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Other urls found in this thread:

I quit playing Chrono Trigger a few hours in because I thought it was boring

i think its time for wojak and pepe to go

I fell in love with a voice actress.

I exclusively play indie walking-simulators.

I respect A Link to the Past more than I enjoy playing it. I'd rather play stuff like Skyward Sword, Zelda II or A Link Between Worlds in all honesty.

I play Star Wars Battlefront 2 2017 every day after work. Everytime I try and mention it on here and how it's massively improved I'm called an EA shill and it hurts my feelings.



I will buy the new mainline Pokemon game as long as they keep making cute girl trainers

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I don’t like playing vidya that much. I’m only here today to see if there’s good Link trap doujins floating around.

I hate scoring systems in most games because they give me anxiety.

I feel like i exclusively jerk off to anime video game characters anymore.

I buy old games fully knowing I won't play them, but just want them.
Then I go into a foetal position knowing how pathetic I am.

I use the save states in Megaman Legacy Collection 1. It's not that I can't beat the games without them, I just don't see the point in not using them when all they do is save me time.


i just beat aria of sorrow
and it was worse than i expect

I masturbate to videogame characters.

Took me a couple of tries to finish it but glad i did. It was a decent game

The last time I finished a video game was back in 2015(Splinter Cell : Blacklist and imo it's better than chaos theory). I read video game plots on wikipedia to partake in some threads. I also post on reddit(I'm active in r/esist and r/chapotraphouse and ofc r/gaming)

I finished Trauma Center 2 days ago by doing this
and it doesnt feel genuine to me, but I know that I were to try and do it "the right way" Im gonna be stuck replaying a level dozens, perhaps hundreds of times until I get it right, and I dont see the point in doing that since its over already, but I still feel "guilty" about it, like using a glitch or a bug to defeat a boss.

The hero Yea Forums needs.

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I pay modern FE on casual since I know I'm just gonna reset anyways.

I finished all the Dork Souls games and Sekiro with cheats because dying and going through the same areas/bosses over and over again is too goddamn tedious.

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I love you.

I play videogames

Jesus is my Lord and Savior

Ya'll should get to know Him. Pretty sweet.

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Dark Souls is too slow and Bloodborne is a significantly better game, and those who disagree either didn't play it or are nostalgic for the first souls game they ever played

i only play multiplayer games to grief others

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I don't play multiplayer games because I'm far more interested in a story/campaign.

However there's a ton of fighting games I wanna try, but haven't touched for this exact reason.

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I dream of getting a gf and playing the first three Monkey Island games with her

I actually really like FF13 alot

how long did it take you ?

I don't even play video games

I liked FF13, even before gran pulse. I think FF13 is the best of the trilogy.
I unlocked easy mode in dmc3 at the grim reaper boss, which is before the Cerberus boss dmcfags claim is the casual filer
The only zelda games I played were wind waker and twilight princess
I listen to undertale music but I never finished undertale
Scottwoz and relaxAlex are my favorite gaming youtubers.

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I messed up this entire college year and have 10+ exams to finish this summer. They're easy and I could probably finish all of them if I put in the work, but I'm afraid and therefore procrastinate quite a bit.

How does Grevious feel to play, user? Did they do him well?

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I masturbate to Belle Delphine

Games i've never played/beat and i'm ashamed:

Deus Ex.
All the Bioshock game.
Mario 64.
All Zelda games besides Ocarina, Majoras and ALBW.
All MGS games besides 1 and 2.

stalker is boring and i never listen to Yea Forums for video game recomendations anymore

I frequently bait people in anti-censorship threads.
It's the easiest fucking thing on the planet.

I never played at least half of my Steam library. Wasted about $600.

I got filtered by the second boss in Bloodborne and decided that I’m not good at games involving quick reflexes

Everyone is like that.

just call them pedos

I am a whore for Rockstar and barely play anything else these days.

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I fap to Animal Crossing R34

NY ain't cool enough for Yea Forums.

Cali is though. Long live Asian supremacy!

>From LA to Tokyo! (((Ow! Ow! Ow!)))


It's a lot better than it was at launch but it still gets boring after a few hours for me

I can’t get all the chaos emeralds in sonic 2 no matter how hard I’ve tried. For years I still haven’t been able to do it. Sonic 1, 3&K, mania, advance, advance 3 all are complete. But not 2. And it eats me all the time.

Also i dripped ff7 in one hour because I hated the battle system

When Mordhau has female characters, im going to make a femknight and agitate others.

I'm tired of getting angry and me getting angry at video games has convinced me that I just ruin shit for people in all aspects of my social life so I'm probably just gonna kill myself. My therapist left so I don't know what to do. Haha.

I spam the gothic 2 threads

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I can't even pretend to enjoy games I suck at. Winning is the only fun I can have with video games.

I feel like over the years I have lost more and more of my reaction speed when playing vidya, and am worried that sooner or later it will start to really impact my ability to play games, because I will just get fucked because I'm physically unable to react fast enough anymore.

thats not a sin though

l played gothic 1 4 years and loved it despite some bugginess/getting used to controls but took this long to start gothic 2 cause I kept putting it off. I also ask stupid questions in it on purpose but it was funny hearing the guy say "Were you listening to me?"

>tfw dad is in his 50s and doesn't play multiplayer games beyond MMOs these days

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I talk shit about niggers on non-/pol/ boards, even though I don't use /pol/ and I'm a half nigger

i never finished any souls game but i finish sekiro and now i dont understand why people think that this fucking easy games is difficult!!! i like it but i think it is too easy

I never played a single GTA.

I like mobile/browser gacha games but dislike loot boxes in pay 2 play games

what about advance 2?

You need to learn to love yourself user.
You can be the darkest motherfucker out of africa and these faggots will still call you too white.
The only reason people push each other down is to make them feel better about themselves.

I'm with ya there.

Hey, brother.

I don't play videogames and I find more enjoyment in watching others play them

I don't even play modern titles. I play emulators most of the time.

I browse Yea Forums looking for cunny threads

Built almost 2000€ gaming PC.
Haven barely played any games on this because shitposting urges too strong so I only play on my Switch, 3DS and PS4pro.

Send help.