Am I the only one who found this game incredibly boring?
Played it for a few hours at launch and haven't touched it since. Why does it get so much praise I want to understand.
Am I the only one who found this game incredibly boring?
Played it for a few hours at launch and haven't touched it since. Why does it get so much praise I want to understand.
its one of those games where you are supposed to experiment with it and do stupid shit to make it more fun by yourself
I'm in the same boat but apprently after world 2, whatever is the desert one, it gets more fun.
I just gave up then since it was the epitome of "big open level with 75% of empty areas"
>Why does it get so much praise I want to understand.
Its not hard to understand, Mario Odyssey is simply better than most video games. Does that help?
The main campaign is great, but yeah the post-game is really bad.
Mario 64 is the only Mario game I actually liked and finished.
Really? I found most of the areas from the first floor onwards to be very boring so much so that I just used a gameshark to get the starts in the end
I was born in 1990 so I was a kid when I played it. I've played sunshine, galaxy and odyssey but didnt finish any of them and got bored a few hours in.
It's only fun if you push yourself to really get fluid with Mario's movements. Once it becomes second nature it's a joy to hop around
I found it quite boring because I was going out of my way to find every moon on my first play through. Which becomes a slog.
I recommend to just get the recommended moons per level then move on. Go through the game and beat the main story THEN go back to levels and play it as a collect-a-thon. It's much better that way.
I think the only reason this game gets any praise is because most people couldn't play Super Mario 3D World. I guarantee you when it gets ported to the Switch, people are going to turn against Odyssey hard.
Really loved this and botw but felt the exact same way about galaxy and lots of other "10/10" nintendo games. I thought people were exaggerating about how good nintendo games are at some point but I guess it really is just subjective.
It's kinda like Banjo-Kazooie but with 1000 jiggies instead of 100 and it has Mario characters instead.
The game is fun because it's creative, has great music, fantastic level design, a good story and the controls are amazing. Honestly, what else do you need?
3D World's alright but it's VERY different from Odyssey. 3D World is much more in line with what 2D Mario does, whereas Odyssey is more in line with the precedent for 3D Mario that 64 and Sunshine set. I think they fundamentally appeal to two different sensibilities.
Better than Sunshine and Galaxy.
Korok turds the game. Yippeee
Better than galaxy
>fantastic level design
The kingdoms can be quite hit or miss. There are the great ones like wooded kingdom and seaside kingdom, but then you also have lake which feels extremely small and claustrophobic and ruined/cloud kingdom both feel like they should be open but are just boss arenas with a pipe tacked on.
My problem is it's too easy. I know it's meant to be a children's game, but there are videos on YT of people finishing the main game in less than 6 hours without breaking a sweat ffs.
galaxy 1&2 on the switch when
>no hub world
>no fall damage
>moons are meaningless
>wedding plot stolen from SPM
>Broodals poorly fleshed out
>levels are flat empty parodies of 64 and Sunshine levels
>zero platforming challenge in the main stage, have to rely on 3D World-esque sub areas
>neutered moveset, can't long jump or wall jump as efficiently
>dive locked behind retarded button combo in midair only
>forced waggling to get certain moons, locks advanced tech behing waggling
>ruins Peach as a character and makes her a total bitch cunt
>NPCs are butt ugly and pedestrian
>poor enemy variety in stages to accomodate capture gimmick, poor copy of Kirby games
>capture gimmick amounts to a glorified context sensitive button push
>Advanced movements amounts to dive on cappy throw, jump, throw cappy and dive on cappy throw again ad naseum
Söydessyfaggots defend this game because they are retarded zoomers who like pretty and shiny new games, mindlessly consuming without thinking critically about anything. You can spot a real Mario fan based on how they critique Odyssey and it's no surprise the ones that like it think its better than 64 and Sunshine.
Yea, it's crap. All the praise it has gotten is going to ruin the 3D Mario series for the next few decades until people start realizing it is a hollow experience and it was never good in the first place. Kinda sucks since I actually liked the previous games.
yeah it'e better than sunshine and galaxy at being boring