

Attached: WoW-Classic.jpg (1920x1080, 652K)

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least it was 'til blizzard fucked evrythang up.

Gaming Journalists: "No one really cares about Classi-

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With sharding/layering already being a thing I wonder how blizzard will fuck up classic even more

How long is it going to be a thing for?

Ah... Bros...... Server 4... Layer 7... Shard 11... Asmongold Group 2....


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Are you currently subscribed to retail?

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Best funserver to fuck around on? Free and instant access to any/all gear. I only found one from searching but it's got some dumb custom 5man raid system for earning gold to buy the gear.

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server 53.... layer 853...... home

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vanilla world of warcraft is the most boring shit i've ever played and it's so clearly designed to waste your time that it feels like i'm personally being spit on by a chinese executive every time i try to play it. you have to have a mental disability to enjoy it

based and runepilled

wow, a beta version of a game isn't quite working properly yet

what a strange and shocking concept

From two weeks to a month, give or take, however long it takes the server population to not get bottle necked.


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>Webm of the stress test where they are explictly testing layering by moving people manually. least it was before they layered everything up


what are the best pservers to play on until august? i'm not going to sub to retail and gamble 15 dollars to the the activision jew for a small chance of playing on a lvl 30 capped server.

also baste, maybe i'll just lvl range today instead

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Light's Hope - Northdale

Still has a thriving population, gets up to 8-9k online every day (during EU primetime, that is) and still tons of people leveling (mostly people just testing stuff out for classic release, I'd assume)



>go to trade my favorite streamer asmongold 50 gold so he can buy his mount
>suddenly change layers before finishing the trade
>asmongold gets made at me, says I'm trolling
>drop a $20 dono saying what happened and that I mailed him the gold
>he says my name and thanks me while accepting another 300 gold from his other fans



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If you roll alliance side I can throw you a few gold and some bags

duel me in layer 3 bois

I've been leveling a troll mage there and imo that's way too much people

They have dynamic respawns to deal with the high population. The more people there are in an area, the faster mobs respawn.

Are classic-fags down for an OSRS-style progression or a patch by patch recreation of how original WoW went? Do people even want BC?

>tfw EU fag
>tfw don't have to deal with popular streamers shitting up our servers

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I mean, I would play a "true patch progression vanilla" just for shits and giggles to laugh at how awful it was. I don't think anyone actually wants it. Early vanilla was horrendously broken and fucked up even by vanilla standards.

>Do people even want BC?

Yes, every time Classic is mentioned there's at least 1 person saying they want TBC servers instead

based and asmonpilled

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I want it to progress to WoTC, keep out LFG and then do OSRS shit.

Biggest problem with doing a patch by patch recreation is the talent revamps. Talent revamps happened 1 patch at a time, and it led to a fuckton of drama and whining on the forums from the classes who didn't get their talent revamp that patch. You remember the infamous "bus shock" incident, don't you?

Post music for your PvP montage

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I would like to eventually see separate TBC servers with a character copy system so you can enjoy both. Maybe WotLK too but that's where them game took a much sharper turn towards shit. I'm on the fence about new content for Classic. Even if they do a community poll with 90%+ required to pass there's no telling what sort of shitty content gets through.

>they want TBC servers instead
I really meant if people want classic to transition to BC after the content is "done". Like, as far as I'm aware after Naxx, shit's done really.

I don't remember "bus shock" naw, can you enlighten me? Only played during MoP era.


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Progress up to wrath, manage update schedules so shit like doesnt happen (Easy enough in theory since they literally have a roadmap to follow)
Dont add retarded shit like LFG
Do their own thing from there with the goodwill garnered from not fucking up so far.
Undead warlock, killing people while they are feared.

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this. the game didn't get shitty until lfg and catchup mechanics were added (aka wotlk)

See, people see layering as a problem but I see it as an oppritunity. By abusing layers I'll be able to farm 10x more Silithid Carapace Fragments than anyone else and easily make it to the top spot of Asmongold's donation list.

Looks like all those wow killer open betas. What happened to those again? I can't remember, could you jog my memory?

does anything happen if you manage to kill thrall?

you beat the game

Catch-up mechanics existed since vanilla.

In patch 1.10 lots of dungeon gear was updated with good stats and lots of new gear was added as well, which was on par with MC gear and sometimes even better than what you could find in MC. Also T0.5 quests were added.

Then in TBC, you could get raid-level loot with badges from 5mans, with later patches continuously introducing stronger and stronger badge loot. Also you could lose 10 arena games every week to get free PvP weapons that were sometimes better than raid weapons.

you get a couple thousand honor points. killing faction leaders more for fun then actual gain

You get the satisfaction of being able to fight your way to the enemy faction's stronghold and killing one of their most important and heavily defended NPC's.
ELE Shaman with an endless montage of LB-CL-ES crits on undergeared/low health foes, obviously.

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That's literally every PvP video though

They're all just compilations of killshots from crits / trinket procs.

When are they going to add World of World of Warcraft?
I'd rather play as somebody playing the game than actually play it honestly

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In wrath you would get a bear mount if you killed all the faction leaders, prior to that I think all you get is a little bit of honor and fun

I hate this fucking punks stupid fucking open mouth breathing ass.

Is there a single other fanbase on this board that has so many underage people than Blizzdrones?

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>Check out beta
>Can't see enemy castbar, buffs or cooldowns
Addons will fix this, r-right!?

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you cuck hordefags by not allowing them to turn in quests for 12 hours.

based and asmonpilled

When he dueled his paladin friend and lost over and over while smashing his desk in anger was kino. Then he lost a duel to a mage and accidentally walked into a bonfire and died, kino.
He's only entertaining when he's sperging out after getting rekt

yes there's already quite a few add-ons for the beta including dbm and questhelpers

The mage he was dueling wasnt even good. Literally backpedalling and didnt use a single r1 frostbolt to kite

Fuck Zoomers
Fuck Niggers
Fuck Kikes
and fuck the jannies

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that's what happens when you are used to being boosted and carried your entire life.
He's so bad at PvP and only seems to enjoy the game when he's getting carried, even if his group abandons him for ten seconds he starts freaking out

You literally can't win against a mage as warrior. Even if you're r14 some fresh 60 mage will kill you.

I know you cant, Im just saying that mage gave him more of a chance than he should have had.

This. Guy probably only made it to 2000, tops.

It would end on this

You ever wonder hy people hate him so much?


He turned WoW from MMORPG to a dress up game where you collect aesthetic skins for gear and collect mounts.
He talks all the time about how WoW should be about RPG about being like back in the days Vanilla. Then proceed to make transmog "contests" and collect every mount possible. He is a pokemonGo player in a MMORPG game. He is a barbie doll dress up game player in a MMORPG.
And because of Classic Beta he constantly proves how shit he is in real PvP, battlegrounds and WPvP. He constantly proves how bad he is at managing/commanding people in raid groups for BG's and WPvP. You can see people calling him out on other streamers chats from the same faction. But hey, no one has anything to say because he has the biggest clout so he will always be put in a position of a leader even if he's doing dog shit job at it. Beta proved it, honestly I don't really believe he played Vanilla, I think he started playing WoW maybe in Wotlk and probably never did any PvP content. Simply grinding PvE is the best he can do and even at that he isn't the best, there's plenty other better PvE players or even streamers.
So it all comes to this feeling of "why". He's a hypocrite with no skill in PvP or PvE, he's simply bad at the game and no charisma. Just like he is carried in game by hundreds of streamsnippers with serious mental issues, he is carried by other streamers on his own stream. His main stick is actually be a laughing stock for his own stream so I guess there is this frustration in WoW community and smaller Twitch streamers. Frustration from how can someone so basic, so mediocre at the game have this much attention and financial success.
It is jealousy, justified jealousy.

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even when he was getting carried in 3s he made it to 1700
I watched ten seconds of an arena video of his where he opens the character tab to click his trinket and I had to stop watching

>buttfuck your servers economy
I know you shouldn't take any image with a wojack seriously, but how do streamers ruin server economies at all? I am actually curious because I find in game economies interesting.

Just because a streamer gets undeservedly rich because they have retards giving them money does not harm the economy, assuming they aren't acquiring it through something like RMT. It's just wealth being moved from many people onto one person.

A better complaint would be how streamers affect PvP because they will end up with ridiculously good gear for their level.


how do warlocks farm gold? their aoe is kinda shit, and they have the pets, so what kind of elite mobs can they 1v1? or can they solo dungeons? considering lock or mage

One has to wonder how this clown got to be so popular in the first place.
Maybe he reminds his viewers of how terrible they are themselves.
Through the looking glass and stuff.

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Princess runs in Mara, I'm assuming. I've never done it as a lock, only hunter and mage. but it should be feasible

Extreme shilling and advertisement, why do you think you see his face all over youtube and even Yea Forums?
It's not a coincident that everyone keep seeing his face on recommendation videos on youtube, it's not a coincident that people keep making threads with his face on Yea Forums. It's carefully planned advertisement.

no, people are simply jealous he makes a shit ton of money playing their favorite game
I am kinda mad too, he is not funny, he's below average skilled, he has no entertainment value, I don't get it

I made a money from alch farming farming mats in winterspring. You can control the enemy demons there and go through it pretty quick.


Solo maraudon, kill lashers, kill demons in winterspring for eye of shadow, kill random mobs with good drops (eg azshara satyrs for felcloth), etc

>the character walks a a slug pace no matter what
I can't believe I fell for this meme game

>Why yes, me and the lads did just make Alliance human males. What gave it away?

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*sneaks around the canals killing anyone flagged for pvp knowing full and well that no guard will ever target me and alliance betas won't dare flag themselves in their safe space*

nothing personal, kids

B-Roll for your Linkin Park AMV

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why do you keep reposting reddit shit? we don't have an upvote system here

that was the point bucko

DEAD GAME game looks comfy, have fun

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God I wish I could remember some actual media that used this "home" meme. I know it's a stupid cliche and its there but I can't recall anything.
>inb4 Mandela

>kinda want to give Alliance a go since I've never quested in any of their zones before
>but if I do I can't play Shaman master class
how do Paladins compare to shammies? They look cool but a bit dull to play.

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What game?

Every mmo and big online game is designed to waste your time you fucking moron.

what the FUCK am I supposed to do until august bros
what are you guys playing
should I download overwatch again or something

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>defending blizzard in beta test with vip invitation only
shiggy diggy

>what are you guys playing

football manager

they are dull but any class is a step down from shaman

age of empires 2

WoW is such dudebro central. Very low IQs all around. FFXI is the only MMORPG worthy of making anyone "homesick".

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40%, dilate, etc etc.

Anyone got a good trance playlist on youtube or something? Spotify isn't really doing a good job.

Put in for PTO so I'm going to try and get some 24 hour sessions in, just like the old days. Need something to grind it to.

ah yes just like it was back in the good old days, NOT... look at thsi souless herd of sheeps.


>playing alliance

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league and ffxiv play with me bro

reminder that no shoe niggers > ally tranny cucks any day

>tfw all your old boomer crew full of R1 and regular glads is hyped for 27th august

is right

it is way too organic to be planned and on purpose
matter of fact he is an exact mirror of the average loser who has nothing but wow in his life
the people chose him as their champion because he actually is a perfect average of people who would do meth if they didnt have a game to sink all their wake hours into
if you actually watch him once in a while you will realize he isnt putting up an "act" like these self absorbed retards like to tell you
he actually is a poorly socialized insecure shut in white trash kid with lacking intelligence, physical health and no particular talents

also, the only thing pissing me off like nothing else is how they tiptoe around the issue of how much money they make
everyone can calculate this and whenever the issue comes up they look dumbfounded into the camera
god knows for that alone they all deserve to be punched in the face

After watching multiple videos of retail and classic I have determined detail is indeed better. Nostalgia is one hell of a drug.

WoW = land of backwards baseball caps, poor english and mountain dew.

fucking simps.

>what are you guys playing
I'm not really sure. I subbed to nu-wow to see how bad it was (bad) but that only lasted me a few weeks. I'm slowly playing through the Starcraft Remastered campaign, but I need something additional.

refer to

That image is retarded. The biggest threat to a rogue in a 1v1 is getting feared into africa. A stun keeps you in place, giving ranged only half the distance to escape and melee having to stay in range to attack you anyway.

Orc is great, but not for every class.

wtb beta key 1 btc

sent ;)

all the rogues are undead so dont worry about it

Dwarf or human warrior?

dwarf obviously

I can't decide if I want to level a warrior or some ranged dps. I usually play dps but if I go warrior I'm gonna go tank, tanking seems hard and nerve wracking I just like killing shit but warriors are fucking great and that was my first guy in vanilla. Never max him out though.

who /orcwarlock/ here

Just hide him on YouTube and don't watch twitch. Fairly simple.

preface higher dungeons with being "somewhat new to tanking" and 90% of people won't mind. just be open to criticism. tanks are hard as shit to find so you'll be wanted everywhere

No games to play, I've been trying out a instant lvl60 fun server to scratch that vanilla itch but I don't want to burnout
It's been 2 weeks already without booting a game for more than half an hour, all I do is browse Yea Forums or classic threads on the official forums

Whelp, 92 days to go

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who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





TBC was the best point in WoW story save for pvp, resillience sucked ass

im coming for you greenskins

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After playing on Northdale for a bit and waiting forever for quest item pickups and fighting crowds to tag named mobs, I'm looking forward to layering.

>dwarf hunter
pick one, retard

I was going to go mage again, but then I remembered BiS ring for mage until late BWL is off some rare spawn in UBRS. Fuck doing that hellhole 100000 times.

Think I'm going to to try rogue this time around. Only melee I ever played in raid was Ret in WotLK for Naxx and Uld. Swapped to lock for ICC since that guild needed a demo.

What am I in for?

I played on Blackrock at release. Compared to that shit experience and being stuck in looting position for 20 minutes at a time and queues longer than yo mom's dick, I also am okay with layering.Each layer is the size of a vanilla server (3k players, I believe?) so it's not going to feel any different.

I will be pissed if it's not just for Phase 1 like they promise up and down it is, though.

7/10 here's your (you)

t. tranny

lots and lots of competition for raids spots and raid gear

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>Each layer is the size of a vanilla server (3k players, I believe?
Don't think so, you can see layering happening in the beta with a few hundred players

Everyone plays rogue so it will be overpopulated as fuck and they bring fuck all to the party so unless you party up with a healer/tank bro you might have a hard time finding groups

Warhammer Online

>tfw friends just mentioned they're going hunter, priest, and rogue

holy shit I'm excited

>doesn't want to do a 30 minute dungeon a bunch of times for a bis item
>I'll roll a class that has a to do a 1h long dungeon a bunch of times for a bis item
Are you retarded?

That was certainly true of vanilla, but every poll I see puts mage as most played around 15-16%, and warlock at like 12-13%.

Sure, that might not reflect reality, but I do see as trends on dozens of polls I've looked at.

I think there will be more locks this time around as people know they are good in this patch. There's a lot of competition for gear with cloth guys, too. Rogues only roll against other rogues and perhaps druids sometimes after 40.


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Want to roll a warrior on the horde because I played alliance at release and WF totem
On the other hand missing blessing of freedom and fucking cleanse from the 1 in a million paladin that actually uses them is a huge loss

I know shamans never drop WF totems but it's easier to pester them to drop a totem than having the mouthbreather ret paladin not hog freedom and actually support the party

For me.

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If you remembered what hunting Jed is like you wouldn't want to do it either. Do it 5 times to maybe see him, and then he doesn't drop your ring, and then he finally does after 28 runs, but you lost it to a lock.

I'm traumatized.

Never played vanilla. What’s wrong with dwarf hunter?

>asmon turned WoW into transmog farming

I don't like the guy but he's not to blame for that. There's literally nothing else to do at endgame.

try 50 times to see Jed Runewalker. If you get him after 5 tries you're lucky

can't you get a rogue to check if he's in and reset until he spawns while you're making the group?

oh, no, we can't hover around our favorite Professional Video Game Streamer And Friend For Hire! How can I hope for him to say my name on stream now?!

Yup, that's the smart way to do it. You also gotta make the group to make sure you minimize the 10 man to have as little clothies as possible.

I am just looking forward to trying something else, and this is a good excuse to branch off from my security blanket mage.

Just do what said

Rogues need hand of justice from the end of BRD.

I want a druid
but I also want a warlock and a mage or priest

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Pretty sure rogues roll against warriors for weapons too




Sunder+tab and don't face away from them, it's pretty easy once you get used to it. The hardest part is when the DPS go full ham and do stupid shit like going all in before sunders are applied. Most normal runs the most exciting thing that happens is a mob occasionally loses aggro while aoe is happening and I get to switch to zerk stance to intercept it while screaming "GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE".

Can someone explain what the point of WOW Classic? I have only played WoW back in 2006-07 so I'm clueless..
Is the modern WoW so much different from original one? I always thought it's still the same game, just with some maps and other stuff added.

pic unrelated

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>no servers

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is northdale any good bros

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>I always thought it's still the same game
you thought wrong
it's the difference between super mario 64 and mario party

It's basically the ship of theseus at this point.

There was much more sense of community. Classes were much less homogenous back then so everyone knew "the good priests" , "the good warriors" etc. The world is actually dangerous, you have to think about how you're navigating because pulling too many mobs or encountering an enemy player might get you killed. you actually needed to interact with other people to get stuff done. Since the world was actually threatening, it actually was a huge relief to have friends watching your back. The topography matters... If there is a big bridge or a gigantic wall somewhere, it's a meaningful part of open world combat. People got into huge fights in the open world all the time for shits and giggles. You gank some guy who is questing in hillsbrad.. so he brings his friends in for revenge , then you'd call in more of your friends, and before you know it there's a 30 vs 30 combat breaking out in the open world, players pushing into each other's towns and slaughtering everyone .

Nothing, he's either baiting or stupid.

considering it. I played warrior in vanilla and a mage on Elysium. Might go for something new again