Encouraging to see. Maybe Cyberpunk 2077 will be ok after all

Encouraging to see. Maybe Cyberpunk 2077 will be ok after all.

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Certified dumpster fire.

How did something go from looking like a promising, faithful cyberpunk piece to a soulless GTA clone?

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read: qa prevents journalists shitting on the game so everyone can have a good time when some controversial bs isn't spammed to their face

It's a thin line.

Why don't we just stop giving journalists power instead of ruining the art to cater to their demands?

How is it supposed to be a nasty vision of the future if nothing is offensive?

We tried that and they completely dominated the narrative and now they are protected class that you cannot criticize, like Jews.

Gamergate, when you think about it, was basically a journalist's holocaust.

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Don't worry, there will be problematic characters but they will be white male villains. At the end of the game you line them up and kick them in the testicles. And that's a good thing

cyberpunk... hard a hard life

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>If a white guy shoots a group of black criminals its racist but if those criminals happen to be multiethnic then its perfectly fine.
Everything really is just about race isn't it?

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Both polish and japanese devs are waking up to the progressive future. They are seeing what america has known for decades. Welcome to 2019... you're welcome here too if you'll come, gamers. :)

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It didn't

It's all about self-interest. Race is just a facet of that.

And here is where it really gets complicated: some people have figured out how to convince others that their self-interest is in line with theirs (when in reality they are being taken advantage of, willingly.)

I intensely dislike these passive aggressive little smileys.

cyberpunk announced trailer was made when sjws and leftwing activists like anita were still just starting.
over the years leftwing proganda started to infect every part of society until everything turned into the shit we have now

>blaming lefties for Jews' actions

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>It's all about self-interest. Race is just a facet of that.
That's kind of circular, isn't it? It's in your self-interest to cooperate with people who also act in your interests. When you apply the category "race" and then people start cooperating with and for their "race" then it is in their self-interest. But if you abandon race as a relevant category (in favour of, say, class), then why would self-interest be about race?

No thanks leave your regressive future to yourself
have sex.

>game literally called cyberpunk
>shitty dystopian future

Fuck those polish cucks and their GTA clone.

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It's all fucked. We should have killed the elites before mass media came into existence. Now it's far too late.


Games journalist sites operate on VC funding, none of them make any money.

Doesn't change anything when Betsy Pink-Hair from Portland clicks all of their articles, clicks their ads and buys a crate of their t-shirts for all her friends.

You misunderstand. It's about framing. It's going to have loads of degeneracy, don't worry.

You can't stop them.

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They can't, they're obsessed.

>first person shooter RPG
>"GTA clone"



Oh wow.

Artistically it's basically GTA with some futuristic elements.

Which is how Mike Pondsmith envisioned it.

if i remember corectly some user said, a lot of those who did the first trailer left, so they hired retards, some SJW etc. I don't have a lot of hopes for this game anymore, i wait to see at E3 if they changed something.

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I don't have it saved, but I've seen excerpts from the tabletop game where he specifically says everything's dark.

you mean that trailer that was outsourced? That user seems full of shit

I've seen excerpts from recent interviews regarding CP2077 where he says he thinks GTA is more in line with his idea of cyberpunk than Deus Ex. But I guess that means nothing in light of a throwaway line about setting the mood in a tabletop sourcebook.

>diverse team
yeah it's gonna be shit

Fuck you now i have to buy another sarcasm meter. Subtlety please.

>It's going to have loads of degeneracy, don't worry.
If it's sjwfriendly then that goes without saying.

Hope that doesn't offend you?

welcom to the future gamers

first iteration, the one that was canceled after w3 came out and was a huge hit, was blatant gta online clone.

>Bloodborne fags still so salty they shitpost even Cyberpunk 2077.

Lmao the most pathetic fanbase there is.

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I don't own a console. CP2077 is looking shitty. A Polish company making a game set in California and adopting Californian political values for their games is a sign that the studio is been corrupted.

>He even admits
Bloodborne is shit game made by cock sucking onions asians better killyourself


Nice try Fromfag. I'm going to laugh my ass off when CP2077 comes out this year and win all the GOTY again.

>westacuck devs