Lets just take a moment to realize how FUCKED the next gen of Consoles is going to be:

Lets just take a moment to realize how FUCKED the next gen of Consoles is going to be:
>Games will be way more expensive because lootboxes are going to be banned
>Trump is applying a tax on foreign consoles
>PS5 is projected to be around 500 dollars on launch
>The new Xbox's main feature will be streaming shit on Twitch

Even though I fucking hate nintendofags, nintendo is has the best future ahead of it. Trumps 25% tax will definitely skip Japan, a staunch US ally against China.

The worst news PC has is Epic, which can get pirated to hell and back. Looks like PC will win 2020 guys.

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The biggest threat PC gaming faces is Microsoft itself. They're going to be more than willing to sacrifice PC gaming as we know it if it sells more Xbox games through their store.
Trump's tarrifs could also negatively impact sales of PC gaming hardware, leading to a stagnation, or worse encouraging people to play games streamed to less capable devices.

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PC games haven't been relevant outside of some competitive games that even a toaster could run. Call me when you guys gets some games that aren't city builders or isometric RPGs


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If the tariff happens, which may or may not, i'd expect to see features trimmed to keep the price point at $399-499 range. I think Sony and MS, after early flopping with ps3 and xb1+ kinect have learned that 399-499 price range is as far as things can be stretched for consumer acceptance. people werent exactly wild over 3DOs consoles at like $700.

Also, if you adjust for inflation, games that were $60 in the xbox 360/ps3 gen (~2005) should be selling $70 now. The reality is game prices have been remarkably stagnant and not followed inflation. i wouldnt be surprised if a drop in Loot box bucks is followed by an across the board price hike to get more dollars/unit

>linking polySJWgon

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is this image sarcasm?

I've wasted so much of my life on vidya.

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oh it is this fag again.

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Here is your PC gamer!

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>i'd expect to see features trimmed to keep the price point at $399-499 range
The problem then is what would the new systems offer over the old systems? Everything in consoles these days is embedded into a single chip, so the only features they could drop would be the CPU and GPU features that come from using an older SOC.

Me wike PC! PC is mastew wace

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>pc games haven't been relative
>millions on mobas
>millions on twitch
>haven't been relative
this denial is palpable

> 2019
> Still not idort
Imagine not having a collection of consoles and a PC

Attached: _20190525_185032.jpg (5504x3096, 1.67M)

EA literally admitted that they do not need lootboxes to make profits.
Its just scam money on top of retail sales.

No point unless STALKER 2 comes out and it's a console exclusive

lel, that's a good one

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What do you think?

>Games will be way more expensive because lootboxes are going to be banned
The "games need micro transaction to make money" is fucking bullshit and been proven many time that company can make a profit without micro transaction, and even if games do need micro transaction, its can affect PC as well
>PS5 is projected to be around 500 dollars on launch
The PS5's prices will decrease in a year or so, just like how expensive GPU now will become more cheaper in later years and also console have been expensive ever since the Atari days (if you count inflation) and console are still relevant today

I mean nintendo shipped the 3ds without a charger, so theres probably room for that level of dickishness. "Yeah xbox one controllers are compatible, just use your old one!"

More likely they'd either crank up the price on psn/xbox live, or use some corporate inversion or loophole so it isnt counted as a chinese import. "We didnt ship it from China, we shipped it from Sony Taiwan (which is a warehouse that recieves shipping from a Chinese cargo vessel) and all they do is slap the warranty stickers on to call it 'assembled'" that sorta thing.

>The "games need micro transaction to make money" is fucking bullshit and been proven many time that company can make a profit without micro transaction, and even if games do need micro transaction, its can affect PC as well
They will use the excuse anyway, and console fags are too stupid not to buy.
>The PS5's prices will decrease in a year or so, just like how expensive GPU now will become more cheaper in later years and also console have been expensive ever since the Atari days (if you count inflation) and console are still relevant today
While true, consolefags will still buy it for full price on launch and get royally fucked in the process. Still hilarious.

t.zoomer AND newfag

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Honestly the rgb overdose is too much. Waste off watts, even if trivial

everything that can be done on a computer besides playing a video game.

>They will use the excuse anyway
Who will use the excuse? PC fags or Console Fag?

Console makers and big publishers.

PC has no games.

Who is Park?

oops thats for you

>How DARE your PC not be a non-descript white box!
I assume people who post this are just jealous.

Excuse me

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they had emulators for other games
check mate

Porn games

you can watch uncharted on youtube

We have literally 90% of the console games. You have maybe 2-3 exclusives we haven't managed to eat yet.

The only people who post or praise these are zoomers and plebbit fags.

You're probably right. I really dont get how a company like Sony can sell 95 million PS4s and still talk about losing money and being in the red

Seriously though and all silly allcaps text aside, stop seriously responding to images that are obviously sarcastic.

>PS5 is projected to be around 500 dollars on launch
You mean 599 US Dollars?

No, it should be a non-descript black box. Simple and stylish. Unless you're gay ofc then go all out on your pointless rainbow lights.

are you okay?

Nah, 7th generation was
Current generation will be
Sadly we won't be able to use all our old epik maymay images without heavy use of photoshop and shops on top of shops is the path of madness and disdain.

White men are inferior to black men

Just like PC is to consoles

Wrong way round both times you nigger-loving cuckold.

Give me 1 strong reason why loving niggers is bad

They are retards and have aids.
It is better to go asian, white or Spanish.

Also this fag again.

Nigs are violent animals.
Are you "special" person or something?

>Even though I fucking hate nintendofags, nintendo is has the best future ahead of it. Trumps 25% tax will definitely skip Japan, a staunch US ally against China.
switch is made in china

holy shit I didn't know that. Nintendies are fucked then.

a lot of consolekids don't have or use a PC and solely browse the web from a phone