>check catalog
>no Mordhau thread
Check catalog
is it worth it?
im obviously one of the last niggers that doesnt have steam and im not sure if making a steam account is worth it
Ya its fun as fuck
ok yeah your gonna have to post Avocado Toast right now
Your general is located at:
>those names
dead game
You're right. This isn't a twitter, politics, or smash thread and therefore does not belong on Yea Forums. Thank you, righteous shitposting crusader, for preventing Yea Forums from having a semblance of video game discussion
vg shitters fuck off, this is a video games board and this is a video games post
Is peasant actually good? What is even the point of using it?
its a fun challenge, feels really fucking good to take down a full armored knight with a frying pan
You get to feel better when you kill things with a hoe. Down side is you die to just about every current meta weapon in one hit. Needless to say its only good if you do cheesy sledge builds absolutely fucking people's stam.
Ill play later on tonight once I feel better. I rebinded my mouse to different swing angles so it should be easier now. Maybe I'll even post my guy. Hope to see you all later!
Why does it cost 8 points if it's essentially just a meme perk that handicaps you?
its so you dont overload your character with perks and big weapons, its a handicap
It's supposed to gimp you for a challenge, you don't take it to minmax, you take it to cave some knigger's skull in with a tree branch.
What's the best way to earn money in this game?
high population horde mode, probably
This game is better than chivalry, but one thing I liked about chivalry is how the match would progress through out the game.
I like progressing through out various stages of the map with more concrete goals such as, push the siege tower, take the castle, kill the king.
This blows chivalry out of the water but they need to be more creative with maps and the events that take place in the map. It gives more flavor. It doesn't feel satisfying just taking the same points in the same few maps over and over.
>*deflects arrow by the press of a button*
heh, nothin' personel
This game desperately needs siege mode and better team balance on the map. More maps are also needed.
Right now you win just by holding the middle.
Is the zweihander worth the points? And how usually I play zwei with heavy helm and chest, no legs.
Also how do I get good in general.
So are the armor pieces purely cosmetic?
>Also how do I get good in general.
Play very aggressively, not defensively. Once you lose the initiative you won't get it back if the person you're fighting is competent.
zwei is very much worth the points
go zwei, bloodlust, friendly 0/0/0
it's an experience to say the least
Head torso and legs aren't cosmetics. Everything else is though
God the vg thread is so shit I hope we never have to go there, I never believed people when they said vg was just an autism graveyard but holy fuck.
I already met the first few ballerinas.
How long till its dead?
what’s the best weapon to use with a kite shield? I’m leaning towards the messer and arming sword.
The moment they figure out how to combine dragging with mindless spinning? Immediately. Animation exploits are NOT a feature nor a mechanic.
>still using shields
rate my mad lad, throwing axes are the shit
Thats what they do.
I know how to drag but going full ballerina is shit. Extra gay if you feint
short spear if you want to be a piece of shit
>stab spinny nigger with rapier/shortspear before he swings
The ballerinas aren't a threat unless you are a dueling meta autist, the real issue is retarded teammates feeding bloodlust users in frontline so they can kill half your team
what’s the best bloodlust build? I like playing frontline.
Its really simple, Head, Leg and Torso CAN provide armor, everything else is cosmetic. It actually says on the side how much armor a piece provides.
Arguably you could want to wear as few cloth as possible to not make your team-colours too obvious but beyond that its all cosmetic
Unironically how do I get good? I read all the guides, make recommend builds, and watch pros play. But when I'm playing, nothing clicks.
I like rolling with bloodlust, waraxe and 2/3/2 armour. Nice berserker feel.If you get a good rythm going when swinging into a pack of enemies you'll easily cleave some kniggas.
A word of warning is that you need to be aggressive as fuck because if you're not stepping into the enemies then your swings are gonna hit your allies.
depends, how good is your PC? despite the fact that I can run it at 60fps maxed out, it's very frustrating to play because of some mysterious unexplained stuttering and frame skipping constantly, honestly don't even know if a stronger PC would help
I finally got enough money to buy my plume but I just can't do it for a number of reasons.
1) Future cosmetics that I might like better
2) I feel like I will have anxiety when wearing it because people will expect me to be good but I'm shit
I go 3/3/3 and I use the 2 point Warhammer. It can 1hit anyone without a helmet on the alternate mode, then I just scavenge for a stronger weapon.
What are your specs? I have a 1070 and i7 8700k and I have literally zero issues running this game, no frame drops at all.
It's a flavor of the week, but that week is ending. You missed out on the really good times.
>no weapon
>has a weapon
I haven't changed the name, used to also run Friendly and Fireproof but I figured starting without a weapon isn't always the best idea.
Why can't these people fuck off and die?
So anyone else having lag issues? Ill join a server and have ping in the 40-60 range, but randomly it will fucking skyrocket up to 1020 and give me the packet loss error. My internet is trash, but this is the only game i get lagspikes like this in...
I get 1500 gold per full horde game in high pop servers.
Dont worry about being good to show off cosmetics, its likely at that level you are still better than half the scoreboard.
Doesnt that take like 45 mins+ to finish horde, is it really faster than just playing frontline?
Throwing myself into the melee and swinging my waraxe like a madman works for me.
I use that build.
I play horde just to practice with bots, on high waves they're pretty good and it helps with frontline blocking and shit because they swarm you. If you aren't topping the leaderboard on frontline horde is quicker. Otherwise, I've found it's pretty much the same. I can't notice a difference.
Don't bother with meta until you learn the game, just try out weapons until it clicks. What I did when I was learning is run 2/2/2/dodge/bloodlust/quarterstaff and then picked up weapons off the ground so I could try out all kinds without committing.
Flavor of the Week is now over, friend.
>get teamkilled by catapult-fag
>tell him to get off catapult
>actively tries to teamkill me now because apparently autistic
>I destroy catapult
>catapult fag "explain" that it's impossible to not get teamkills with catapult
>explain that that is 100% false, just literally get gud, I play dozens of matches where people have full control
>still no apology, but definitely more whining
>team takes his side
>I get votekicked
This has happened twice.
I have a dedicated caveman build for throwing rocks at catapault users, even if they dont tk
You're a hero.
Based catapultfag kicking fags like you
No, you.
>playin' frontline and some guy spergs out about dying in a 5v1
>everyone in chat is like "dude its frontline go to duels if you want fair fights"
>he spergs out more because they spammed the laugh voice line at him in a 5v1
>both teams now spamming laugh for the rest of the match
Games really bring people together
Isn't the warhammer alt kill so fucking satisfying?
People really underestimate not having a level 2 or higher helm.
Why the fuck would someone cry about dying in a 5v1?
What is annoying however is when you get a sweet 5v5, and everyone is having fun and doing their best and you get shot by a fucking bowfag.
Really, you had NO other people to shoot at?!
Fucking dick.
did you check your audio settings?
it doesn't default to your PC audio settings which can cause frame freezes surprisingly.
you obviously didn't play Chivalry
Mordhau will be around for a very very long time.
I have the same issue. I’ll rubberband around or a swing/my swing will go right through me/my opponent and nothing happens. Happens in random spikes and it’s very annoying.
just get good unironically
Most players spent 100s of hours in Chivalry so the combat comes naturally to them.
You need to practice, go to a duel server
>muh tk
what a faggot
I think I saw you something 20 minutes ago, were you fighting on Grad, Fighting a Crossboman with a dagger?
you need to be 18 or older to post on Yea Forums
I had a barbute helmet
Agree 100%
I'd love to see something on the level of UT2K4s Assault mode.
kys yourself valve shill. We do not support exclusive games here
I did and quit when it became spin2win which is happening as we speak on Mordhau. With the universal stab nerf, the majority of players are now 2hand fags "dragging" and "accelerating" and it's just going to get worse. It's not bad yet, but it'll be unplayable soon enough.
why are there BOATS?
>leather lamelar with gothic plate