Why would you ever pick half-orc in a game that has elves?

Why would you ever pick half-orc in a game that has elves?

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>Virginity ratio of unmarried Japanese women

age 18-19 74.5%
age 20-24 64.5%
age 25-29 32.6%
age 30-34 31.3%
age 35-39 33.4%

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imagine running up with a couple of the boys and stealing their clothes off the ground

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ok so they just give up at 25 lol

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>he thinks asian women aren't equally if not more demanding of their partner than western women
at least you'll get something good looking but you're still falling for the meme

Calm down wang. I'm sure you'll get pity sex from a 1/10 some day.

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why are those 'women' naked?
This. japanese women are bigger cunts than western women.

the funniest thing about this muh asian gf meme is asian women are bitchier than any white woman could dream of being since they are so used to bossing their men around since japanese men are all betas, chinese men outnumber them thanks to the one child policy and south korean men are all mentally broken from the stress of their demented school system

>Japan's lack of interest in sex is blamed on everything from a stagnant economy to Japanese manga fans favoring fantasy over reality.

>yfw anime literally killed Japan

Attached: 1200px-Bdrates_of_Japan_since_1950.svg.png (1200x750, 42K)

Why the fuck is Yea Forums so obsessed with japanese girls and/or race. There are 20 of those threads every fucking day.

You guys do know that most women aren’t radfems, right?

>implying you have your "pick" of half-orcs or elves
sorry buddy that's what you get for rolling a neck bear character

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Why is that woman so fucking pissed?

fake translation

what anime is this

Weebs and incel beliefs in what women should be like in regards to their submissiveness to males.

It's an overpopulated island which exited an enormous economic bubble just one generation ago. Populations can not infinitely increase, even if that's what corporations would like.

The fertility rate of white Americans and white Germans is lower than the fertility rate of Japanese.


>la goblina in the front of lower half
absolutely disgusting

I finally get it

What happened in1965-1966 ?

She doesn't know. It's an argentinian protest about sexism

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People who fuck asian women are like the most weak human beings ever.

It is either asian """"""""men""""""""" or white semi-incels, truly pathetic

>Went to Japan
>Yellow fever level fairly low
>Tried Tinder out of curiosity
>More matches within a week than I get in half a year back home
>Fucked pic related
>Yellow fever reaching critical levels
>All I keep thinking about is going back again
Send assistance lads

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How can white women even compete?

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what is this?

you sure?
not sure why Yuta would put up a fake translation there, but why don't you translate for us, instead?

Why does v get so many off topic posts

>Fucked pic related
Clearly a fatty, not even filters can help with that

I have actually never spoken to a young western woman who didn't turn out to be a pretty basic third-wave feminist once I got to know her. Some of them initially claim they aren't feminists just because they know it lowers their dating pool, but then when you talk to them intimately you find out they are.

She's fat lmao. Did you match with anyone fit and conventionally attractive+ young?


She's retarded.


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They get married at 25 like a well adjusted person

I live in california, so no

This. First thought was how funny it would be for a nigger to bob and weave through the crowd snatching up clothes as he goes, only to run across the street and blackflip over the wall. All in one fluid motion.

that guy probably thought about marie kondo the next time he jerked off

>all those SEAmonkeys
Kek wh*te boys thinking they traded up.

Is this in Hongcouver?