Stop browsing this shitty board and go play videos games you double niggers

Stop browsing this shitty board and go play videos games you double niggers

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i dont know what to play

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But I just got done playing FFVII, I'm taking a break

I don't feel like playing Dragon quest

new phone who dis?

Play tbc server with me I have gold on my 70 which will help us level

Trackmania is free and fun

I don't play video games

thanks, I actually will

I'm waiting for Warframe to finish updating

but it's 5am and i need to sleep

I'm getting my smithing level up in skyrim right now you triple nigger

No, you need to play vidya


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>tfw I have games to play
>but I don't feel like playing

Ive played everything i was interested in and now cant play anything that has shit or loose gameplay.
Ok recommend me a game. I like 2d platformers with tight mechanics and graphic where the dev at least tried (no pixelshit)). Best I've played is hollow knight in this genre and nothing else comes close.

The gamer paradox

>pay to grind games
No thanks
dragon quest has such a simplistic combat i cant get over it.

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Ok! I just finished breakfast, so maybe I'll play more Return to Castle Wolfenstein!


video games are trash
kill yourself stupid meme dog

I'm trying to figure out how to progress in mount and blade leave me alone

Yea Forums isn't video games

wut? its free

raid villages and caravans from n*rds and v**girs
or raid saranids because they're trash in general

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I'm leaving the house. Was playing Resident Evil 2 remake and DeS before I left.

>not doing both

look at this pleb and laugh

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tbc= world of warcraft the burning crusade

I'm too busy cuddling my 110 lb doggo who has storm anxiety

my ex gf had a shiba
coolest doggos on the planet if youre not a retard who doesnt take care of your pet

The eeveelution animatiosn by Camotli are top tier and nobody can convince me otherwise.

which weapon should I use in MHW?


>discount dark souls
just play ds3

I browse Yea Forums to find games to play. Unfortunately you fags never talk about video games, so it takes a while.


I'm gonna eat some pasta then go play Divinity 2

I'm waiting in a queue.


The update won't stop it being trash

why do you even play that shit game its so shit.
>grind similar missions
>grind more similar missions
>reward: different colored clothes

give me bidya game to play

I just came back from six hours of persona 3 you triple nigger

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Sword axe or Hammer
Sword Axe is fast and fun, you just gotta learn it
Hammer is pure sex
Horn is good too, everyone will love you for playing it


I'm playing gungeon right now alright