Which weapon do you pick?
Which weapon do you pick?
i pick the crummy pail of water.
Cute pic, but i've fixed a big mistake.
a true centrist I see
So not using any weapon means using brain?
>pick brain
>get shot by everyone and raped by the dildo
I'll take dildo most humiliating weapon to kill someone with. Also can be used for relief after battle
home defence? AK, they're cheaper
AK-47 is the best. No contest. Just from a factual, literal, objective standpoint.
AR-15 should be bottom right
top right should be G43 or something like that
I'm pretty sure the brain is three-wielding the guns.
Diddle all others with the dildo, assert dominance
doesn't matter if you kill me you're my woman now
I mean, it's not wrong
Shotgun for aesthetic and flavor. AK because they're too damn reliable and any idiot can operate and maintain one.
Yeah! Having beliefs is for faggots!
the banhammer. it makes all politics redditers, leftwing or rightwing, shake with fear.
>economic right
i'll take the top-right glock please
Moor took the banhammer with him when he left for Google, we have to settle for the ban tongs now
>Dude you need to pick a side, this is a video game board after all
Well, a libertarian leftist can't punch political opponents without hypocrisy either.
Only pseudo-right edgelords and pseudo-left retards think Nazis were right-wing.
are we posting compasses?
What if I am an authoritarian libertarian rightest.
This shit
I'm left libertarian as fuck and I don't think people should assault Nazi's (unless they are under an immediate physical threat).
The biggest brain isn't playing a game with a weapon limit.
>You can't have beliefs without categorizing yourself into a camp
heres another
I don't mind weapon limits but it was really stupid to put them in bulletstorm.
I'm far in the green and I don't agree with any of that shit. I think your graph is wrong.
Holy shit
>MFW i hit a USPS box with my super shotgun
>toilet switches sides
how the fuck
The AK. It's the "ol' reliable" of firearms.
You guys say this while taking the post and picture to imply all or nothing
you need to look a little closer to figure out what happened user
pretty much since it's being emotional which is a womanly thing to do
Where do consoles, handhelds and pc fit on the political compass?
Is that a revolver that uses mags? What is this abomination?
The AK can double as a dildo too, so i pick the AK.
>deadly on the streets but a freak in the sheets
The choice is obvious
I'm libretarian and I think people should pay the nazis to punch them.
dildo's a melee right? I prefer melee weapons so that. If it's not and it shoots like sperm bullets or some shit then I guess the shotty.
That looks right.
open source emu: top left | mainstream consoles: top right
freeware: bottom left | arcade cabinet: bottom right
All the industry sector was owned by private people in the 3rd reich
so Mario is libertarian left while Luigi is Authoritarian right?
While PSbro is Authoritarian left?
golem should be authoritarian left NPC
wizard should be libertarian right, along with most of Stronghold
>trannies aren't crazy and are hot
what the fuck is this graph
>le wacky twitter comedian
shit taste, user
kys russian faggot cucks
Double Barrel all day erry day
Mental illness != downright insanity
Who are you quoting?
Whatever I want because I'm not an authoritarian cuckold. Bottom left quadrant doesn't exist.
And these people had no rights at all
>less range
>only 2 shots
Its a gun for hunting fucking birds.
i dont know why people continue to like this guy, sure he made a lot of good comments but that was years ago
>ussr and russia are the same!!!
burger education, huh
things are complicated and intertwined, duh.
but technically speaking, every time the wehrmacht needed weapons, they contracted private people. Hence, it's a private economy.
I didn't even have to use my AK
I gotta say, today was a good day
stone master race
They contacted private people and if themy refused they would be killed. Just like in one other socialist country...
real world physics or video game physics? does that m16a2 have shitty aged bakelite that will probably break while firing?
Geez, it's almost as if Fascism and Communism have many points in common.
I tried.
>Left leaning
Geez, it's almost as if Fascism was in Italy and Communism is just an utopian theory that haven't ever been done and cannot ever be done
facism is just communism for centrists
Anything below structural purist is wrong.
Fucking authoritarians hogging the toys.
>your brain on dildos
all i see is loss
I'm gonna get a subway sandwich you want anything?
every time
A sub is a sandwitch though
>authoritarian left
Everything is famine except actual famine which is fine.
>authoritarian right
Everything is genocide except actual genocide which is fine.
>libertarian left
Everything is theft except actual theft which is fine.
>libertarian right
Everything is slavery except actual slavery which is fine.
what if I just tucking in a bread box
A failed Norwegian experiment.
Translation: Engineer Landstad's "Automatic Revolver" from 1900, manufactured at the Main Arsenal. Only a few shots were fired during testing, and the revolver was deemed to be a complete failure. The "Automatic Revolver" was the first Norwegian contruction that was tested, in the attempts of producing a half-automatic service pistol.
ah yes, 7.62 to shoot through your walls and accidentally shoot your infant son in the head
thats pretty good
lawful neutral but chaotic neutral when there's no clip
might switch to true neutral though
Semi-automatic, sorry. A bit too direct a translation there.
Modern AKs are 5.45
Not in American. Aks have gotten more expensive over time because fewer imports and less American manufacturers. ARs are cheap and plentiful because there is an oversaturation of manufacturers and parts.
Subs belong in the structure purist category, the chart is wrong.
It's sad that libertarian left has to look like the biggest fucking joke in these images because the people that lean that way now are fucking nutjobs. Why did it have to be like this bros? Why do all the stupid authoritarian thought police censorship happy douche niggers have to steal it from us?
Twist, tuck and freeze.
but it's one piece of bread
unless you cut it
I agree that having three guns and a telekinetic strapon is the best option
It looks like that because the memes are made by their political opponents, genius
GTA III physics
Because you're a commie, tankie
Who would ever use a rubberband, seriously
That's retarded, defense is the last place you should be cheaping out, consider costs when buying hunting or range weapons.
Tankies are the other left quadrant
In both cases I am top right.
this guy gets it
>mom used to put the bread in the fridge
That pissed me off so much. If it's not toasted, sandwiches should be room fucking temperature, not god damned refrigerator cold.
Isn't the only difference between libertarian and authoritarian left that the libertarians are anti censorship.
"Why yes, I am lawful evil, how could you tell?"
Actual nu-liberals are fucking insane and even disregarding the obvious exaggeration are not too far off though.