>Trump Tariffs Video games 25%



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Source: op’s ass

What games or hardware are you buying from China?

I'm awestruck, I can't believe our god emperor fucked with us gamers. We put him in office and this is the thanks we get?
I'd still suck his dick if he asked, but this makes me rethink my life as a gamer.

based as fuck


Just proves that gamers are the most oppressed class.

Everything inside your toy console was manufactured in china.

Japan doesn't pay these tariffs, nor are their exports subject to them

Consoles are not made in Japan, dumb trumpalo.

>economy disappears and moves to china along with all your games
reee bernie anyone save us
>economy saved by trump but tariffs make it rough for a bit
reee orange man bad


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Holy shit SJWs are so mad. I might become a buyfag for the lols.

Imagine unironically supporting Trump, still

>thinks just because japanese company owns the console it must be made in japan

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based i hope he does

Imagine listening to liberal biased media 24/7

Imagine being a consolefag in 2019


Reminder that video games are a plague on society and putting tariffs on them to protect American intellectual property is an objectively correct decision.

>tariffs products made in the country
American Education.

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Keep voting for Drumpf, the moron that doesn't know anything about economy

China doesn't pay a single cent on tariffs, it's Murrikan companies and consumers that get screwed

You don't need to be a liberal to see that he is full of shit.

Really makes you think

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The low IQ of a consolefag is astounding.

Yeah because Infowars and Fox are impartial lmao

>no one talking about media coverage of trump at all
>bring it up for no reason

Literal Bethesda NPC dialogue tree.

so just buy digital or pirate games

All presidents are full of shit. Obama holding the high score.

This only affects consolefags who have to buy physical games still and a new console upgrade every 1-2 years.

When will you idiots realise they want you to keep arguing about stupid shit to keep you distracted
They literally control both sides

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A gentle reminder that Yea Forums is a lefty sub, and Nazis should fuck right off

People said the same thing about literally every new art or format. In it's early stages, film was criticized in almost the exact same way.

No, they're also shit. Why is the response to the fact that most left wing media sources are completely flawed bias corporate or state run monstrosities met with 'WELL YOU WATCH FOX NEWS." They don't even show Fox in my country.

>Americans are so mentally cucked that they’d rather vote for a con-man who hasn’t paid his fair share of taxes for decades than for a man who stands up for their interests

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Hang on... the EU also has a large tarriff on electronic goods and such.

But that's good because it protects European workers and is why the EU is a great left wing organisation.

So Trump copies the EU and now he's a nazi. Huh.

Trump hate will only get him his 2nd term. Just like it got him his first. Trump haters still don't know this because all they do is fucking cry.

What proof is there that he didn't pay his taxes other than someone screaming at him as they try, and have tried, for over two years now, to find any scrap of evidence to impeach him?


>Fair share

Tax is theft famalam.

Americans would die before voting for this old commie fraud.

>great left wing organisation.
No one said this, ever.
Hungary and Ireland for example have much lower tax rates than in America.

If you're not smart enough to get a scholarship, you're too stupid to be going to college. Go to trade school instead.

i miss free trade, save us mr milton

bernie doesn't stand up for american interests. democrats are destroying our major cities and need to be voted out asap. bernie also enjoys being a bitch and is weak.

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>What proof is there that he didn't pay his taxes
if he paid them, he'd have no issues with revealing them.

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>Consoleniggers getting dabbed on
Enjoy your cheap Foxconn shit retailing for $700 from now on.

Why do Americans who earn less than $150k a year vote against their own financial interests? Are Americans really such grovelling bootlickers?

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*sigh* okay....first

>being american

that's my first yikes

>buying videogames instead of pirating

my second yikes

and last but not least

>being a gamer at all


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>iOS filename
Every time.

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Shut up automaton, you have no soul

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>be American
>live in the greatest and "wealthiest" country on Earth
>life is so miserable that you get hooked on opioids and overdose (that is if you haven't been shot yet)

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ban tactical beds

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Fuck trump
but fuck left boys more

What's opioids?

>Bernie doesn't stand for american interests because some crazy bitch assaulted him at a public podium
The level of trumpanzee propaganda. These people literally fling shit at people and places daddy tells them to. It's funny because their propaganda only works on idiots like them, so their base is always shrinking.

the biggest Redpill is realizing Israel is actually our greatest ally in the great crusade against the Islamic menace and the US stands more to gain with Israel and fighting against them

a slow Genocide of Arabs is what the world needs

>EU is a great left wing organisation.
Please sterilize yourself.

Because every American is a temporarily embarased millionaire and vote accordingly


Trump is the biggest bigot in history and on the list of worst presidents as number one worst.

Is that how you start? Claim his every fuckup and violation is a trick?

Because average voter is a retard that swallows any bullshit he is served and can't see beyond his own backyard.
So when he hears Trump saying that he will block those pesky Mexicans and "bring the jobs back" he wholeheartedly believes that Trump is the second coming of Jesus that who will make a new miracle in the US, even though in reality he is going to have to suck the corporate dick harder and that's all he will get.
I wouldn't be surprised if he is voted into 2nd term after he tells people that he couldn't do anything because the evil democrats were blocking the congress.
Not that average democrat voter is any different. American politics are completely rigged since a long time.

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Look at your presidents lust for Jewish cock, it's embarrassing

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liberal gamers btfo trump 2020

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>still loving dump

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Consoles aren't made in the USA.


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>son pc components will be made in Mexico
>prices will drop
>PCs and consoles will be affordable
Thank you Trumpo.

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>"what about!"
why are so many Rightards like this

Did trump force his daughter to marry a Jew so he can suck his semen out of her asshole?

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whataboutism is easier than facts

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Gentrification with the new LA Rams stadium coming in.

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If you guys didn't know, anti-semitism on Yea Forums was always derived from just being edgy. Nobody here is a legitimate Nazi and you're a fool to idolize Hitler.

based, was about to post this

Hey Mexibro, just want to let you know that I bought a 65" LG T.V. for boxing day in December that was Made in Mexico. So I did my part in helping the Mexican manufacturing sector.

Would rather have my TV made in Mexico than in China.

Its hilarious the red scare fucked America over so bad
that anything left of being raped by big corporate is evil

Never forget that the corn flake guy is the reason you dont have a forskin

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They had their chance.
And they blew it.

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t. T_D

Not PC games, just console games.
Based as fuck.

I hate both Hitler and jews. What now?

fuck videogames
and fuck you
Trump should ban vidya games alltogether

It means you probably have an IQ below 90.

However, I don't understand how are EBTs and all the gibmedats not considered socialism that all Americans are supposedly afraid of.

As a Jew, Based but cringepilled

american console games are the last bastion of talent, taste and fun.

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Bernie also literally said that 'if you're white you don't know what it's like to be poor', so there's a big chunk of American interest he lost.

>There are people that actually think that
Just nuke America already

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>people who pay more taxes benefit more from a tax cut

>Possible related search: cartoon

the US practically owns Israel with all the military support we give them. They bend to us, not the other way around

yea im white and make like 10 grand a year, he can fuck off

(((They))) are clever by making this about race and gender instead of the class divide which is the real issue
Keep arguing about blacks and women in movies idiots

American education

You cant speak for the whole of Yea Forums
The more the memes get spread the less people see the Irony as new people join.

Most Americans do not understand what socialism is and when they hear it just associate it with "super scary russians"
Which works for the 1% who can just say they want to turn the country into a communist state while they suck the poor dry like a back alley whore


americans scapegoat everyone and anyone and will blame everything on earth before they take responsibility for their own actions
>noooooo i swear we dont want to invade the middle east!!! israel is forcing us to do it!!!!

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See ,

Isn’t it kind of ironic that people said that Left Wing is nothing but NPC, but them being NPC themselves by mocking NPC with the “Orange man bad” thing

hi retard

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