Could your favorite vidya character defeat Demon King Piccolo?

Could your favorite vidya character defeat Demon King Piccolo?

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He'd show him what a REAL demon king looks like.

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Axel Stone can only fight thugs, the mafia, thugs in boxing gloves, kangaroos, the cia, blanka rip offs, wrestlers, robots, and gay men, so no he cannot defeat piccolo.

He'd be absolutely fucked

Not him but Joe has a mech large enough to traverse solar systems by foot. Pretty much anyone pre-Super is more or less fucked.

Even if it was just Joe himself without the mech and just his V-Watch, Piccolo wouldn't be able to land a hit on him to begin with.

Don't you mean slug king?

>can't expect god to do all the work
goodbye josh

It takes my fav character less than 3 episodes to use a single move so yeah, mine would win.

>Pre super
No fucking way he would defeat Buu. Not fucking happening.

I'd debate he couldn't even defeat cell

Is all of your knowledge of dragon ball from YouTube parodies?

>Not him but Joe has a mech large enough to traverse solar systems by foot
You know, I'm surprised no one has made a webm of the mech transformation in 2.


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And who is your favourite exactly.

Not gonna make it

His mech is big enough to walk on asteroid belts and is a galaxy-level amplification of his already ridiculous as fuck powers.

Buu is kind of exceptional in that he can probably just traverse different places at will which kind of renders the mech part up to debate. But Cell? Nah.

Isn't it always?

Wario can easily stomp him.

Well, he might. I mean, the Black Jewel is pretty much Wario's DKP.

I am pretty sure Geo is at around Android saga to Majin Buu saga power level wise

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I think browsers fire breath would fuck demon King piccolo up but Bowser would get killed before he could land a hit most likely.

It doesn't matter how big it is considering cell can only be obliterated, not crushed.

Wario wouldn't even be able to defeat pilaf saga goku

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I don't think any Mario character could defeat issue 1 goku without tools, his skin is just too tough.
Maybe browsers claws if he can dig in for long enough.

Holy downplay since Wario took this explosion at 8:00 which would anhilate the early Dragon Ball characters.

Doesn't wario regularly beat dark gods and demons?

He did not took it, but said explosion was caused by the Shake King who Wario defeated.

i believe in my girl desu

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My favorite is goku from fighterz so yes, hands down.



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could papa nier beat him with weiss?

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I don't know

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Probably. If shit got heavy he could just play a ditty and kill him before he's born.

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>It doesn't matter how big it is considering cell can only be obliterated, not crushed.
user did you beat Viewtiful Joe 2?

Isn't he pretty weak as far as Dragon Ball characters go?

eh.. no.

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Maybe with a lucky slice. But only because lightsabers are so powerful

Definitely not

Yeah, but not as far as any other video game franchise goes

>If shit got heavy he could just play a ditty and kill him before he's born.
How's he gonna get to planet namek wise guy.

He was a rough customer when he was the big bad but he was left behind by the beginning of Z. I think he came back for Super though? I don't know, I didn't watch that smoking garbage heap.

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yeah but he was able to totally conquer the planet and defeat the entire global armed forces

Piccolo Daimaou was never on Namek in the show.

Demon King is gone forever. He lives on in Jr

He was born there wasnt he, unless he was born on the ship.

He can easily win with his triforce of courage.

I don’t know, maybe when he became the god of war he could

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>you can only shoot one laser?

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I meant that I thought they made regular Piccolo relevant again for Super.

The original namekian obliviously came from Namek and was left on earth, later became the guardian of Earth as Kami by releasing his evil side Piccolo.

The triforce of courage does jack fuck. If he had the full triforce then maybe, but even Ganondorf with the triforce of power wouldn't be able to finish him off despite being the closest to do so

Oh yeah they kinda did. Not to the level he was in Z but he gets quite a bit of focus in the tournament of power

I thought he only took over the president's building and killed everyone in there rather than going around blowing up everyone.

Been a while since I saw that arc, though.

Mario characters are actually really strong if you take all their feats into account.
Most of them could even beat early Z characters effortlessly.
Rosalina for example has a universal feat which would put her more into the Super-era.

Anybody can if they use the template.

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Attached: [DBNL] DragonBall - 127 - Quicker than Lightning no audio.webm (640x480, 2.53M)

Oh yeah I forgot about that.

everyone can beat him he an incel

Ganondorf easily rotates the planet in Wind Waker to make sure that there is always night in his fortress.

He conquered the planet years before that before he was sealed.

I'd put my money on Ganondorf over Piccolo Sr. And Link beat Ganondorf so.

Kami was born on Namek. Piccolo was created on Earth

And Roshi effortlessly blows up the moon in only the second arc of the series. like, without even thinking twice

I'm not saying piccolo has the power to rotate the earth, because that's a pretty trivial skill to have, but if he knew how he definitely could.

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Mario characters could literally just jump on their heads. Vegeta gets cocky and rushes in first. Mario jumps on him and he's toast right off the bat. Goku gets WAKU WAKU

That's good. Piccolo was always my favorite.

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By that horrible logic, all that is required to defeat Mario is walk into him.

Young King Piccolo and Post Water Goku doesn't scale to Max Roshi kamehameha, only 23 Budokai Goku and Piccolo.

Can Piccolo even hit\see him? He is made of EM waves

Isn't MMX/MMZ pretty fucking high powerlevels-wise because of black hole scaling fuckery? I'm thinking he has a chance since he's got some Time Stop weapons iirc, and he might not be too far behind speed and/or power wise.

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Oh yes they fucking do. Goku surpasses Roshi pretty early on

But that's precisely why the Mario characters can't win these fights, they have gotten so used to being able to beat anything by jumping on it they haven't trained their ability to hit hard, up against somebody they can't kill with head stomps they will struggle.

Goku would take two jumps. One to turn him into a kid, then again to kill him. Vegeta would only take one because he's already a manlet.

>Goku surpasses Roshi pretty early on


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>Fresh victims for the ever growing army of the undead

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at Mahjong? sure

>Goku surpasses Roshi pretty early on
Except that was post Piccolo arc retard

What arc was it? I must be mixing up the timeline

There's only one arc in DB after Piccolo.

what jojo series' characters dna would give cell the biggest jump in power level?

Do Jojo characters often swap DNA? I knew that show was gay as fuck.

>left behind by the beginning of Z
Nah, that's [any human from DB], who were all left behind by the time Nappa stepped into the ring, and never truly caught up again. Piccolo managed to consistently maintain the role of "almost good enough" through to the Cell saga. He's about even with Goku against Raditz (who were both too weak to match up alone), the strongest of the heroes against Nappa who was still stronger than him, and then gained the upper hand against 2nd Frieza until he went 3rd and started kicking Piccolo's ass. Fusing with Kami I think was his last big power up, which let him compete with the androids and first form Cell, but after Cell pulls away from him, Piccolo never really recovers and by the Buu saga I don't recall him being a front line fighter at all anymore.

I never watched Super though.

Dragon Ball has always been like that though. Characters are introduced and eventually retired as Goku outpaces them or the focus shifts away. It's really not a big deal, though it does hurt when it happens to a character everyone loves like piccolo or Gohan. It's inevitable for every dragon ball character that isn't Goku and Vegeta

I forgot about his fusion with Nail and Kami.

>Biotic charge is basically ME's version of Dragon Punch.
>She can spam it to punch through Atlas mechs repeatedly
Yeah, I think she can.

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