What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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It's just super generic, that and no one knew it came out.

Xavoc instead of Gamma or Fang

Reuses old tracks too much

Damn it really is. The tracks are too wide and I never feel challenged. The lack of any crazy adventure style tracks really ended up hurting it more than I thought it would.

Does Knuckles even like Sonic and Tails?

I really want to have a look at whatever internal insights led Sega to drop the company crossover shtick and reel back to just Sonic. There's dumb and there's this fucking game.

>Dropping many of the items Transformed brought to the table (changing tracks, course design)
>ports have major issues depending on platform (no playing with friends in match making, online broken to shit, performance due to DRM)
>high price point for an obvious budget title
>Piss poor roster, no surprises

Probably informed from a sample audience. Kiddos know Sonic characters, they're not going to know Billy Hatcher or Ulala. Also it is much easier working with one property.

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Only focusing on Sonic instead of the Sega All-stars like before

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They could have gotten away with that if they didn't pick such a shitty roster and such a shitty voice cast.

Not having a full budget.

They excluded Cream the Rabbit.

Speed Battle? Highly successful, more so than Forces.

Sega Heroes? Highly successful, made even more money than Speed Battle.

Both had Cream the Rabbit. Conclusion? Not including Cream the Rabbit was a massive mistake, and now they will suffer.

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bad character

>no Alex Kidd
>no Joe Musashi
>no Opa-Opa
>no Arle Nadja
>no Space Harrier
>no Alis Landale
>no Dynamite Headdy
>no Wonder Boy
>no Asha
>no Toejam
>no Earl
>no NiGHTS
>no Gilius Thunderhead
>no Tyris Flare
>no Ax Battler
>no Death Adder
>no Vectorman
>no AiAi

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It was half-assed like most Sonic games. Sega really needs to fire all the trash devs they have and get new ones.

>no Sega all-stars
>no boat/plane sections

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The roster and track selection was too small, and you can just tell it was a budget release. Sonic's well known for it's insanely huge cast of characters, yet this game only has 15 and missed a ton of important characters like Cream, the non-Vector Chaotix, Infinite, and fan-favourites like Tikal, Gamma, Mighty and Ray. Plus, the track selection is terrible, since more than a third of the tracks are just reused from the other Sega All-Stars games and it's pretty light overall. Shame, considering the game still plays just as well as the other All-Stars games and has some really cool customisation elements (like how you can actually modify kart stats, something CTR should take notes on).

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no sega characters

They excluded my wife Cream the rabit once again.
She deserves better, fuck Sega for excluding her from both the mainline and Spin-off games.

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damn y’all I rlly wanted this to be good :/

Both correct.

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Knuckles have stopped being Sonic's rival since the modern games.

Playing on xbone now. The mission mode is fine. I skip all those shitty scenes. The online is a mixed bag. Ive gotten a few crashes but am in a full lobby for a few games now. The team stuff is fine. But i always get paired with some garbage beaner or nigger who is in 11 or 12 place while im in the top 3. So i keep losing because of a garbo team...

Its fun but incredibly bland at the same time. Never played a game like this

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Remember the buzz and praise we got when All Stars Racing Transformed came out? Yeah, we getting none of that for this. I guess it's just mediocre?

At least there will be no Youtuber DLC.

Sega hardly advertised it, if not for the threads on Yea Forums I'm not sure I'd even know it came out
Dropping the non-Sonic characters even though SASASRT had all the Sonic characters most people care about anyway (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, Eggman and Metal Sonic), dropping them for the likes of Zavok and Vector and so on just seems sort of odd
Also the roster even from a Sonic-only perspective also does just suck, and it's also pretty small.

That's pretty gay. Sonic has been without a rival for too long. If Knuckles isn't gonna do it then Shadow or Fang needs to step up.

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It's funny because someone was trying to say the tracks were less open than Transformed and more challenging but I just don't see it looking at the gameplay videos. If they didn't have to account for the Team gimmick they'd be less open, I'd wager. Shame. I wanted to like this game, but I guess I'll wait till it goes on sale.

They had a good thing going with Sega All-Stars but either thought making it a Sonic game would somehow result in more sales, or they just needed to fill the 2018/2019 Sonic game quota.

Stuff like Sakura Wars gives me hope, but we haven't quite yet moved past Sega's phase of "Sonic, Yakuza and Miku are our only IPs."