the Christchurch guy would've farmed just as many kills going in with a Longsword?

Attached: 1554006695644.jpg (221x255, 10K)

We don't really know how the open world aspect works do we, or side missions

>I expected a presentation...
I'd less call you oldfashioned and more retarded if you honestly expected them to show that off during a glorified hype/marketing event. I understand wanting to see that outside of the presentation, so I'll give you that.

They repeated over and over that the demo was just showing one path and that you can change your experience every step away by making different decisions both narrative and gameplay. What part did you miss?

>would have farmed just as many
See: China.

Watch it again before embarrassing yourself even more. Or are you too old fashioned for that?

i wouldnt be surprised alot of Mecha TTRPG's are "HEY DID YOU WATCH ANIME?? YOU CAN PLAY A N I M E"

Could just drive a car into a crowd

>The only thing that's truly "yours" in the character you make is his class and cosmetic
That's what kinda killed it for me.
Hopefully the Cokemancer is optional.

Attached: 1555833374816.png (360x408, 433K)

Attached: 25 cool.png (972x393, 61K)

Well Battletech did straight up rip designs from Macross.

and other mecha animu

Not even class, is a combination between the action focused skills in the P&P.

Words are cheap. Video was almost an hour long and did 0 to support those words.

Because they can't hide behind decently written books with interesting characters anymore.
Pic is the only interesting thing in that world. The gameplay was designed for controllers.
They're not breaking any new ground there and 'your decisions matter' have never appealed to zoomers. And boomers know if its voice acted, they simply won't be able to honour that design decision.

Attached: Misc_Image_Trauma_Team.jpg (1920x1080, 339K)

>Old Yea Forums tier post
>but with a frog
We're almost there.

third person body cam couldnt possible take anything away from the game and will most likely add a whole new dimension

the only people actively opposed to such a suggestion are lazy ass devs

give us our third person mode

>no one wants to take your guns

Attached: 1535073048113.jpg (475x356, 54K)

As in a place where you won't be beaten by feral niggers and spics?

Yes, it's called civilization. We had a nice one going until rampant immigration of non-whites.


Attached: 020617_maga.jpg (780x439, 35K)

>most likely add a whole new dimension
I don't want to just resort to ad hominem right off the bat but are you an actual brainlet?

I liked this better with black people in the concept art.

>The gameplay was designed for controllers
>FIrst person shooter
>designed for controllers
What did he mean by this?

>waaaah why didn't they take the time to show the same quest over and over from different angles

Ya fuck off. Youve resorted to just assuming the devs were liars after being proven wrong, You wouldnt be happy no matter what they show. Have sex.

Do you know what punk is? A bunch of vegan faggot gays playing music. Fat Mike likes big dildos in his butt. Christ, Yea Forums is retarded.

We've been using pepe for over a decade, idk what this meme of complaining about "frogposting" is

>We had a nice one going until rampant immigration of non-whites.

Attached: 1554756796018.jpg (720x692, 49K)

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>isn't out yet


>we've been using sad frog for a decade
Longer than a decade, and that's the fucking issue. It should have naturally died off 7 years ago.

>first power shown was slo mo
>then auto aim guns
>guns that punch straight through cover
>no rewards for having good aim
Yeah, controllers. Its going to be shit.

Why pepe but not wojak? Seems like an arbitrary thing to get mad about

They pointed out every alternate path or strategy you could've taken as they came up and ended the presentation by rattling off some different ways the quest could've ended. I'm starting to think I'm being bamboozled.

how are more camera options a bad thing. It would be the difference between a good and a great game. The availability of first person in third person or visa versa is always a massive success as an adon. This isnt some brainless FPS, its an open world RPG ala GTA or Skyrim. Real people dont disagree with me, you must be a bot (or a lazy dev) - actual people want third person

>Youve resorted to just assuming the devs were liars after being proven wrong
Last ten or so years of gaming and jew lies taught me to be wary, you'd be as well if you weren't literally born yesterday.

Both of them. It's literally a reddit thing to keep reposting the same tired shit over and over day in and out.

>they chose the pacifist route this demo, am i just supposed to take their word for it that i don't have to do this in my own play through?

surely they're going to play half a dozen instances of the same mission being played with different choices to see how divergent it actually gets to please absolute retards like you.

>gun that punch straight through cover
>doesn't reward good aim

Why make anything illegal if someone could just do something else to hurt you then?

This man is delusional

Attached: 1558653448652.jpg (1088x855, 138K)

Why do the graphics have to be so blurry?
CDPR should be making things as crisp and sharp as possible.

Auto aim guns will probably do less damage than traditional ones or something to make them have a drawback.

There is no reason to. There's no reason to make anything illegal unless it entails damaging another person or their property.

Shitty stream. Their direct captures are a lot better.

Attached: screen-Cyberpunk2077-Your_Chakra-s_Off_Babe-RGB-en.jpg (1920x1080, 233K)

Thanks user, looking at it again I think I like it better because they look like they're trying to reasonably conceal their weapons instead of just having a pile of shit next to the driver.

guys if we throw a tamper tantrum like a bunch of autists they will give us a fully fleshed out, beautiful third person cam

You don't have to aim quickly if you can just shoot through cover retard.

Protag is an alcoholic with cheap cybereyes, blur is immersive.

>ghost in the shell isnt cyberpunk
>Masamune Shirow's manga and anime series Ghost in the Shell takes place in a (post)cyberpunk version of Earth in the near future.

Explain this one to me. I'm really curious to see what logic you could possibly use to justify that shooting through cover doesn't require speed and accuracy.

That's more like it.
The stream was like looking through vaseline.

>Yea Forums sees a sun

Attached: my eyes.png (830x544, 669K)

So laws should be made with the intent of curving unnecessary violent behavior and increasing quality of life hmm yes interesting good idea

This is amazing and i'm glad that the tens of millions of trash hick meth heads are represented just as well in the future as they are now in current America.

Okay, thanks for backing up my post.

(((they))) will never fucking let you play a queer hating straight man in 2019 are you fucking delusional

Even cheap cybereyes should be betterr than a camera from the 1800s.

>year 2077, surgery and science can make you anything you want including all kinds of degenerate furry shit
>larp hard as a mexican

Attached: 15588030075181.png (1190x1684, 109K)

there's a 4K video of the gameplay demo somewhere if you look for it, impossibly large download though so i haven't bothered with it myself.

>r-reddit would never do such a thing

Attached: i-should-check-out-my-old-reddit-account-my-cakeday-22156375[1].png (500x1111, 99K)

comon guys keep complaining about no third person mode and it will happen

just spaz out and our collective autism will return back from the universe with what we want

its called chaos magic. its quantum dynamics

Yeah, the stream was awful in that regard.
But he's larping as a techno samurai?

Attached: Cyberpunk2077-Outnumbered_But_Not_Outgunned_RGB-2060x1159.jpg (2060x1159, 219K)

>wiki says so, it must be true

No, I don't care about either buzzword. Just property rights

>white skin without any kind of tan
maybe he has a mexican name but genetically he's white

complain about no straight male v


it is 100% plausible that low class people live on the fringes of a mega metropoilis.

complain about no cute yuri lesbian female v

the more we all bitch about the single best potential addition to the game (third person cam) the more likely it will happen

Attached: meeem.gif (500x368, 484K)

you're right, now use an argument that makes sense aganst the game. they showed one demo, showing one path through the game. not showing all the paths you can take isnt an argument against the demo. "most games are bad so this one will be too" also isnt a n argument

No one wants a shitty GTA clone which is what cyberpunk has been shown to be.

Who gives a shit, boomers post old Yea Forums memes on facebook all the time.


Attached: cyberpunk.jpg (2048x1397, 318K)

Just to spite you, I'm gonna reach out to CDPR and tell them to not put it in.



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Can the universe bring us a good game instead? Don't think so, it's too kurwa.

boomers are fucking fags. why would you want to be a fag like them?

3rd person is for incels that want to make an aryan princess and stare up her skirt for a total of 30 in game hours.

Night City, home, at least i was before i fucked everything up

Imagine being this underage

Attached: 1558076091210.gif (400x400, 1.81M)

I dont really care that much, but its better to complain and potentially get the feature added than to do nothing and get nothing

Attached: 1535535936366.gif (400x400, 605K)

Don't worry, we'll get a piece of modern reimagined cyberpunk, full of leftist propaganda and with 0 neon.

imagine being burnt by a fictional sun this fucking hard

Attached: bigsmokex-1.jpg (800x659, 315K)


i mean real boomers. fags can shit up reddit and facebook all they want with their 10-year-old memes. we shouldnt tolerate that shit here, and others doing the same isnt an excuse

>0 neon

Attached: cyberpunk city vendors.png (2016x1089, 2.67M)

Nobody cares what you think code monkey

Its whats the customers want that matters and we want third person

>old cdpr
>based geralt fucking women
>new cdpr
>faggot male v getting assfucked

Imagine being 16 and browsing Yea Forums. Yikes, don't you have a discord to post edgy memes to?

I don't know anything about this game or the universe it's set in Cyberpunk 2020, but the absolute fucking ass pain this game has been causing to an autistic and rancorous few has been blowing my sides to complete orbit and actually made me interested in knowing more about the setting/tabletop and game. Redpill me on Cyberpunk 2020, I might actually pick it up.

Attached: 166ltr.jpg (250x231, 5K)

This is what irks me the most. We have such an amazing genre about the deconstruction and evolution of modern society and culture and without fail, like clockwork, as the genre predicts, there exists people who will vehemently stand against everything the genre is about while only picking out the aesthetics capitalism has trained them to latch on to only as a form of expression only accessible via financial transactions.

Hey whoa whoa whoa, Trauma team is badass cyberpunk, don't diss them

Attached: 1528854010861.png (901x1196, 293K)

if you respond to this you're a fag

Attached: cyberpunk news.jpg (621x582, 73K)

More customers want first person. Check mate atheist.

>wiki says so, it must be true
>wiki gets its source directly from the manga
>cites the manga as its source
>i-i-i-i-t cant be true!



The fuck are you talking about? This is one of the few games I'm genuinely looking forward to this year. Only thing I'm worried about is that the combat may be somewhat bullet spongy vanilla, may need to get a mod or something for that possibly.

The wojak I posted is 2 weeks old

Because people wanted something like a cyberpunk themed immersive sim not a gay open world gta clone, cyberpunk fags have been on fucking suicide watch for over a year now, and adding the sun was a mistake, the devs showed as much when they started doing damage control
Also cdprojektred glassdoor reviews really paint a clear picture of this kusoge's troubled development
Cyberpunk 2077 is dead on arrival, day one pirate

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Trauma Team is definitely awesome, if you can't tell that image is making fun of retards crying about the game.

Attached: 20181030_215632 - Copy.jpg (2016x980, 810K)

>if you're not literally terrified of the sun you must be 16
what did he mean by this

Attached: 1535535936367.gif (400x400, 605K)

because it was exceptionally generic, just came across as a more gta version of the modern deus ex games. believe it or not, this is not what people wanted from a game so long in development and meant to be pushing boundaries and doing new shit.
it also had none of the PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY trailer feeling and atmosphere, which is definitely what people wanted. the character in that was unironically more appealing and interesting than what we got in the gameplay trailer

It's not an RPG, it's literally those green text memes about the Witcher
Also the sun

you don't have to be gay user

it isn't like the game starts and the opening sequence is you being rawed bloody by Jacky

Did you play Skyrim 3rd person?

wojak is like 10 years old. variations of a meme dont make a meme new, it makes it the definition of a meme

>I'm a fucking faggot with no personality
You must be 18 to post on this site

I can, I just like to share trauma team stuff. And REO Meatwagon

all they had to fucking do was have a straight male protagonist they added all this fucking gay shit

You're not on reddit right now, sweaty. Wrong boogeyman.



>you must be 18 to have a pathological fear of the sun

they haven't showed straight male v all their marketing is female v and gay shit

Only doing this because spoiler is true

thats what cybernetics do, though

memes don't pop out of nowhere they are variations on old concepts.

Tbh it's a surprise we even got a based geralt, book geralt is a whiny cuck (he gets progressively so in the course of the Ciri saga).

Okay so what the fuck was Bane a variation of?

Nobody cares you closet homo. Are you afraid you will accidentally bring home a gay npc and have sex with it?

Attached: 1535535936368.gif (400x400, 605K)

it'll be the witcher 3 but in a futuristic setting. i.e it'll have lots of writing and choices and shit combat.

name one meme that is as old as pepe and wojak and as regularly posted

This kid is so obsessed with gay sex I'm questioning if he's not being fucked in the ass right now.

So you admit you don't have a personality. Congratulations. You can buy a gun pretty cheap to blow your brains out, that is if you're not in a cucked nation.

no, we want both. we wont want to be blindsided. dont waste the potential of this game. a relatively minor adjustment re a new camera option will open up an entire new universe of experience. dont create a great format and then squander it like Ubisoft, dont you dare, dont you ever fuck us like that you polish codemonkeys

we only warn you once

dont you ever fuck us

Attached: tony.jpg (400x297, 18K)

: (

>Don't waste the potential of this game
Stop trying to turn it into a generic third person shooter you casual scum. Git gud.

>not being scared of the sun = lack of personality
what did the sun-hater mean by this

>accuses others of having no personality
>talks about guns n cucks n murrica

good lord, you lack self awareness. You're like a walking pile of memes and buzzwords.

based honestly

>memes and buzzwords
You have to be 18 to post on this site

>Shit combat
It's a first person shooter you chimp. Inb4 the monkey claims FPS is bad.

A batman movie
There isn't one as popular but old things like yotsuba-chan are still posted

The Bane meme you illiterate.

then why are you here, sun-hater?

Except 90% of blormpf supporters are r/the_donald transplants. Not even original pre-election /pol/ likes you retards

yotsuba is Yea Forums's mascot, of course it would be posted on Yea Forums