So we all agree this is game of the generation and of the decade, yes?
So we all agree this is game of the generation and of the decade, yes?
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No every time i see or hear this faggot talk i cringe
The world is empty and repetitive and the side content is generally horrible.
Only some of the side missions/hunts and some of the main line is good.
Combat is only just okay.
The worst part about side content is that is largely pointless. Money you don't really need for anything and ingredients that are probably pointless/worthless. Equipment is always pointless shit because the Witcher gear is always better than anything you can get.
I mean it was a fine game. Arguably GOTY for its specific year, but it's really just not that good.
>The world is empty and repetitive and the side content is generally horrible.
Great no, yet still far better than any other so called "open world" game
That’s not Dark Souls. Which actually defined something and caused infinite garbage spinoffs and sequels
>tfw witcher 3 shitposting as flooded steam now
90% of gamers are borderline retarded though. So they'll just jump on the bandwagon and parrot what someone else tells them.
>*tips fedora*
It was Dragon Age Inquisition with a few more random shit.
i still haven't played it, and have managed to remain spoiler free even after visiting this shithole daily for the past decade or so
what the fuck was his problem
>0 replay value
Not yet. Cyberpunk 2077 might come out this year so we get a new contender for the throne.
Are there any other games like the witcher 3? It's legit ruined gaming for me and the old ones sick compared to 3. I hope 2077 lives up to it
I mean.. There's not really anything to spoil.
Good guys win, bad guys lose.
How do people get 1000 hours in TW3 if it has zero replay value? It isn't a multiplayer game, right?
No one normal does. Because once you know what the story is and complete everything (92 hours) theres no reason to play. The gameplay itself is filler.
No, but it's a damn fine game
Spoil what tbqh. The 'main story' is meh.. And theres so many side stories i wouldnt know what to spoil.
>92 hours
Fat chance in hell you can 100% the game in 92 hours.
>Because once you know what the story is
There are multiple outcomes to many of the stories in the game.
How in the name of fuck? Inquisition's side quests are largely just MMO tier, and the well written quests are far apart. One of these two games, you haven't played
New vegas has a fun world, gtav is fun, rdr has a fun world, mgsvtpp had a fucking fun world, and it's the worst metal gear , even skyrim, has a fun world, witcher 3 world, exists only to move betwen missions and make the game artificially longer.
>100% the game.
I definitely completed everything I could find. Is there a completion percentage in the game?
Ah, yeah, that destiny gameplay, with a gtav modded city, and all of the missions being vn like on 3d, yeah, that one
Are you fucking sure you want to hold that sentiment, m8? How can you denounce Witcher 3's open world, but praise the barren, bland and needlessly padded world that is Phantom Pain's? Fucking disingenuous, that is
>"Hmmm... Looks like a trail here."
>Batman Detective vision
>"Hmmmmmm... A body..."
>Batman Detective vision
>"Probably a ____"
>Batman Detective vision
>Return for reward and drop summation of what caused the events
Yeah, nice meme arrowing. Now explain to me how that's similar to Inquisition?
You are never traversing the open world so it doesnt matter. You drop in close, run a small distance and commence gameplay. Once you are done with the gameplay you go back to the chopper.
So how the hell does that a "fucking fun world" make
It's no Skyrim
Its fun because you are always playing.
On witcher you have to use your horse and ride to the mission, 3 or 5 minutes, on mgsvtpp you have to hide on your horse, everytime, , somme missions require you to explore the world, and you have to hide every time, not just press front button to complete mission
And what does that even mean? You're always playing? The open world has nothing worth exploring.
>on mgsvtpp you have to hide on your horse, everytime, , somme missions require you to explore the world, and you have to hide every time, not just press front button to complete mission
In witcher 3 there are actual things to discover in the open world. There are quests (which are actual stories), items, scavenger hunts, places of power and side activities. Now, I can understand not liking the bloated world of Witcher 3, but don't you fucking piss in my ear by telling me that Phantom Pain isn't the most worthless use of open world game design.
Well you arent meant to criss cross the open world to reach missions so its ok.
>actual things to discover
>Use the batman vision
That's it, that's all you have to discover
I can't tell if you're agreeing with me?
Did you even play the game you're talking about? Did you even play either of them? Phantom Pain is the worst example of open world game design, and you don't "discover" quests and side activities by using the witcher senses.
Its not even an RPG
skyrim wasn't even in the top 10 games of its year
media hype blew out of proportion but when analyzed objectively it's a garbage game
Currently playing this.
Shit's comfy as fuck. It's more of a adventure game since you'll spend more time talking and walking than fighting.
The combat ain't so bad either but it's just a glorified rythm game
Fuck your apostrophes I aint got time for that shit
>game of the generation and of the decade
It’s not even the best game in the series.
You say, while posting on this God forsaken board
yes it is
I think W1 might be the comfiest game ever made
Witcher 2 it's way better
Yes, and of the century.
Witcher 1 was better than both. Witcher 2 feels a bit like Frankenstein's monster. What an awful UI
Not really, it has the worst story and characters in the series.
Yes and only retards disagree
yeah but most of those are bad or inferior ends that I don't like or want
the real problem is it's a bad action rpg
it does everything else pretty well, but it's combat and rpg elements are just shit
why is it an action rpg if they're not going to make it do that well, it'd be a better visual novel or something where you just make choices
It was alright. Not game of the decade, though. It wasn't even game of the year that it came out, although it was voted as such (the same people who voted for it also eat McDonald's and watch capeshit movies, do you really trust the majority? If you do, then I don't trust you)
>combat and rpg elements are just shit
That's your personal opinion. The RPG elements are great and the combat is ok.
Reminder that the REAL Geralt irl choose to make Ciri into a witcher and married Triss.
Yenfags on suicide watch.
It's not his personal opinion, it's a fact, even the older ass creed Games have a better combat,
I appreciate it as the last true AAA game. No shitload of dlcs, the world is vast and full of shit to do, engaging story.
My only gripe is the loot system.
>Botw exists
>*Footsteps getting closer*
>*Shitpostbots launch their insults but CD-PROJECT-RED only start smiling because it doesent work on him*
>*Footsteps are getting even closer*
show me one open world game whitout a empty open world
what does empty even means?
>Retards actually believe this
Botw is only good for about 20 hours and the story is disappointing for a Zelda game. Hopefully the next Zelda game takes elements from Botw and meshes them with the classic Zelda story system.
TW3 was good but the title of GOTD goes to kinoborne.
>own rights to one of the most unique and interesting fantasy settings in vidya ever
>instead of further expanding on it with AAA tier spin-offs release a single player campaign for your tcg and move onto cringy cyberpunk shit
the worst timeline
The game is extremely large and shallow - a bad combination. Combat was mediocre. Story/characters are it's only strength. But the large scale and open world really dilutes that.
Fuck no, we had BB, Nuvegas and dark souls this decade. Besides its popularity is declining with each passing year.
new vegas is shit
Dark Souls or Bloodborne is
This, nv is a overhyped shit game.
new vegas is about as mediocre as Witcher 3
Everything in the game where you aren't playing is great. Everything gameplay is mediocre to bad.
Bloodborne, Breath of the wild, Sekiro, and Hollow Knight are the best games.
That's weird you just described Rage 2.
I disagree I think it's only success I'd it's story content and that the combat is dogshit and absolutely not "just okay"
>witcher 3 combat is bad
What the fuck do you nerds want?
>side content is generally horrible.
W3 have one of the best if not the best side mission I saw in this kind of game. You are fag man.
lol wut
This and Bloodborne are my top picks this gen for sure. 2015 was the best time I've had with video games for about 10 years from today.
Objectively yes, there definitely is a before and an after TW3 and we already have seen it's effect on numerous open-worlds that came after it.
One of its effects is that Bethesda doesn't get a free pass anymore and their mediocre games are no longer seen as masterpieces.
It would be almost undisputed if the combat was better.
Glorified visual novel that stunted WRPGs for the next decade
So we all agree this is game of the generation and of the decade?
not just that, but its also the most powerful ass blaster ever created (bloodborn fags). only snoyniggers and fromdrones will disagree
Imagine being this young to think Witcher 3 did anything new to the RPG genre.
Calling it bad is usually hyperbole, it is fairly mediocre and that stands out as "bad" since the rest of the game is amazing in almost every aspect.
Nah, it was good but not that good. It was def game of the year it came out though and was a refreshing open world rpg at the time.
>one of the best
which mission?
Having your potions automatically replenish forever after you make the first one killed any exploration and made 99% of loot worthless.
Yes. Probably my favourite game ever.
Rage 2 is awesome
Yes but only if you have read all the books and played 1 and 2
It's objectively better.
It's objectively worse.
It will be funny when Cyberpunk bombs. Kind of sad, yes, but also hilarious.
It won't bomb. Millions are going to buy it exclusively because it's made by the same studio that made Witcher 3, it's guaranteed to sell like mad just like a new GTA or TES or CoD would.
based, godspeen anons, spread the Gospel to those still about to experience this gem
He didn't have sex
on topic:
GOTG. yes.
GOTD. No. I'd give that to Minecraft
>Retards actually don't belive this
Literally forgotten about a year after it's out.
Everyman clunky shit, xray vision, giant square hitboxes, tank controls, faggot main character, shitty lore and story, in general just a fucking cringe ass game on the level of capeshit marvel movies but the vidya equivalent.
Not even fucking close. Best and most renowned game released from 2010-2020 (there's still time left btw)
is Dark Souls. Infact Witcher 3 tried to ape some of it's glory by attempting to steal some of it's mechanics and failed at because they don't actually understand gameplay or combat.
Any game that lifts from another game within that very same generation isn't a leader, it's a follower.
Dark Souls is the Link to the Past of this generation. It'll be talked about 20 years from now.
playing witcher 2 right now and godamn king foltest seems like a bro
How in the shit does a 5 year old single player game maintain such a massive playerbase?
Sekiro is the game of the decade so far. It's pretty much perfected SP wise everything Dark Souls started, but without the MP bullshit memeing it up, which I do like but multiplayer removes Kino points from a game. Dark Souls was just Bloodborne Alpha, and Sekiro is a better single player experience than that is.
ask himkek
it's the kind of game you can live your entire life inside, of course a lot of people are going to escape into it
By being a good game.