What's the most overrated video game in your opinion? Doesnt have to be overrated on Yea Forums, can be just in general

What's the most overrated video game in your opinion? Doesnt have to be overrated on Yea Forums, can be just in general.

I think Rome Total War is overrated as fuck. Shitty pathfinding, stale as fuck meta where hammer + anvil wins all the time, and the squalor mechanic fucks up any city in the late game.

Pic unrelated, i got no Rome TW pic saved.

Attached: Cup of piss.jpg (2048x1536, 259K)

Other urls found in this thread:


witcher 3 being a masterpiece. the story and writing is great, but the gameplay ranges from shit to merely passable.


Witcher 3, BotW, RDR2, FF7, FF9, OoT

Which one?

Skyrim, still worth playing and modding

I played OoT and LttP way after their respective release. I have no idea why OoT is viewed in such a high regard.

The Last of Us

Nier: Automata

It's a great game even by today's standards. Back then it was god tier because it was the first of its kind.

botw, witcher 3, gta5

Red Dead Redemption 2
Bioshock Infinite

Attached: kXlxOGx.gif (540x304, 1.5M)

Pic related is a empty, generic, and soulless open world game. It's what I would have expected Ubisoft to male if they licensed the Zelda IP. If it wasn't published by Nintendo it probably would have gotten in the 70's on metacritic

Attached: images.jpg (225x225, 10K)

BotW is underrated.

>Pic unrelated
haha... yeah

Attached: 1520265533897.jpg (437x431, 28K)

BOTW by far. How do people see this as the best Zelda game ever made? And it's not because it's popular because there are plenty of quality popular games since pretty much the 1970s but this game I just don't understand why.

It fails as a Zelda game and it fails as an open world game

i made this exact same thread with a different pic and got 0 replies

botw is boring as fuck dude

What's a good open world game in your opinion?


Yeah great combat sistem but that's it.

Thotposting is intensifying to the point where we may no longer be able to contain it.

Attached: 1557777333957.jpg (1300x650, 46K)


i trully dont get it
is like a shitty castlevania game whitout any of the things that made castlevania good.


Based. I constantly shit on BOTW and it has nothing to to with being contrarian. I liked many of the older Zelda games. I liked Super Mario Odyssey. Nintendo is capable of making great games. But BOTW sure as hell isn't one of them. It's a 6/10 at best and got the biggest case of Nintendo bonus I've ever seen.

You can in ds2



> t. person who never played Dark Souls.
Whips are an entire weapon class. You can get several of them

this one

Attached: Untitled.jpg (59x97, 3K)

I've literally never played a single zelda BUT botw, and I can probably assume nobody thinks its the best ever

The Last of Us

breath of the wild is a huge step back in every way you look at.
everything it does a previous zelda did better

neat. too bad the gameplay is still kinda shitty

i mean you have to atack using the fucking sholder buttons

i played 40 hours of it

i stoped once i killed a spider lady, meet her sister that was half lady and wall and then bought a cristal great sword that took me 5 hours of grind to get enough souls to buy just for the fucking thing to break on the first enemy

Skyrim without a doubt. Am I the only one that just sees it as Oblivion with snow? Even back at release I just dropped it within a few hours. I get the appeal of mods but it reached popularity well before any good ones.

>Nier Automata
>Wind Waker
>Half Life 2
>Any Pokemon game past the 2nd Gen (it's all the same shit)
>The obvious Fortnite, CoD, etc

>The gameplay is shi-

Attached: Dark Souls - Knight Artorias Fight.webm (600x336, 2.94M)

Skyrim, New Vegas, Outward, Dragon's Dogma. Games that are easily modifiable and reward exploration.

>Shitty pathfinding, stale as fuck meta where hammer + anvil wins all the time
That's literally every Total War game, not sure why you'd single out Rome in particular.

I'm playing Three Kingdoms right now and despite all of the improvements the pathfinding is still as ridiculously bad as it was back in Rome and Medieval 2.

>hit the guy with a giant fucking spear sword
>he gives no reactions once or ever
>you get hit
>you have no reactions once or ever

yeah its shit

97 metacritic is underrated? I like botw but come on dude.

I'm sorry mate but you've just got a case of the incredibly shit taste. There's no cure

Rome 1 had especially shitty pathfinding. And hammer + anvil doesnt work as well in Warhammer

Kingdom Hearts.

It's got a pretty good combat system, but apart from that there's literally nothing redeemable about the entire franchise, and yet hordes of children and Yea Forums manchildren will swear it's the best thing ever.

Nier: Automata
Symphony of the Night
Metal Gear Solid 1

FFVI (yes, 6)
Mario Galaxy

>liking shoulder buttons
you probably like "digital" triggers too

Persona series is hands down. The most PRETENTIOUS, overrated shit. Absolutely bland and void characters. Art style is so boring and simple that everything looks the same.

Half-Life 2. If you played it only years after it's release, it's not that impressive.

> i mean you have to atack using the fucking sholder buttons
This is a bad thing? I even remap my controls to be more like dark souls in some other games because I'm so used to it
> cristal great sword that took me 5 hours of grind to get enough souls to buy just for the fucking thing to break on the first enemy
> Using crystal weapons
Lol git gud and learn to play the game. Just upgrading any normal weapon to +15 will get you through the game fine. I'm pretty sure crystal weapons are worse than normal ones

>This is a bad thing? I even remap my controls to be more like dark souls in some other games because I'm so used to it
yes it is

shoulder buttons should only be used for dodging or shooting
not main actions.

Digital triggers are superior for 95% of games. Basically everything but racing. If you deny this, you are simply retarded.

>Rome 1 had especially shitty pathfinding.
I never found it any worse than its successor M2. It has the exact same issues as far as I remember.

>And hammer + anvil doesnt work as well in Warhammer
Maybe not quite as well since there's a lot more variety with stuff like heroes, monsters and magic involved, but it definitely still works. An anvil of cheap infantry and a hammer of strong cavalry (or monster units, or in some cases elite infantry) is still the basic go-to strategy for almost any race.

Faggot I played through on mouse and keyboard. Who the fuck cares about trigger buttons. It's not like you ever spam attacks. Usually you will do a very deliberate attack or 2 at most 3.

Ocarina of Time.
I wouldn't call it a bad game, but it's just not for me. I can't play it for more than like 3 hours before wanting to play something else.

which one

Maybe you should git gud.

Attached: Seath the Scaleless.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

Why? That sounds like some stupid arbitrary rule you came up with because you're too autistic to adapt to a different control scheme that works better for the game

nah i ratter play a better game

Attached: Great Sword in games.webm (854x480, 2.92M)

No such thing.

Attached: GOATsouls.png (1672x660, 369K)

Kill yourself.
The Witcher 3 is the game of the decade.

> Likes Skyrim better than Dark Souls
Lol congrats on the normie tier taste. I'll bet you're looking forward to Modern Warfare this fall

>The Witcher 3 is the game of the decade.

Attached: GOATborne.png (1680x610, 323K)

The Last of Us
Story didn't interest me as much as I thought, and the gameplay was just a slower and more boring uncharted.
And the music is forgettable (can't remember a single song from it)

Attached: 1556479944828.jpg (419x410, 31K)

Imagine thinking a game is bad just cus you have to use shoulder buttons to attack; a problem that nobody who plays the game seems to have after they get used to it

Attached: whatafaggot.jpg (800x450, 61K)

cool is the call of duty of japanse games
it must be good then
i going to give you a chance to watch the WHOLE webm this time

last of us , it's just another generic over the shoulder pseudo movie game with zombies, just the most unoriginal concepts combined into one package

You got that backwards. The gameplay is bretty good. But the story it is based upon is an utter cuckfest.

yeah people that dont have legs tent do stop complaining once they get used to it

>4 reviews
6 reviews


Most normies prefer Dark Souls over Skyrim, though.

>514 ratings

Truly a man of refined taste.


Attached: Bloodborne Cinegrid 4.jpg (1920x1620, 697K)

not really a specific game, but the genre of open world games
stuff like botw and skyrim is being praised everywhere and yet these games are boring, empty and feel kind of lazy really. rather than creating a great linear experience they just skip this and tell the player "do what you want lol" but in reality most of these games have a couple of main missions, a bunch of side quests and billions of collectibles, not much else
i can enjoy stuff like dying light, where the maps are quite small and the game actually uses most of that space, but other than this i don't get the praise for games from this genre

>autisimo doesn't know that there are directional attacks in skyrim
>probably plays the game at "adept" difficulty and never uses potions
>bitches about "muh dumbed down combat"
>while praising his dodge-and-hit faggotrty from his japshit gaeme
I want to genocide Yea Forumsermins


it has 4 colors instead of 3 like DS had

most playstation exclusives, ps1, ps3 and ps4

The worst part about BB was the chromatic aberration. I fucking hate that

>washed out, shittty visuals and empty soulless void = good
>actual living, breathing world = bad

>Souls games have shit comba-

Attached: AbyssWatchers.webm (960x540, 2.57M)

>doesn't want to role-play in a fucking role-playing game
>wants the game to hold his hands all the way
>wants the game to force him to do missions or lock him at the same place

Majoras Mask

Witcher 3 is fucking fantastic then

>Overrated games
Anything I don't like
>Underrated games
Anything I do like


Is this supposed to convince me that your japshit DON'T have shitty combat? LMAO! Neck yourself already you delusional weeb.
>b-b-b-but, did you see how I rolled and hit his asscheeks from behind?

>strong and well realized art direction = bad
>generic ""realistic"" grassy planes/forests and Skyrim tier settlements = good

Stardew Valley

Attached: 0ADA9BFE-9D06-4E98-9C6D-DC35C45CD3C2.jpg (361x341, 76K)

We are reaching levels of cope that should've even be possible, folks.

Attached: Bloodborne Cinegrid 5.jpg (3264x2238, 3.39M)

Almost every game from the last 10 years, and just about anything hyped up by the “gaming press” is overrated.

Attached: BB PIG.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

>his edgy, autistic area design is (((art)))
>"b-but look at the fucking walls dude. Look how (((gothic))) and tall they are, waow

Attached: 6dBt2Oj.jpg (251x242, 15K)

>I just have to say this meme word over and over and over again. COPE XD
Internet "culture" is a joke and you look like a faggot for deep throating it so regularly.

this entire generation and probably the entire last gen too

everything after 2006 was shit.

>The gameplay is bretty good
What do you like about it? The shitty enemies with their lame movesets that are trivialised by lazily tapping dodge+attack 99% of the time, the shitty ubisoft-tier open world with piñatas that drop level-scaled loot sprinkled about, the enemies that stop burning when you hit them making signs build into a snorefest where you're not even allowed to hit enemies unless you want to gimp your damage, the crafting that completely outclasses the open world loot, the compass and batman senses on-rails quest solving or is there something I missed?

Attached: 1549621317462.webm (320x200, 2.64M)

You have ten seconds to name one (1) game with better art direction.

Attached: Bloodborne Cinegrid (Colored - 2).jpg (5760x3240, 2.35M)

Dark Souls

Race Driver GRID. Brown casual crude abnormality of a great series.

Cope. Witcher 3's world design is as generic as it gets. The open wilderness, forests, and grassy planes have been replicated in a million other games. The main cities are nice though. Novigrad has well realized Eastern European aesthetics and buildings. But other than that, for 90% of the game, it's literally Skyrim.

ill give you 3(three,tres, Arvore)
mad world
Max payne

I didn't say anything about art or Bloodborne. I just said spamming "cope" and other meme buzzwords is a joke. Also, it's irrelevant if anyone mentions a game because you'll just disagree with them in some faggy, annoying way anyway.

Attached: 1300228832191.jpg (1861x1992, 877K)

nigger, you're no less retarded that faggots that unironically believe that AC games are works of (((art))).

world of warcraft. i actually can't fathom how people enjoy it. it's beyond my comprehension

Zelda series and Chrono Trigger. Fallout New Vegas here on Yea Forums

You misspelled reddit. Yea Forums likes only likes Fallout 1 and 2.

Attached: Reddit's favorite games.png (844x664, 70K)

>hurr, look at this webm of cheesing some sort of exploit
>crafting completely outclasses world loot
>level-scaled loots everywhere
>batman senses
It's okay, we get it. You play the gaeme on the literal "visual novel "-difficulty and still bitch about lack of challenge.
>m-muh e-edgy japshit
seeth harder, underage kike

World of Warcraft and Half-Life
both are shit

Oh no. Well, actually I'm happy for it.

>Yea Forumsermins are underage reddittors
gee, who couldda see it coming?

Damn you sound very stupid. You don't even bring counter arguments. Faggot


Attached: GODDAMMIT.webm (1920x796, 1.89M)

That's like driving the model T now and saying "hurr durr guys I don't see what the big deal is"

i'm talking about how games expect you to "choose your own path" and don't actually try to create an interesting experience. it's not fun if most of what you do in skyrim is going around to random places and just doing favors to people while the main questline is just nothing
like i said, i don't mind when it's a smaller open world because those games tend to use most of that space for the main game and don't rely on side quests too much
>doesn't want to role-play in a fucking role-playing game
where the hell did you get that from? dark souls is one of my favorite series and it's got both open world and roleplaying

You mean modern WoW or the WoW of 10 years ago?


1) New Vegas is great
2) Yea Forums loves it
3) Most of Yea Forums are kiddos who haven't actually played Fallout 1 and 2 anyway
4) Most of those shitty kiddos also browse reddit

Your post is bad and you should feel bad for redditposting.

Once again, you are mistaking Yea Forums for reddit. Dark Souls and New Vegas are objectively the most reddit games ever made.

Attached: redditcoreVidya.jpg (2400x1920, 782K)

Maybe you just don't like role-playing itself? They throw you into a living, breathing, open world where you can play as almost anything. The character interactions are set up such that your headcanon about the world and the npcs can be enjoyable but only if you're heavily invested in rp.
>dark soul is open world and has roleplay
LMAO! Yeah, just like how MGSV is (((open world))) and (((roplepay))).
Stop claiming and shitting up existing genres. Go circlejerk about your own generes that you actually like.

When you realize no girl has ever smiled like that at you

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Dragon Age Origins. It's like they took Baldur's Gate, ripped 3/4 of its mechanics out and added more waifu shit instead.

Gee, I wonder why.

>A mindless game like dark souls that is filled with sophistry and is an empty husk that plays itself off as sophisticated is liked by reddit
who'd be surprised?

>Dark Souls is mindles-

Attached: Ridiculously deep Dark Souls combat.webm (800x500, 2.86M)

have sex incel

Nostalgia-Driven Pixelshit

Nier Automata
Mad World
Persona 5

Attached: 1558771359708.png (707x451, 134K)

unironically skyrim
>clunky as fuck combat
>unstable broken game engine
>looked like ass even 8 years ago when it came out
>is still sold for full price even today
>was re released literally dozens of times

and yet people are still willing to name their actual children after characters in the game. its fucking gross, and really makes me wonder am I the only sane person left on the planet

play video games

Im watching a show now, going to play vidya later.

>looked like ass even 8 years ago
Shit bait.

Attached: Skyrim.jpg (3840x1800, 1.9M)

liar, play video games

dont tell me what to do user

Attached: 1558288008340.png (244x276, 92K)

Im not telling you to do anything but you need to go play video games.

Because it was the first game to do it and it defined a genre.

Alright im going to play Splinter Cell, now leave me be

With the amount of blonde people and wool shirts, that looks like Iceland. I bet most of those people are related too.

>You play the gaeme on the literal "visual novel "-difficulty and still bitch about lack of challenge.
Yes, though for some reason they called it Death March.

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Attached: Haman_Karn_(Frown).jpg (960x720, 74K)

dark souls throws you into a world that isn't really living but it still has plenty of characters you can interact with (or not) and learn about the world, and it lets you make your own builds so by your definition it's a roleplaying game
and while the worlds in dark souls are not as open as other games you can technically roam around it freely, so it's open-world
mgsv does have an open world, and while most of it is filled with unreachable areas, you can roam around even more freely than dark souls in the 2 maps it has, and for that matter it's also empty like all those other games
i've never seen anyone claim mgsv has roleplaying in it, and what the fuck do the jewish parenthesis even have to do with this? what are you even trying to imply here?

based and dwarfpilled

why do you hate it so much, user?

nier: automata is probably the best answer

The irony of someone calling other games empty while praising Dark Souls is too much to handle.

Post your hours that you've played if you actually played it.

Skyrim for me. Whatever its appeal is, I just couldn't enjoy it.

lmao fag git gud

It's small potatoes compared to the other stuff ITT, but I thought The Stanley Parable was just kind-of stupid and pretentious.

nothing about it is well designed


Red Dead 2

Grand Theft Auto V online

Portal 2 may have been "objectively" better than Portal (longer, better graphics, polished interface, more puzzles, multiplayer, user-made content, etc. etc.), but the original Portal was just so much sharper written and funnier.
It was a lot more original and refreshing. Portal 2 felt like an elaborate expansion pack.

Attached: portal.jpg (900x450, 96K)

You're worrying me user, do you actually think death march is hard?

Attached: the witcher played.jpg (946x480, 78K)

>Somehow PS2 not included

Your nostalgia is really showing

This is the most overrated "game" I've ever played. The combat and crafting are just so fucking meh tier. The dialogue and environments are cool, but repetitive enemies lacking variety, forced walk and chat segments, moving ladders and pushing pallets constantly is just so trash. The best part of the game is the beginning with Sarah.

Attached: ss+(2019-05-25+at+12.46.45).png (501x153, 6K)

oh i'm sorry, i didn't know all you do in dark souls is walk around collecting side quests and finding shit to do
oh wait, you don't, because you have a set goal from the start, you stumble upon bosses every area you go to and all the side quests it does have are barely even a feature since you mostly have to meet characters in certain spots and summon them in bossfights and you can get easily get 60 hours out of each of these games at least


whole genre is made for people who enjoy giving away their energy through mindless mouse clicking in order to get items to click the mouse some more

No I have no opinion because I've never played Witcher 3 but I just don't like when people act flippant about games without ever proving that they've played them. I'm not the guy you were arguing with.

I can understand that

Attached: 1556229411886.png (1440x810, 2.4M)

The only reason it's so popular is that it poses literally no challenge and is extremely short so even retards could complete it.

Attached: file.png (220x160, 76K)

Skyrim, Fallout 3, Fallout 4, Fallout 76

How has no one said RE4?

Attached: RE4 vs Max Payne.jpg (1200x882, 298K)

You're right about the combat. I could not understand what the big deal is that people were making about this game. The combat is easily the shittiest part of the game. The lore of the world and the environments (especially blood & wine) are the only saving grace for this game.

Attached: witcher3-expansion-blood-and-wine-1.jpg (1920x1080, 1.77M)

Witcher 3

>Comparing a fast action shoot em up game vs a horror game

I really hope you didn't make this yourself...

>Horror game

>fast action shoot em up

Gone Homo is not really loved much on Yea Forums, but the critics treated it like it was the second coming of Christ.

Attached: Gone_Home.png (1280x720, 1.07M)

Which is exactly the problem. It's a shallow third person shooter with tons of QTEs. Unfortunately, normies ate it up and it effectively killed the TPS genre.


I was enjoying the game until I realized they weren't setting up a horror-style sister suicide plot and instead just shit out some garbage LGBTQS+ propaganda.

I was more interested in the parents' subplot than they actual game.

It was shit

Was thinking of picking this up for the switch actually. What don't you like about it?

Anime is reddit incarnate.

Attached: Reddit loves anime.png (339x238, 7K)

It's not a problem.

You wanted the game to be a 3rd person action shoot em up game when, just like every other RE game, it was a slower paced survival horror game.

Sorry to break it to ya kid, it wasn't made for you.

All turn-based JRPGs ever made.
It's such a worthless genre and I am repulsed every time a retard pretends he has a shred of good taste in his body when he says his favorite game is Chrono Trigger, Earthbound, or Final Fantasy 7.

They are tolerable at best and waste the potential of the medium by focusing on story, characters, and soundtrack which aren't even that great and are outdone by many books, movies, and albums.

Fuck any turn-based text adventure really. Regardless of origin. I don't consider them games.

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u1.jpg (550x550, 30K)

>just like every other RE game
>it was a slower paced survival horror game.

Attached: RE3 vs RE4.jpg (770x1024, 134K)

It has to objectively be BOTW, and I have played and enjoyed that game. It’s the most clear evidence of Nintendo’s fan base being the literal definition of a cult.

>reddit likes anime therefore anime is reddit incarnate
Remove thyself from our board reddit refugee

Attached: newfags BTFO.png (617x82, 70K)

botw is the only soulful open world game, it's exactly the opposite of a Ubisoft game, a clone of a Ubisoft game would be Horizon.

After you.

Attached: animesite.png (1956x2194, 3.03M)

That's now what we're talking about, though. You're comparing two survival horror games. No one is disagreeing that RE4 is a more casual, easy version of RE3.

You're trying to compare Max Payne which is a literal run 'n gun slowmo shootem up game vs a survival horror game. They're different genres. They're going to have different paces in gameplay. They're going to have different features.

Not all 3rd person shooters need to be the same. Are you mad that SOCOM is not Max Payne as well?

Lol only meme answers and Bethesda shit, there's not really an open world game better than BotW, but it's cool to shit on it.

>It has to objectively be BOTW
Considering Nier: Automata released that same year, I don't think so.

>I liked Mario Odyssey
This is what I don't understand, Mario Odyssey was boring as fuck while BotW was a fucking blast to me.

I really liked both.

>seeth harder
Ironic, coming from you.

Attached: IMG_1156.png (960x1320, 1.28M)

>BotW is overrated
>Nintendo bonus
>people only like it because it's Zelda (because that worked fine for SS)
Here's a video of someone who genuinely liked the game and explains in detail why it's so good. I know your little minds can't understand that some people actually liked it and aren't just parroting whatever your contrarian minds think it's the popular opinion.


Jesus, how did you go from so based in the first paragraph to so horribly and completely wrong in the second. I agree that turn based combat is archaic garbage that makes every game it's in worse by the sheer fact of it's inclusion. But story, characters, and soundtrack are an extremely important part of a game. You can make a great game with no combat at all, using only story, soundtrack, and characters. And indeed, many games with turn based combat would have been better off just scrapping the combat altogether and becoming walking simulators to focus more on their strong suits like story and characters

The entire shooter genre is rooted in high mobility. It's what makes them fun to play. RE4 strips all of this away, which lowers the skill ceiling and depth of the game.


White girls can be so pretty

>books have better stories so games shouldn't have stories
Why is this opinion always thrown by people who don't read?

Half Life 2

The problem with 99% of JRPGs is that the gameplay and story are at odds with one another, rather than being integrated. Final Fantasy games are notorious for this.

I think Uncharted 4 is extremely overrated. It's by far the worst on the franchise since it's the most boring and uninspired, also it has the most filler. It was forgotten weeks after its launch, nobody cares about it, nobody likes it, and yet it's still regarded as one of the best games of this gen. I have no idea why.

>posting meme image full of non-arguments
again refer to the previous pic, not to mention that reddit likes gaming even more than it likes anime if we go by your point (number of subreddit subcribers), all in all you don't belong here reddit refugee.

japs on jap imageboards= native americans, originalfags (virtually all weebs) = white settlers, regular oldfags (virtually all weebs as well) = white immigrants, newfags, discords trannies and reddit refugees (You) = spics, sandniggers and niggers.

I like games that get to the point. I enjoy short walking simulators like Firewatch and What Remains of Edith Finch that stay focused on the story. The problem with JRPGs is that they take a story that should have lasted 5 hours, and stretch it out to 50 hours by adding 45 hours of grinding and tedious repetitive turn based combat. Games should play to their strengths. If you want to make a story based game and aren't gonna put any effort into the combat, just make it a walking simulator. If there's combat in the game at all, I expect it to be good combat, no turn based garbage.

Bioshock Infinite
Sure, other games are overrated, like Mario Odyssey, TLoU, Skyrim, Black and White, but they often have something that makes them entertaining or interesting.
Bioshock Infinite isn't even a good shooter. You've got a two-weapon system, and little control over what ammo drops, yet can upgrade specific weapons - so you're never sure how much you'll get to use the weapon you wanted to upgrade. Your magical powers are all pretty much of the "stun and lightly damage enemies" variety. They aren't interesting or fun to use.
If you compare it to Bioshock 1+2 it does nothing better.

And the story is shit. They clearly wanted certain scenes to be in the game, and then tried to make some rules that allowed these scenes to happen. It's all a mess.
It wouldn't be so bad if they just went "oh, it's all magic, it's more about themes and feelings", but they had to try to set up static rules (constants and variables) and then fail to adhere to them.

It's a boring shooter, it has a dumb plot and stupid "so deep" scenes, and every reviewer fucking ate it up because it mentioned racism and seemed deep at first glance. Nobody cared that much of the gameplay and setting didn't make sense. It's like everything reviewers usually get wrong condensed into one game.

Attached: Official_cover_art_for_Bioshock_Infinite.jpg (220x312, 25K)

>What is horror game design?

That's the problem of 99% games in general.

Play SMT or EO, those series both have good turn based combat and don't waste your time with exposition vomits.

True, but story focused games like Planescape: Torment manage to integrate the gameplay and narrative to be one and the same which means that you have something that can only be delivered through the medium of video games.

Stuff like Metal Gear and Final Fantasy doesn't do that and there's no reason they couldn't just be movies, other than the atrocious writing.

A tie between The Last of Us and Botw.

I sort of concur with this. I adore OoT, and this was sustained after I first played ALttP since I was playing the gimped GBA release. But replaying the original ALttP repeatedly, and playing through OoT again years later, made me realise that really OoT is just a successful 3D port of ALttP, one that sacrifices gameplay quality for the sake of making a huge leap in dimensional mechanics. Between that and the existence of MM which I will always play over OoT, I have little reason to replay OoT.

Not counting NPC zoiboys, BotW seems to be extremely accurately rated. A fantastic base engine in a huge world where what's done is engaging, but there's not enough and it isn't assembled together meaningfully. Level and progression mechanics are vacuous and lack finesse, and the difficulty curve is a void. Little motivation to do things other than "for the first time". The game has no replay value. It has immense promise as a finished product in a remake or sequel. For now it's best to treat it as an engaging, nearly game-like tech demo.

What about monster hunter 3U

>Consistently Overrated
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy VI
>Overrated by some few fanboys, but not in general.
Final Fantasy VII
>Mildly overrated game that is nevertheless massively underrated by ubertards and contrarians.
Dark Souls

>story are at odds with gameplay in Final Fantasy
It wasn't so bad before FF7. FF6 was the most story-heavy and that has like 4.5 hours of cutscenes compared to something like 13 hours in FF7. FF4 only has like an hour and a half or so, unless you play the DS version with all the tedious voice acting.

Any high profile Rockstar game. None of them ever looked good.

zelda games,final fantasy games,dark souls series

ocarina of time

not even a good game by 1998 standards

>Dark Souls is overrate-

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The Last of Us
Fairly compelling but i don't get what people are seeing when they consider this generic tps with a generic zombie plot as peak vidya.

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All of Fromsofts shit.

All are way too hard. Way to obtuse in the way of narrative. Way to repetitive.

No one actually likes these games, they just feel special for beating the shit because it's unfair and cheap as shit.

is this supposed to be impressive?

Git gud.

Yes, Souls games are the most patrician vidya on the market.

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the only good thing about dark souls is the aesthetic

And the combat.
And the lore.
And the level design.
And the soundtrack.
And the NPCs.

Dark Souls is GOAT.


No idea how anyone can stand this shit. Every agent plays almost the exact same and it didn't make any improvement on the flaws of Pandemic: islands come to mind, were a few other minor ones. Ends up being at best luck-based with some sway.

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>What's the most overrated video game in your opinion?
Mega Man 2.


I actually like Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne because of everything else, besides the perceived difficulty.

I have always viewed Earthbound as "the most overrated underrated game ever"
The game is good and deserves praise from more people, but at the same time, fans of the game are fucking insane and act like it's perfect and the greatest game ever. Just because it's funny and unique doesn't make up for the mediocre gameplay and segments of poor game design.

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It's the 6th best game ever made.

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Minecraft. So fucking boring, and even playing with friends barely helps that.

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its boring as shit, not nearly as good as harvest moon

Zelda and/or Mario (any title)

I don't know about that. The nanovirus (especially on higher difficulty) is pretty challenging.

The Last of Us

I can't believe that broken AI, and awful level design gets a free pass.

It's called poise something a ds3 zoomer wouldn't understand

Awful level design always gets a pass in games. Just look at Dark Souls games.

Attached: Dark Souls Level Interactivity.webm (512x320, 2.82M)

Fromsoftware made Armored Cores you double nigger and those were hardly popular and definitely not overrated. Plus they didn't play with >le hard core gaymer meme. Fuck off with that soulsshit.

I wonder why they did this. Does it take so long to make the environment match what they want you do to?

you're a fag who doesn't even know how to assess level design in the first place

>Player character can kill dragons, but can't jump over a knee high wall
>Good level design
Absolute state of Soulsdditors.

>i parrot literally everything i see on Yea Forums


I love how many people ITT are proving my point that Dark Souls, while perhaps overrated by journalists and normalfags for various dumb reasons, nevertheless draws out the most braindead idiotic detractors.

>Nooo!!!! Someone is criticizing my game!!!

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proving my point faggot. It could simply be an aesthetic issue. If there was a gate there that would explain why you couldn't pass through it.

If you want to actually analyze level design you need to follow the sequence of challenges and decisions a player makes in the level. But you can't do that because you're a retard who can't do anything but post a dumb webm. I really hate people as dumb as you.

There are plenty of things to criticize about dark Souls. You fags manage to find the absolute dumbest things that reveal only your crippling inability to even understand the game on a basic level much less give any real criticism.

Anyone who thinks the Souls games possess good level design is an enormous brainlet. They provide no sort of environmental interaction, puzzles, or any sort of engaging mechanic.

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Witcher 3.

Classic Souls hater appears. Knows nothing about the game, played it for 5 seconds and got destroyed. DARK SOULS BAD. Rofl.

All the Dark Souls games, BB gets a pass.

>Dark Souls' level design is bad because there aren't puzzles
You're an idiot.

originalfags committed genocide

Underrated post

It's bad because it's unengaging. There is nothing to do in any of the levels.

BB is the most overrated one, though

>take one small aspect of the game that is admittedly silly and focus completely on it

Fucking idiots man.

I mean, nice logic user great point.

Probably Crash Bandicoot. Many people try to present it as part of the greats like Mario 64 or Symphony of the Night. But it's really just a jank corridor runner. They didn't know how to make good 3D controls, so they made a game that's essentially 2D. It feels like shit.

Not only that, but the main character is fucking corny. They just gave the tasmanian devil jorts, and the personality of Poochie. When the remake was coming out, you guys were honestly complaining that they didn't get this fucking corny dance right. Like who gives a shit. The original was embarrassing in the first place.

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Except fight shit and discover hidden paths and treasures and loot enemies and unlock shortcuts. Yeah nothing to do man. No your argument has been reduced to what it is - nothing.

Has there seriously not been a single mention of Movie Gear Reddit in this thread?

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Read Dead 2 feels like a game designed so little kids could finish it.

I honestly don't understand how can ANYONE enjoy The Binding of Isaac after Afterbirth, especially when Antibirth is so fucking better.

Dark Souls 3, it rehashed Dark Souls 1 and Bloodborne, the fact that some people consider it the pinacle of the series is insane.

OoT minus Breath of the Wild, which while pretty flawed, it's still great.

Pretty much all Looter Shooters like Borderlines are crap, I don't get how people like them.

That's not what level design refers to

fuk yu the title is BADASSlands

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>game focuses on challenging enemies that can come at you countless ways, no two fights are the same
>Its bad because it doesnt have puzzles that once solved a single time are meaningless

Yeah like he was saying, you are an idiot.

>Except fight shit
And all the Souls games have absolutely primitive combat mechanics, for how action orientated they are. Press O during telegraph, punish with R1 spam. What engaging gameplay.
Yeah, I sure love finding another Soul of a Nameless Soldier. Not to mention that the upgrade system disincentives using different weapons because you've already invested resources into earlier weapons.
>unlock shortcuts.
Only a fair point for the first Dark Souls, because the later games streamlined the exploration by being entirely based around fast travel.

Ocarina of Time
Super Metroid
Symphony of the Night

The holy trinity of overrated games

SotN is the only one here that's overrated.

shut up randy

Shitty example you posted there.
You can break the cannonballs out of their compartment, in order to kill some guards. That's environmental interaction.
Then when you approach the bridge, you can lure out the red dragon, to the bridge, and then quickly dash back to the nest, in order to loot the items there, before the red dragon returns.

If you get too close to the blue dragon, then it will whip its tail. And if you play your cards right, you can bait the tail whip out, then rush in to grab the final item.
It actually takes a bit of back and forth and timing and practice, but if you put in the effort, then you can loot the dragon's nest, without killing either dragons.

Or, you can build the world up to white world tendency, which will cause the dragons to despawn. Giving you the freedom to loot their nest at your leisure.

The only idiot here is you. You're nothing but a basement dweller. A fat fucking mess of a person. Consider killing yourself, you useless piece of shit newfag. You're parents think you are a giant mistake. :^)

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Ocarina of Time. I think it's still okay as a standalone, it's not a bad game, it just kinda comes across as boring when you put into perspective all the other games that have come out in the years after it.
I still really like Majoras mask but i'm a fag who likes the theming
I agree. Some of the game play can be really great, and it's really good for setting mood and writing is pretty good, but exploring makes me sick to my stomach - the main thing why I don't wanna do New game + is the fact I gotta do all the exploring for armor pieces again.

Final Fantasy 7 is obligatory for this thread

Super Metroid is staggeringly overrated
OoT catches flack now and then but it's still mostly considered "the best game of all time™", when it does nothing to warrant that label

Agree with all but OOT

same with most of the story based sony exclusives. Good thing Bloodborne is good enough to carry.

Super Metroid is the best game ever made, ergo it cannot be overrated as it is perfection incarnate.

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Do people like beer unironically, or is that the kind of thing you just put up with?
Everytime I drink one it just tastes like trash.

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The latter.

It's a very polished game but it loses what made the original so interesting design-wise. Upgrades become just another toy for the player rather than a way of empowering them and helping them survive a harsh and difficult environment. Lacks the open-endedness as well


Alright, here's what you do.
Figure out how to set up a modded server. Get a bunch of small quality of life fixes like Just Enough Items and stuff like 'What am I looking at?'
Tinkers Construct, Botania, Pick up a few other simple 'large scale' mods that add new neat systems like Harvest Craft. Get a difficulty mod for just a bit of extra challenge. Get a fuckton of exploration mods. Thrown in a few other small stuff. If you wanna be bold, throw in 'Ice and Fire Dragons' mod.

Enjoy the experience of scrambling with your friends to find shelter and build up a base + learning new magic systems, and the struggle of learning how to make food that doesn't suck with Harvest Craft. Make a slime sling and slime boots with Tinkers, and make a good bow. Enjoy the experience of fighting partial aerial battles with dragons, or just exploring and finding all sorts of crazy structures.

Modded minecraft with friends is fucking wild and a great time, unironically

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Parrot what, exactly? Yea Forumsermin all believe Witcher to be great in all aspects.

Warcraft 3 and the hero cancer it spawned which got into the wild and turned into mobas. If there's a patient zero for gaming it was that. Put toxic into the lexicon and thrust professional victims to a new high on top of kiling standard RTS when normies can only micro a single unit.

Depends on the beer, but cheap beer like in that pic is usually just something people drink to get drunk

I love icelandic sweater patterns they look so comfy

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Yea Forums hates TW3.

>Put toxic into the lexicon

In your deranged mind.

I can't remember the last time I've seen something positive said about that game here.

Toxic really wasn't part of gaming lexicon until the first mobas metastasized from WC 3.

Some beers are nice, some are just to get drunk. Never liked wine though.

Easily one of the worst games ever made. No idea how people defend it.

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but where dit it mention it then?

Do you know what overrated means?

I am speaking to personal experience in sphere's of gaming. I'm an old fag that's been playing since the early 90's on PC. I did not see the term "toxic player" emerge until around the time Dota became a thing which was originally just a mod for WC 3. Language and definitions change over time and I associate the term emerging with that community.

half life 2

based Yea Forums

all mario games
nier automata
last of us
horizon zero dawn

Probably all the really big ones are overrated by defintion? Skyrim probably has the biggest difference in "hype to quality of actual content"
League for a long time was high, and is still overrated in the sense that people forgive riot horribly practices just because they like the game
Battle Royale games are all overrated because really the concept isn't that amazing but they are the most popular games that exist right now. Fallout 4 was overrated in a similar fashion to skyrim
Early Access (zombie) Crafting open world survival games where also overrated, surviving mostly on "potential" of what it could be in the future.

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HZD is pretty hated on Yea Forums

Every game is hated on Yea Forums.

Witcher 3 gameplay is servicable at best yeah, the combat is flashy but it gets boring real quick. Main quest falls appart real quick too, writing isn't that great regarding that; sidequest and Heart of stone were great though; blood & wine mainquest was mediocre too

Chrono Trigger by far

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Yeah, if you only played like two games in your life

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OOT if you don't count games having an impact on their genre/the medium as a whole
CS, it's an okay game but more of a cultural phenomenon like WoW
MGS series

Everything Nintendo, specially Zelda.

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If it's swill like Miller, Corona, or Bud it's just to get drunk, but there are quality beers out there meant to be actually enjoyed. I personally enjoy Wheat Beers and Strong Ales.

It's overrated, but definitely not the most overrated game out there.

And what's your take on the prequels and Bloodborne? What makes DSIII so bad?

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I don't drink alcohol (i'm a soft drinks loser) but i once was kinda enjoying one, i guess i was thirsty. On a side note, coffee also sucks.

It's cool that you have your answer template. I should do that for unpopular opinion threads.

A good game can be overrated dumb fanboy and botw isn't good it's decent

It's a masterpiece.

If you aren't drinking to get drunk you're a fucking idiot. Beer tastes like ass, maybe a few out there that aren't bad but still not something you drink with a fucking meal or something.

In the eyes of a child

There is no reason to drink alcohol other than to get drunk, except maybe as a 'hey I'm a fun person' social signifier. It all tastes like shit.

Summarize the video in meme arrows. I'm not gonna sit an hour watching predictable Nintendo dicksucking.

the gameplay is like an ubisoft game I'm being totally serious. I expected to play through witcher 3 but when I got to the main map and started revealing icons I realized just how fucking shallow the entire game was going to be so I uninstalled it

Why would you drink beer to get drunk, it has very little alcohol.

GTA V. Everything is downgraded yet it sold more than 70 million.

you're way off base with that assumption, and I can probably assume you don't lurk this board often

Because some people like a slow burn, you know just chill out on a hot summer day and kill a few hours. Also hard liquor for the most part tastes worse and a lot of people can't really stomach it.

zoomer thread

Sins of a Solar Empire

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persona 5 fucking sucked

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>Persona 5

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I broadly agree, I remember being introduced to Minecraft in late 2010 and thinking "this seems like a funny lego simulator, but far too much effort for such limited returns and not worth the price tag". Fast forward to 2013 and me teaching loads of kids at this session I ran where they were all fucking obsessed with Minecraft.

It's all about the publicity, that's what gets the moms buying it for the kids. That retarded jokebook with all the creepy "non-jokes" was ultimately part of a successful sales strategy.

Everytime it's mentioned here it's hailed as a masterpiece but I've played it. It's not that fun and you need legit autism to play the game.

After AND before. ALttP really exceeds at all the tasks it and Ocarina set out to do (aka the exact same), and as time has gone on OoT's 3D, which was so revolutionary that it made the difference back then, now doesn't stack up. Whereas ALttP's 2D has aged fine.

I used to like beer, but years of drinking it made me aware of its horrible side effects (hops are a monstrous xeno-estrogen and modern beers are choking with them, hence beer gut and the distinctive mopey weepiness of "beer drunk") and I happily stopped. I drink very rarely now anyway but have no desire for any beer besides a hypothetical, exquisitely crafted ale with no hops.

Fallout New Vegas, Witcher 3, RDR1/2, FF9

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>New Vegas
Weak bait, lad.

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any open-world """"game.""""

*blocks your path*

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Dark souls is level-based with clever connectivity between them instead of a teleporter + loading screens.

Never played the game, why is it bait?

Dark Souls is open world.

no it isn't.

there's no open world in

New Vegas is such boring shit and I'm mad I got memed into trying to tolerate it twice. I've never played anything so void of actual gameplay.

Wow. It's so fucking overrated lmao.

Shit gameplay, shit graphics, shit story, shit characters.

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>Tim Burton tier

S.T.A.L.K.E.R is good. I'm not stopping breathing just because is Reddit's favorite thing to do.

Many beers taste miles better of out of a keg due to the fact that they're not heat-treated like bottles and cans. Summer Shandy is very carbonated and a bit bitter out of a bottle, but out of a Keg it's literal lemonade. But yes, a lot of beer is just "It doesn't taste bad enough to NOT drink I guess"
IPAs are still for literal hipsters

Yes, it is.

Outside of Yea Forums: The Last of Us
On Yea Forums: EYE Divine Cybermancy

>HL 2
It's not tho

>40 hours to get to the second bell
jesus christ, I think I found it why you didn't like it.

funnly enough i didnt die much
the most i died was to that guy with the two dogs, the only time i had fun with the fucking game

EYE is seen on Yea Forums as a very unique but flawed game

Falseflag detected
