Can murder people

>can murder people
>can dismember people and stack their parts in piles
>can eat peoples corpses
>can't rape

Explain this

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hypocritical American moral values

what purpose would it serve?

What purpose does giving you a perk for eating an Elvis impersonator serve?


name one non-jap game in which you can rape

What purpose does cannibalism serve? Or dismemberment? Or drug addiction? It's to put you into the situation of a post apocalypse where society is lawless and the ID rules. And sexuality is the most powerful of all and rape would be very prevalent.

And you as the player are allowed to roleplay and indulge in being a savior or a pague upon the earth. So why should you not be allowed to rape?

hotline miami 2 :^)

gives u hp
>drug addiction
balance drugs

No one besides you five people would buy it, the company would lose all its investment and go bust.

why bother playing this boring as fuck game

>can't rape

you obviusly haven't modded it enough, still, no point in tainting this gem with that shit when you can do it with skyrim, get a better end result and not feel bad about it after

Cannibalism requires a perk, gives less HP than food or stims, and is vastly outclassed at providing healing from killing by the "That's good eatin'" (Or whatever the fuck is called) perk, yet there are many easter egs, several perks, specific animations etc. tooled around it.
Raping could give you well rested, just as having sex does.

I don't even want rape in the game, I think it'd be off putting and alienating, but this is a weak ass argument against it.

>food gives you hp
>perk gives you the ability to gain back hp from people you kill
makes sense
>raping gives you rest

install Sexout and Sexout Pregnancy

Eating people isn't off-putting and alienating?

Sex gives you "Well rested".

It's a staple of the post-apocalyptic genre to have cannibalism be a thing, and it's done in an over the top manner that doesn't really cater to the true horror of your actions. (Also it's played off as a joke in the fallout universe in several ways)

You can have a mechanical point for rape, but you're just gonna cut to black, and then what?
Like you can't do rape based achievements, or do a whole rape perk tree, so it's just gonna be the sex mechanic but the partner says "Please no" instead of "Lay down and let me take care of you" before it fades to black.

>It's a staple of the post-apocalyptic genre to have cannibalism be a thing

So is rampant rape. Video games are so pussified and childish.

fulfill incel kikery fantasies

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because you also sleep