Stop browsing this shitty board and go play some video games you fucking idiots

Stop browsing this shitty board and go play some video games you fucking idiots

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Other urls found in this thread:

Don't tell me what to do

You first

Videogames are a form of addiction.

It's for your own good


should i play wow, fortnite, or league? i can't decide.

name 1 good videogame

i am working on my videogame
i have come across a problem i dont know how to fix

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I'm smoking weed right now and I can't do both at the same time

browsing a board filled with twitterfags is worse than vg addiction


Yea Forums is more fun than video games

But I'm putting off RDR2, cause I'm afraid I'm gonna be dissapointed...

say that to my face bitch

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cute jaguar

Megaman 3

I'm playing my new game Orange Ball

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Are you a red panda?

An all new racing game where the opponent is yourself

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I really fucking should. I should play games so that I don't start compulsively eating again. I should be addicted to games instead of food. Then I'd lose the weight I need to lose. I can't fucking do it. I know it's bad. I know I'm going to regret it later. And yet I still can't fucking stop. Fuck everything.

im playing my new game, drag dead things across the road

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Playing my favorite game exploring your mom's pussy m8 I call it the Great Cave Offensive Smell

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Start dieting, only eat once every two days and walk a lot every times you think about eating. It worked with me.

I believe in you user

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good dino

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cute dog user


I've tried the spinoff

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>Start dieting
I can't, that's the whole problem. Probably the biggest problem is that I can't stop hating myself or give myself any hope. So when I try to resist a compulsion to eat, I think "What the fuck do I need to get in shape for" and then "Fuck it, just fucking eat." I'm severely depressed and I have absolutely no hope for anything.

Go outside and walk, I'm not memeing. Take your headphones and listen to some podcasts when doing it.

I'm playing a building sim right now.

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Just finished playing Kiwami 2 and waiting for friend to play BFV.

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I'm sure you're probably right, but I think I'm probably too far gone. It's one thing when the light at the end of the tunnel is a long way away but you can see it so you know it's there and you know you'll get there eventually if you start walking. It's another thing when you're just standing in total darkness and you don't even know if you're actually going anywhere when you move your legs or if you're really just walking in place.

im playing ball 2: extreme ball

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How far are you gone? Are you drowning in heavy debts on top of being fat or something?

>Are you drowning in heavy debts on top of being fat or something?
No. Parents are fairly well-off, never had to get student loans or anything, but never finished college either, for the same reasons I have diet trouble now. And I'm not actually that fat. My weight problem isn't apparent when I have a shirt on. Maybe 10-15 pounds I have to lose, 20 at the most. There's just a bunch of other stuff wrong that makes me think that even if I got my ideal body, it wouldn't matter.

>character bugs out into t-posing


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I really want to, but there I can't find any interesting videogames, they're all fucking shite

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What are you crying about then? Your life seems easily fixable.

>Your life seems easily fixable.
That's because I didn't tell you everything. Believe me, I have other shit that's not so fixable.

Rip the bandage off so you can move on with your life.

But videogames dont give me (you)s

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Eating lunch, then back to Pathologic 2.

ever heard of multitasking you fucking tigger?

>eat once every two days
don't ever conflate these things again.

What is the context for this webm?

he loooooong

long cat is ooooold meme
Multiplayer games give you plenty of (You)s.

Somebody PLEASE recommend a fun video game or im gonna fucking die

if you think this is cute then you have the cat-bourne brain parasite. that kitten is asserting its dominance over the human slave


He's a long guy

I'm taking a break in between tries to beat Isshin

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I get bored after an hour.

Comfy undercover /an/ thread.
Thanks OP.

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That kid in the background is playing fortnite or some shit when there's a longcat in the building

A-user, please don't be so rude...

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What's the most based animal Yea Forums?

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I know gators are kind of slow and dumb, but: why doesn't it care?

is this sum tiger electronics

but i am
viotoxica is pretty fun so far

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>if you think cute things are cut you have a parasite


Capys are beyond based

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the madman

But there are hot teen gals and shemales on this board.

Who want bix dix?

>sniffs his hand afterwards
What did he mean by this?

Fuck you. Im too hungover for gaming

Don't talk to my buddy like that.

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scat is not a meme fetish


Okay fine

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haha that cat is funny. he finna yeet that orange ball when he gets it

Time to go play PQ2

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what is that danger noodle trying to accomplish

Those creatures are the pinnacle of evolution. They are so spiritually high not even predators dares to disturb their comfyness.

I'm at my wageslave job

Hope that fucking mutt was put down.

What problem, user?

NO! because I get burned out easily when having fun with video games that I just bought and then suddenly stop playing them and never touch them again or I buy a game I really wanted and never touch it

i'm trying to figure out if a life without meaning is a life worth living

People will probably tell you a lot of things, but the truth is that you're on your own to figure that out. Good luck user.

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Cute manul

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because playing video games is an illness, while browsing Yea Forums and being a tranny isn't

I'm playing Super Mario 64.

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soon my feline overlord

Yes sir

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>cat startles a dog
>seen as groundbreaking heroic act to be spammed for years

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of course not, no one chooses to be alive
only after years of knowledge can they decide what they want to live for

i want to be dead but know ill die eventually i might as watch the world ruin itself during that time


How can I take a pic of my pet so it looks like this? I feel mine turn average but not uncanny like these ones.

But Im doing both?

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They're an anomaly, t b h
You could probably write a paper analyzing what makes this so entertaining. I really can't narrow it down.

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He's just having a bit of fun, user.

hello my swecuck friend who visits this board. Nice avatar change you did to this pic on discord

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When I get home from work I will

long lynx

Try asking /p/

Yeah, the cat probably wasn't there to save the kid, it was there to protect its territory.

Stray cats make the best pets, my cat is 18 years old and wouldn't have even made it past 5 if she was still a stray.

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Uh. It's a cat. I don't know what you call it in your country, but this is an English speaking board, so say "cat" when you are on here.

Paused it, little dude was playing Roblox.

Can't. I'm doing math the old fashioned way

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it literally only affects females, something you will never have to care about in your pathetic life

>unironic pitniggers in MY thread

My little pitty loves me. You don't have any studies or statistics that would show otherwise.

Dogs are for insecure people that wants something to love them unconditionally with no effort put into it, with cats you actually have to earn their trust and love and when you do they become very affectionate and it is very genuine. There's no greater feeling than having a cat going from hissing and growling or being afraid of you to running up to you while meowing lovingly at you and starts rubbing your legs and jumps up to your hand on its hind legs every time you reach down to pet it.

idk im just dumb and decided to make my modding system using GM and it was a mistake but im way too far into the shitpit to stop

But I'm playing OSRS RIGHT NOW as I browse

>fucking cats trying to steal my lunch

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I usually play 1h in the morning before I have to go to work.

Been playing my game pass backlog. Fallout 4, Ori, and a few others that are not from the game pass, Hollow Knight and the Surge. I think I'm going to drop The Surge soon.

Is the lizard going to die? Seems like a weird food choice, but I guess if you're desperate, you'll do anything.

me and the lads off to go play video games

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Revolutionary self sufficient movement

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Damn those legs look yummy would love to deep fry them

That lizard is big enough to kill that snake. If she doesn't put it to sleep he would for sure. I think that's the reason she's grabbing him by the neck, there was probably a fight between them and they ended up in that situation. The lizard is feeling the effect of the venom but it might be resistant to it to a certain degree like most monitor lizards are resistant to snakes venom.

I need to study for my exams

aren't all of these pics mirrored horizontally? try doing that

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>tfw you see video games

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me, a pirate, on the right
game dev retards on the left

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>kill stealing
He only killed that puma because he wanted those children for himself.

>Game reminds you that you want to own a platypus

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vultures are the chads of the bird kingdom

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I feel like I enjoy more pirating than actually playing the game. When I see a new game I can't wait to download it even though I have a dozen games to try or finish.

I almost got the Yakuza 0 platinum, I only need to finish legend mode. I'm very happy

But Blood Bowl is installing user

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Quite pungent indeed

cute duck

>Yo little donnie

Op there, I actually hate video games and all of you niggers, you've been played hard

you know what didnt get played hard?
video games.

>Yea Forums - Video Games

Holy shit you're right i have to try that

>Yea Forums
>playing video games

Literally all you have to do is eat less you dumb jabroni you don't actually want to change so you won't but stop whining for attention

how did you know the wall was a portal to shifting sand land?

That isn't even a pit in your image fucking retard.

I just got done playing Dark Souls 3 though

For what purpose?

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