Why is turn-based combat so shit?

why is turn-based combat so shit?

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the most reddit webm on the planet

Because it's totally incompatible with human instincts.

It's extremely difficult to not have it boil down to using the same best attack over and over then heal when low HP.

shut the fuck up


It works best when it is PvP (like Magic, Chess, Wesnoth, Pokemon etc.)

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This, these retards use intelligent for the more ridiculous things

You really expect me to watch a webm nearly 2 minutes long?


500 children in africa starved to death with the funds required for this webm

>some guy does some cool shit for the sake of it

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this is the most reddit comment on Yea Forums right now.

wouldve been even more reddit had the baby been half black or a hapa instead of white

Noone care about those fucks

Yeeeeah . . . so you wanna play yer Mario games

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>n-no u
lol kys

all video game combat is shit

it's great, so watch it

Yea Forums lost it's soul and literally turned into a hate machine

>cool shit

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I got bored after 15 seconds and closed it. I have poor attention span.

based and unrelentless

Repetitive, brain-dead (except megaten, that one's good), often paired with fucking random encounters, lazy. I not a big fan of real time combat but Dragon's dogma is the apex of real time combat in rpgs, no game has ever surpassed how good DD's combat is.

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Card games like MtG seem to manage just fine in keeping combat interesting and nuanced.

Are you literally autistic?

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Was that really the the dude on the rights first meal out of prison?

or he could just go get the cake and put it on a plate
fucking loser lmfao

>rube goldberg machines are reddit now
literally kys. all of you zoomer fucks.

Nah, they had a backup plan

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Those children were going to starve regardless of what you spent. Africa is a shithole because the people refuse to defend themselves.

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yes, it suddenly turned into a hate machine. who could have seen this coming aside from us oldfags from 2015?

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what is the problem

Because you are playing a human. Play those games against a CPU and same thing happens, you can boil it down to a really exploitable formula. Even against humans though that still happens, that's why they need to create different formats and ban cards. One thing that is just generally good about card games too is the number of options just with deck building alone especially with these games that have been around so long with massive card libraries. Imagine if there were that many build options in an RPG. A lot of JRPG have almost no build options. That kinda shit makes it worse.

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Colonialism is a good thing

At least you never worry about getting bugs in your food.

No no u

>cool shit
keep yourself safe faggot

Vegans are so retarded

the worst thing about this webm is that bland dry looking meal

white people food

>does some cool shit for the sake of it

Literally Redtardshit

imagine real life would be turn based, you have to wait a forever because of all the chinamen and india

>guy posts webm of a rube goldberg
>Yea Forums descends into arguing about reddit and how reddit something is

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it was great

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>muh sacred cow

I imagined Fallout 1/2 movements and a bunch of Asians taking their turns, and then Kenyans sprinting through their turns.

That terribly ugly and dry cake killed this for me. Looks like an actual cleaning sponge.

Mostly people basing it of nu-com and japshit.

>tfw no big raims that's a big taims
>not even super duper
>with a big tuper


it isn't, though, it's the only way to tactically play on a greater scale like Fire Emblem

I owe my childhood to an old Gmod Rube Goldberg video that made me want the game which inevitably had me get the entire Half-Life series.

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What's wrong with reddit?

> attacks depend on positioning
> healing is limited and rewards you for not overhealing
Wa la


To me it doesn't matter if the combat is turn-based, real time or what. It just matters that it's good.
That said, I have a burning fucking hatred for turn-based games that put you on a timer. I mean the entire point of turn-based is strategic thinking right?

>use cheap and common source of nutrition
haha black people stupid

what happened to you user?

you know what is shit: ff15 combat. hat hybrid shit is shit. tuen based combat is fine. pokemon uses it xd

JRPG turn based combat is shit. Isometric turn based combat that involves maneuvering your charachter(s) while balancing attacks and healing is good.

RTWP is always trash.

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I don't mind timers for multiplayer games, but you ought to be shot if you put them in a roguelike

He saw some faggot post the most Reddit webm on the planet

>for the sake of it
You mean for money

Yea I mean stuff like that absolutely helps as does things like appropriate use of RNG and a lot of viable build options. Doing all this stuff properly is necessary though or it will just boil back down to what I said. There are plenty of games that avoid it though.

Anyone who doesn't appreciate a good Rube Goldberg machine can fuck right off. These niggers are probably underage or just plain dumb.

user, we know what a Rube Goldberg machine is. You don't get an upvote for a comment like this here.


They stole our memes in 2007 >:(

, and that's a good thing, here's why

that user has been sperging out the whole thread about this reddit shit lmao

>no fun allowed

Everyone knows what a Rube Goldberg machine is, you stupid nigger. If I expected updoots for that shit, I'd namedrop something more obscure like "ピタゴラスイッチ", fuckface.

so how do you feel about JRPG isometric turn based combat?

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I browse Reddit just as often as I browse Yea Forums and there's nothing any of you can do to stop me.



Shut the fuck up you apologetic faggot
Get back to sucking Reddit cock
You don't belong on this site

good, they really don't need to reproduce

he eats like a fag

They also ruined Tribes Ascend in 2011, and many other things.

Yea Forums
>shits on anything even mildly interesting or entertaining
also Yea Forums
>"why am i so depressed"

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This is the worst thread on Yea Forums and all it took was one user mentioning reddit.
What a bunch of soft delicate faggots you all are.

I love this shit

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The virgin meal vs the Chad feast!

His father had just died, the two used to eat burgers together, that day he ate for two.

just shut your brain off and enjoy :)
no bad thoughts allowed :D

Why aren't "Turn-Based" games just labeled as "Strategy"