Post your battlestations lads

Post your battlestations lads

Attached: many monitors.jpg (1024x768, 231K)

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Jesus Christ man, what the fuck? What possessed you to buy that horrible chair?

Besides the pig and the retarded monitor setup, They have no leg room, My knees hurt just looking at it

It looks kinda cozy to sit in when fapping to the piggy.

dont be retarded, that image is ancient

I sit way too close to TV.

Attached: IMG_20190525_192012.jpg (3264x1840, 886K)

> no leg room
lumbars destroyed
> Fat ps3
lel good luck reading discs in the current year
> a pig right freaking there
Cool as fuck
is that some experiment? Is it your gf? I need answers

>6 monitors
>fat ps3
>lounge chair
what the fuck

Attached: A battlestation to surpass JIDF.jpg (1200x1600, 239K)

based patchouli figurine, but fucking dota

Internet nazis are so fucking cringe. You think hitler would have done anything other than send you straight to auschwitz for liking anime garbage?