This game any good?
Why does it advertise itself as this quirky, memey like game?
This game any good?
Why does it advertise itself as this quirky, memey like game?
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Great combat that's even better than Doom 2016. The downside is the story is shit and it's open world so you have to drive shitty vehicles in search of more combat
Its garbage just wait till its 20 bucks in 3 months
>great combat
kek no, the combat is far cry tier since the enemies are garbage and lack variety
>it's a retard who hasn't played the game decides to comment episode
the gameplay is nothing like far cry. the whole basis of the gameplay with the hard hitting enemies (assuming you're not a literal child playing on the easier difficulties) is based on movement and using your powers (which are all but one close combat) to get in close to enemies, then maneuver away
It has a nice feel to the shooting and movement with abilities, but is let down by the hand-holding , shitty driving and forgetable story
You absolutely need to play on anything above Normal. I played on Normal and there was no difficulty at all
Honestly, I think putting some ugly strong woman on the cover was a huge mistake.
Nothing puts people off quicker than that shit.
>102 hours on a repetitive shitty game
Just finished this piece of shit, there is no challenge whatsoever. You're basically superman killing thugs.
And the ending is no better than what it was in the first game.
>102 of this
Are you on crack?
What is different to RAGE 1?
It's fun if you've got nothing better to play.
Does it have cuties like the first game?
I got bored of it pretty fast
What difficulty did you play it on?
Combat is fun but the wasteland is pretty boring. And no I don't think "boring wasteland" has to be a redundant term. But my biggest criticism is the NEON PINK that they half-ass as a visual theme, but they don't really go anywhere with it. They didn't take it to extreme like Blood Dragon, it's just on the cover art and the interactive objects (ladders, boxes) in the game. That's about it. You can't slap that type of imagery onto a title then do nothing with it.
>102 hrs spent on this
I won't believe you if you actually played the game and didn't run SAM in background
>Why does it advertise itself as this quirky, memey like game?
they want the Borderlands audience
This game has been out less than 2 weeks
no, only the gunplay is good but there's not enough time where you actually fight and when you do it's piss easy
>Rage 2
>Far Cry
What is it with zoomercore shooters and okay gunplay made boring by terrible enemy design?
If assassin's creed was a shooter. That's how i feel about this game.
What the actual fuck. How?
>enemies are just brainless waves to be slaugthered by you
>great combat
choose one
Better trailer here
>record scratch meme
>literally spoiling the whole story
>references the shitty ending of the first
>cat licking Popsicle
its okay but don't pay 60 bucks for it, definitely not worth with that price. But its a nice enough time sink, when you dont know what else to play.
The marketting for this game was dogshit
indeed it was
Combat is decent fun but the game suffers from post-Ubisoft open world and you spend most of your time traversing the map because everything is spread out for no reason.
Even then, the game was too easy, there is no enemy variety. There are shields but it doesn't last too long. You can also beat the game with just the rifle and shotgun. The rocket launcher is useful sometimes too but the rest is totally useless.
>the rest is totally useless.
>not using the revolver to melt armor
I too like being an inefficient retard.
Pretty much what everyone said: The short 5-minute bursts of combat are pretty sweet. Shame it's buried under an utter snoozefest.
>"melt armor"
I had no idea you could do that but you could pretty much kill any bandit with helmet with a few shots in the head
unless you are bad at aiming
I have yet to need more than 3 revolver shots to kill any armored goons.
>open world
Is it open world or is it Rage-like "open world"?
Asking because I tried playing Rage like a week ago to prepare for Rage 2, and every single fucking map consisted of only corridors.
Because the game needs to stand out in a sea of new wave quirky and memey games. Kids relate to this stuff a lot more now, personally I blame Overwatch but it probably goes further back.
At ;least Rage 1's map was pretty small, serving more as a hub for the different levels.
The marketing and ugly hoe on the cover probably kept people away. The game isn't even that whimsical. Really fun though, glad I picked it up.