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Does that mean I get benefits now?
already have a thread here
stop playing games and go cut your dick off instead
Are you addicted?
Don't be addicted
Are you unaddicted?
Then you're fine
If you're able to go on, say, a week-long break (during a vacation, say) without constantly thinking about it, and if it doesn't interfere with your responsibilities, what's the problem?
so do I get free shit now?
Maybe this will actually make you NEET who don't like video games go out and be productive instead of using video games as an escape.
how does video game addiction even work, do you suffer withdrawals if you can't play them for a day?
The official definition was something low. Something like 20 hours a week is considered an addiction.
maybe normalfaggots like op will stop playing video games now
>"Oh no, goy. Your healthy white child is playing video games? Better give him these addictive drugs to stop playing."
Do I get gibs now?
Can I get gibs now?
you are probaly not addicted so calm your tits
literally WHO
This. it's for normies to shun away from games, which ultimately will be good for games.
>if gaming takes precedence over other interests or daily activities you are an addict
maybe playing games is just more enjoyable than other interests and daily activities? as long as you aren't neglecting something important I don't see the problem
I've been waiting for this day. Now that all games, not just gacha, has been recognized as an addiction disease, I want every single person asking for gacha games to be ban/regulated apply the same standard to this as well.
Its all just a scam. The medical/psychiatric industry does this shit all the time. They classify something as an addiction so they can "treat" it and charge for it. They don't get branded as charlatans and snake oil salesmen if its been classified as condition.
They want to make money off your ass. They want to make money off dumbass parents who will fall for this crap.
So it's ok to remove homosexuality from the disease list but not this?
You get to go to the metal hospital
Enjoy your frontal labotamy you broken human
But that makes sense. The adults who play video games have a similar mental status found in those who are anti-vaxxers or don't get their kids circumcised.
>not made by a lab
Sweet. I expect my free money soon.
it's kinda funny because videogames heavily promote sexuality in recent years, so actually nothing really changed
Nah they'll just get mega NEET bucks now for video game addiction disability
>ebola and gaming being on the same level of harmfulness
>literally who wants to trick parents into spending thousands treating their normal kids
>the reality will be a bunch of 20 something Yea Forumsirgins collecting neetbux
Can't wait to see this backfire.
Does that mean that we can yell at the sjws and call them ableist bigots when they harass us?
Aren't all addictions recognized as mental disorders? People are addicted to all kinds of shit and there are different therapies for those addicted to food, gambling, alcohol, sex, stealing etc
So basically now psychiatrists can charge money to bad parent who feel bad because their shit parenting made their kid play Firtnite all day.
I can barely muster the energy to play once a week. This must be about kids and koreans
Pretty sure most of us aren't addicted to video games.
Its spelled lobotomy you dum dums
Wait until they label virginity as as a condition. Then we can say we're more handicapped than the faggots.
But remember if you cut your dick off and call yourself a woman you're not mentally ill.
>play videogames?
It's an addiction!
it's a disease!
>want to take hormones mutilate your genitals?
completely sane!
Literally a money making scheme holy shit
>Get lectured that videogame are a disease while they pump hormone blockers into your body.
This is where we are at now.
how about internet addiction? pretty sure more people are addicted to facebook and twitter than video games, I spend more time refreshing Yea Forums than playing games
>not made by a wolf named Tomy
honk honk.
Only Nintendo addiction is a disease that must be purged
>unironic we live in a societyposting
>2019 Gaming
I have been playing less games as the years go on, If the trend keeps up eventually i will stop
>playing videogames is a medical disorder
>will be able to get on disability and get neetbux because I play too many games
>being trans isn't a medical disorder anymore
>since its not a disorder or a medical problem they can't get any benefits
Why should we care? Yea Forums hates video games.
>playing videogames is a medical disorder
It's not.
>being trans isn't a medical disorder anymore
It is, gender dysphoria.
try playing non-AAA games
Remember 'too much of anything is a bad thing'? Now its an addiction and you need drugs.
>>being trans isn't a medical disorder anymore
>>since its not a disorder or a medical problem they can't get any benefits
sadly they still do.
>It is, gender dysphoria.
Excuse me, but its 2019, just because someone is trans doesn't mean they have gender dysphoria.
Also please don't make light of my disability, I've been a gamer for 20 years
Racemixing with blacks should be a capital crime for all parties involved.
>watch 30 hours of tv a week
>this is fine
>play 10 hours of video games
>/pol/ dystopiaposts from over half a decade ago coming true
They were funny at the time
Of course...
Do you actually expect Trump to do anything in his 8 years? He doesn't give a shit about games
I've been a gamer for over 20 years and I'm just gonna have my 27th birthday in few weeks. I was introduced to the hardest of drugs in such a young age, so I should be entitled to disability benefits, I have suffered all my life.
>look someone has an opinion! so please forget about this actual institution making official policy that affects law and other institutions!
>being gay isn't mental illness
>being trans isn't mental illness
>playing video games for a bit longer than usual is a mental illness
>watching tv all day long or being glued to social media isn't a mental illness
what the fuck that's not what a disease is
>8 years
They are finding it hard to claw their way in, So they are trying to get us out
>this gets immediately deleted by the janitor using the thread
>this remains undeleted
>Prostitution still not legal in America
>But video games are seen as bad
I don't understand
Can we just nuke the world and start over?
this is literally a joke and it's funny. i don't know how anyone can take this seriously lmao.
Yep, Do you see a more popular candidate running for 2020?
>look in mirror at massive vainy penis
>adjust my neko neko blue hatsune miku wig and say to myself "that thing isn't real, and I will pay somebody 30k to cut it off, turn it inside out and then ram rods into the gaping wound"
>play video games for 20 hours a week
based American health system. Bravo.
Things that were seen as a joke decades ago is taken seriously now
Unironically based and redpilled.
Fuck videogames
Fuck gaymers
You are all mentally unstable faggots
So why isn't cigarette addiction taken seriously then?
Does this mean I can claim i'm in recovery from videogame addiction and receive protection under the Americans with Disabilities Act?
It is. People still smoke it anyway.
>massive penis
cope more you desilutional europoor
kek, Baby dick
jews see a group of white men having fun, and they have to destroy it
spot the tranny
>say Americans have big penis
so your implying you guys don't have big dicks? Alright, fair enough.
>Out in public with a Switch.
>Police can use Google glass AR on the fly to see your gaming records.
"You, sir. It's time to hand over that Switch."
quick question what are you doing on a tibetant weaving board with the intent of discussing video games and gamers if you hate anything related to it?
If you are not in groups and instead isolated, you are easier to overrun.
he's got like, a 30 percent approval rating now. You could get a bunch of wasps in a trash bag to run against him
addiction is a mental disorder.
/pol/ always knew, it's just newfriends weren't ready to accept the incoming reality
>30 percent
democrats are literally in track to making the exact same mistake if that's your number.
Right, Didn't Hillary have like a 98% approval rate last time? Based off stats from her own company's. Who is the left even betting on by the way? If Kanye was still running he might of won.
YangGang 2020
Jews are biggest opportunist. If anything they should view game industry as prime golden goose.
Joe Biden is the current frontrunner.
>20 hours a week
the fuck? thats babby shit, even people with normal jobs can get more than that in a week
Meanwhile, trannies are perfectly mentally stable and healthy and in no way suffer any sickness in the head whatsoever :^)
Anything gets that big it's inevitable, Better when its a hobby for nerds and freaks
>cut off your dick and the liberals consider you a brave individual who should be paraded around an celebrated
>want to play video games after a hard day of work? you’re now a mentally ill piece of shit that should be killed off
I just wish that this world would be purged off with fire
Just like vegans :^)
oh no
>globalist organization claims some bullshit
I sleep.
I cant tell if this is ironic or not anymore
>Media tries to make fun of incel gamers
>they're now discriminatory bigots for making light of people suffering with a disease
A disease with no cure! No antibiotics can heal me!
Support me, government I am literally in worse state than a leper
>playing games cause the world is shit is bad!
>but taking dicks in your ass and denying your sex is GUD
honk honk
I hope every video game box has a graphic sticker on it depicting the horrors of video game addiction like cigarettes do
Yes! Play FEZ or Gone Home or Undertale. They’re all fucking great. Just ask all the major outlets
>any SJW reeeing at gamers is now making light of someone suffering from a mental illness and thus is a bigot.
This is a net possitive.
>Neckbeard sitting in a dark room filled with piss bottles
>tfw don't have time to play to be addicted to vydia anymore
i want to go back bros...
>game addiction is a disease
>but being a tranny isn't
Really makes you think.
>Playing vidya
>Cutting your own dick
>not disease
I have definitely seen some people obsessed with Vidya who would benefit from mental health
>tfw I go to public places to proclaim I have game disease and people running away from me, crying and screaming
whats the process to collect autismbux?
>Retard who buys exclusively AAA shit cannot recognize any studio that's smaller than Activision as anything but 0-budget Indie garbage
Not surprising. Enjoy not playing anything ever.
Ok, so is gambling
Who cares?
Yet chopping your dick off is considered brave
Clearly a lot of people that let trannies live rent free.
will being an involuntarily celibate considered a mental illness next?
Does this actually change anything at all though
virtual reality has become better than reality
and anyone who disagrees is mentally ill
the world sucks, you can’t call games an escape. it should be our given.
I thought that's how it usually works, even with stuff like drugs and alcohol
They will come for that soon, It's built for propaganda and sedation and data collection
everyone on Yea Forums should do this
what, don't you like oatmeal cookies?
I can't wait to call in and say i can't make it to work because of my disease
So when I'm getting my neetbux? Hikikomori for 6 years now and nobody gives a shit
>force Yea Forumsirgins to cut off their dicks and become each other’s girlfriends
>end gaming addiction and incelism with a single blow
This is a good thing.
Go to your local hospital get a check out and a free ps4 console with a few games
Thanks canada
I'll say it again. This is literally a joke. I'm not going to take it seriously and surely anyone with more than 1 brain cell won't either. It's like a Kotaku article. Hard pass.
>mfw I know a guy who drinks a bottle of booze every few months to "relapse" because insurance literally feeds and houses him thanks to California addiction status
there is literally nothing wrong with pumping your body full of hormones to look like a cute girl
Their classification for addiction is like two hours of game time a day. It's ridiculous.
snipping your dick off and dilating till the day you die good
video games bad
Shit m8. I'll probably get a decently-paying job after I go through college, but I welcome the disabilitybux provided by my 3-6 hours of gaming per day (depending on whether I have work or not).
How the fuck does anyone have 2 hours spare to play video games?
90pm to 6am - Sleep
6am to 7am - Travel
9am to 6pm - Work (Or school)
6pm to 7pm - Travel
8pm to 9pm Dinner
10pm Sleep
You literally do not have the time if you are a normal adult. For kids it's not a problem since they have more spare time but if you are an adult with responsibilities you shouldn't be playing video games.
the only reason people are trans is because they have gender dysphoria which IS considered a mental condition, most of them deal with depression, medications and constant suicidal thoughts, how is being a trans not considered a mental disorder is simply beyond me, thou i cant deny some people are really addicted to games but to be fair the most extreme cases are seen always in china with rice pickers getting obsessed over pubg or ass faggots, remember that case of that guy who's family though he was missing but he was only sleeping at a cyber cafe? this also makes you wonder, what are really the consequences of being addicted to games? only thing i can thing of is probably just carpal tunnel which also depends of the setup you have, if you play at pc at all or if you dont do wrist warming sessions before long play periods OR spending too much money on gacha games which are considered mostly to be a gambling addiction anyway
Nice summary, and people wonder why I don't have a job and play games all day every day, why the fuck would I want to be a slave?
One is a habit, the other isn't.
I'd advise getting a better fucking job that doesn't take an hour to get to. I'd also advise not being a bitch going to bed at 10 when the human body can get enough sleep on 6 and a half.
>Wake up at 7
>Get ready before 8
>Leave and get to work by 8:30
>Start work at 9
>Finish at 6
>Get home by 6:30
>Have food by 6:45
>Plenty of time to actually enjoy something
>Go to bed at 11:30
Lmao pay my neetbux wage slave
>more opportunities to get NEETbux
You skipped 7 to 9 am and 7 to 8 pm. That's 3 whole hours of vidya. I also play while dinner is cooking and while eating.
no it means your doctor is going to ask how many video games a week you play along with how many drinks, and then that info will be reported back to your insurer and your premiums will go up
can my job finally be recognized as a disease now? I spend more time working than I do playing fucking video games
Nice try Schlomo, but a non-shit job is 8 hours a day, not 9. Most people on here are NEETs, so don't try to trick them into getting employed to your sweatshop.
12am to 7am - sleep but 12 to 6 can work if you need the extra time
6/7am to 8am - wake up, early morning preparations, breakfast. Can cut down on lunch prep time by taking leftovers from yesterday's dinner.
8am to 9am - travel
9am to 5pm - work
5pm to 6pm - travel
6pm to 8pm - dinner + lunch prep + cleanup
8pm to 12am - 4 hours of free time
(((Who))) would never allow that, even though being a wage slave is the worst disease there is.
so effectively anyone who "games" on their phone is an addict
world is now full of disease ridden people
honestly I wish I could be addicted to something. It might atleast put more meaning into my life than i have now.
I don't have a doctor.
Makes sense.
You';re a fucking slave bot dude. You don't have a life.
when i was working 40 hours a week i would
>wake up at 5 am
>be at work by 7:30
>get off work by 4:30
>play video games till 7 pm
>play more video games till 10 pm
>go to bed
thats like almost 4 hours a day and doesnt include weekends