Be wagie

>be wagie
>it's the fucking week end
>have plenty of video games to play
>don't have the will to play anything
fucking kill me

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>be wagie
>it's the fucking week end
>have plenty of old JRPGs I want to replay
>being forced to play A Plauge Tale instead because my so doesn't want to watch me play old games
fucking kill me

>be wagie
>buy consoles I can hack
>download pirated games
>enjoy the weekend playing diablo 3, octopath, Munich’s odyssey, Witcher 3, owlboy and rdr2
Lol you guys suck at life. Later today taking the gf out to eat at a Japanese restaurant. La vida es buena.

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who gives a shit what your so thinks you faggot?

Yo fellas im about to take a job with 12 hours days 2on2off/3on3off schedule. To me that sounds better than 5 8 hours days but I dunno. Anyone here ever work that schedule?

same here except am neet

> be productive member of society and economy
> it's the weekend
> have no interest in childish entertainment

>be wagie
>it's weekend
>can't play because gf wants to do stuff
I am already dead

>be 30
>do whatever the fuck I want

>Be wagie
>Leaving my stress-filled 5-days a week job soon
>New job with more pay, more hours and only 3 days a week
>More time to play video games and do other things I enjoy
>More time to spend with my loved ones and my gf

(: Things will get better user, just broaden your horizons some more

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