Hello, we are the most successful games of this gen

Attached: 142434.jpg (474x475, 184K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Days Gone

>he doesnt know

>make mainstream designed by committee games to appeal to the largest demographic possible
>games sell well
I am truly shocked.

Where’s spider-man

>most successful games of this gen
This is not a picture with breath of the wild twink Link, some PoKEYmans, DODOGAMA BEST BOI, Rainbow Six Operators and Red Dead 2 Guy.

don't forget about the amazing spiderman game!

Attached: tfw no she-venom gf.png (2500x1414, 2.46M)

Also don't forget Modern Warfare 3 dude and some athletes.

The god of war reboot is garbage compared to the old ones

my fucking god why is it so much more popular than the old ones? I love the old ones and never knew people had an issue with them. They were the definition of western game kino

>Hello, we are the most irrelevant "games" of this gen

>most successfull games this gen
>objectively some of the worst gameplay vidya has ever seen

HZD > U4 > GoW 4
Days Gone haven't played yet.
I couldn't even finish GoW, because I was very disinterested in it.

Where is Arthur and John?

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boner, no, it's too early to fap

why does that nigga in the background reminds me so much of pic related?

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they are busy outselling everyone in OP.

ape escape babbies btfo

Shit games, but okay.

>16 million and counting
lol ur cute

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>Hello, we are the games that appealed the most to the lowest common denominator
Apart from the profit they made how is that an achievement vidya-wise?

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it's amazing how one image can trigger Yea Forumseddit so much

Imagine being consistently outsold by games about a fat Italian man

Fortnite and PUBG are/were more successful than these though.

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I've seen God of War and Spider-Man's UIs and they're identical.
Does anyone have Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone skills/stats/equipment UIs?

>No Life is Strange

> soulless garbage is popular
no fucking way

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Days Gone is an unironic 8-8.5/10. I'm fucking loving it and it's WAY better than that pretentious, psuedo-intellectual bullshit that was RDR2.

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That’s not Call of duty Fifa Gta5 and Madden

>All are shit games that no one gives a fuck about
Good one OP

I fucking hate that image and what sony has become

I literally don't know any of these characters except the one who vaguely resemble of Kratos.

>horizon zero awards
>most successful game of this gen

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Only GoW and HZD are shit games.

Attached: DAYS GONE_20190508002055.jpg (1920x1080, 193K)

>only 1.2 mill copies sold


Sales figures don't mean a game is good. RDR2 outsold everything (didn't it?) and that game is fucking garbagio.

Attached: DAYS GONE_20190509232112.jpg (1920x1080, 192K)

>my game is gen defining
>but it only sold 1.2 mill copies

I want pictures of Spiderman

>western shit

I'm not that guy. I wouldn't say Days Gone or U4 was "gen defining" at all. They're just good games, and way better than what most of the retarded-ass mouthbreathing normie-ass trash on this board laps up, which is hyper-ironic, considering how fucking mainstream and normie both U4 and DG are.

Attached: DAYS GONE_20190509002220.jpg (1920x1080, 243K)

>best selling
Best sellers are usually garbage.


Thats not FIFA, Call of Duty and GTA V.

Why you posting below 10,000,000 sales games?

Yes. Exactly. It's like 115-tier IQ, which is the midwit range where idiots think they're smart. Most of its plot is terrible. Retards just like Arthur and have no concept of good writing. As a game it's probably a 4/10. As a story it's maybe a 7, maybe a 9 at its highest points, but most of it is shit. But people say RDR2 is a 9 or a 10, because they're retards. Meanwhile, Days Gone is like a 4/10 story, but an 8/10 game, and everyone here shits on it because it's generic.

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why don't console players just watch a movie instead

and 4/10 story is really only speaking of plot. Deacon is a great character, though obviously not as good as Arthur. I've grown to fucking love Deacon over the course of the game, despite how weird he is.

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i wonder why

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Woah... Guys, what if these characters were actually just actors shooting movies, which is why they pal around off the set?? What if sonyverse is actually all taking place in the same world and all the games are just movies?

fuck humans

Where's Fifa, COD and Minecraft?


Attached: MW-GG926_gta_5__20180406123302_NS.jpg (640x1766, 264K)

>the good side is all niggers and women

They aren't even in the top 10 best sellers on PS4. Lmao

FIFA, gta, cod and Minecraft. Absolutely embarassing

So that wors has no meaning anymore, huh?

GoW didn’t even register on the ps4 chart lmao

>Most successful
>forgotten within a week of their release


that's a sony exclusive alright

>Yes. Exactly. It's like 115-tier IQ, which is the midwit range where idiots think they're smart
I've never spoken to someone who think they're smart for playing RDR2. I don't think RDR2 is an amazing masterpiece, but at least it's something vaguely different from the typical uninspired open world trite that Days Gone falls into. Keep seething.

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Just like in real life.
Maybe don't try to genocide each other when you're not trying to genocide everyone else will improve your image

It has to be intentional that he's incredibly autistic. It's endearing


It means it thinks it's better than it is. It's a shit game that thinks its "gen defining" and you faggots will give it those awards, so R* will never learn, continue to pump out ACTUAL movie games, and still get heaps of praise by you idiots. Meanwhile, totally great games like U4 & DG, which are mostly comprised of actual gameplay, are dismissed as movie game bullshit with no gameplay. The RDR2-DG phenomenon is the ULTIMATE mouthbreather filter. RDR is just shiny enough to appeal to midwits, but it doesn't fool smart people who know games. Days Gone looks like crap at first glance, which scares off shallow people, but actually has a ton to offer the discerning player who knows and likes video games. Days Gone IS the game RDR2 should have been. It's a big, fun, rural open world game.

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based and honestpilled. I enjoyed both U4 and Days gone and while they are great games they are definitely not gen defining. I honestly can't think of one gen defining game though

You can't just post a chart like that and not provide the source

>no spiderman
>no hunter
Idorts are the only ps4 owners with good taste

cope, brainlet. i'm over here actually enjoying a video game while you pretend you like watching a horses ass for 100 hours so you can watch stiff, wooden characters say cliche'd horse shit in cutscenes that book end shooting gallery missions.

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Actually that would be madden, mariokart 8, and fortnite

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days gone is trying so fucking hard to be rdr, its funny. Even down to the "protagonist rides somewhere while emotional music plays" trope. Sadly, it's also clunky, got terrible writing and the open world is basically ubisit with zero soul.
>Days Gone IS the game RDR2 should have been.
Literally the only thing Days Gone has over RDR 2 is less input lag. It's worse in every other aspect.

because this is a bait thread so they can only use sony exclusives

This has to be bait. Uncharted 4 does have some pretty solid fundamental mechanics and its narrative is a step up from previous games, but you'd have to be insane to replay it. RDR2 falls into that same camp of being a game that's basically unplayable due to all the moments of minimal interactivity by the way, so I'm not saying one is better than the other here. But at least they're both cutting edge in their technical aspects, Days Gone isn't even that. There's no hook to Days Gone, it's just generic open world design that might occasionally have its sparks of genuine enjoyment, but it almost certainly doesn't justify its run time. It's about as shallow as anything could possibly be.

all i can say is.............YIKES

>he thinks all western video games are fucking trash

$0,01 has been deposited to your account.

>and the open world is basically ubisit with zero soul
Oh, so you haven't played it. Good to know.

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even League of Legends was more successful this year than all those games combined
very yikes

those words... you don't really know the meaning of them, do you?
why doesn't it surprise me that someone who loves days gone is dumb as a rock?

Why is snoy completely unable to make likeable or memorable protagonists?

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RDR1 was way better than 2. And before you say "they're the same game," yes, exactly. Which is why RDR2 is so fucking bad. It basically does nothing different than 1, has way better tech, and yet still manages to be a terrible game in comparison.

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Kratos is genuinely pretty likeable. Same with Joel.

Cause they're generic White protagonists

We need more protagonists like Kat

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ah, written like a true midwit. I can clock you fags before you even speak.

That's kinda depressing

I think its hilarious
seeing snoy delusion on display is one of my favorite things in the world
remember when hzd was going to be the "zelda killer"?

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Kat's shit though. Completely shallow. They almost do interesting stuff with her like civilians blaming her for misfortunes but they don't actually go anywhere with it.

ignorance is bliss

>god of soi
yeah, not even back when his games were good. Hes generic as it gets
I don't even know who the fuck that is. Is that the uncharted guy or the soulless biker game guy?

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I'm the Days Gone guy, and I think both HZD and GoW are unironic dogshit. So I'm not just a snoyboy. I just like vidya.

Joel's from The Last of Us. At least play the games if you're going to shit on them. I agree that they're pretty homogenised in a lot of ways, but at least I've played them.

>Imagine playing games with white protagonists
>Imagine that people only play western games and not Japanese ones

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>Playing nonwhite characters

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I like vidya as well. That's why I love dull, repetitive open world games with a lack of polish that don't even attempt to do anything new.

You're referring to RDR2, right?

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Extremely based

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>open world
>open world
>open world

fuck off with the goddamn open world garbage

Haven’t played a single one. They all look like boring trash

RDR2 doesn't lack polish though

more like the s o y games

the single point you might have. unless you play on a base ps4 or xbox and have to deal with 20fps in most cities and pixelated hair/shadows all over every character in every cutscene. Srsly, that plus the absolutely ANCIENT face tech for everyone but Arthur makes the game feel like a 360 title.

Attached: DAYS GONE_20190505154452.jpg (1920x1080, 412K)

>makes the game feel like a 360 title
in most cutscenes**

Kratos, Alloy, Drake and... who's the guy in the back of the picture?

Deacon St. John

Sony hates non realistic graphics because casual console players thing more realistic graphics are more impressive and can't appreciate any other kind of graphics style.
It's a miracle Gravity Rush 2 ever got funded.

not true

>and I think both HZD and GoW are unironic dogshit

Where's Joel from The Last of Us?

Imagine getting the reputedly Weaboo console, only to find out that all of your weaboo games have been censored and therefore vastly altered from what the Japs intended.

I mean I don't even really disagree with most of what you're saying. I'm merely saying that the actual playing of Days Gone is fun, where as that is not the case in RDR2. I'm not sitting here saying Days Gone is game of the gen or incredible or anything like that. I'm saying it's a solid, fun title, and is A BILLION TIMES BETTER than RDR2.

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>playing games with snoy progressive political messages
>giving them money to play them on top of it
ill pass my man

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and also it COULD be a personal favorite of yours if you really like zombies and the rural open world thing*

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Shitch has already overtaken the goystation4 in nippon land so its era as the weeb machine is over
I think its good tho, more time to focus on sony california games and open world movie games

Good shitpost my guy.

I own them all. Played them once and now they are collecting dust on a shelf. Buying consoles and exclusives is retarded as fuck and I'll be skipping the Ps5.

>he doesn't know

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No, I meant the last segment, sorry.

Im also skipping the ps5 as I have an IQ above room temperature and no brand loyalty

can someone explain why the god of war reboot is considered better and more universally received than the old ones? it might be one of the first times I feel like a contrarian for video games. I just didn't like it at all.

The old ones were kino as fuck and got to the fucking point. Crazy weapons,violence,great music,story was to the point but great,sex,etc.

> OP confirmed as a Faggot Snoy Fanboi
This is the best selling first party game this gen
16.69 million

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I've not even heard of "Days Gone" until this thread and I'm here every day.

being starved for games is a hell of a drug

a bunch of soulsbabbies who never played the originals.

GoW is 10/10 kino for like the first 2 or 3 hours, until you get back from Alfheim. Then it just fafs about and sucks dick forever. The only good part post-Alfheim is when you get the blades and go ham in that darkened arena by your house.

because they're both smiling? idiot

Good joke kids, made me smile.

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its a generic as fuck game
Not bad, not good, looks identical to most sony releases visually.

I find that very hard to believe. It did have weird marketing, but it was pretty damn controversial when it dropped last month.

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I'd rather spend that 50 hours from Days Gone on other titles that might actually do something a little different, even if they don't necessarily stick the landing. I agree that RDR2's gameplay should've received more attention from the devs, but at least it's not the same as every other open world game I've played. It doesn't feel like it's padded with repetitive nonsense that's ultimately meaningless, it feels like each part of it had some level of consideration and effort put into it, which already puts it above most other open worlds.

>its a generic as fuck game
100% true. Still 100% irrelevant to one's ability to enjoy it if they like zombies/open worlds. Generic literally means "characteristic of or relating to a class or group of things; not specific." That does not mean bad. People think every game has to revolutionize something in order to be considered good. How about just making a good video game with the tools that other games have given us?

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>I'd rather spend that 50 hours from Days Gone on other titles that might actually do something a little different, even if they don't necessarily stick the landing.
That's your choice. It's your money. And a year or two from now, when you get it on sale for 10-20 bucks, you will know I was right.

>It doesn't feel like it's padded with repetitive nonsense that's ultimately meaningless
ok now this i just don't get.

Days Gone's stuff isn't meaningless, because it's actually fun to engage with. Has zoomer-culture permeated gaming so badly now that everything has to have a progression system or an amazing story to justify playing it? And I mean, this game does have both of those, just mediocre. But I'm not really thinking about my level ups or the story as I'm riding around the wilderness and running away from hordes and getting close-lined by bandits and beset upon by wolves all the time.

oh, sorry, I read that as dollarydoos

Also, as someone who has played both, I can say with 100% certainty that my time was much more wasted slogging through the bullshit that is RDR2 than it has been powersliding around hordes on my motorcycle.

Why do sonybros just asume RDR2 is exclusive to playstation?

Which one of those characters are from fifa, madden, gta V, red dead 2, ghost recon, fortnite and pubg?

kys you subhuman sony nigger you shilled all these of these non game s

>ok now this i just don't get
It's the shitty checklist design of things not feeling hand crafted, but instead feeling half arsed just to add more to the game.

looks like garbo

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whatever, schizoprhenic. i love it when you people say that shit. it reminds me that I really am edgier than the tasteletes on his board. My shit is so controversial that the NPCs default to shill.exe.

Attached: bear.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

plays way better than your shit.

I wouldn't say that. I enjoyed the progression in the game a lot more than in a ton of other modern titels. Mainly because it actually feels like there is a real tangible difference when you pick up a better weapon or increase shit through skills and nero injectors. It significantly helps you on your journey. A lot of reviews actually label it as too slow because you need to git gud at the beginning.

Snoy is an embarrassment

Attached: rdr bear.webm (640x360, 2.62M)

you are subhuman all 3 games are not games just like how you are not a person i win nigger now kys stream it

Infamous second son and Spidey are the only fun ps4 exclusives.

Rdr2's is legitimately horrifying to watch.

>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe sold higher than uncharted
>Mario Odyssey sold higher than God of War
>Smash Ultimate sold higher than Horizon Zero Dawn
>Breath of the Wild sold higher than Last of Us

What did OP mean by this?

>hurting the bro bears

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Reggie was right

My god those animations are terrible, No wonder they delayed it 6 months after RDR2 dropped


Their last big game was a Uncharted spinoff Vita title, did you really expect something amazing in quality?

lol imagine actually being a Sony console owner

I know right? Having all those great games to play, what losers!

>hur durr animations
absolute fake gamer

ok, but what checklisty stuff? Also the world does feel pretty lived-in/hand crafted. Walking around the camps like in RDR2 actually works slightly like it does in that game. (slightly, don't jump down my throat).

What checklisty stuff is in DG? The only thing I can think of is nests and checkpoints, of which there aren't many per region. Most of the time is spent doing story missions or aimlessly exploring. I'm never following a checklist.


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*mediocre movies to watch


wtf does that have to do with anything? roflmoa thank you for proving my point, dumbass

but RDR2 isn't a snoy exclusive, user

Aloy a cute

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PS4 exclusive games are peak soi and no one can dany this fact, despite what snoy nigger say

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grug me no like game with story grug me like gacha shit

I actually like Gays Done eventhough it's pretty much a collection of instant yikes for me in terms of mechanics.

I think it's because of how "solid" and "weighty" the whole game feels. It just feels good to play. Which is nice I'd you opt to go for the quantity > quality approach.

Are you 12? Why are you talking like this?

>this gen
That's not RDR2, Near a tomato, MHW and BOTW
also fortnite for master race rep

why did the triggered jannie deleted my post? are snoyboys really that sensitive?

Attached: ggg.jpg (330x332, 76K)

Why is god of war 4 so praised? The game play is shallow and the story is nothing remarkable.

Why are always the snoys making threads like this?
I've never seen threads like this one with Mario or Zelda.

>Yes, I love all of those games

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Low effort Phoneposting.

Now do overall revenue and money in the bank

>thread about sony and sony games

>if a game I like sells well, it's "fantastic" and "high quality"
>if a game I hate sells well, it's "pandering to the retarded normalfag masses"

Epic thread guys.

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Why Nintendo and PC games can't look this good?

I'd respect Alex Jones if he'd stop trying to push his garbage products.

so mad lol

Breath of the wild literally has a higher metacritic score and sold more than all of them on a much more dismal install base

Because God of War is for casuals.

holy fucking

damn, you're smart. I was taking a shit.

>When a fucking port of a WII U game outsells Sony exclusives

>anything that ever has to do with money ever is a commentary on ancap
imagine being this blue-pilled.

>looks like garbo
ok, kid

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Why can't the west into chara design?

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I don't get it either and I enjoyed the PS2 games because they had a somewhat unique concept going for it yet all that seems to be changed for a dad and son trip, seriously if you told me GoW was going to be considered a top 3 Sony exclusive in 2019 I would have laughed my ass off. Maybe the PS5 remaster will be entertaining.

>no MHW
>no BoTW
>no Smash
>no Odyssey

>only two games there managed to crack 10m.

Considering that God of Boy killed the integrity of the series by being reduced to a cinematic movie game, how is it successful?

Kratos looks like a faggot on this pic, who makes these anyway?

Also someone post the avengers parody already I didn't save it yesterday.

>Why is god of war 4 so praised
Ps4 vidya drought. They haven't had a good game in a long time.

>that one autistic sony shill thats constantly spamming days gone

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>I've never seen threads like this one with Mario or Zelda.
That's because they don't care about sales and review numbers.

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It's always the same pics too, fuck this whole thread is giving me a massive deja vu

>no rdr2

Attached: 1548584188216.jpg (400x400, 24K)

And only a single halfway decent game among them.

>Considering that God of Boy killed the integrity of the series by being reduced to a cinematic movie game, how is it successful?
A game with 30+ hours of gameplay is now a cinematic movie game?


>Not BOTW, which actually succeeded as a console launch
>Not Smash Ultimate that had the biggest sales sales since GTA

Even the Wii U version outsold lots of Sony exclusives


>A game with 30+ hours of gameplay is now a cinematic movie game?

if you count "axe throwing" for 30 hours as "gameplay"

>This meme again

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cry more, niggers

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I have to upload my latest batch, but I'm too lazy.

Attached: DAYS GONE_20190510230327.jpg (1920x1080, 373K)

You are the only one who is crying at the slightest insult to your game tard.

>game with 30+ hours of gameplay
Don't kid yourself, it's barely five.

I can't argue with that. I'm still dealing with PTSD from release week.

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I, too, thought Uncharted was below me. Until I picked UC4 up for like 20eu because I was bored and never actually played one.
I can unironically say it's the game I enjoyed the most this gen, after Bloodborne. It's absolutely great.

>when squids outsold Bloodborne


>20 hours just rushing through the story
>50 with extra content

>e old ones were kino as fuck and got to the fucking point. Crazy weapons,violence,great music,story was to the point but great,sex,etc.
Because new one does this much better?Unless you like simplistic 8hr story of raging retard mashing square and QTE's in linear locations.

>zero awards
you wish.

Yes. Games aren't cinematic because they have cutscenses, it refers to the structure and presentation of the gameplay and the game as a whole.

MGS and Bayonetta have cutscenes, but they're not "cinematic movie-games" because the gameplay isn't structured like a cutscene, the gameplay and cutscenes are separate and you can ignore the cutscenese and skip them if you desire to no detriment to the gameplay. Uncharted and Dad of Boy are "cinematic movie-games" because the cinematic elements are woven right into every aspect of the game, including the gameplay. They are not separate, you cannot remove or ignore one because they're woven together. this is what make a game a "cinematic movie-game" not simply the presence of cutscenes.

Miyamoto described Star Fox 64's presentation as cinematic 20+ years ago, and all he meant was that the little intro scenes and dialogue were presented in a cinematic way, the camera pans, the shots, etc. not that the game was literally a movie you can interact with and was nothing but cutscenese.

Hello little league :)

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This. God of War’s plot basically ground to a complete halt after Alfheim, and the game becomes a glorified fetch-quest. I blame the semi open world mechanic, because it makes the plot have to have zero consequence. Which sucks, because it’s a story driven game.

I legit have no idea what they were thinking.

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Because it's best game last year and one of the best games this gen along with Witcher 3 and Bloodborne.


>MGS and Bayonetta have cutscenes, but they're not "cinematic movie-games" because the gameplay isn't structured like a cutscene, the gameplay and cutscenes are separate
So does in GoW and Uncharted, You are retarded.

Easily the most overrated game of the generation, Rockstar couldnt surpass GTA V or even RDR1 is terms of open world greatness

>MGS and Bayonetta have cutscenes, but they're not "cinematic movie-games" because the gameplay isn't structured like a cutscene,
I hope you didn't expect me to read past that. This is the biggest load of bull I've ever heard. Literally "IT'S OKAY BECAUSE I LIKE THEM" You can piss off with that logic. When movie games get thrown into the fire, Bayo and MGS will be joining god of War.

>a series with 500 billion hours of cutscenes isn't "cinematic"

GIve me a break. That is disgusting to even imply.

The combat is actually really, really good. It’s just wasted on boring genetically designed enemies.
People who say this typically have no idea what it means, and it’s an accusation that could be leveled at 95% of games.

Nice argument. Take tampon next time.

Have sex

That's not PUBG or GTA V

Have penis.

>Movies are considered video games now

2006 was a mistake. the PS3 should never have had a Blu Ray Player.

>It dosen't look like shit and has story so it's movie
This meme is old user.

>The virgin Sony characters
>The chad Nintendo characters

Attached: kzw88Fo.jpg (7344x1360, 1.7M)

If you could combine Witcher 3’s worldbuilding and creature design with GoW’s combat.....

Attached: 963F7CA7-78FB-40BF-884B-745C754DFF5C.jpg (678x846, 54K)

>Video games should focus only on looks and story
This meme is tired, user.

Nice pokemons you have there.


user, these games don't have gameplay. they're movies.

The worst is when people make up absolutely retarded justifications like "it's a JRPG, its supposed to have story!"

I don't really care. If not having story would make a JRPG unplayable, then throw the whole genre into the dumpster. It does not deserve to exist otherwise.

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>having story and good graphics removes gameplay from game
This meme is cucked, user.

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>2.8 billion vs 6 billion
>6 billion bar is about 5x higher than the 2.8 bar

there was really no need to do that, the numbers speak for themselves without dishonest charts

also growing from 25 to 125 is not a 998% increase

tell me when you've played more than 10 hours and the novelty wears off and you realize you'll be doing the exact same mission over and over again until the credits roll

>with GoW’s combat.....

and the game is ruined

>this meme is cucked
I think maybe your brain is, don't insert your shitty fetishes into conversations. And Sony seems to think story and "good" graphics removes gameplay.

Uhh, but that's fake. VGchartz is lead by a so(n)yboy and literally make shit up

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What games don't have gameplay?
>call them games
>say they don't have gameplay
What an incel, damn.

the left (sony fanboys) can't meme

sad. I loved both W3 and BB, but now I like them less after this post.

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>RDR2 is not a good game now
It sucks how you guys only wank games as long you can shitpost exclusivity about it

>no u
Holy shit, you are getting really pathetic and desperate now.
>your shitty fetishes into conversations
But this is what you said. How it's my fault that you are mentally challenged?

>hating all movie games, including those on the PS4, makes you a snoy fanboy

Console fanboys deserve the gas chamber.

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have sex


>but now I like them less after this post.
Cool blog, where can I subscribe?

What metric are we using for success?
I'm pretty sure the big 3 switch games have all sold more and with the exception of smash are more critically acclaimed

>hating all movie games
which post does that?

I got it yesterday with your mom, but it was so boring that even movie games are better.

I don't know what this post means, but RDR2's shittiness takes a while to set in. It can be a very strong experience at first. The world is beautiful, Arthur is amazing, it's a western game. But there's virtually nothing worth doing, the combat is terrible, the story is the sole justification for playing at all, and said story isn't really all that good. It just has a crazy good protagonist and some kino moments like Lenny. I think that's enough to fool retards.

Improved massively. nuGOW nailed the combat system, it’s fun to use and gorgeous to look at. They just left enemy/level design to three junior devs and a janitor, so the combat almost never gets a chance to shine.

And some egregious retard thought it’d be a good idea to tie Kratos’s damage output exclusively to gear level.

seeNotice the image isn't actually defending God of War. It's being used as an example.


There is nothing to defend. It's GOTY.

your mother's bedroom, that's where most of my best work is found.

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>no u
Damn, you must be toddler.

two different people doing your mom jokes this close together

nah that image is total bullshit and that's not what a movie game is, broadening the definition of the word moviegame is an attempt to triviliaze criticism against sony obviously so yes of course it's a defense

a movie game is a game that makes concessions that directly affect gameplay for the sake of being cinematic, the examples given there dont do that, having cutscenes does not make a game a movie game either by default

This lol, snoylent btfo yet again

>literally who
>the symbol of ND’s death
>walking dead
So this is the power of sony? Heh, underwhelming.

I didn't know you were into knitting.

lol how the fuck is that 'no u'?

speaking of toddler, you have a sibling on the way.

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He's taking the picture.

>the examples given there dont do that
actually to be fair bayonetta does in the form of qtes now that i think about, but then everything else about that game is pure videogame with all the decisions of its design made to serve interactivity and gameplay

summerfags in full force


>nuGOW nailed the combat system

No it didn't. It was boring as fuck and the lackluster enemy variety is not an excuse.

Why do modern devs try to make ambitious combat systems but ends up being boring as shit (like GoW2018 and FFXV) both simple as fuck combat systems

nigger I've been chained to this board for longer than my ego would let me admit. Your mom jokes are timeless. They're ironically dumb. Plus they're super easy, just like your mom.

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>being so mad at post that say he like game less now and cry
>not a toddler
You should stop talking about sex, you are too young and don't even know how to do it.

>a movie game is a game that makes concessions that directly affect gameplay for the sake of being cinematic,
So, like having long corridors where you're not allowed to do anything but press one button while pretentious music plays in the background, or having giant quick time events that are nothing more than excuses to show the character playing the game without any interaction from the player. Things that Metal Gear and Bayonetta have, respectively.

Bayonetta is 100% movieshit solely because everything is about style over substance. NOt a single person would touch the game if you took out the QTEs, the cinematic action finishers, and the hour after hour of cutscenes.

>inb4 "no I totally would"
sorry, I don't listen to liars.

>walk and talk

>No it didn't.
Yes it did. Combat had amazing variety and many enemies.

and yet says otherwise

>fighting, shooting, crafting, exploring, solving puzzles
>not games

>still incoherent
My pubes are probably longer than your dick.

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>Combat had amazing variety and many enemies.
literally how could anyone have possibly played this game and think--- oh right, this is bait.

Well yes, people who actually played it say so. Check opinions on metacritic. Your brain is bait.

>So, like having long corridors where you're not allowed to do anything but press one button while pretentious music plays in the background, or having giant quick time events that are nothing more than excuses to show the character playing the game without any interaction from the player. Things that Metal Gear and Bayonetta have, respectively.
sure yeah but then bayonetta is one game and metal gear has precisely 3 segments like that as opposed to tens of forced walking sections in games like tlou and the shitty camera placement found in god of war
>Bayonetta is 100% movieshit solely because everything is about style over substance.
style and gameplay can synergize very well without taking away control from the player like for instance in DMC and bayonetta borrows heavily from that series, the qtes and execution moves are definitely negatives
>NOt a single person would touch the game if you took out the QTEs, the cinematic action finishers, and the hour after hour of cutscenes.
so you're saying no one would play ninja gaiden, dmc or dark souls are you fucking retarded?
>sorry, I don't listen to liars.
nice prejudice there you ignorant console warrior

Who was the target audience of Days Gone? The zombies fad ended years ago.

No, its not, and I just explained why. Not my fault you're choosing to ignore it.


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>Who was the target audience of Days Gone? The zombies fad ended years ago.
>zombie fad ended

Resident Evil 2 remake still sold millions

So you like playing indie shit with AAA price?

mainstream consumer #9387246, that's literally it and it's not like they put very much thought into any particular facet of the game judging by the fact that it literally took them 6 years to deliver an open world tlou clone that still wasn't actually finished

>He's still lumping an action game in with literal walking simulators

you have no leg to stand on

>sure yeah but then bayonetta is one game and metal gear has precisely 3 segments like that as opposed to tens of forced walking sections in games like tlou and the shitty camera placement found in god of war
I'm afraid it doesn't matter user. Having them at all instantly condemns the games. They shouldn't exist period, and this is in addition to the disgusting cutscenes they have. Also, their gameplay is putrid. Look at how much (((game journalists))) praise both of them. IF they were any good, game journos would despise them for being too videogamey.

After all, this WAS your argument about why God of War was bad.

>style and gameplay can synergize very well
Yeah nah. Style is just making me watch a cutscene that draws out way too long. It's sickening filth.

>so you're saying no one would play ninja gaiden, dmc or dark souls are you fucking retarded?
Try going into a discussion thread about Ninja Gaiden or DMC without it becoming a cringefest of porn spam and tired out memes, and tell me how many people actually discuss the gameplay.

>nice prejudice there you ignorant console warrior
And pray tell, what console am I supporting here?

Pretty much no one but you has ever claimed the combat had variety/enemy types. You do the same shit, fighting the same enemy types, over and over and over again. This is one of the universally-acknowledged faults of the game. Even people who like that shitty game will admit it. Except you. Which is weird. It's almost like you never actually played it or followed any of the coverage whatsoever. Or, you're just that hollow-headed that a few draugr and the same copy-pasted troll over and over again qualifies as variety.

Oh, right, there were those valkyrie minibosses and those weird mole seal things that you barely ever see. And those acid witch things. I'm literally straining to think of others. Even if there are more, you still spend 90% of your time fighting the same tree zombies.

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??? when did I talk about a game? I only mentioned movies.

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>Pretty much no one but you has ever claimed the combat had variety/enemy types.
>You do the same shit, fighting the same enemy types, over and over and over again.
No, you encounter different enemies. Play the game before talking about it.
> Even if there are more, you still spend 90% of your time fighting the same tree zombies.
Except you don't you fucking moron. It's like saying in DMC you fight the same demons or Bayonetta same angels.
Combat is one of the most universally acclaimed things about this game and reason for high scores. Why does it make you so mad?

This is actually a good analysis. It does feel very indie in a lot of ways. But yes, I would say most people should wait for the price to drop to $30-40 before picking it up. Unless you really like zombies/innawoods shit. I spent full price, am not rich, and didn't feel like a single dollar was wasted. Like I said, I got way more fun out of this thing than RDR2. But your mileage will vary based on your affinity for the theme/genre.

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>Having them at all instantly condemns the games.
>one 5 minute segment is the same as 60 minutes of walking
this is bait isn't it
>Yeah nah. Style is just making me watch a cutscene that draws out way too long. It's sickening filth.
you are literally arguing against the very concept of an attack animation this has to be bait
>Try going into a discussion thread about Ninja Gaiden or DMC without it becoming a cringefest of porn spam and tired out memes, and tell me how many people actually discuss the gameplay.
ok have a nice day user you got me good

ok yeah this is bait.

also I never played DMC or Bayo, so I can't comment. But if they're as bad as GoW, it's worth mentioning it.

Also you're misreading what I said. COMBAT is good. Yes. Combat is well received. But VARIETY is not. So, yes, each individual fight is pretty good, but you fight the same bark boys over and over.

Do the Days Gone shills at least get paid or do they do it >for free?

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>one 5 minute segment is the same as 60 minutes of walking
Why do the games have even one second of this filth? Why do you defend it so fervently? Why take issue with me wanting less cutscenes and QTEs and story? I hate all of that with a vengeance, and video games would be objectively improved with that garbage taken out. No exceptions either. You can't start nitpicking when it's okay.

>you are literally arguing against the very concept of an attack animation this has to be bait
I am, as a matter of fact. An attack shouldn't take away my player agency. It should be an instant action that lets me get right back into the game. A 10 minute cutscene shouldn't be necessary just to do extra damage.

100% free. Do you have a game you love that everyone else hates?

Attached: DAYS GONE_20190505152816.jpg (1920x1080, 319K)

Xbox=Warner Bros.
Is this accurate?

They deleted my post for the n word? God this board is so fucking pozzed. Also whoever reported that I really hope you get die.

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really cringy. this actually shows white protags/gator's wet dream are as shitty as forced diversity.

western shit cant do anything good.

>but you fight the same bark boys over and over.
No, you fight enemies with different move sets. Stop baiting.

There’s the Seidr and Hel-Walkers, which are literally just reskins of each other. I watched several interviews with Barlog and he said there were cut bosses due to budget. But it seems like no budget was EVER allocated to enemy design, or creativity. It’s what keeps the game an 8/10 at max. even though I love the story and writing at my most pissed I’d give it a 6.5, simply because they had the balls to put in so little effort

I cannot WAIT for the day that all weebs are rounded up and dumped into mass graves.

Attached: weebtrash.jpg (687x1024, 268K)

Call them pedophiles, user.

And the elf bugs. I always forget those since YOU ONLY FIGHT THEM FOR LIKE AN HOUR

Hah good joke.

Yeah, you do, but it's usually some boring-ass combination of a heavy tree zombie, a shooty branch bitch, or a normie foliage faggot. They're ok for fodder, but they make up the vast majority of the encounters, and most of them can be cheesed with stun arrows and instakilled over and over again, or disintegrate with a hit or two. And you absolutely DO fight the same draugr over and over. They make up the vast, vast majority of your time. Their movesets are basic. Oooo an unavoidable grapple I have to dodge every once in a while. So what? The only slightly interesting thing is managing their stamina with your BOY. But it never goes anywhere interesting. It's never vital, and it's either impossible on certain mobs so you don't bother or piss easy on others so you don't bother.

Theres a difference?


>an hour
Of course, user! We’ve gotta get back to Midgard to fight more tree zombos, and listen to neat stories about what a badass Thor is, so we can get pumped to never fight him!
>but GoW is all about cool bossfights w/ gods

>you have to be an otaku to dislike western ""realistic"" shit
It looks like shit in jap games too.

No, you have to be an otaku to ever say the term "western shit" ever. I love jap games and western games. Anyone who says either is stupid as such is a subhuman nigger that needs extermination.

My point exactly.

Rosita Amici on Sad Panda, or if you can't find that Sexual Symbosis. And if you can't find that, grow a brain and find it.

why """"""whites""""""" are so soibased

you are not human i can kill you and be a hero you lost

SJW wetdream

grug oog bash other tribe member grug me defend 2d tiddies oog

Someone is mad :)

It's one of the most anti-SJW games currently cuck.

decade of frankfurt school subversion

>none of them black
Even asian characters aren't diverse enough for them.

And I say this as a ps4 owner
Bb is way better than any of those


>no game

lol whites defend this utter soi trash lmao

I refuse to believe hzd is successful. No one EVER talks about it except to say how successful it is or how no one ever talks about it.

I still see people talking about spiderman, god of war 8, and uncharted all over the internet. HZD never.

Name one way these games are onions. Is it simply because they don’t lander directly to pedophilic weebs like you?

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Variety of enemies is almost the same as DMC, even Draugr zombies have different types with different weakness and strength like long rage attacks, poison attacks etc. In terms of design variety is average but in terms of gameplay it's very good.
>I have to dodge every once in a while
Lol, you can parry, block, interrupt, counter. Like I said combat has massive amount of variety and even builds like in RPG games.

Yes, it's not a game.

Yet the games I am enjoying are none of these. Doesn't this ever get boring?

Cope some more

Cringe. This is what modern non-SJW gaming/non-forced diversity would look like. Whites are still corny as shit there. Fucking lame.

>parry or block
Except those goddamn uber-draugr that explode on contact. Fuck, those things are terrible on GMGOW.

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>anti anime nigger is still at it

Anime are usually trash user, grow up.

Yes, hello copy pasted bait OP.

Kratos is somewhat likeable, or at least old Kratos was since he was a big hulking retard.

Who said anything about TV shows?

Kiryu would onehot these lamest white cunts.

Anime games too, especially visual novels or most weebs games like Senran or Neptunia. There is reason why TLOU or Uncharted are still remembered and barely anyone care about weeb trash.

By shallow i mean they have no variety. 4 weapons and 2 fall off halfway. And the skill tree is LAUGHABLY BAD

>nailed the combat system, it’s fun to use and gorgeous to look at. They just left enemy/level design to three junior devs and a janitor, so the combat almost never gets a chance to shine.
LOL imagine being this wrong.

Play an actual good game faggot

It's a $10 game, and it was bundled over Christmas. Numbers don't really matter much when you discount things that deep. Terraria sold 25 million, that doesn't make it as successful as CoD.

>No one EVER talks about it
I love this "arguments". Do you have source? Did you make some worldwide Internet inquiry?

>I love this "arguments".
I love how ESLs think they are human.

There's many combos and moves.
>skill tree is LAUGHABLY BAD
How so?

Nice argument retard.

>games are released to near universal acclaim and excellent sales

what a soifest


>strong guys with women breeding kids
Imagine being this soish cuckold.

>no variety
I thought the runic attacks and skill unlocks provided plenty of variety. Not too many crazy combos, but I liked that the unlockable moves were actually practical for combat, and not just there to be flashy.

You still get a shit game

>muh success
Daily reminder that no current gen game comes even close to the quality of any game from the early 2000s.

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