

Attached: ea8.png (815x611, 672K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yea Forums summed up in one picture

This can’t be real

hello newfriend

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Truly the face of modern Yea Forums.

Inb4 404
Fucking newfags. Flush this thread, Janny

Attached: 1558793568793.jpg (1859x772, 231K)

why do you have pics of kids saved on your PC? weirdo

they've unironically been longer on Yea Forums than most here.

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Ah yes, late 00s/early 10s memes. How they've aged well.

nice edit OP

I certainly don't want my mother dying in her sleep tonight. Here's a reply.

holy f*ken based!


Attached: 335.jpg (809x605, 188K)

Bruh moment

>How they've aged well.

I'm sure a decade from now, Wojak will be looked at with the upmost admiration.

Ok, now this is based

Attached: 107B65CA-56E7-407C-819E-3503C5910332.jpg (1000x1000, 70K)

Good edit op
Based, this makes me feel old

Attached: npc.png (720x686, 295K)

>the fucking pricetag

Attached: 1551498455223.png (359x330, 121K)

Pepe is based.

Wojak is for beta soicucks.

Absolutely based

Reminder that summerfags are already here among us

cringe thread

It's utmost, you retard.

me not in the picture

Summerfags never left after summer 2007 user.

Also, pretty sure moot showed a graphic some years ago showing that traffic doesn't really rise all that much during the summer compared to other times of the year.

Spammed in every thread for no reason, used as a substitution for conversation, usually off topic and the people that post them are often shitposters intentionally trying to ruin threads.

go dilate tranny

Reminder that buzzword responses are not real responses



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this is them now

Attached: me and my bros at the spa.jpg (881x1024, 52K)

>let's post 9gag cancer again xD
Pepe is a hate symbol and Wojak is krautchan masterrace. Best memes ever made together with gondola. Don't like it? Then fuck off you kike faggot la la homo man *heils hitler*

I started using Yea Forums when I was 14 in 8th grade (Yea Forums obviously) when I was in 9th grade I knew a kid who admitted to being a summerfag. While I only browsed and never really posted or started using other boards until I was at least 17-18 there are plenty of underage and summerfags here, granted I post way more now that I’m in my 20’s but I remember seeing an interview online with a mod who said that he also started using the site as a teenager and a large chunk of the sites users are probably underage

Where is
>monkey trouble

What do trannies have to do with videogames?
What do liberals have to do with videogames?
I miss when Yea Forums shitposting was videogame related.
People used to make fun of each other for having shit taste in games, rather than just calling each other trannies or liberals with no basis. I really don't understand how americans can be so obsessed with their retarded clown politics to the point where they literally can't talk about anything else without SOMEONE bringing it up and causing every american in the vicinity to chimp out and start shouting nonsense.
Turns out you don't have to be black to be a nigger in america, cause you retards chimp out over literally nothing.

the left kid looks like a friend i used to have.

Attached: 1557770679126.gif (250x188, 1.63M)


You must really like things in your ass user

Trump :)

The correct version would be a kid with a crying sony and a smiling nintendo

Why don't you join him user? It's obvious by your paranoia that it's only a matter of time before the loneliness drives you to it anyway and just a little bit after that you can finally end it.

Kid on the left is fat now and still lives with his parents in his early 20s not doing jackshit with his life.
Kid on the center went to college for a business degree and is an overall well-rounded normalfag.
Kid on the right didn't go to college but has a decent paying job in construction.

What does Trump have to do with games?
I don't even live in America, why would I care about your politics?

Seething nincel lmao

Attached: F53633F1-59DF-46AC-BE25-F2F716542A79.jpg (1024x807, 106K)

5 more years, faggot. KYS




Lol I own a PS4 pro and I use it almost everyday. I’m just not a consolewarring shill, like you

I don't like jojo and hate people that see reference in everything, but that's the fucking pillar men and they know it

How so? Sony Chads always win.
Nincels are pathetic virgin losers


>What do trannies have to do with videogames?
>What do liberals have to do with videogames?

Blame all the cancer that /pol/ brought to Yea Forums. Tons of actual racists from Stormfront, Breitbart and those shitholes sites moves to /pol/ during the 2016 Elections, and they've only infested the rest of the site ever since. They make everything into politics.

So you want to talk about video games yet you chose to come to one (1) of the 2 offtopic threads in the catalog?


Ask and you shall receive.

Attached: 1558006725127.jpg (1400x696, 142K)

Because we are the best country in the world and you are some obsessed europoor subhuman?

Please don’t consolewar, it’s fucking gay and it automatically makes you a corporate dicksucking faggot. It doesn’t matter if your a nincel, snoyboy, or microshit. If you consolewar then you are automatically a shill and you should be gassed


yes these are typical Yea Forumsirgins what's your point OP?

>actual racists
We were always here. You just thought it was ironic, because of assburgers.

>5 more years of Americans acting like their ridiculous clown politics matter
>5 more years of seeing liberal weenies and smegma scented neckbeards having flaccid internet slapfights over retarded identity "politics" and pretending they know anything about actual politics while they get angry at headlines on social media
>5 more years of people acting like anyone outside of America takes their country seriously

Attached: 1280w.jpg (1280x960, 157K)

Based and redpilled
Cringe and shillpilled

I have healthcare and don't have to worry about getting shot when I leave my house

kill me

>actual racist
way to our yourself as an obvious newfag, Yea Forums as a whole has always been like this even on boards like Yea Forums, /fa/, and /fit/
If you don’t like it then go back you stupid nigger

Nope. I could actually tell between ironic racism and real one. YOU thought it was real because you're a brainlet, and brought your real racist online friends along with you.

It might as well be

How can there be a war when Sony already won?

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t. fat steam drone cuck

I think the bigger question is, why do you care? Do you work for Sony? Why are you so loyal to them?

>no u
Next you're trying to tell me sinks were just ''ironic''.

Attached: 1553978458399.gif (500x395, 1.85M)

Enjoy being stabbed by Ahmed Muhammed while not having a gun to defend yourself lol

>steam drone
Actually people who get into epic vs steam arguments are just as gay as you consolewarring shills. Literally everybody on this board hates you why do you think jannies always remove faggot consolewar threads and nobody complains about it. Removing your gay tribalism shill threads is one of the only thing the jannies have done right

Should I bang this girl(probably male) at this yaoi/yuri panel flirting with me.

Another brainlet who it was real and not shitposting.

That's what being sarcastic does to websites. It attracts the true retards who think people are being serious.

I've been on Yea Forums since roughly 2006, I've been calling people niggers and faggots the entire time and I couldn't give less of a fuck about race.
Honestly I always thought doing shit like the habbo raids was fun because of how funny it was that people attributed so much power to such simple words and gestures.
I didn't say edgy shit all the time because I was actually indoctrinated into some retarded political cult, but because I found it hilarious how upset people would get over something so innocuous and meaningless, even when the intent is clearly humorous and not malicious. The fact that people care more about the word than the intention and will get upset as if you actually committed a hate crime was what made it funny.

Actually just getting baited into being a political retard that takes american politics too seriously like the SJWs we used to laugh at is just embarrassing.
Its amazing how many people think we used to laugh at feminists because they were liberal/left leaning and not because they were acting like mental cases, apparently now we really really really care about being involved with politics though.

>9 yo
Makes sense.


I own 3 rifles though, and my city is 99% white aside from the chinks that come out here occasionally to go to our university.

Fuckin red nose day

is drumpf finished


>just jerk off
Yeah, you're probably right.

Thanks for letting me win that easily, shill.
I guess corporate cucks can’t understand a non-wojak post

K have sex incel

bruh look at this dude!

Attached: funi.png (439x549, 4K)

I would but your mom’s not available today

>Its amazing how many people think we used to laugh at feminists because they were liberal/left leaning and not because they were acting like mental cases, apparently now we really really really care about being involved with politics though.

I'm telling you... it's /pol/s fault. They are literally right-wing SJWs now. Just as insufferable, imo.

Europeans really do this?

Nintendo? LOOOOOL

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I’m not the guy you were talking to but I’m just responding to this post to emphasize how BTFO you just got

This is both amusing and disturbing at the same time holy shit.

Samefag harder incel

Pretty sad desu

>falsely announces samefag
Kek, at least you tried.

>I would but your mom’s not available today
TOP KEK user


Will I have the money and the time to complete my all the games I'm planning to?

You know what funny? Cute girls!

Attached: 1555855959417.jpg (728x729, 200K)

>I am totally not the same seething incel!
Oof yikes

I've already jerked off.
Will I complete all the games I'm planning to?

Attached: what_the_fuck.jpg (873x855, 54K)

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No ones remembers the original.

Thanks for reminding me user! UwU its getting too closed anyways. ^w^


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Will I get a furry wife?

>Is clearly a druid
Is literally everyone a nazi to these people?

this thread fucking sucks, i need to stop coming to this board

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Can I do it today?

>have sex
You use a lot of buzzwords user, in fact that’s your only strategy. Tell me how old are you? Because you sound like an underage fag, just like in op’s picture

>not being able to tell it's an obvious shoop

What a fucking retard.

milf on the upper left

I prefer the original

Attached: d5gpz7y-b2733410-cd2f-4e7f-930f-e1eaad736a50.jpg (815x611, 401K)


Again, can I do it today?


Oh no no etc


You white people in America have no culture to cling to so you copy black culture or make cringe shit like this on the internet

w2c that sick Pepe?

Yes, if you don’t worship jews and muslim you are literally a nazi nowadays.


pepe and wojak is never gonna go away because it's never gonna be put into the mainstream because of how entrenched it is in alt-right ideology.

Attached: 1532797203995.jpg (1249x1410, 140K)

t. seething incel

based primarina



So is this "operation rageface" shit just discord trannies trying to stir shit up? Yesterday I saw the same gifs being used because retards thought Yea Forums guy was a wojak edit.

Attached: 1552781226445.jpg (1200x911, 86K)

My theory is confirmed, you can ONLY use buzzwords. For the record you’ve called me an “incel” four times now and two of those times it was “seething incel” so tell me you got anything other than buzzwords that don’t fit the situation?

This will unironically be present in the museums of the future.

Stay mad incel

redpill me on this little fox Yea Forums


fuck off


Five times ladies and gentleman

>So is this "operation rageface" shit just discord trannies trying to stir shit up?
yes user, everything you don't like is a part of a huge tranny conspiracy
for real
you should put on your tinfoil hat immediately to block tranny mind rays

That steven universe trash is going to flush soon enough though



A love a woman can hold for any man is the same as 2D waifu, Imaginary.


okay then

smdh that's pretty fuckin epic tho imo

should i buy Nier Automata

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Shouldn't this guy also be against Christians too?

very epic

They're so cute!

Should I buy persona 5

Make a like a spring retard. When faggots declare a meme war yet can't even identify old memes it usually means they were put up to it.

Attached: make_like_a_spring_and.jpg (4056x482, 453K)


buy feed and seed instead

You fuckkkkkkkmmk


Will I get what I want?

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is Chris going to commit crimes because of the sonic movie?

user i dont have any pets


>declare a meme war
>meme war
so, you fight this "meme war" against your imaginary tranny opponents?
but for real, are you schizophrenic or just underage, because it sounds like you have some serious issues

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