Whats the consensus on the AC "reboots"? Are they decent or beyond shit?

Whats the consensus on the AC "reboots"? Are they decent or beyond shit?

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They're unironically all great

I liked Odyssey, but got burnt out after around 40 hours. Its kind of grindy and you basically just do the same stuff over and over.
Clearing fortresses as quiet as possible is really fun though.

played about 13 hours of odyssey, it was decent i suppose.
combat is fun, character skills are fun, map is well made, but i honestly am not able to put any more hours into it.

i got it for like 12 dollars and i didnt feel ripped off, so thats nice

Origins was great. I didn't like odyssey that much but it's pretty much the same game in a different setting

I got Odyssey for free and enjoyed it for about six hours, but I can see it getting pretty repetitive since the actual gameplay loop of climb the Ubisoft tower, go to the camps, loot the camp, kill the boss doesn't change very much from camp to camp. I still have it installed because it's pretty easy, so I might be good to play when I'm tired after a long day at work.

They were reboots?

both Origins and Odyssey are on sale, which is better?

Just beat Origins last week, final DLC was fine, but all in all, I thought it sucked.

Listened to all the hype that it was a massive improvement over the old formula, but in all honestly I just found myself bored for the most part...

Although Bayek was a likable protagonist, and until you actually play as her Aya was fine too.

I finished Odyssey just yesterday and I really enjoyed it. The only thing I dont like is having to do the awful side quest to reach the arbitrary level requirment to continue the story. I think they do this so you buy microtransactions.

It's a good new direction from a franchise that was extremely formulaic.
Gameplay's good with the new skill mixups and RPG elements keeping things from just being the usual counter-to-win inanity.

It really just depends how high your tolerance is for busywork gameplay inbetween story missions, and not really much to shake things up outside of the basic gameplay loop/mechanics. Stuff that doesn't really engage you much besides jizzing experience and new equipment at you.

None are worth playing

Odyssey is grindy to make you buy the xp and money boosts.

Ubishit have no shame


>Odyssey is grindy to make you buy the xp and money boosts.
That is completely wrong, You must be a journo.
I've been playing the game at an average pace and I haven't had the need to grind once.
I'm already at Medusa.

Origins = Soul
Odyssey = Soulless

Odyssey has a bit more fluid combat, combat skills, more rpg elements from dialogue choices to dedicated 5 armor slots (in origins you only have weapons, armor is cosmetic). Its map is absolutely gigantic (though origins is very big too). Instead of travelling desert on camel you got lots of water and a ship. Locations though feel way more samey, dungeons are copypaste. General tone of the game is way brighter, origins is really to my taste with the dark mystical egypt and fucked up past of mc. Also odyssey later on locks you into a playstyle (stealth/archer/melee) due to class damages being present on gear, for example your arrows or stealth takedowns wont do much damage if all your gear is warrior damage, in origins you can still use all 3 core styles no matter your gear and skills. Origins plot has usual assassins templar stuff going on like in previous games, odyssey has almost nothing to do with assassins and is more like a typical greek drama, also way more fantasy with mystical creatures and mc having literal superpowers that you later on use in combat.
In general id say it boils down to setting preference, but in my opinion while origins has somewhat less mechanics it feels as way more "realized" game, with more location variety, and i like it dark mood and mystical deserts way more than happy green little islands of odyssey. Its different studios, montreal vs quebec i think, the same as unity and syndicate. Origins feels like the big game they really cared about while odyssey is just more of the same and quantity over quality, its even bigger but origins is already fuckhuge, look up map comparisons, in my opinion odyssey scale is just retarded.
Neither is a real masterpiece, its still the same old ubi formula, but origins setting does it for me. Odyssey doesnt even have assassination scenes. Origins is a slight rpg-y departure but is still an ac game while odyssey is essentially witcher lite (very lite) in a blander setting.

Not him but I consider doing sidequest grinding because they are so boring and shit. The only side activity I like is killing cultist and mercenaries and those give almost no XP compared to quests.

>Not him but I consider doing sidequest grinding because they are so boring and shit.
objectives specifically designed with a quest layout can never be considered grind.
Grinding is doing the mindless mob killing and clearing bases.
I never had to do any of that when I didn't have to.
Again, the only people complaining about "grind" were the journos rushing to publish their garbage reviews and hit-pieces.

Origins was good. Odyssey is just Origins: Action Edition.

Dude they both have you doing sidequests to progress, you have a gap of few levels between main quests that you need to fill, odyssey arguably is less grindy due to more main quests but difference is negligable. I agree that side quests are better in origins, doesnt remove the fact that you start it at level 2 and your next main target is level 5, and the one after it is level 10. Still if you dont like doing side shit in those games why even play? Main quests are the same stuff just with a bit more cutscenes. And its also barely a grind because it doesnt really take much time and is still fairly varied. Grind is when you spend 3 days of farming the same mob spawn in some korean mmo to get half a level like in early lineage 2 on high levels, not when you do a couple quests in half an hour.

Sidequest are objectively speaking not grinding, yes. But the stories in these quest are so boring and unimaginative that it feels like a grind. I would normally agree with you, but in this case the quality discrepancy is so high that it makes the game feel like a slog. I don't have these feeling when I play games like The Witcher, Pillars of Eternity or Divinity: OS because in those games the narrative keeps me engaged or the gameplay is fun on its own, but in AC:O doing side quest feels like a punishment.

I haven't played Origins yet

If you like sailing and sea combat get odyssey it’s great

I study Attic Greek and love Greek fan-service (e.g. at the beginning of the Protagoras where all the characters of the Symposium are name-dropped, and it's revealed that Agathon was Pausanias' own boipuccy). AC: Odyssey was FUCKING BORING. It suffered from too many indispensable HUD elements and overall repetitive bullshit. Couldn't even force myself through the tutorial island, though I tried thrice.

AC: Origins was a little bit better, but I still didn't make it past the beginning area (which is huge) after two attempts.

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>If you don't agree with me you must be a journo
you must be a ubishit shill then as the majority of side quests are dogshit

These games are just too boring. They should focus on one city again and make it no longer than 20 hours to complete story and side missions.

They're pretty good, Odyssey's structure is ideal for me because it'll probably entertain me until the next one comes out.

Nigga i have to tell you. No one is gonna read all that shit.

It's really weird, I never played any AC games, Origins was first one I bought and I couldn't get pass few hours because it was so boring. It felt like I have played this game already millions of times even when it was first game for me in the series.

I loved both of them, although Origin is way more focused than Odyssey, which seemed to be just Origin-but-more-of-everything

Thanks for the summary my man

I haven't played either, but i've heard that origins is one of the best games of the franchise.

Odyssey i've heard more mixed things obn

I'm playing through Origins right now and it's pretty great
but the RPG elements can be stupid
>run into an area you shouldn't
>everything kills you on sight with an instant arrow and you can't stealth kill them
runs like shit though
