
Don't mind me, just the best log and best block coming through

Attached: Spruce_Log.png (300x300, 9K)

>this isnt even my final form
pic related

Attached: .png (300x300, 12K)

the fuck is that texture

new minecraft wood

where the fuck can I find an active PVP SMP server for fucks sake, god I miss 2011 2012 when you could find tons of them with only just land claim plugins they were the best

>not quartz pillar

Attached: 1547658575378.png (498x798, 569K)

what do you anons think of my base

Attached: 2018-03-26_14.17.16.png (1680x1050, 2.01M)

Attached: 2018-05-30_12.20.12.png (1680x1050, 1.01M)

Attached: 2018-06-07_04.04.44.png (1680x1050, 1.4M)

it's shit
start over

Attached: 2018-06-02_22.33.58.png (1680x1050, 2.4M)


Attached: image.jpg (480x360, 23K)

Are you saying I spent all those days mining my 10,000+ quartz blocks for nothing?

Attached: 2018-05-31_00.54.26.png (1680x1050, 1.5M)


Attached: smoothstone.png (150x150, 8K)

I don't like the fact some areas are not lit.
Why have a cross if the different branches aren't leading up to anything?
End rods and iron fence don't go well together, different thicknesses.
Black glass isn't the most elegant, I would have opted for colorless glass.
Maybe a bit too square, lacks some detail, but I see it's work in progress so don't take this criticism too harshly.

Aside from that, maybe you could try and use a different block from stonebrick? It's a very good block, but used too much, it's just harsh on the eyes.
The new concrete blocks are very good.

i used a pallet of quartz, stone brick, stone slab & lava
Black glass has the least intrusive texture, uncolored glass just has those ugly lines going across it
I don't have access to it anymore, it was on a realm that I got booted from and they apparently reset the map

You may have used a pallet of quartz, but it certainly doesn't jump to the eye, the brightness of the quartz is overshadowed by the stonebrick and lack of light in certain areas.

It overall doesn't feel very interesting, it certainly does the job but it's size feels disproportionate for how you use it (I'm referring to the lack of factories, stockage rooms and others)

Don't take it as an insult but I feel like you should go and rework some parts then post the finished result.

That's usually the danger with stonebrick based builds, it's difficult to find a block that both doesn't look out of place and doesn't look like it blends in too much.
I think you should try something else, why not try nether stone bricks?

I was working on integrating a railway network spanning across everyone's base in the realm ( & ) and perhaps a storage facility, it also had a villager prison and holding cells for high-tier villager trades

that's the wrong kind of plank brah

What are some good mods that radically change the look of the game?
I remember seeing a screenshot that seemed like the blocks looked a lot less blocky, with cobblestone and wood blocks looking a lot like real-life material (probably also had an absurdly high-definition texture pack). Shame I didn't save it.

Attached: 1453307047904.png (340x340, 80K)

Probably a shader with a high res texture pack as you said

Too big and impractical. All you really need is a small room with all the crafting shit in it.

>new textures

I'm more of a concrete guy. The day I discovered the potential of concrete I was enlightened, it's soo smooth and clean and it gives everything that nice modern feel. The only problem with it is that it's really fucking annoying to make, and even when you do make the powder you still need to spill water on it. Terracota however can suck my dick.

>The day I discovered the potential of concrete I was enlightened, it's soo smooth and clean and it gives everything that nice modern feel.

Attached: the sand.jpg (1280x720, 58K)

But what if you are having a dick-measuring contest with the other server members about who can build the biggest and most resource-intensive base?