>tfw no "if you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha" final boss fight
Tfw no "if you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha" final boss fight
He'll just reincarnate
Where would you go if you let go?
The entire point of Buddhism is that a Buddha does not reincarnate
The point of that saying is that only a demon would claim to be the Buddha.
>Then, all the useless knowledge you have diligently learned till now is thrown away. As a fruit ripening in season, your internality and externality spontaneously become one. As with a mute man who has had a dream, you know it for sure and yet cannot say it. Indeed your ego-shell suddenly is crushed, you can shake heaven and earth. Just as with getting ahold of a great sword of a general, when you meet Buddha you will kill Buddha. A master of Zen? You will kill him, too. As you stand on the brink of life and death, you are absolutely free.
that's Zen Buddhism, brainlet
Wasn't Rinzai Zen the primary form of Buddhism during the Sengoku era?
I'm a historylet
Yea Forums can't pass the mu-barrier
Anyone noticed how Sekiro's upper arms are just freakishly long?