US considers 25% tariff on game consoles

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Other urls found in this thread:


wtf?! he was supposed to be /our/ guy!

>less kids online

Are they communists now?

Unironically based
Fuck video games

>Punishing console peasants

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tax on a luxury item, this is unheard of!

fuck trump! lying orange pig!
worst president of all time!

Lmao Trump is a literal commie now

>consolefags karma after supporting epic game store
Feels good brah.

A so called billionaire, really?



>fuck trump and fuck adults reeeeeeeee

>US b-btfo!!

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>its another 'no one reads the article' thread

Fucking Bastard, fuck Yea Forumspol/ and unironically fuck racism

How come video games always get the shaft? It's the best medium in the world yet you don't see books and movies get slapped with tariffs.

>Taxes good
>Trump taxes imports
>Wtf i hate taxes now
Preference falsification strikes again

tarif ads up to vat.

>console peasants paying for the wall


How many PC parts are actually made in the US?

If you ever gave a view to any newspaper then you are, per definition, part of the problem.

Didn't know Trump was a communist.

It's not a game console faggot. No import tariff. kys before we come and do it for you.

Whynot increase taxes for every luxury product instead of just on consoles? US is the most retarded country I have ever seen.

It's a tax on essentially all products that come from China. Guess what else is made in China.

Tax people not products
Realistically though, I feel like the biggest issue with more average class working individuals asking for the rich to be taxed more is that those same people are still most likely trying to climb the socio economic ladder themselves. Until you actually reach upper middle class or higher, most of America is fed the lie that if you aren't a millionaire you've somehow failed in life so you get all these people trying to work for "the dream" but they still want other rich people to get fucked over for it but when they hypothetically get rich, what then?
People don't think these things through I feel

Normies hate video games (always have and always will), so it's an easy target. The only familiarity normies have with video games is watching their dumb kids waste time and effort playing japanese propaganda.

I think those tariffs are on Chinese imports in general, not just consoles.

>PC 'masterace'
>is illiterate

Read the first paragraph of your own article, numb nuts
It's a tariff on China that would impact stuff being imported, not consoles themselves.
Trump's goal is to dismantle China, the U.S.'s only near peer, by encouraging either manufacturing within the United States or within other, non competing nations.

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You're mistaken boomers for normies(normalfags). Video games is the most profitable entertainment industry so it's extremely normalfag friendly.

a 25% tax on iphones would be amazing

>p-pc players are gonna feel it soon too. watch!
But I already have my PC, it's good to go for at least 10 years.
>you'll be sorry!!!!!
No I won't. The only thing sorry will be the sorry fucks that never grew up out of console gaming.

"Master ace" is the new PC version of the meme that's been developed by reddit.

>Tax people not products
>Tax people
>not products
nigger you don't need a PS4, it's an entirely useless purchase for you. how you can support a 10% tax increase on your personal GNI but r-reee when they increase the tax on luxury imports? you're a fucking fraudulent shit-eating retard

No it isn't. The popular "games" are just movies in disguise, and everything resembling an actual video games is derided as kiddie shit.

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So I get that the whole point is to make companies come back to US, but wouldn't that kinda fuck over the consumer since there would be a price hike since they wouldn't be outsourcing their production to a country that doesn't have any labor laws or factory standards??

>imagine being this indoctrinated that an article title is all you need to believe something
Its a tariff on many goods being imported from China specifically, not consoles themselves.

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remember to not vote Trump.
Unless you want vidya taxes

>if you're not ignorant and uneducated like me you're part of the problem
The absolute state of western civilization

>video games
Imagine being this poor

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2nd hand knowledge is like when birds vomit into their children because they can't disgest raw information on their own.

Movies games are only played by upper normalfags. It's mobile games that reach the normalfags and those are proper games even if they are garbage and casual. My mother never played video games in her entire life but now she plays some kind of game on her tablet pretty much every single day.


>ESL doesn't know what the term luxury means

If the company doesn't move and simply increases their prices to compensate, yes.
The idea is that people (us) aren't huge fucking retards and continue buying the already expensive useless shit.

why did I even support this moronic asshole

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This, Americans that don't live in big cities are fucking low test retards who can't think beyond their own nose in terms of seeing the results of these actions
Bringing back jobs means price hikes because of labor standards and laws here but in America the mindset of most is that working is bad and people don't want to work so of course they won't do factory production jobs, meanwhile they'll demean minorities or just workers in other countries for doing the jobs they're already too lazy to do. Big bunch of irony in this shit hole country

Same, but even normies know the difference between mobile games and console games. This is why your mom isn't digging through the closet to play your old NES. It doesn't count and it never will.

>commiefornian SJW cartel tries to take over control of vidya industry
>get defeated by taxes
based and redpilled. maybe i'd care if they hadn't of been working so hard at driving Japan out of the business anyway; as if i give a shit if the floor falls out from under retardera's tranny movie-games and those godawful chink-filled battle royale shitshows.
also reminder the city of Chicago already has an "amusement tax" on video games. government won't stop until it can steal every last penny through taxes

>not sure if bait or really this retarded

>seething that his shit job can't afford something as cheap and easy access as vidya

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>easy money on something nobody need nor even like
unironically based

I bet you live in some midwest shit hole don't you

I mean, this is the first act in a long time that's actually beneficial to the state.

Do what you always do, and go ask someone smarter than you.


They don't have the hand eye coordination to use a controller or pretty much anything more advanced than tapping on a screen. This is something one cannot believe if they grew up playing video games but people that started with video games late in life have immense trouble using a controller, at least for the first couple of times and they immediately become discouraged. Tapping on a screen is extremely intuitive and that's the reason smartphones and mobile games took off, everyone can do it pretty much the very first time they try.

Virtually all of your knowledge is second-hand, genius. Most things you didn't figure out on your on, someone sat you down and taught them to you. You're not being profound or edgy, you're trying to use willful ignorance to fuel your superiority complex.

>doesnt like vidya
>on Yea Forums
go away dumb /pol/tard

If this goes through it will set a precedent and let the gov't start putting heavy taxes on everything

You're an idiot. Do you think people maintain the same level of knowledge as they did in high school?

I went back to the source for everything, and lo and behold, a lot of it turned out to be bullshit because it was reguritated by a moron.

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the only good tax is a land value tax
remove all other taxes

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>set a precedent
Ever heard of cigarettes, user?

It definitively is in some very unlucky places like Latin America. Argentina's vidya prices are bonkers compared to everyone else for example

>posting a screenshots from reddit
>from the comments
>censoring the fucking usernames

please go back and stay there

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I believe it. 90% of Yea Forums couldn't even play Skyward Sword properly because they couldn't into precision.

Good just let sony, microsoft, and nintendo die at this point.
Just let gaming die and indies and pc gaming will save up.

>taxation is theft, why should I give the gubmint money I earn so Jerome doesn’t have to work?
>okay, we’ll just go back to import tariffs that protect the domestic industry but were lowered by jews to enable outsourcing and globalism
>reeeeeeeeeeeeee this is communism, let me import for free so I can support communist China reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

just get your parts from Taiwan.


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Every day I see us on top of this list I want to die a little more.

Tariffs force companies back into us
More jobs are in us
Government makes more money from taxing more job
Less unemployment being paid
Government lowers taxes because of this
Companies lower prices because of lower taxes

You are dumb as shit user

>I went back to the source for everything
Really? You went to see the actual wreck of the Titanic?
You read the Bible on the original Greek scrolls hidden in the Vatican archives?
You interviewed Holocaust survivors to learn about the event?
You counted all the ballots yourself to find out who won the 2016 election?
You performed countless experiments yourself to prove climate change?
You took all the time and resources to go directly to the source to obtain your knowledge?

>The Order
Nigger going full retard.

>imagine being so retarded that you take an ironic shitpost seriously

Apple is american so nah, Sony & Nintendo are Japanese, so fuck em

China is also considering kicking out apple which will hurt them enough to kill them later on.

Oh cool, so I don't have to pay taxes anymore?

>Yea Forums
>paying for games
haha o WOW.

The socialists would cause a revolution though, Starbucks and iPhone are the basis of their lives.

Taxes are what made western civilization great. Every failed empire from the Ottomans to the Qing crumbled because they didn't tax properly.

You're thinking de jure. De facto nobody's going back to the us over this.

Trump is acting like a stock standard Democrat with these taxes & no one wants to admit it because ORANGE MAN BAD

>pc gaming
>the current state of steam
There is a fucking reason all noteworthy indies of the last 3 years had a console launch

All boomer politicians dislike video games, no exceptions.

Is protectionism a good ideology? I'm thinking of getting on that protectionism train

Brainlets don't understand that you take short term pain for long term gain. Anything that "hurts" the all-important economy must be stopped. We need our cheap Chinese shit. If we got rid of the minimum wage and removed all environmental standards, the economy would grow exponentially. Why the fuck are these people against it?

The truth is, you either view it as a country with an economy or as an economy that is a country. Jews only care about the economy. There are more important things.

Fuck racism
Fuck hate
Fuck console wars

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European Union and China use it effectively. Must have some merit to it

>You counted all the ballots yourself to find out who won the 2016 election?

I did, but the democrats keep winning.

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The reason you’re paying so much in taxes is that imports were made cheap so big companies can pay profit from paying Cheng instead of Americans

Trump is basically a stock standard president except everyone hates him because a) he's uncouth and they'd rather be lied to by a charismatic leader and b) the elite hate him because he represents a threat of a populist uprising against them.

Apple already moved into india

>muh popular vote
Senate doesn't work that way, the House is proportional to population


This means nothing, Republicans didn't run in California because they split the vote in the primary & it was Democrat vs Democrat for the Senate

You are forgetting gog and piracy exist user. Devs only have console releases to get extra money but indies only sell on pc and the switch.
I feel like if fortnite doesn't die soon then epic will do something to fuck over pc gaming as a whole but I am hopeful they die soon.

I keep telling you idiots that as long as Citizens United stands it literally does not in any way matter who is president. They. Are. All. Bought.

If you want to know the real reason behind these tariffs, just look at which rich fuck is about to benefit from it.

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It is if your country has a huge unemployment and drug crisis while your most profitable industries give all their jobs to China for cheap labor and inhumane working conditions.

Frankly, the less business done with China the better since they treat sweatshop workers like less than human. It's morally correct.

The title is misleading you into thinking video games are being specifically targeted instead of Chinese imports because men who play video games lean republican

>a tariff is tax
based high IQ posters in this thread.

None of this matters though. The instant Trump us out the next guy (brown woman) is going to get rid of all these tariffs. Americans will rejoice because their television is a little less expensive today at the small cost of losing their job and massive inflation tomorrow.

No, slavery is unironically what made western civilisation great. Every single great empire was built on free workpower.

>best medium in the world
I like lootboxes, microtransactions, P2W, always-online DRM, Denuvo, unfinished barely working products too.

unironically based. americans only ruin videogames. keep them out trump.

That's my biggest criticism of Trump. He's set the precedent that whoever is the next elected President will just immediately undo everything the previous one did.

You can't tax slaves. Things that cannot be taxed are irrelevant.

Obama already did that to Bush

You'll still have to live with it until 2024.
Why do you even care? it's not like Yea Forums pays for vidya.

>the small cost of losing their job
Tariffs haven't done shit to bolster the job market, you dingus.

The entire point of tariffs is to pressure other nations into more favorable trade deals, ie. having the chinks manufacture shit for even less.

Technically you can but they wouldn't have much you could take

>you can’t tax property
>you can’t tax trade
Big think


I contemplated making that joke as well.

Anons small question.
Why don't we have slavery for criminals? Like if someone does a crime they become a slave to the state. Right now we are paying for their food and hospitality which takes money away from American workers. With slave labor we can get rid of immigrants and we can put less money in prisons and immigration and more into american people.
If this happens just remake prisons into mental health facility's to help with mental health issues.
Slave labor would make a shitload of money and solve a good amount of issues we have today.

This isn't about more expensive video games. Governments who can't accomplish anything because the next public official will just undo everything leads to instability and collapse

I saw those idiots re-elect Bush. You can't with certainty tell me it's not happening.

We do. Penal labor is a thing.

For crimes where there is no question of guilt like rape and murder not in self defense I wholeheartedly support this

>hurr durr better black out those Reddit names
Get fucked coward

Read the text of the 13th Amendment. Slavery is legal as a punishment for a crime.

>Companies lower prices because of lower taxes


We did, for millenia, but the results are always extremely shoddy. Work requires skill, which prisoners generally lack.

Like why are we paying to give these fucks food and a home for absolutely nothing to benefit us.

Aaaaand he lost me.
I don't care of the competition wants white genocide, if the cheeto fuck touch my bread and circus count me out.

Joe Biden is gonna get ripped apart by adverts of him touching women & kids

If you actually want people to read it, pastebin it faggot. You don't care though. You just want your clicks.

What are you going to do when they can't afford the prison rent? Throw them out on the streets?

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Nintendo would have to move assembly back to Japan.
Sony is fucked unless they move to Taiwan, same for Xbox.

Spoiled brats can afford more expensive consoles than young working adults can.

Either you pay with cash or you pay with ass

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I think most women voters are going to go "That's it?" when they see those videos. Aaaaand it's not exactly comfy ground for him to fight on. Biden isn't going to be the first one to talk about inappropriate behavior, but he'll gladly wait for Trump to raise that petard.

Dude just deport them man. Those fucks are going to go to Kenya.

I highly doubt it.

That worked real well against Trump

Your ass is already on lease if you're in an american prison. The prison alphas will divide your ass into shares and sell them for a pack of cigarettes

Buy American!

There is a single solid line you can draw from slavery through to emancipation into the current prison industrial complex.

God Bless America

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Prison labor has always been a thing. The 13th amendment specifically allows for it. It's also believed to be the reason why America has incarcerated so many people and tends to disproportionately target poorer people.

You don't need it to live.
As a matter of fact your life will go on as usual, if you don't have it.
Thus it's luxury.

All game consoles are made and shipped from china, dumbass

Start hanging people for every major crime from robbery upwards. Problem solved.

Chinese Taipei

You realise that America is a federal state?

Im just surprised at how resilient polacks are to suicide under cognitive dissonance and mental stress.

Should we round up Yea Forums /pol/ and turn them into double agents and place them in Iran? They would never break under pressure.

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They could build a factory here, and then there would be no tariff.

Books, films and music are not luxury items and neither are videogames. Game consoles, maybe, but considering it's the only way to play some games it shouldn't be any more a luxury item than a CD or portable music player.

Trust me; you really, really don't want to give your government the power over life and death.

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I'm personally in favor of adopting the nordic penal system.

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Why doesn't it work that way?

Once they realize you can almost outright buy child brides in those countries they'd never come home, they'd be going on about BASED ISLAM

You think the power to lock you in a cage for the rest of your life isn't already power over life and death, little retard?

No protectionism always makes a country poorer properly enforced free trade is always the best

You realize that in the civilized world, you just compare the numbers and the bigger number wins?

>Extremely low revidicism
>But you don't get to see the bad guys get assraped

It's a hard choice.

The Senate gives equal representation to all 50 states in its legislative body. 2 votes each. This is to protect lesser populated states and give them an equal voice in government. America isn't one unified state. It's a federal union made up of 50 individual states and numerous incorporated territories.

Literally the only thing separating hardline Islam and your average /pol/-poster's ideology is the accent it's spoken in.

Absolutely not. Prisoners can always be released. You can't undo death.

Why is the left suddenly defending China over this? They do realize China is actually evil right?

>religious fanatics
>then it drops to a dozen
it literally proves how good it is

Don't worry, you could be France hiding in the middle of that chart but still getting over 30% of what you own every year taxed anyway.

Yeah but DRUMPF bad so the enemy of my enemy is my friend

I think you are mostly thinking about/tv/ but a good amount of /pol/ is closet pedos.

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this. If you don't have a Ford or a Chevy fuck off

But Toyotas and Hondas are mostly assembled in America by Americans using mostly American parts?

Be mocha chiniese bootlicking commies in here. Fuck China

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ahem fuck niggers and fuck tranny

>greatcomfort,esp. asprovidedby expensiveandbeautifulpossessions, surroundings, orfood, or something enjoyableand oftenexpensivebut not necessary

Dumb phoneposter

nordic system works because they're mostly white

>wants to fuck niggers and trannies
t. average muttoid

Kinda odd that American cars are manufactured in Mexico and Canada and Japanese cars are manufactured in America. Are Euro cars are manufactured in America too or are they all straight imports?

We really aren't. If we were then we wouldn't need a prison system.

You mean mongols

You havin a stroke m8

What do you think?

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>Luxembourg at the bottom
No surprise there what with it being a tax haven.

It's still at 17% so it literally doesn't make a difference unless you're both a billionaire and extremely hard to mollify.

They're made in China?

please take us president xi

>kike puppet from day one
>our guy


what did the american population do to get its quality of life reduced?

I make European cars.
Ask me questions.

Trusted the jews.

>Anything that "hurts" the all-important economy must be stopped.
>by hurting the working population

We deconstructed our society thinking it would make us "liberated"

>the House is proportional to population
it isn't tho

>he thinks Republicans won't run those ad's


Microsoft won't be affected because they have manufacturing in other countries besides China, What about Sony and Nintendo?

Ah yes tax everything except corporations, investments and wealth in general but tax the little guy
Drones will defend it

Yes it is. It's about to be realigned next year after the census, which is why states like California are pushing so hard to remove the citizenship question

Yes, and you will be the one paying for it, burguer-man, lol.

Originally? Reagan.
Currently? Citizens United.

and Bush did that already to Clinton
and Clinton did that already to Bush

This is a corporate tax & the corps pass it on to the consumer

It's interesting how Liberals notice this is a thing when Republicans do taxes, but not when Democrats do it

>Dismantle China.
>By increasing US citizen's costs.
>mfw Trumpongo is the new Obama.

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i know right? They'll call libtards pedos all day, but if you post a thread with a 13 yo teenage blonde girl as the op pic it always reaches bump limit.

Outside of Yea Forums, /pol/ is the biggest pedophile board on the net.

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Yeah each state gets at least one then the remainder is allocated roughly proportionately, but because each state gets one and the number of Representatives is fixed some states actually lose Reps.

Trump is trying to change the census to include a question that isn't relevant for the purposes of the census anyway.

they killed Kennedy when he wanted to get rid of the Jew once and for all

I love memes like the next guy, but I seriously want to understand the logic behind punishing your own citizens for virtually no gain
How could the trade-deals with China get possibly better? I thought that China produces as cheap as possible

>Govmnt taxing entertainment that keeps many people occupied and content.
What's next, them taxing chips/snacks and Mnt. Dew/soda at 25%?

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Obama already taxed Soda

But VAT has basically nothing to do with tax havens. They aren't taxes on income, nor can they be exploited to any reasonable extend.

What part of it don't you get? The punishment? How does it benefit the state if its citizens turn into spoiled little shits?

wonder how far they'll go, maybe people will get tired of it and then there goes another circus to keep the people occupied.

thanks daddy trump

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We can stem it, the Chinese can not.
War mean sacrifice and the same is true for economic warfare.
Once we inevitably won this thing by Christmas, life is going to be much easier than before the war has begun.

The quip is that Luxembourg has a generally low tax rate on many things, it having the lowest VAT as well in all of europe is just another amusement.

Hungary has 31% flat tax, mate.

That's the problem, if a company wants to have access to the chinese market they are required to have an office/manufacturing plant or act in tandem with a chinese company, it's not about just cheap labour to sell cheaply to the US, it's also to have access to his huge emerging market that will probably become the biggest in the world. If the US wants these companies out of China they have to target the companies themselves, targetting China won't have much effect

>Didn't see this coming from 10 miles away.
Zion Don gave his daughter to a Jew

It's relevant for deporting illegals and punishing states that harbor illegals.

But the difference is minimal. Look, let's say you jump through all the hoops, check with your legal staff and ultimately end up taking a risk with offshore accounts, and what do you get? A very slight decrease in taxes? To even notice the results you'd already need to have more money than you could ever hope to spend in a lifetime. It's disgusting.

Sales tax is a thing in U.S, yes. And some Dems are pushing for health taxes on soda, for example.

So nothing that the census was intended for then? Yeah exactly. If it reaches the SCOTUS it shouldn't stand but if it does that just shows the last two SC appointments were not correct and the Dems need to appoint 2-4 more to make up for them.

Wait what's wrong with taxing soda? Diabeetus is the new plague. Video games (exception: Tibia) don't kill people.

Yes in the civilized world like... the EU?

user why are you reading so much into this? I just want to talk shit on Luxembourg.

I can't get a fucking head in this world. This isn't just going to increase the price of video games but damn near everything being manufactured in China. Couple this with the fact I'm in massive debt thanks to being suckered into going to college; working minimum wage while my worthless degree collects dust. Fuck this shit, I might as well kill my fucking self and save myself the trouble of trying to stay afloat.

>Jus-just endure it.
>Meanwhile China's government is unified.
>America's isn't.

>Playing a battle of attrition with China.
LMAO! You're not the Brits, Amerifat. You're not even the Mongolians in this fight with the bugmen. Enjoy another round of hyper inflating deficit with no benefits.

Census is a tool, tools can have multiple purposes
You tried stacking the courts back with FDR and it didn't work then. If you'd like to continue down the path of the balkanization and destruction of our democracy at least stop trying to ban firearms

>I love memes like the next guy
No you don't, you fucking liar.

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>hurr just tax it cuz its baaaad
Might as well tax air at that point

Do it, niggerfaggot.

whatever happened to the wall? they stopped talking about it

start pumping out kids and collect welfare checks

>American citizens have seen a constant reduction in quality of life since the 80's.
>N-nut up, faggot! Y-you're all spoiled fucking brats.
This is what Republifats actually believe.

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No one stopped talking about it. You just stopped paying attention.

Air is bad?



....... What?

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You and I both know I'm too afraid to fucking do it.

>American citizens have seen a constant reduction in quality of life since the 80's.
>Y-You're privileged you bigots. Your problems aren't real, try being (INSERT MINORITY HERE)
This is what Democunts actually believe.

>we can stem it
It would be hilarious if the Chinese would just enact retarded policies like USA having to pay back chinese loans through tariffs and shit

>election season gearing up
>ALL boards flooded with propaganda
>Targeting places Trump fans gathered last election.

Yep. Nothing suspicious here at all.

Reminder: If these fags had it their way, everyone on Yea Forums would be doxxed and sent to Nuremberg style trials for daring to question why Solid Snake is now a translesbian furry.

100% of people who consume air eventually die. Open your eyes sheeple!

If Obama passed this tariff, people would be praising him

The Left hates taxes when Republicans do it

Works for me. France did that to Mexico once and they just refused to pay.

We celebrate it. It's called Cinco de Mayo.

>Census is a tool, tools can have multiple purposes
The census was established in the Constitution for one purpose, to count the number of people in each state so Reps can be allocated correctly. No part of the Constitution specifies only citizens are counted in the Census and in fact history would show that there were people living in those times that were not considered citizens but were counted (ie slaves). The Census' wording is not accidental it was no doubt fully intentional therefore any attempt at putting something like a citizenship question in the Census which could very well dissuade non-citizens from participating should be unconstitutional in any sane Court.

Based Trump, fuck consoles, they ruined games by making them mainstream

>War with Iran

>Tariffs on my toys

I love the wall. I just wish it would drain more resources so the US has to stop everything else they're doing.

If I get rich I should be taxed more than when I was poor. It won't be a problem because im fucking rich and still have way more money than I did when I was poor so its fine.

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>Has to assume everyone is an SJW or he literally has NO argument.

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>state facts
>"t-t-those aren't real, you're just a libcuck! how could anyone seriously think proven facts are facts?!"

>tax everyone except those who have overabundant money

gee I wonder why

Sorry lefty, no extra seats for importing millions of spics. Enjoy the economic benefit they've brought to your cities though!

>all the asshurt trannies in the thread suddenly pretending taxes on daddy's money affect them

sorry sweetie but the workers party is winning right now

>Solid Snake
I'm pretty sure you meant to say Gender-Fluid Snake.

95% of all homicides are commited by people with Windows on their PC

And I respect you guys for sticking it to the french
the butthurt is always delicious when remind them about it

>there is a difference between left and right
Trump is doing literally the same things Obama did, the media just pretends he is bettee


Everything poor people say does nothing but further demonstrate the necessity of their extermination.

I mean ffs it's so simple
Why should a man dying of thrist give his glass of water to a drown victim

>this is what poor people actually believe

Attached: laughing politicians.png (674x449, 427K)

Based as fuck. Chinks and poorfags btfo.

If you can afford to be a gamer, you can afford to pay a bit more tax

kek if this happens console gaming is finished for good in Canada

so glad I'm a PCbro

user the slaves were counted as 3/5 of a person and that idea came from the "abolitionist" north. The only reason the south wanted their slaves counted was so that they could game the system to get more representatives despite slaves legally not being considered people. That's literally what states like California are concerned about. They want their under-the-table workers counted so they can inflate the amount of funding and representatives they receive. We have a huge immigration crises going on in this country. The system is completely broken, courts are backed up for 5 years or more, facilities are overcrowded and filthy, 100,000 people illegally cross every month, it's time to do something about it.


>workers party

Attached: tenor.gif (442x266, 762K)

You're an idiot, tariffs hit the poor and middle class disproportionately because shit being more expensive matters less to people who have a shitload of money.

If Trump passed legislature to tax the wealthy libs would praise him because that's a liberal policy. It would definitely be backhanded shit like "oh wow trump did something right for once" but they wouldn't hate a good policy because of the man who made it.

Do you believe importing millions upon millions of homeless scabs who work under the table will fix this?

I WANT to help you, but insulting people has NEVER worked.

Do you think ANY of us would have a problem taxing Google/Facebook/Disney at 80%?

Do you think any of us oppose AOC's support for carbon neutral Gen IV nuclear that would lower our electric bill?

Do you think a bunch of guys who are SO worried about their class being too poor to afford to have kids can't be talked into universal healthcare if you addressed their fears of abuse and mismanagement?

These same redditors support Bernie wanting to raise taxes massively, but get angry at Trump because PS4 might cost $50 more

Fucking idiots, you are lucky Trump doesn't go full European Union & slap a 25% tax on everything

This is why the working class votes against their economic interests. Because the party of the working class think it's a fact that their problems aren't real

If I become a millionaire I encourage them to tax the piss out of me, I will be fine. I make it now on 30K a year and live comfortably.

I doubt this considering Trump has made great efforts to strengthen relations with Japan as of late.

If the Court ignores Constitution then it will just add fuel to the already growing call to pack the Court. When FDR was considering it his own base was against the idea but right now the base is the one for the idea and the politicians are the ones hesitating.

Not to mention McConnell personally packed the court himself for like a year. The precedent has been set.

uh, excuse me? Rethuglicans are the people that don't trust the government to properly redistribute capital to the needy, so I must reiterate that the workers party is WINNING right now.

>Do you believe importing millions upon millions of homeless scabs who work under the table will fix this?
But republicans and Trump do this too

There's no way you could believe this unless you've never listening to a Bernie speech and instead just imagined what his policies are. Trump literally copied his whole worker empowerment platform from Bernie

PC Master Race wins again!

Attached: 1542940713987.gif (554x400, 238K)

>a constant reduction in quality of life since the 80's.
not really

You liberals are so close to getting it, so fucking close

what you said about raising taxes only hurts poorer people because they don't have a ton of money, now try to apply that to when Democrats want to raise taxes & please understand they raise taxes on the poor & middle class too

I love that you think there's some way out of this that doesn't involve famine and killing.

I thought they supported Bernie because he's literally the only candidate who isn't in somebody's pocket? Why do you think Hillary got the nomination?

>obvious agenda against middle class
>inflation stealing your money no matter what you do with it
>cost of living going up while wages stay the same

When the revolution comes we'll eat you first.

Democrats stopped being the workers party since NAFTA

thank god

americans need to go outside and lose weight

No, you'll have far more important things to do. I am way... way... way... low on the list.

uh, you guys are on a marginal tax rate system. you can raise taxes on specific segments of the population pretty easily.

>Reddit screenshot
Kys yourself

They're targetting gamers...

Attached: +_aaf0d79b428efaeff75b945b249d41ac.jpg (846x472, 135K)

McConnel didn't pack any court, the worst thing he did was delay Garland's nomination, but Joe Biden already did that in the early 90's & Republicans lost a supreme court seat because of that

>Companies lower prices because of lower taxes

Attached: 1386181060668.gif (332x215, 1.98M)


>I love sucking tiny Chinese cocks for video game

They're the party advocating for universal healthcare so you don't have to be employed to not die when you get sick. Sounds pretty pro-worker to me.

That never happens though

Mate, VAT is a consumption tax. You can't avoid it.

The benefit of avoiding income taxes might save you quite a lot in higher income brackets though, since in Western Europe the highest tax rates tend to be 45-55%. Being able to get income at that rate ignored by tax authorities is quite lucrative.

A graduated income tax like leftists are suggesting taxes rich people at a higher rate than poor people (up to 70%), this tax disproportionately affects the rich (because they have more money and being taxed at higher rates affects them less, do you follow?) and the money they comes from the wealthy can be put into projects that help the poor because they have less. It will increase their quality of life. When you have more you should contribute more.

>earn ludicrous amounts of money thanks to living in a country that spends ludicrous amounts of tax money on creating and maintaining infrastructure, school system and subsidies that are necessary to enable your wealth

>I should be exempt from all taxation because I feel that my government is not working in my personal interest

Attached: jayavarman.png (642x426, 241K)

"Violence against women is just a part of the white man's culture" - Joe Biden
"This will not be a country of white people" - Ilhan Omar
"It's my job to shut white people down" - Sally Brown
"We are the descendants of Mesoamericans, and America rightfully belongs to us" - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
"The greatest threat to our country is white people" - Don Lemon
"When you're white, you don't know what it's like to struggle" - Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden doesn't & lets be honest he is getting the nomination

Main problem? It's a regressive tax, hurting low income citizens more than high income. That's not ideal for a tax system.

And the control effect is smaller than one would imagine.

>Le immigrants may may.
We've been through this before, Cletus. America's problems go well beyond immigrants.
>Do you think ANY of us would have a problem taxing Google/Facebook/Disney at 80%?
And yet Americans vote for the people lobbied by the largest corporations in America.
>Do you think any of us oppose AOC's support for carbon neutral Gen IV nuclear that would lower our electric bill?
And yet Americans vote for people who continue brag about the pipelines their building and the coal mines they're opening.
>Do you think a bunch of guys who are SO worried about their class being too poor to afford to have kids can't be talked into universal healthcare if you addressed their fears of abuse and mismanagement?
The Revolution is coming. Every year, more and more baby boomers die from old age and more Gen-Zers become eligible to vote. All of them are seeing Zion Don's true color under all that orange.

>Tax people.

big shout outs to president trump i'm voting for him again in 2020

nigga did you just crawl out of a rock? that's been happening for decades

It never happens because conservatives block it you fucking idiot. Tax proposals like this are part of the green new deal and a basic tenant of any liberal policy makers agenda.

Orange man bad

bill gates...


Joe is right about white mans culture being shitty, but he won't admit hes a big part of it

Googling those quotes except the Bernie one shows most of them can only be found on /pol/, not even on fake news sites like Breitbart, nice shitpost user

>but Joe Biden already did that in the early 90's & Republicans lost a supreme court seat because of that
That's a complete fabrication if not a lie. There was no vacancy on the Court at the time and Joe Biden wasn't even talking about blocking a nomination in the first place. Joe Biden's comment was a hypothetical, he wanted any appointment to happen after the election so people wouldn't turn it into a political issue. He fully intended to allow an appointment if one came up but preferred that it happen after the election.

Then tax it until it shows results. Fuck soda.

Oh no, I forgot that Coca Cola and PepsiCO literally control the united states of america.

I don't get why Libtards are losing their shit. China pays the tarrifs, not us.

Both Clinton and Obama tax hikes happened only on higher income tiers, mate.

>vote for the people lobbied by the largest corporations in America.


He hasn't set out his policy platform yet. Also Bernie would have won 2016, so perhaps the Dems will give him a chance this time.

You'd deprive honest people of work.

Trump literally just stated they are hard at work negotiating a bilateral trade agreement benefiting both countries.

except a lot that money doesn't go towards that

Attached: yes.png (836x680, 659K)

The funniest part about this post is that you actually believe it. If you become a millionaire overnight, yeah sure, you won't mind, but if you earn that money legit, you would be singing a different tune. You are mentally poor, and as such will never have enough money for that to ever matter, dumb luck aside.
I can't find it right now, but semi-related, you're exactly at the point where happiness and money earned cease to correlate. It was at least 10 years ago, so my information is out of date, but a while back they did a study on money earned vs. happiness I have no idea how they calculated happiness, but it showed that when you are less than 30,000 a year you are stressed out, because of how hard it is to live. The closer you are to 30k the less stressed you are. After that though, you are comfortable, but happiness doesn't increase equally.
Food for thought. I think you're full of shit about your willingness to give a shit about being taxed if you had more money, but you probably believe your own shit, and I can't blame you. You are however living right where you should want to be, and are doing just fine.

This is bait right? Tariffs end up getting passed onto us:

Bernie is an independent, he exists to get young people like you excited to vote for the Democrats, believing they will give you free healthcare & college, which they won't since it's not their party's policy

>Tax people not products
That's a fucking terrible way of taxing things. You don't tax the farmer specifically raising the chickens and wheat but you set the tax rate on the wheat and chickens themselves so a farmer that is raising cows and horses faces a different set of taxes and if the farmer(s) don't manage to make a profit on the products then they're not hit with double duty just simply for being a farmer. There's a reason why during the Gold Rush that there was a tax on the Gold and not the miners themselves.

Spaniard here. Reintegration doesn't work.

I woudln't be 100% sure of that. Biden has name recognition going for him but he doesn't inspire people like some of the other candidates. He's pretty much expanded his base as far as it will go already and only stands to lose overall as the election drags on and the bases of other candidates continue to grow. If the election were held today he'd probably win by a narrow margin over Bernie but there's still a long way to go.

Why are you biting the hand that feeds?

>except a lot of money doesn't go towards that.

Agreed cut military spending and redirect it toward infrastructure and social programs.

How are /pol/bros reacting to this?

Introducing restrictions to muscle someone into a bilateral agreeement is illegal. Enjoy your fine.

they dont play video games because they have sex

Says the person who's ancestors went around integrating themselves into other cultures and tribes.

You know that if they cut the military budget that all the money will go to illegal spics and mudslimes and then leave poor military families in ruin, right?

It's not even that. A lot of money that supposedly is directed towards these programs doesn't get spent properly.

I can't bite becaue my teeth rotted away from drinking untaxed soda.

Uh, didn't know that. In any case, I still support Trump's move

Like he did when he "disarmed" North Korea.

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Lol eat shit you fucking baby, I'll continue to recieve annual raises and promotions for the rest of my career and as my income increases I understand that I will be taxed at a higher rate for the benefit of those less fortunate. I have benefited from this system and others should too.

When are you going to get tired of being a bitter racist man user?

>They spend all their time fighting a twitter war with SJWs while they get fucked up by their party.


Attached: giphy.gif (480x303, 991K)

You're welcome amigo.

Attached: 412312.jpg (720x960, 81K)

James is a beta loser.
Ryan is entrepreneur and alpha.

Attached: James is a beta loser. Ryan is an entrepreneur and alpha..jpg (1300x800, 235K)

Why? It's not accomplishing anything except making your goods more expensive and fucking up the financial markets


Attached: ENOUGH.png (267x189, 6K)

it happens sometimes. i mean the whole point of the marginal tax rate system was so that the government could specifically target certain incomes for more or less tax. tariffs on the other hand do not discriminate on income. to balance this, government officials could offer a tax rebate based on how much revenue in tariffs they receive and make the policy revenue neutral. but that makes too much sense and the government ain't giving you shit.

Consolefags get fucked

Attached: e18843cc8145a4057aecd2ba3008332b4c5d0c03_311954_835_1200.jpg (835x1200, 323K)

Man, you're really gonna make me source all those quotes?

It doesn't happen because it's impossible. The government can try to raise tax rates as much as they want but they still end up collecting the same amount of taxes. Even when they had insanely high taxes on the rich, they didn't pay them.

Anyways, plenty of taxes inflicted upon the population by democrats are regressive and hurt the poor the most. Sales tax is a prime example.

Also, if you subtract government spending on individuals, most of the population actually is a net tax recipient, not a net tax payer. The rich are therefore the only people that pay taxes on net.

Attached: 400px-U.S._Federal_Tax_Receipts_as_a_Percentage_of_GDP_1945–2015[1].jpg (400x226, 16K)

Jokes on you i'm from the part of asia where the British reached first before Spain and France! But then I migrated, to another former British colony!

Of course. But thats the problem with political system in america.

Republifats say
>Close the borders! America First!
But then go and swing the borders wide open anyway to please their corporate paymasters

Meanwhile Democunts just openly say
>Kill all white men! Import the entire third world tomorrow and have them all vote democrat! Let illegals vote in elections because fuck having law n borders n shieet!

So should I vote for the milquetoast liar, or the person who openly, full throatedly, wants me broke, dead, my kids
raped and brainwashed, and
think it's funny.


It weakens China, which is the current number one global threat. I trust Donnie knows what he's doing

Hong Kong?

post more reddit screencaps pretty please

It shows results, mate. The results just aren't all that encouraging. Doubling the price of soda does not halve its consumption. The price elasticity is something like -0.3, leading us to conclude that taxing soda heavily tends to be a regressive tax.

Kudos for actually sourcing them

'bout 6 years ago

>rich people illegally dodge taxes.

That is bad policy should be enacted to correct it. I don't know what the fuck you're trying to say here, the wealthy should be less shitty.

manbabies on suicide watch

Good, maybe America will finally be able to afford psychiatric hospitals and finally lock up all the mentally deranged people.

...what rural area do you live in?

So you are proposing increased welfare for poor whites specifically.. ?

>you share a board with people that genuinely still believe Trump has ever given a shit about anything but himself

Nah, Burma. Now living in Australia.

t. not wealthy and thus powerless and irrelevant

This is why people destroy property.

good, anyone who buys consoles is a fucking idiot anyway

He is pretty bad. He hasn't done shit with two years and in the time, his party had full control and still couldn't accomplish anything.

>waaaah I can't pay $10 more and skip upsizing my mcdonalds in order to save the nation!

Whiny cunts.

This clown will probably send this tax money to Israel.

>China, which is the current number one global threat.
since when is China global threat? I thought economists were saying the Chinese bubble was going to pop any second now

Gonna need some sauce for that, user. Don't let me down.

Attached: 1558340777181.png (273x379, 185K)

China has placed equal retaliatory tariffs on the US which cancels out most of the benefit (

It did pop. But they're still pretty strong. Maybe 50 years from now when they have a massive aged population will things normalize for the world.


I wish this didn't mean higher prices on all electronic goods, but at the same time I hate chinese software AND hardware so much. Anything that pushes them is a good thing.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (480x480, 33K)

Mate, US gov is nowhere near Laffer Curve apex. Your graph plots U.S Federal spending, which fine and all, does not give the full picture, as plenty of the U.S gov spending growth has occured on state and county levels thanks to growth in U.S welfare spending at those levels due to New Deal and Great Society.

Attached: 16fivethirtyeight-gov4-blog480.jpg (480x375, 45K)

Factory jobs are changing to be more automated anyway, so really, the jobs coming back would still be few and require only human monitoring rather than actual skills.

There's nothing wrong with showing honor and respect, dipshit.

A good manga.

Attached: 1558335745269.png (1280x1134, 477K)

Good, so business will move away.
China is nothing if nobody depends on it, especially the US industry.

>weakens China
LOL, no. Its just given China an excuse to remove more of our leverage over them. Its not like they can't get their Basedbeans elsewhere. Meanwhile Trump borrows even more money from China to pay farmers to sit on their butts giving them more leverage over us.

>talks about economic interests
>posts quotes that have nothing to do with economic interests of white people

What the fuck are you even talking about, user? No democrat has said any of that, ever.

>we should let China destroy the world economy because anerimutts, fuck trump, muh games, seething /pol/yards, and have sex


While tax avoidance is a core theme, higher marginal taxation also reduces incentives to work for the most productive workforce. French and German workers work 15-20% less hours than their American counterparts.


You forgot
>muh free market

you are absolutely beyond help if you don't think the government can raise taxes on specific marginal rates to affect specific incomes. the issue of net benefit is not relevant. the issue is can the government adjust marginal rates to affect certain income groups? the answer is yes you fucking retard.

Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
Trump is fucking based and is making all the libshits cry and shit their pants. He’s building the wall. He’s making it so liberals know their place. Don’t forget that. Don’t forget why we voted for him and why we’re going to vote for him again.

I think he's trying to convince us that white people are being persecuted.

Countries that work less hours do so because they've attained more productivity. No nation could actually get away wtih being "lazy".

Attached: 1408748258575.gif (600x350, 17K)

>misogyny in the workplace has nothing to do with the economic interests of white women
>government ignoring your demographic has nothing to do with the economic interests of white people
>kicking white people out of the party of the working class has nothing to do with the economic interests of white people
>open borders has nothing to do with the economic interests of white people
>demonizing and profiling white people has nothing to do with the economic interests of white people
>ignoring white people living in poverty has nothing to do with the economic interests of white people

Astonishing that the UK isn't there when Brexit hasn't come yet.

Where does it say kill all white men? Where does it say let illegals vote?

>Countries that work less hours do so because they've attained more productivity
I've visited some factories in eastern Europe, fuckers just sleep or drink on the job.

how come liberals are so afraid of Biden? wasn't he our VP for 8 years?

They've always been doing that though
Old Soviet saying: "We pretend to work and you pretend to pay us"

The UK has the longest working hours in Europe and middle in productivity. The list is the highest vs lowest.

He's a straight white Christian man and he's not far enough to the left

> No nation could actually get away wtih being "lazy".
Yeah, I am not trying to imply that. Rather that thanks to U.S having relatively low marginal taxation for high earners, and Europe having relatively low, for highly educated and highly effective work force hikes in top tax brackets defers working to some extend. Less so in US - but increased marginal tax would, to some extend, reduce work hours of the high earners based on empirical evidence.

Relatively few people here in Europe work over fifty hours a week compared to US. And part of that comes down to taxation reducing the incentives of such.

isnt the Left going full socialism now? pretty sure not far enough to socialism is good for all of us

Attached: 1548818172853.gif (127x128, 203K)

Here in Spain we spend most of our time fixing the garbage tools and equipment we're given than using them. There's also dumb laws that prevent you from going home if you finish your job early so you're forced to sit on your fucking ass doing nothing once work is done.

Democrats openly push for bills which protect non-citizens voting in municipal elections. HR1 was the bill if I remember

There was also a high profile case of a NYT journalist saying kill all white men. I wonder if you remember it? She was never fired for it. Heck, she never even publicly apologized. NYT just released a statement saying "well we had her apologize to us"

>Another DNC tool with no backbone.
Biden is no liberal. He's a diet Republican. Worse, he has no spine. We don't want another paper tiger like Obongo and Zion Don.

"Liberals" aren't afraid of Biden they just want someone who more like them rather than a conservative Democrat. You could reverse the question and ask: "how come republicans are so afraid of Biden? wasn't he our VP for 8 years?"

Sarah Jeong, she's an editor for the New York Times. She's be an open racist for years but when this was brought to light, she doubled down and the Times protected her. Remember whenever you read an article from them, she partially controls what you get to see


Because he's a corporate sellout and doesn't have the interest of the common people in mind at all. There's legitimate candidates running like Sanders, Buttgieg and Warren that aren't corporate whores and do want to improve the lives of regular people instead of keeping the status quo and deepthroating the 1%

>>government ignoring your demographic has nothing to do with the economic interests of white people
oh I'm laffin

Full socialism? No.
Full retard? Yes.

The country won't let you elect anyone but a moderate. Putting up a hardline progressive is a great way to hand the election to the opposition.

>American Liberals.
LOL! You shouldn't use words you don't understand, animefatty.

Last I heard he was leading the pack.

Like I buy "consoles" anyway

>Sorry fucks that never grew out of console gaming

I'm one of them. I like having games to play, sorry :(

They want you to siesta for the fiesta

he's literally an elite himself

>what is Taiwan
>what is Hong Kong
>what is Macau
>what are the SEZs
and I am not talking about the secessionist districts here either. China may appear stable from the outside but it is easy to drive wedges into it.
The current liberal butthurt his nothing compared to it.

Laugh it up while you can, a lot of people of all colors, creeds, and ideologies are pissed off with the state of our country and the government has been severely ineffective for years now. It's gonna be like the 60s all over again

No second term confirmed.
You do NOT fuck with gamers!!!!!!!!!

Attached: 1528739161576.jpg (477x268, 11K)

>The country won't let you elect anyone but a moderate.
Trump disproves that himself. America's election system doesn't prioritize moderates it prioritizes highly polarized figures. Polarizing figures may drive turnout down but as long as the bases remain firmly in control then the one that is bigger wins.

Liberals love Biden.

>The march of tyranny.

Attached: 1558421532681.gif (500x264, 998K)

Liberals will vote for a literal tic tac over Trump, their opinion isn't the one you should be considering.

daily reminder obama was based and trump is shit

Attached: Reality Outside of Pol.jpg (849x520, 111K)

So, no more milk?

Biden is a Center Right corporate shill that needed to dickride Obama to come off as charismatic.

The Chinese are welcome to invade us.
You say you have more soldiers? We say we gonna dig more mass graves.
And this is considering they will ever make it to our coasts.

Trump is basically a moderate, don't kid yourself. What radical policies has he implemented. More or less none.

>this song is blocked in your country
What the fuck this is America I should be able to listen to any song I want


Move assembly from China to Mexico.
Problem solved.

Ah, Yea Forums, where everyone cheers for the destruction of their hobby and worships the man doing it because they can stigginit to their imaginary foes while the ship explodes and skins around them.

Na enough money alread thrown at that.

Bernie says hes a socialist tho

>emocrats openly push for bills which protect non-citizens voting in municipal elections. HR1 was the bill if I remember

That isn't what HR1 was, it had absolutely nothing to do with non citizens.

>There was also a high profile case of a NYT journalist saying kill all white men

This is literally irrelevant, i'm not talking about random nobody journalists, i'm talking about politicians.

>Even America doesn't recognize the sovereignty of most of those "nations".

Attached: 1556340463998.png (904x401, 646K)

Are the Americas stacked enough with available resources to have the IT firms come back?
Like lets say the US, Canada and Mexico spread out the factories and supply materials and resources and produce affordable computers?

Shit. This move by Trump really shows how the tech industry has backed itself into a corner by essentially giving China the production monopoly for almost 2 decades now. All those factories can't be scuttled and shipped out because the CCP will aggressively punish those who try for sure. I recall the fire at the Google office in China and how Google announced they were leaving that place, a while back.
I'm kind of torn, happy that Trump's making the tech firms face their weaknesses and show clearly the lack of exit strategies, but feel the uncertainty on what might happen next, especially now that China has shown their true face to the world, and they're pretty evil.

liberal here, Biden's got my vote, fuck Bernie and fuck Warren.

We're happy

The company was gay

It's utterly retarded that people still make tech in China.

cause the only other option was miss "pokemon go to the polls"

That's not how it works

Try this

Hillary was the queen of moderates and still lost

He says democratic socialist, which is basically capitalist with a strong social safety net

A tic tac would do nothing, which would be less damage than Trump.

Trump is a moron and will be impeached. WORST PRESIDENT....
.... EVER. SAD.

I love oldies. Thanks user

Attached: 1558409444595.jpg (500x375, 128K)

>/pol/ fags and most of Yea Forums elected the turbokike in the end
topkek, never stop falling for the kike schemes.
[Spoiler] Althouth, it was a lost battle the moment the last two candidates were announced [/Spoiler]

Attached: slips.jpg (239x211, 17K)

The damage is what his supporters want.

She was the queen of harpies.

He's actually the best President in 30 years

So no one remembers when they marketed the PS2 in europe as a personal computer to avoid the console tax there?

Maybe I've just got good memory or all of you are 10 year olds.

Leading this far ahead of the actual primaries doesn't mean much especially when it's mostly based on name recognition among older voters, at this point in 2015 Trump was no where near the top of anyone's list, he was the joke canidate and we all remember what happened after that

>Zion Don gets BLACKED!

You're right. President Sanders does have a lot of pull in American politics. Oh, wait...

Thank God, the green New deal is lunacy.

That's already happening. Prisoners already pay for their own food though, the only reason we pays so much to house them is because of lobbyists from the private prison industry. In the state of Florida, the government pays $150/day for an inmate, $250/day for federal inmates. Most Americans don't even make that much in a day.

>The Revolution is coming. Every year, more and more baby boomers die from old age and more Gen-Zers become eligible to vote.
Lol you people are mentally ill.

Keep trying socialism one day or might work. But na it won't.

>Games not luxury

It ain't that simple.

Clinton was among the most Liberal among Democratic senators, and still got shafted as being too moderate.
Romney and McCain were moderate Reps who went to lose against Obama.
Bush Older was a moderate Rep, beaten by a moderate dem.
John Kerry and Al Gore were relatively liberal, but Bush Jr. was middle of the party candidate rather than a moderate.

Generally speaking, moderate Democrats have fared better (Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama) than the more liberal ones (Humphrey, McGovern, Mondale, Dukakis, Kerry). But in general, Democrats have struggled in the presidential races after Johnson, only winning five times to GOPs eight.


t. 15 year old that became aware of politics in 2015 on r/T_D

Yeah America's problems are caused by failed left wing policies.

>they still think their revolution is coming
It didn't happen after WWI
It didn't happen during the Great Depression
It didn't happen in the 1960s.
It's not ever going to happen. Stop trying.

You should be 100% for that tax. Unless you're a fatty yourself, in which case you don't matter anyway so nobody cares about your opinion.

And China's refusal to sell rare earth will make electronics prices rise 10 times. If you want to upgrade your PC, do it NOW, before it's too late, and buy the highest end parts you can find for future proofing.

Pretty sure trump took a call from the president of Taiwan and pissed off China.
If this was the generation during WW2, we would have lost. Those people understood sacrifice.

>reddit screencap
please go fuck yourself, sage'd

>American citizens have seen a constant reduction in quality of life since the 80's.
That's false.

>464 replies
It's like trying to hold back the ocean with a teaspoon

Wew lad. I knew Americans are generally stupid, but this is really out there.

How's those feces? At least mines manure and grows your onions

It will easily stand.

Reading political discussions on Yea Forums almost physically hurts

Taxes are good when they go towards good programs. But Trump is slashing budgets for every important agency, so where the fuck is all the tax money going?

very based


>socialist retard who bombed hospitals and ruined healthcare is better than a guy who is actually helping his country

No flags? IDs would do fine.

>Books not luxury
Fucking entitled peasants lmao

Don't really care for increasing the taxes on the poor, mate. Doesn't fit my politics. That's the essential problem of all consumption taxes, especially ones aimed at food.

Yea let's let 3 cities dictate everything you fucking idiot

Trump is literally riding the wave of good shit that Obama did and pretending he did it. Then when the effects of his fuckups arrive in full force and there's another Democrat POTUS, you retards cry again that it's his fault.
Happens every time.

I think Bill Clinton is pretty liberal, but he campaigned off of being a moderate. He wanted people in the military to be allowed to be openly gay and proposed nationalized healthcare, but quickly abandoned them when he got a lot of criticism for them. He might be rather dishonest in what he believes and I don't think I personally would have ever had voted for him, but I think that he's one of the greatest political strategists to ever become president, if not the greatest.

Youre talking out of both sides of your mouth, just like most of the left

No matter how "technically correct" you may be the intent is obvious. Everybody knows. Im sure you admit it to yourself when youre done "btfoing those dumb republifats on the 4chins" and are just sitting by yourself at home

Epic comeback bro

>important agency,
>so where the fuck is all the tax money going?
Paying off the debt and actually getting out spending in order.

It's about limiting the amount of fatties in your country user, not about the fucking taxes. Tax all the retarded shit they gorge on to become hambeasts and make actual healthy food cheaper and your population will start becoming less obese in no time.


actually the opposite is true.

Someone seems upset about the aids they contracted from picking up their phone off the ground.

vat tax is fucking bullshit

>ruined healthcare by implementing it in the first place
>implying republicans didn't carpet bomb the shit out of all he was trying to do
>republicants tried and tried and tried to dismantle it and still couldn't do it and didn't even have a replacement program like they claimed
It's not perfect, but at least it's something. It's not some zero sum thing here, retard.

>dementia daddy does another retarded thing

Exactly, so there’s no good reason to support any tariff or tax increase while Trump is president. I’m a liberal, but I don’t blindly hate everything Trump does. I would support a tariff or tax increase if he increased budgets for important federal agencies. But he’s doing the opposite and sending the money to Israel instead, so I oppose it.

>Trump is literally riding the wave of good shit that Obama did and pretending he did it.
Dumb liberals actually believe this.
>hen when the effects of his fuckups arrive in full force and there's another Democrat POTUS, you retards cry again that it's his fault.
Happens every time.
More like the opposite is true.

>What radical policies has he implemented. More or less none.
It's difficult to point to radical policies he's *successfully* implemented because his ideas tend to fail even within his own party.

Has repeatedly discounted the idea of Climate Change. Suggested it was a Chinese hoax and pulled us out of an international agreement for it even though participation was voluntary in the first place.

Doesn't even support research for alternative sources of energy like wind and solar, would rather prop up dying industries like the coal industry instead.

He tried to use eminent domain to steal land from Native Americans to build an oil pipeline for a private Canadian Company. Still being worked out in the courts I think.

Has tried to revoke access to public lands and sell it piecemeal to land developers, logging and oil companies.

Claimed he wanted to leave NATO before everyone told him it was a terrible idea.

Tried to implement a Muslim ban and was blocked by the Federal Courts.

Has repeatedly tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act and was blocked by his own party. Has since tried to sabotage it by severely cutting its advertising budget and removing the penalties for non-participation.

Started detaining immigrant children at the border and separating them from their families for no apparent reason.

Implemented tariffs on good like Canadian steel and aluminum for no apparent reason over what he alleged were security concerns that no one seems to be able to figure out.

You're literally retarded user.

>I have no response to the actual arguements.
>Oh, WAIT! I'll strawman and call him a Socialist.
Remember when /pol/ was good at internet spats and not getting easily shit on?

Me neither.

>That's false.
You're right, it's actually been declining since the 40's.

Attached: 1558642241356.png (532x649, 451K)

>Trump disproves that himself.
Trump actually is a moderate.

This. The economy had been steadily increasing since 2013, but suddenly Trump gets all the credit for fixing the economy.

I really don't think President Obama is responsible for how good the economy is this year. President Trump also has lowered actual unemployment rate by a lot. What I mean is that the Obama Administration defined the unemployment rate of consisting of adults not wishing to be unemployed but are. So if one was unemployed and on welfare and wasn't trying to change this, he would not be counted as unemployed, hence why the statistics show that the Obama Administration had lower unemployment rates.

>Paying off the debt and actually getting out spending in order

No is a lefty. His stances on homosexuals are far left.

>unifying 99.93% of the population and land mass is less unified than the USA where millions of its inhabitants don't even have full citizen rights because they are living in "territories"

You lefties are the minority not only in the US but even in the democrat party. This country doesn't want or need a sanders type socialist.

Your perception is based entirely on lies and you don't know what you're talking about.

>N-No U


By that narrow definition Dick Cheney is a lefty and that's just laughably absurd.

Because this is about Chinas bad trade policies.

The climate change hoax is real.
Third world countries that haven't entered industrialization will pay tariffs to the big boys, but China is exempt until sometime at the 2030s. Think about it. Who is the biggest polluter? Japs and Koreans often have their weather reports telling about the massive pollution clouds from the west of their location.

The only reason you'd want to tax the undeveloped is to keep them from ascending and become perpetually dependent on the powers that be. And since Trump pulled out, its a clear message to the world that its not the US who's doing this bullshit.

Political shifts in the 60s and 70s hurt Democrats. Southern states used to consistently vote Democrat, but now they consistently vote Republican.

The American political compass, left to right:
Commies Commies Commies Commies Commies Liberal Moderate

Yeah brah fuck poor people lmao

Idiot, the rich are alraedy taxes the most. The poor in this country literally pay no income taxes.

literally nothing of this is a radical position in american politics except for NATO leave

Climate change denial is a Russian disinfo tactic, you gullible idiot.

Environmental destruction is a serious issue. But all the proposed "solutions" are just going to push the problems overseas where they are much worse.

Its obvious so called environment activists here in the states dont give a fuck about the environment because they always lobby against nuclear which is the only viable primary load alternative energy.

On top of that the "green new deal" specifically is just a racial re-distributist fantasy masquerading as an environmentalist package.

Excellent rebuttal. Have any examples?

>Trump is a paper tiger when he's mass deporting illegal immigrants, took the government to a shutdown to fulfill his main campaign promise, and declared a trade war on the PRC

Umm that's the whole point. It will weaken the benefits of doing business in china. This is the whole point.

>"We are the descendants of Mesoamericans, and America rightfully belongs to us" - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Sounds pretty cool to me.

>The climate change hoax is real.
Kek. And you wonder why nobody takes Americans seriously. This is so pathetic that it's becoming hilarious. What's next? Vaccines are bad for you, the moonlanding is fake and the Earth is flat?
Get a fucking grip user. Do some actual research instead of looking at YT videos. Read some papers, and when you've digested some material, and only then, open your mouth again to talk about the subject.

Russians not believing in climate change has allowed them to weather countless sanctions. So the US can also weather the incoming storm by being stubborn. Don't hamper your chances tomorrow by walking into the enemy's mine field.

It's over, this time Drumpf is finished for sure!

>cognitive dissonance
I love it when lefties talk about this. It's pretty ironic.

That’s not the only political issue in existence. Economic policies are probably more indicative of party affiliation than social policies.
That being said, Biden is definitely left of center, but he’s very close to the center.

What America needs ASAP is social democracy. Keep the protectionism but also tax rich people, nuke all the fiscal paradises like Panama.

Do prisoners get to build their own cell with Ikea furniture?

why? Most pedos are leftwingers.

Yeah because uh you say so.

Girls do this too, it's called a beauty pageant.

>America has incarcerated so many people and tends to disproportionately target poorer people.
aww those poor criminals, they dindu nuffin.

Those are all false equivalences. But all of them have one thing in common. They were only recent social media trends under the cult of science. Not real science, more like I fucking love science science.
Do I care if someone doesn't take their injections? Nope. Same with the fools who think the earth is flat or that the moon landings was a Stanley Kubrick movie project. But the moon landing thing is at least interesting, you have to admit.

You're absolutely fucking braindead if you think there's sanctions for not adhering to the Paris Accord. It was a symbolic and voluntary deal where countries show they care and will do their best to combat climate change. There are no sanctions involved you fucking brainlet.

This is also a good point. From what I've observed, the old Democrats were about states rights (a lot of that was about segregation) and gibsmedats. I think it was Reagan that really made the Republican party based strongly on Christian values. So all the Southerners had to choose if they wanted the Christian values more or the gibsmedats more, and the white Southerners largely went with the Christian values, while the black Southerners largely went with the gibsmedats now that the Democrats were no longer about segregation.

because of facts actually.

>Its obvious so called environment activists here in the states dont give a fuck about the environment because they always lobby against nuclear which is the only viable primary load alternative energy.
As a fairly staunch environmentalist, this pisses me off immensely. I do think that wind and solar are better than nuclear because they don’t produce any waste products, but I don’t know why every other environmentalist vehemently opposes nuclear so much when it’s the next best option.

It doesn't though. America's trade balance with China has continued to grow since Trump took office in 2016.

Zion Don sold you a frozen steak at a premium, Cletus.

Where will the money end up?